Thursday, October 31, 2013

Read the Oct 5 prophetic word Kim Clement posted that said God lays the responsibility for the condition of our nation at the =feet of the "watchmen on the wall", not the politicians etc. and I saw another brother in Colo. saying the same thing in different words. I shared this with my sister on the way to visit my brother in PA recently and then as I was getting ready to get in bed I scanned the books in his bookshelf of three levels-my eyes were drawn to a single title which I pulled out. I opened it to find a 3 x 5" card on which I had made a note in 1991 which stated briefly the same truth Kim had spoken of: ' a small handful of men who had spent time with Jesus and in that association had gotten to know the Father had overturned one of the strongest empires in history!

As I typed the above Rick was speaking on the video of this truth from Isa 56:7

I will bring them to my holy mountain of Jerusalem
    and will fill them with joy in my house of prayer.
I will accept their burnt offerings and sacrifices,
    because my Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations.

I shared this "God-incidence" with my sister and she got excited with me as I showed her the  note from 1991--a small miracle, that I would hear three 'witnesses' which agreed that the prayers of a believing remnant was the most important factor in restoring our freedoms and awakening our nation.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This morning before rising saw picture of a container of blackberries, could be an encouragement to spend more "Secret Place" time?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

James Goll: Season of Turmoil, Upheaval and Contention Will Bring Change
Open Door
This Hebrew New Year has been proclaimed the "Year of the Open Door." (Abyla for
Many have proclaimed this New Hebrew Year, 5774, the "Year of the Open Door." While I concur with that, I often look at things from an additional perspective that includes not only the revelation of the Holy Spirit but the ways of God. So, if it is the "Year of the Open Door," then it is helpful to ask: "What are the requirements to go from one stage to the next?" We need to consider: "To go through an open door, do you have to close some old doors first?"
I personally believe we are in a season of turmoil, upheaval and contention—resulting in change. We are at a crossroads of change. This is true politically in the Middle East, in the United States and in many other nations.
There are issues—such as global economics, the very moral foundation of this generation, concerns of social justice, required change in the body of Christ, and all the ramifications these bring into our personal lives and families. We truly need grace for this transition!
So, let's go on a journey together and see if we find some principles that will help us go from "promise revealed" to "promise fulfilled."
From Narrow to Transition to Enlargement
We are in a process of change. The government of the church is changing. Our authority level is changing. Our gifts are being drawn out of us in stretching dimensions. We have been and are going through places of testing and confinement in the body called a "narrow place."
What is this narrow place? This is a place less wide than we are accustomed to or have expected to be in. If we respond properly to the narrow or confined place, we will enter into the phase of transition to be brought into a larger place in the Spirit.
The new place is like the camel going through the eye of the needle. One school of thought is that it was a narrow gate. The only way a camel could get through it was to be unloaded. This is the needle—the narrow gate. This is a place of unloading the weights of the past and a place of fresh commitment to the cross, where we die to self all over again. The "narrow place" can lead us out of captivity into a new and open field.
How Can We Make the Transition?
Transition means "to pass from one condition into another." Transition times are when the Lord redefines and makes adjustments necessary for us to move forward. He gives us new focus and direction. He teaches us about Himself in a new way.
A transition, in a literary sense, is the phrase that connects the past communication or paragraph with the future thought. We must seek the Lord for revelation and the ways of God in times of change. His revelatory perspective bridges the past season with the new one. Without clear revelation and communication during transition, we can lose the strength and wisdom of our past victory. But we desperately need His strength to go from glory to glory.
At the time of birth, transition is the most difficult time. This is the time when the woman feels she cannot go any further. Only the vision of the child to come causes the endurance and perseverance toward the ultimate goal of a lineage and legacy being secured.
It isn't the new thing coming that is so hard to deal with; it's the transition from the old state of affairs to the new one. How we respond during the time of transition before the new birth makes all the difference.
As you travail in this season, ask the Lord to give you strategy to protect your vision. Remember, the dragon attempts to steal new birth (Rev. 12:4). Press forward! Cry out for greater grace to be granted to you to keep moving forward.
When these changes manifest, enlargement occurs. To enlarge is to expand, to set free, to become greater in size and intensity. Enlargement—or going through the new open door—is a process, not just a proclamation. Press through the narrow, withstand the transition, and receive enlargement. 
The Process of Change
Here are few thoughts on the process of change:
1. A new level of revelation is released.
2. Your present vision starts to be adjusted.
3. New vision is secured and established.
4. A mantle of restoration is placed upon you.
5. You go through the healing process concerning things of the past.
6. A new identity is developed within you.
7. Fresh strategies are revealed to you.
8. You see a greater fullness of your inheritance before you.
9. You have the strength to overthrow your enemies.
10. You secure your new inheritance.
Observing from my own prayer posture in life and ministry experience, if you are experiencing a narrow place of confinement or you sense you are in transition, be assured. He is about to visit you with a fresh demonstration of His Spirit! May your resources increase and your trials become stepping stones to renewed power and revelation.
And know this: When you have come through the "new door," there are others who have been watching your pilgrimage. When you are strengthened, you will be enlarged to strengthen others in Jesus' name!
Dr. James W. Goll is the president of Encounters

Friday, October 4, 2013

October 2013
Preview of the 2014 Shepherd’s Rod
Each year on the Day of Atonement we set our self aside to receive revelation from the Lord for the body of Christ for the upcoming year and the years to follow. Some of the things the Lord highlighted this year are: the Father's love, resurrection power, the international banker, warnings to the church about immorality and paralyzing fear. We want to share with you one message we feel is vital to the church this year as we get ready to move into a season of the baptism of fire.
Baptism of Fire
By Bob Jones
Second Birthing
Bob was handed a huge white egg and as it was placed in his hand it began to hatch open.  As he drew closer to examine the egg, he saw that it had fire inside and it was like a birthing of fire.
This egg represents a new birthing and new life because it represents the second birthing of the baptism of fire. This baptism will be far greater than Pentecost and more powerful than Azusa Street of recent times. I believe we’re all getting ready to be birthed a second time in fire. This was the timing and we will see the fire of God this year. (Hebrews 6:5)
John answered, saying to all, “I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. (Luke 3:16)
It’s the same kind of fire as the burning bush that was not consumed. I believe that now is a time of commissioning like when Moses received his instructions. When this egg opens, the wisdom that will be given is that of the Father’s will because it will reveal the Father’s heart to us. Then our only testing will be obedience to that which the Father puts in our conscience.
This baptism of fire means that plagues and viruses cannot cling to it. No demonic control can survive around it and the enemy cannot trouble you.   The baptism of fire will bring in holiness and holiness is one of the main words this year.  God is a holy God and when we are consumed by this baptism of fire, anything unholy that comes into our presence will not be able to stand. The power of this consuming fire will cause demons to flee and sickness, disease, infirmities and plagues to die instantly. There will be no question that the power of God is resident in His people.
Highway of Holiness
I saw that we had been working on a roadway and were just near finishing it. The road was made so you could drive up the mountain. I felt this was the highway of holiness of Isaiah 35 and I think this year there’s going to be more emphasis on holiness than ever before. We are called to make the highway of holiness presentable so people can drive on it. If you walked on this road it would take quite a while. But I feel the Lord wants it to be made possible for you to get there quicker.
A highway shall be there, and a road,? And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness.? The unclean shall not pass over it,? But it shall be for others.? Whoever walks the road, although a fool,? Shall not go astray. No lion shall be there,? Nor shall any ravenous beast go up on it;?It shall not be found there.? But the redeemed shall walk there, And the ransomed of the Lord shall return,? And come to Zion with singing,? With everlasting joy on their heads.? They shall obtain joy and gladness,? And sorrow and sighing shall flee away.(Isaiah 35:8-10)
We were nearly finished working on it so people could drive right up on top of the mountain and park. This is a year of holiness and there will be a quietness that the body needs. At different times they will come to the mountain top just think on the Lord and rest in His holiness. 
Conditions for Holiness
The project we were finishing at the very top of the mountain was the highest way in God. We had worked on this mountain road so we could navigate it by auto. And that auto means being really impressed with the Lord. The conditions for getting on the highway of holiness are in Isaiah 55 which means your thoughts must line up with God’s. If your thoughts are in agreement with God’s, your actions and deeds will follow.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,?Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8)
Many Christians are coming into the Spirit of Holiness this year and that is the Spirit of Resurrection in Romans 1:4. We are called to be holy as the Lord Thy God is Holy (Lev. 19:2). Then we have the power to heal the sick, raise the dead and do the greater works. The Spirit of Resurrection is coming to the remnant so they can bring thousands into salvation by knowing the way and the way is holiness through obedience to Isaiah 55:8.
We had been working on the road going up a mountain and had it graded down and graveled so you could drive on it. We just needed to finish it at the very top so people could drive up and park and look into the heavens. I believe this is saying that the heavens are going to be open this year. So expect to receive greater revelation than ever before. Then take it down the mountain road and into the cities and villages and watch them be transformed as you deliver them from demonic oppression, plagues and disease. When the glory rests upon you like it did Moses, no demon will be able to resist its’ presence.
Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down!?That the mountains might shake at Your presence— (Isaiah 64:1)
House Ablaze
By Bonnie Jones
In a dream I saw people running toward a house that was greatly ablaze; fire was blaring everywhere. There was yellow police tape stretched between trees in the foreground that read “DO NOT CROSS.” But people paid it no mind. They just broke through the tape and ran toward the fire.
I believe the house represents the church and its about to catch fire. The glory of the Lord is going to fill the house in such an extraordinary way that it’s going to be contagious. People will come from near and far to feel the presence and power of the baptism of fire.

Josh Garrels - Farther Along (Motion Lyrics)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013



Trying to live and love,
With a heart that can't be broken,
Is like trying to see the light with eyes that can't be opened.
Yeah, we both carry baggage,
We picked up on our way, so if you love me do it gently,
And I will do the same.

We may shine, we may shatter,
We may be picking up the pieces here on after,
We are fragile, we are human,
We are shaped by the light we let through us,
We break fast, cause we are glass.
Cause we are glass.

I'll let you look inside me, through the stains and through the cracks,
And in the darkness of this moment,
You see the good and bad.
But try not to judge me, 'cause we've walked down different paths,
But it brought us here together, so I won't take that back.

We may shine, we may shatter,
We may be picking up the pieces here on after,
We are fragile, we are human,
We are shaped by the light we let through us,
We break fast, cause we are glass.

We might be oil and water, this could be a big mistake,
We might burn like gasoline and fire,
It's a chance we'll have to take.

We may shine, we may shatter,
We may be picking up the pieces here on after,
We are fragile, we are human,
And we are shaped by the light we let through us,
We break fast, cause we are glass.
We are glass.