Sunday, July 31, 2016

My love abounds in the riches 
of the fruit from My Tree. So 
come and partake of Me in 
Mercy and Grace. Bathe 
yourself in My humility and 
find Peace‎ in all you do for I 
AM a Wellspring of knowledge 
and as you seek MY Face I will 
adorn you in My manifold 
Spirit  so you to may walk in 
the fullness of My ways and 
not lack anymore.   
          Philippians 4:19 

19 And my God will liberally 
supply (fill until full) your 
every need according to His 
riches in glory in Christ 

Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you in all truths !

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Sustaining Encounter by Maintaining the Secret Place

cat’s eye view

I recently went to a funeral viewing. As I got out of my car, something 
caught my eye in the distance but I continued to my destination. Some time 
later, as I was walking back to my car, my eye again was drawn to something. 
I now took the time to focus upon what caught my attention. It was a large 
orange cat sitting on a wooden fence post. I could see it’s tail moving as 
it was excitedly and patiently looking down to the ground. 

It is now time. Leave your place of comfort and begin to search for me. 
Be patient and diligent in your pursuit. Step out into places where you have 
not walked before. Don't worry about being conspicuous as you sit atop of 
where I have for you, but be ready to pounce on what I shall show you. 

Do not be hesitant, but move now, for I am calling your name. Use the 
discernment I have provided, hone the gifts already placed within you. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Restless Heart

First and formost as creator of your heart I am the mentor you seek as to how to walk in loving kindness for this "IS" your heartbeat.

So any time your heart seems out of sorts truly it is because you have left this foundation to walk in un-forgiveness or judgment of another heart that I created to walk in this very thing the commandment to love me first and others in this very same manner for I am Judge and Savior not man, woman or child .

Therefore guard your heart by living in My love but to do this you must first truly Love Me the Creator of your heart for to hate me is to hate the heart I placed in you from the start . . .

Do you see this very fine balance for to lack this eternal knowledge and wisdom is to deny understanding Me and I AM Love Eternal . . . .

1 Corinthians 13:4-9
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part,

    1 Corinthians 12:13-27

13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.
15 Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are un-presentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 

Restless Heart
Quote Jeff Kingshott

First and formost as creator of your heart I am the mentor you seek as to how to walk in loving kindness for this "IS" your heartbeat. 

So any time your heart seems out of sorts truly it is because you have left this foundation to walk in un-forgiveness or judgment of another heart that I created to walk in this very thing the commandment to love me first and others in this very same manner for I am Judge and Savior not man, woman or child . 

Therefore guard your heart by living in My love but to do this you must first truly Love Me the Creator of your heart for to hate me is to hate the heart I placed in you from the start . . . 

Do you see this very fine balance for to lack this eternal knowledge and wisdom is to deny understanding Me and I AM Love Eternal . . . . 

1 Corinthians 13:4-9 
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 

John Eckhardt - Coaching, The Fundamentals

John Eckhardt - Coaching, The Fundamentals


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Powerful Victorious Life in Jesus, Yeshua
Ron McGatlin
No longer are God’s people to prepare for failure in disaster but to prepare for VICTORY in YESHUA Savior, Healer, Deliverer, Christ Jesus, Lord and King.
I awakened this morning Sunday July 17, 2016 to hear God speaking wisdom and understanding of the end times in which we have been chosen to live as the “Israel of God” in the victory of the power of Christ Jesus, Yeshua.
God is unraveling the tangled mystery of current world disorder and the reordering of the world to His own precious heavenly kingdom. The secrets of understanding and transforming the world in turmoil are to be found in biblical history “His-story” of Abraham and Isaac verses Ishmael on into Esau trading the blessing for self-gratification and Jacob becoming Israel. Then through Joseph, Moses, and finally Joshua the clear type of Yeshua Messiah who is called Jesus the Christ.
The blessing of God is upon Abram who became Abraham, God’s chosen father of many nations. Abraham’s seed is beyond numbering as the stars in the sky. Isaac, the promised son of the seed of Abraham, was to be born through Sarah.
Abraham in doubt after many years of waiting for the son of promise to be born, birthed Ishmael by Hagar, an Egyptian bondservant.
Later Sarah did give birth to Isaac the promised son after which Ishmael was cast out of the inheritance of Abraham. However, God promised that He would make a great nation of Ishmael also.
Isaac received the inheritance of Abraham and passed it on to Jacob who became Israel, the chosen of God. Ishmael grew up in the wilderness and became as a wild donkey that no man could tame or control. Genesis 16:12NIV: “He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”
Israel is the linage through which the Jewish people grew as God’s chosen people, the inheritors of the blessings of God through Abraham and the birth nation for Yeshua, the Messiah, Christ Jesus, the Son of Jehovah, the one true God of all creation.
Ishmael is the linage through which the Arabian peoples who were outside the inheritance of Abraham came to be many nations. To this day the Arab nations strongly claim and covet the blessings of Abraham that were given to the Jewish people through Isaac. They strongly believe that the blessing is truly theirs and has been taken by the Jews. In general the Arab people have been trained throughout history to hate and to seek, to kill, and destroy the Jews.
The Plain and Simple Truth of Today
Yeshua Messiah, Jesus Christ is the pure and complete blessing of God for ALL peoples, the Jew, the Arab, and the Gentile. All people can only become one under the blessing of God Almighty through Yeshua the Messiah, Jesus the Christ.
In Christ there is neither Jew nor Arab or Gentile. In Christ there is one people restored to the original created state of man in Adam before the fall. The blessings of God in Christ include the blessings of Abraham and more.
The Blessing of God including the blessings through Abraham are fully available to all people who are in Christ Jesus, Messiah Yeshua. The full blessings of God are not in those outside of Christ, Yeshua. The way for the Arab or anyone else to receive the full blessing of Abraham and more is to receive Christ Jesus, Yeshua Messiah.
Being in Christ is purely a relationship and NOT a religion. All the religions of the world are about seeking the blessings of God through some other way apart from Yeshua, Christ Jesus the Messiah, Lord and King of this world.
Religions of the world are another gospel of seeking to obtain the blessings of God found only through Christ Jesus, Yeshua.
Religions are of the nature of either Ishmael or Esau.
Ishmael was cast out from the blessings of Abraham and the Spirit promises of God. Instead God blessed Ishmael and his mother Hagar with natural blessings including being multiplied to become a great nation. Through the generations Ishmael’s descendants developed many eastern religions to replace the true Spirit blessing of Abraham from which they had been cast out.
Esau, the firstborn son of Isaac, was in the linage of the blessings of Abraham. However, Esau traded the Spirit blessings for self-gratification of his strong appetites for natural things above spiritual things. This concept after the order of Esau substituted strong self-sufficiency and enlarged appetites of self-gratification for the true ways of God in many western religions. These religions elevate man apart from dependency upon the Spirit of Christ. They are usually mixed with a portion of truth from the linage of the blessing and thereby become very cunning deceptions that have enticed many from the Spirit life of God in Christ Jesus, Yeshua.
All the wars, conflicts, and disorders of the world revolve around or they are rooted in the conflict of the true blessings of God in Christ Jesus and the striving to obtain the blessings apart from Christ Jesus, which are anti-Christ systems of beliefs or religions.

The Spiritual “Israel of God” and the “New Jerusalem”
The true blessing of God are imparted to the true “Israel of God” which is all human beings that are in Christ Jesus, Messiah Yeshua, those in whom Christ Jesus now lives by the Spirit of God. These are a new creation, who in Christ are become faithful saints of the linage of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel.
All mankind including those of the linage of Ishmael can become the “Israel of God” in Yeshua, Christ Jesus.
Galatians 6:15-16AMP: “For neither is circumcision anything [of any importance], nor uncircumcision, but [only] a new creation [which is the result of a new birth—a spiritual transformation—a new nature in Christ Jesus]. Peace and mercy to those who ·follow [walk/live by] this rule—and to ·all of God’s people [ the Israel of God; either: (1) Jewish Christians or (2) the church as the “new Israel”].
The “New Jerusalem” is the spiritual ruling city of the “Israel of God,” the kingdom of God on earth. It is the Bride of Christ adorned for her Husband being formed (coming down) from heaven on earth now in this season. It is God with His people described in Revelation 21.
All mankind that are not of the Spirit of Christ are of the spirit of anti-Christ. Those who are not of Christ are in this day inflamed with massive fear that becomes violent hatred and are totally driven to stop the coming forth of the “Israel of God” and the “New Jerusalem” of the kingdom of God on earth.
The people who seek to be neutral are being pressed by the divided world to become on one side of the conflict or the other. Past attempts at neutral secularism are failing and becoming battlegrounds for godly verses ungodly, that which is of Christ and that which is of anti-Christ.
The Anti-Christ Kingdom
The “New World Order” is a design of the anti-Christ people to replace the kingdom of God rule of love, righteousness, peace, and joy with another godless humanistic kingdom under the spirit of anti-Christ.
Much of the warring opposition to the NWO is from the order of Esau, a diversion from the true linage of Abraham but not by the Spirit of Yeshua Messiah, Christ Jesus. The Esau like agenda is fighting the NWO to protect its enlarged appetites of self-gratification. Thus to some degree joining with the followers of Christ/Yeshua against a common enemy.
Much of the linage of Ishmael is being used to wage violent war and even more powerful subversive war for the minds of the people to alter their psyche to war against Yeshua, Christ Jesus, and His rule on earth in and through His people.
Two words “REAL” and “RELATIONSHIP” Turn to God with your whole heart.
Get completely real with God and forget religious fantasies. Get to know God intimately through the Holy Spirit. Seek with all that is in you to know God in the Sprit. Know that He loves and desires personal communion with you even more than you do. Get into the Bible and ask Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you. Seek out kingdom teachers and watch videos of real words and works of God. God is moving miraculously and powerfully preparing a people to rule and reign on earth.
Hear and follow the unction of Spirit of God; pray until it is real in your heart. Do not faint or fall away when desperate times come upon you. Seek Him and the things of heaven even more. No matter what the circumstances are trust Him and find that place of His JOY within you at all times. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Allow God to purify your heart and life. Love, love, love Him. Share love and impart joy to the people next to you or that you encounter in your daily walk. Allow the boldness of Spirit God to flow from you to proclaim the love and truth of Jesus at all times.
The resources and LOVE of God are endless and are fully available to those who love Him. You are always victorious in Yeshua, Christ Jesus. Eventually all the world will be purified and will bow before the Lord. Praise God and give Him glory and be thankful at all times. Bask in His love forever more.
Much love and victory,
Shared by Yolanda Ballard

Those who read this might think this is not a word for them.  I believe it is a call for the intercessors to come in agreement and cry out that the United States of America would once again be a Godly nation.

If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.  2 Chron 7:14

“Return to Me, says the Lord!”

Oh, My people, I so long to pour out My loving-kindness and My grace upon you but you have chosen to look the other way to justify sin, and to do those things that your flesh desires.  I will put an end to all backsliding if you will return to Me with all your heart and with fasting and travail.  I will restore and heal your land if you will return to Me in the spirit of true repentance. 

Be the people that I called you to be not what the enemy has made you out to be.  He doesn’t know you like I do. You are My people, the sheep of My pasture.  I birthed you and nurtured you under My wing and I love you even now the way you are. 

Choose Me this day while there is still time.  Run up to Me and wrap your arms around Me. Seek My face now when I can be found.  Don’t wait another moment or I will walk away.  Sway not by doubt or unbelief for it is I who is calling you this day.  This is the day I am calling out that you will return to Me. 

When you return, it is just like the father who called off to his son a long distance away.  He can see him returning by faith and he has made preparations for his return by making a large feast.  Yes, there will be rejoicing in heaven when you return to Me with all your heart, soul and strength. 

Yes, this is the day of the great falling away but it is also the day of the great return of My people into My fold.  I will cause you to rise up and be strong and to stand up against the enemy.  I will show you that you have great power against the enemy.  I have given you My authority over all the power of the enemy.  I will restore all that the enemy has stolen from you.  I will make up the lost time.  I will restore your walk with Me speedily to where you will be even stronger than before. 

This is the hour that I am pouring out My power.  I am calling you to be a part of My great end time outpour of My spirit.  I am gathering in the multitudes unto Me, the great end time harvest is at hand.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Quote Kevin Barrett
Be washed and cleansed unto perfection.

In my prayer time, this is what our heavenly Father said to me:
Son, tell My people to pray often and quiet their souls with Me in their secret prayer closets.
Word from the Father:
My people, listen to your heavenly Father this day. Why do many of you not know of, understand, nor seek after the holiness which I require of you? Have I not said in My word that you must be holy as I am holy? Do you not perceive that what comes out of you defiles you?
My little ones, it is My desire that you each seek Me in this. For I desire that you each be washed with the water of My word and be made whole as I am whole. Howbeit, many do not understand this washing that I speak of. Many think that merely reading the scriptures will perform this washing. But I tell you the truth, this is not so. Have you not witnessed or heard of those who have the scriptures memorized, yet bear no fruit in their lives? Reading and memorizing scripture in and of itself is a good thing, yet it is not what cleanses My people from their filth.
Does My word not instruct you to walk in the light as I am light and then you shall be cleansed of your sin? So then, you must walk in My light and allow Me to cleanse each of you by the shed blood of My Son, Jesus. For as you learn to hear My still small voice in your secret chambers and do as My Spirit says, and throughout your day, do as My Spirit guides, you then shall be walking in the light which cleanses you from sin and darkness.
Do not shrink back from what I say in this. For religion has taught that obeying the written word of God cleanses man of his sin. And in a sense, this is somewhat true. However, the written word only brings life and light when spoken or anointed by My Spirit. Thus, as you allow Me to speak to you through the written word, and as you obey, you shall be cleansed of your sin because you shall be walking in the light in which I am.
Dearest little ones, this is but elementary teaching that I share with you today. However, because most of My church today is so far removed from My truths, I must speak only of elementary principles to you.
But know this, it is My desire that you each go on unto maturity and perfection so that I may speak meat to each of you individually. And know this also, it is completely up to each of you if you would choose to go on unto perfection. For I will not always speak unto My church as little children. Soon, I shall give my church charge to walk in the fullness of My truth. And for those who do not obey this charge, you shall be left behind. I do not speak of being left behind from a rapture. No, I speak of being left behind from entering into the fullness of your destiny in Christ and the fullness of My glory in the earth realm abiding in earthen vessels.
My children, you do not want to miss out on such a great eternal weight of glory. But unfortunately, many of you will. Not because of My choosing, yet because of your own.
So, I say to you all this day; get alone with Me in your secret chambers and do this often. Seek My directions and still small voice. And ask Me to change each of you from the inside out. I love you all with an everlasting love and it is My desire that not one of you miss out on your destiny in Christ Jesus. For there shall be great mysteries, great blessings, and great glory poured out upon all who would choose to enter into the destiny which I have for My chosen ones in these last days.
Do you not know that even the angels of heaven desire to see the fullness of My glory dwelling in My people on the earth? For you do not know, nor can you comprehend with your natural mind, what I have in store for those who love Me with a whole heart and love not their lives even unto death. For GREAT shall be the victory of My people in these last days. And My chosen ones shall overcome the devil, their flesh, and the world just as My Son Jesus did. And then, many in the earth shall cry with a shout; “Oh death, where is your victory? Oh death, where is your sting?”
I love you all very deeply. So heed these words of Mine and seek Me with all your heart. And if you would do this, you shall surely find Me. This is My promise to all those would choose to seek after Me. So, believe on this and seek all that I have for you in these last days.
I love you all, My little ones. So seek Me now while I may be found. For soon there shall come a day when that door will be shut, and then, it will be too late. Not too late for salvation unto life, but too late to become one with Me in its fullness. Do not miss out on this, My little ones. For surely I tell you the truth, many who say they are mine shall weep when they witness such a glorious salvation they have slighted, and thus, missed out on.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

You Shall Become Kings Upon The Mountains!

Posted on  by 

I hear the Spirit say, “Tell My sons and daughters that My all-encompassing glory, My all-pervading mercy and My all-consuming power shall be made manifest in this hour and season.
My glory shall now go forth to invade every area of darkness and destruction.  For nothing can be hidden, nothing can be concealed.  For My glory and Royal Radiance will shine forth like the midday sun.
Even now, My glory, power and purposes marches out across the nations like a mighty warrior prepared for battle.
Beloved, listen!  For now the sound of the battle cry shall be heard across the land.  A cry that signals the destruction over the powers of the enemy.
Now those who count on my rule to prevail in this hour will have their hearts made strong and they will become kings upon the mountains,” says God.
I Decree:   Greater are those that are with me than those that are against me, than Elisha prayed, “O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!”  The LORD opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire”
I Decree:   Every rock of difficulty and destruction is being broken to pieces and every mountain and high place of evil and wickedness is being torn down by the mighty wind of his manifest glory.  And he said, “Go out and stand on the mount before the LORD” and behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind.  And after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake.”

Blessings to you all.
~ by 
Veronika West

A Word of The LORD for America

Posted on  by 

I prophesy:   The heart of America shall turn and burn with the greater glory of God.
I declare:   America is going from a place of great tragedy to great triumph in the days, weeks and months ahead.
I saw a whirlwind of fire that turned the hearts of the people and fires that burned down barriers.
I saw a bridge of triumph that is being built over troubled waters……!
This afternoon while walking and talking with the Father, He spoke these Words to me concerning his beloved America!
“Daughter watch, for the mighty whirlwind of My glory and power is coming to turn and burn in the hearts of the people.  My whirlwind of fire is coming to cleanse and purify and My whirlwind is coming to burn down barriers that have disconnected and divided the heart of the nation.
See, even in this hour in the midst of tragedy, I AM building a bridge of triumph over troubled waters that will lead my people to new life, new beginnings and a new land.
And here is where My people shall rebuild and establish My Kingdom purposes upon the earth!”
America, watch for the whirlwind of fire that comes to turn and burn in the hearts of the people!
As I heard Abba speak these words.  He then showed me a mighty whirlwind of fire coming out of the heavens.  The whirlwind of fire looked alive and moved at the sound of the Father’s voice.
Then I heard a voice that came out of the whirlwind of fire saying, “And He shall go before Him in the Spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers and disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for The LORD.”
Then I watched closely as the mighty whirlwind moved upon the nation of America, the blazing fires swept across the land with great power and acceleration.  I watched as great firestorms broke out across the whole nation.  I watched as the unstoppable force and great power of the whirlwind of fire cleansed and purified the whole land.
Then Father spoke again to me saying, “Daughter, even as the powers of darkness increases and intensifies over the nation in this hour, fear not, for there shall be an even greater increase, intensity, acceleration and manifestation of greater glory, light, supernatural power, kingdom authority, signs, wonders and miracles taking place across this nation.
My fires of glory and power are unstoppable and unquenchable.  My whirlwind now moves swiftly across the nation, no powers of evil can hinder or diminish it.
Watch for a mighty army of radical, fearless freedom fighters are rising up in this hour, that will not be deterred or distracted by the schemes of satan, for their power, strength, skill and stealth comes from being deeply rooted and established in my grace and governmental authority that rests upon their shoulders.
The weapons of their warfare are not carnal but they powerful to the pulling down of every stronghold and demonic structure that has been established in the land,”  says God.
“Daughter, these radical ones are anointed and appointed by My hand to push back, overthrow and overtake every power of death and destruction.
They war not in the realms of doubt, fear and timidity, but they war in the realms of supernatural faith, courage and humility, and with the sword in their mouths they are wise with their words only speaking life, liberty and victory.
They walk in the shoes of peace and prosperity.  They command the angels to come and to go, they love not their own lives even unto death.  These are the carriers of new life, healing, hope and manifest promise to the American people.
My Spirit of wisdom and the Fear of The LORD goes before them making straight their paths and illuminating their way.
In these days, they will be accelerated and advanced forward by My spirit of might, wisdom and power.  These brave hearts will move with great accuracy and great precision.  Satan and his demons will flee in a thousand different directions when these My glory carriers step upon their territories, for the demons know they cannot stand against the force and powers of unity and agreement.

Listen!  For the sound of great victory and jubilee will be heard over My beloved America in the days ahead,”  says God.

A Clash of Spiritual Waves

I saw a wave of darkness that was coming upon the earth from the second heaven, the abode of the god of this world, the devil.
But as this wave crested, a bigger, more powerful Glorious Wave full of amber Light came up over top of it and overtook it and swallowed it up.
As it crashed to the earth, this wave was no longer black and full of darkness, but it had become a huge golden Wave of Glory, that spread out upon the earth.
This happened three times.  Therefore do not fear, Beloved of God, of those things coming upon the earth.
Any plan of the enemy shall be overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit in you.  When the enemy comes in, like a FLOOD, the Spirit of the LORD lifts up a standard against him.  Our God still reigns as the King of the Flood.
Yahweh is the LORD over many waters!
Jesus is coming like a rushing River and putting the enemy to flight!
It is finished!  Do not fear Beloved.  The God of Glory is thundering!
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the GLORY of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
The number THREE:   In scripture, the number three represents divine perfection. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  That which is solid, real, substantial, and something in its completeness.  This number also indicates something of importance or significance in God’s plan of salvation by identifying an important event.  This number operates as a “sign-post” in Scripture for the reader to “pay attention” to the significance of the next event.
“The voice of the LORD is upon the waters;The God of glory thunders,The LORD is over many waters.  The voice of the LORD is powerful,The voice of the LORD is majestic.  The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars;Yes, the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon…..
The LORD sat as King of the flood; Yes, the LORD sits as King forever.  The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace,”
   Psalm 29:3-5,10-11.
“So [as the result of the Messiah’s intervention] they shall [reverently] fear the name of the LORD from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in, like a flood the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight [for He will come like a rushing river which the breath of the LORD drives],”   Isaiah 59:19.
“in the west they will fear the name of Yahweh, and likewise, in the east, His glory.  For He will come like a pent-up stream, impelled by the Breath of the Spirit,”   Isaiah 59:19.
“Is it not indeed from the LORD of hosts that peoples toil for fire, and nations grow weary for nothing?  For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the GLORY of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea,”  Habakkuk 2:13-14.
“In Him (Jesus) was life, and that Life was the Light of men.  The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness shall NEVER be able to overcome it,”  John 1:4-5.

~Deborah Waldron Fry

Strong delusion is now in the earth. Only God's Son's will be able to discern the times and seasons and be able to minister what needs to be said right now. The trendy message is not the kingdom message. However the gospel of the kingdom is the right message. There are solutions to problems that are getting ready to be revealed to the sons of God. The earth is groaning even now in anticipation of God's Son's to arise. The earth want be satisfied until God’s sons manifest and take their place in the world. ‪#‎SonsOfGodArise‬
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Tell My People 
If you persist in speaking your own words against those I love, (all of mankind), then I tell you, truly, as you speak, it will be spoken to you; as you judge, you will be judged; as you mock, you will be mocked; as you deride, slander, accuse, so shall it be done to you; You shall surely reap what you are sowing. 

Listen now, put away the lying tongue, for whatever is not spoken in truth and love is not of Me, beloveds. Take heed now, where shall you be found? As a friend of My enemy? Or are you Mine? 

Come to Me, ask of Me, let us search your heart, your motives, together; there is mercy with Me, forgiveness, healing… 

I love you, I love all, do not be deceived in this

Friday, July 8, 2016

Be washed and cleansed unto perfection.

In my prayer time, this is what our heavenly Father said to me:
Son, tell My people to pray often and quiet their souls with Me in their secret prayer closets.
Word from the Father:
My people, listen to your heavenly Father this day. Why do many of you not know of, understand, nor seek after the holiness which I require of you? Have I not said in My word that you must be holy as I am holy? Do you not perceive that what comes out of you defiles you?
My little ones, it is My desire that you each seek Me in this. For I desire that you each be washed with the water of My word and be made whole as I am whole. Howbeit, many do not understand this washing that I speak of. Many think that merely reading the scriptures will perform this washing. But I tell you the truth, this is not so. Have you not witnessed or heard of those who have the scriptures memorized, yet bear no fruit in their lives? Reading and memorizing scripture in and of itself is a good thing, yet it is not what cleanses My people from their filth.
Does My word not instruct you to walk in the light as I am light and then you shall be cleansed of your sin? So then, you must walk in My light and allow Me to cleanse each of you by the shed blood of My Son, Jesus. For as you learn to hear My still small voice in your secret chambers and do as My Spirit says, and throughout your day, do as My Spirit guides, you then shall be walking in the light which cleanses you from sin and darkness.
Do not shrink back from what I say in this. For religion has taught that obeying the written word of God cleanses man of his sin. And in a sense, this is somewhat true. However, the written word only brings life and light when spoken or anointed by My Spirit. Thus, as you allow Me to speak to you through the written word, and as you obey, you shall be cleansed of your sin because you shall be walking in the light in which I am.
Dearest little ones, this is but elementary teaching that I share with you today. However, because most of My church today is so far removed from My truths, I must speak only of elementary principles to you.
But know this, it is My desire that you each go on unto maturity and perfection so that I may speak meat to each of you individually. And know this also, it is completely up to each of you if you would choose to go on unto perfection. For I will not always speak unto My church as little children. Soon, I shall give my church charge to walk in the fullness of My truth. And for those who do not obey this charge, you shall be left behind. I do not speak of being left behind from a rapture. No, I speak of being left behind from entering into the fullness of your destiny in Christ and the fullness of My glory in the earth realm abiding in earthen vessels.
My children, you do not want to miss out on such a great eternal weight of glory. But unfortunately, many of you will. Not because of My choosing, yet because of your own.
So, I say to you all this day; get alone with Me in your secret chambers and do this often. Seek My directions and still small voice. And ask Me to change each of you from the inside out. I love you all with an everlasting love and it is My desire that not one of you miss out on your destiny in Christ Jesus. For there shall be great mysteries, great blessings, and great glory poured out upon all who would choose to enter into the destiny which I have for My chosen ones in these last days.
Do you not know that even the angels of heaven desire to see the fullness of My glory dwelling in My people on the earth? For you do not know, nor can you comprehend with your natural mind, what I have in store for those who love Me with a whole heart and love not their lives even unto death. For GREAT shall be the victory of My people in these last days. And My chosen ones shall overcome the devil, their flesh, and the world just as My Son Jesus did. And then, many in the earth shall cry with a shout; “Oh death, where is your victory? Oh death, where is your sting?”
I love you all very deeply. So heed these words of Mine and seek Me with all your heart. And if you would do this, you shall surely find Me. This is My promise to all those would choose to seek after Me. So, believe on this and seek all that I have for you in these last days.
I love you all, My little ones. So seek Me now while I may be found. For soon there shall come a day when that door will be shut, and then, it will be too late. Not too late for salvation unto life, but too late to become one with Me in its fullness. Do not miss out on this, My little ones. For surely I tell you the truth, many who say they are mine shall weep when they witness such a glorious salvation they have slighted, and thus, missed out on.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Company Arising Clothed in His Glory

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I had an interesting encounter with God this morning, when I was putting on my makeup in the bathroom.
I use a cover-stick to fix some flaws that I have, and it usually does a fairly good job.  But I also have this thing that is like a brightening powder, that causes light on the places you put it and there is a shine to it.
It is kind of like the brightening button on Photoshop, but for real.  When you put it on for some reason, it causes the wrinkles to not be quite as noticeable…. hallelujah!
Suddenly the LORD spoke and said, “The more My people wear My glory, the more they will look like me and their flaws (spots and wrinkles) will disappear to the world and they will begin to be clothed in light and shine forth in the kingdom of their father!”
 “….and Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him,”   Genesis 5:24.

A Vision of Enoch

I once saw a vision of Enoch and the LORD showed me Enoch as he was walking with Him.  He showed me that the generation that Enoch lived in, was a very wicked generation, but Enoch chose to walk step by step, minute by minute, second by second with God.
He then showed me as he was walking, the glory began to come forth from him, little by little, until finally he was clothed completely in it and suddenly, he disappeared in this glory!
The LORD then told me that this was a type of His people in the end time, that would walk so close to God, that they would become the Isaiah 60 generation!
“Arise, shine; for your light has come!
And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.  For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD will arise over you, and his glory will be seen upon you.  The gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising,”
   Isaiah 60:1-3 (NKJV)
For a couple of years now, the LORD has been showing me a lot from 2 Corinthians 4 and how that this Glory comes as we suffer with Christ, and by that I do not mean sickness!
“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.  We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed, always carrying about in the body the dying of the LORD Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.  For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.  So then death is working in us, but life in you,”   2 Corinthians 4:6-12.

More Obedience, More Glory

You see, what we are going through on a daily basis is causing us to have to make choices to either give into our flesh or die to self.  It is causing us to be be clothed in his glory as we choose to walk with him step by step as Enoch did.
Each time we choose to suffer (walk in the spirit), more glory comes forth from our life and as we die to self it also causes us to walk in resurrection power and this is the reason that God has been testing his people!
God does not tempt his people to do evil but in the test, (which is intended for your promotion as a test would in school), the enemy tempts you to give into your flesh and quit!
All the while each test that you pass brings the life of Christ (resurrection power) to those who are on the receiving end of what you have been through!  Thus God is glorified through you and it works life!

Your light affliction is working for you!

“Therefore we do not lose heart.  Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.  For our light affliction which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen.  For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal,”   2 Corinthians 16:16-18.
I love this!  Our afflictions have been working for us!  How?  It has been working a more exceeding weight of glory as in my vision of Enoch!  It works as we look on the eternal things or the big picture and not on our circumstances!

A Company Arising, Clothed in Glory!

I am telling you that there is a company of people who will be clothed in the glory of God, who are arising in this hour and they are about to disappear into this glory and the result of it will be resurrection power, light, and life!
Death will be swallowed up in victory!  They will have such an impact on the world that there will be a confrontation with the powers of darkness that will turn all eyes upon the God of glory and he will be seen in and through his people in the earth as when Moses brought the children of Israel out of Egypt and when elijah confronted the prophets of Baal!
The LORD is saying:
“These are they who walk with Me in the earth, those I call overcomers.  They will be clothed in white garments (the glory of God).  
These are they who know me and who walk and live in the Spirit and are not walking in the flesh!
The more they walk in love, when they should hate, the more My glory will be seen upon them.
These are they who follow the lamb wherever He goes!  They follow Me because they love Me and obey Me because they trust Me!
They are arising, clothed in My glory in the earth and they will do great exploits before the powers of darkness, and the powers of darkness will have to bow the knee to the God whom they serve, for I AM going to show Myself in this day, as the God of all glory!”
“I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed,”   Revelation 3:18.

~ by Jo Ellen Stevens
Arise Shine!

A Heavenly Blanket of Glory and Promise!

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A Blanket of Glory and Promise
Falling Upon God’s People in This Hour!

While worshipping this morning, suddenly I saw, what looked like a large shimmering multi-coloured blanket, coming out of the heavens.  
As I looked again, I saw that it was a large cloud of His Glory and Presence which carried the Promise of New Life, New Beginnings, Greater Miracles, Restoration and Revival.
I watched as the cloud of His Glory and Presence descended upon the Body of Christ like a blanket.  I watched as many received new mandates and new mantles.
I saw the Spirit of might and power and supernatural multiplication being poured out on those that were waiting, willing and Ready to Go forth into the fields that ripe for Harvest.
Then I heard Him say, “The cloud of My Glory comes to shift and lift the atmosphere of darkness that has covered the whole earth.  
The cloud of My Glory comes to bring the rain of Redemption, Restoration and Revival that will soak and saturate a dry and thirsty land.
The cloud of My Glory comes to lead and direct My people into a New and Fruitful land a land of Promise and Prosperity.
The cloud of My Glory comes as a canopy to cover and protect My people from the intensity of the battle that rages and from the deadly arrows that fly.
The cloud of My Glory comes to connect My people to My creative power in this hour and season.
The cloud of My Glory comes to unlock and reveal New Vision, New Strategy and Greater Wisdom and Hidden Revelation.
The cloud of My Glory comes to herald the sound of Great Victory and Deliverance for My Mighty Warriors that walking close to Me in this hour!”
Now Keep Watch, for the cloud of His Glory and presence that is coming as a blanket to lift, shift, rain, release, restore, revive, renew, cover, protect, connect, unlock, reveal and herald the plans and purposes of God’s Kingdom on the Earth in this season of Celebration and Crossing over.

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West