Slow down, take time
Breath in He said
He'd reveal what's to come
The thoughts in His mind
Always higher than mine
He'll reveal all to come
Take courage my heart
Stay steadfast my soul
He's in the waiting
He's in the waiting
Hold onto your hope
As your triumph unfolds
He's never failing
He's never failing
Sing praise my soul
Find strength in joy
Let His Words lead you on
Do not forget
His great faithfulness
He'll finish all He's begun
So take courage my heart
Stay steadfast my soul
He's in the waiting
He's in the waiting
Hold onto your hope
As your triumph unfolds
He's never failing
He's never failing
Take courage my heart
Stay steadfast my soul
He's in the waiting
He's in the waiting
Hold onto your hope
As your triumph unfolds
He's never failing
He's never failing
And You who hold the stars
Who call them each by name
Will surely keep,
Your promise to me
That I will rise, in Your victory
And You who hold the stars
Who call them each by name
Will surely keep, Your promise to me
That I will rise, in Your victory!
So take courage my heart
Stay steadfast my soul
He's in the waiting
He's in the waiting
And hold onto your hope
Watch your triumph unfold
He's never failing
He's never failing
So take courage my heart
Stay steadfast my soul
He's in the waiting
He's in the waiting
And hold onto your hope
Watch your triumph unfold
He's never failing
He's never failing!
He's in the waiting
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Sunday, February 24, 2019
“A Vast New Realm is Here! Put on Faith & Buckle in For the Ride!”
Bob Blase, Portland, OR
I believe the Holy Spirit has moved and lifted the Body of Christ into a vast, new realm in the spirit. Some time ago, the Holy Spirit pulled me into a vision where He stood me at a literal doorway and threshold in the spirit. Beyond the doorway was the vast, new realm where He was taking the Body of Christ. The vastness of the expanse of the realm seemed as large as an entire galaxy. I was diminished in its presence, feeling no larger than a speck of dust. It is a realm where God will perform many “impossible,” creative acts for, with and through those who are believing what He promises.
Great adventures of Kingdom growth and conquest are assigned here. This includes a further revealing of things written in the heavenly scrolls (books) of our identities in Christ and our destinies in God. For example, I have heard angels explain the name of their activities here in the greater Portland/Vancouver metro area as, “Operation: Unlimited Possibilities.” When God releases revelation it is for the purpose of changing things from the earthly to the heavenly. So put on your faith and buckle in for the ride!
Angel of the Lord
An angel of God, who was also there, explained to me that this new realm the Body of Christ is brought to is one where dominion is to be achieved over sickness, disease, oppression, and possession. These are the works of Christ, and He has given authority in His name! We are to remember that greater is His Spirit within us than the rulers of this darkness. We are directed into this darkness as soldiers of His light; for the battle is not ours, but the Lord’s. The angel armies sent by the Lord of Hosts are with us in this fight. The enemies are in pure terror, for they know we are advancing by the leading of Holy Spirit, and they also know that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Lord’s warring Church and the mighty angel armies of Heaven.
Tongues of Angels
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity…” (1 Corinthians 13:1). Paul understood that He was at times speaking languages of angels when he spoke in tongues.
The angel in my vision also said, “Remember to speak our languages (speak in tongues). It will help lead you into the mysteries (1 Corinthians 14:2) of this realm and of this fight. You cannot attain to understanding spiritual realities with your natural reasoning (1 Corinthians 4:4-16). Dominion in this realm and over these enemies has already been promised to you.”
The Kingdom is By Faith
The Holy Spirit and the Kingdom activity in this realm are working non-stop for the advancement and expansion of the Kingdom of God in the earth, and that includes we who have Christ in us, the hope of glory. For all things in the Kingdom are accessed by faith, and without active faith nothing in the Kingdom can be accessed; faith through grace, that is. It is the gift of God, not of our own works. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).
The Holy Spirit Leading Us
“For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14)
We often think of this “being led” in a personal, individual, and daily sense; and rightly so. Additionally, it is of course a simultaneous truth that the Spirit is also involved in leading local church bodies, ministries, and the entire Body of Christ as a whole; all administrated from Heaven. The capacity and capability for this high level of planning, organization, and coordination exists with God alone. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the LORD” (Isaiah 55:8). Holy Spirit is the on-site supervisor of God’s purposes in the earth. He’s the Master Orchestrator of God’s will being brought to Earth, layer upon layer, operation upon operation, movement upon Earth-shaking movement.
God Reveals His Plans
We know that the Lord does enjoy showing us some of His plans. “…I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of My Father, I have made known unto you” (John 15:15). And, “Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). No matter how insightful a prophet’s revelation, whether macro or micro, it will still be just a “piece” of the whole of God’s plan. “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).
Priorities for Kingdom Advancement
Lord Jesus laid out the ways of the Kingdom plainly in Matthew 5. Kingdom ways produce Kingdom results. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6). What glorious “keys” to the Kingdom! We bring the hunger and thirst part. He does the filling part. James writes: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (James 4:8). The Lord is answering our cries of surrender and acts of obedience by aligning us with the will of God that was written in Heaven before the world began. The Father gives us the “best”!
Father, in Jesus’ name, we are hungry to know Your love, to know Your will, and to toss away our own agendas, that you might use us in the destiny You have envisioned for us and written in the heavenly scrolls. It is never too late for Your grace. Here I am. Use me to the glory of Jesus Christ, Lord of all.
Bob Blase
Website: Facebook @ Bob Blase
Friday, February 22, 2019
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Ruth Mangiacapre: "A Prophetic Reformation is at Hand"
Ruth Mangiacapre
Feb 21, 2019
"A Prophetic Reformation is at Hand"
Ruth Mangiacapre, High Point, NC
I have been mediating on the changing role of the prophetic office in light of the reformation of the Church.
I have been equipping prophetic people for 18 years, and suddenly I found myself reevaluating all that the Lord has so graciously entrusted me to do. It was as if some "boredom" had set in. I began asking, "What is my role in this season?" My focus shifted from personal prophecy to discerning the time and season in which we live in the NOW. This word was birthed as I meditated on the Scripture in Jeremiah 1, the "prophet's call" to build, root out, pull down, overthrow, build and plant. The call was to BE the voice and speak with authority over nations and kingdoms. Anyone called to the office of the prophet will have power to uproot, stamp out, destroy and upend, rebuild and plant anew.
Being the Voice
Since ALL are called to prophesy (1 Corinthians 12:31), we will not make prophesying our singular focus, but rather release the Body to do so on a greater scale. This will shift our focus to reformation of the Church and advancing the Kingdom. (Note: we will still deliver words, but they will be more authoritative, and with great power and and wisdom.)
Speak With Authority Over Nations and Kingdoms
Interestingly enough, the call to Jeremiah was a call to the nations
of the earth; although he never went to the nations. How are we (as
prophetic people) catalysts to shift nations? Since most prophets will
not be called to travel to speak to kings, queens and presidents, our
decrees and prophetic intercession release the same authoritative sound.
We will support, and align with one voice as we stand behind those
chosen to walk through such open doors.I have been fortunate enough to travel to many nations and places. In 2013 on a trip to Nicaragua, I was given the opportunity to prophesy over the radio to the nation. I released financial increase and business ideas on the call. The nation did begin to prosper and move from a stance of poverty to increase in that season. We will see a rise in prophetic networking to stand with those who have such open doors. Prophets will move into more creative ways of releasing God's heart and His plans for the nations. Through a series of dreams, I was given a mandate to pray for our nation's capital. I took a team and off we went, not knowing what the Lord would do. I fell prostrate outside the White House on the cold concrete and said one word: mercy. Mission accomplished. Obedience and simplicity will become the new norm.
Discerning the Times and Seasons
Just as the sons of Issachar had the call to discern times and
seasons, they led the children of Israel wisely and strategically (1
Chronicles 12:32).Prophets will begin to move in uncommon wisdom to do the same. The secret life of the prophet holds the key to gain wisdom to empower the Body of Christ to prepare for ever changing seasons. I thank God for prophets who can skillfully articulate times and seasons. There will be an increase and expansion of this type of anointing upon the prophets as we move into our new place in the Kingdom.
Nurture and Equip the Generation
I see God raising up mothers and fathers in the prophetic movement
that have such a desire to nurture and guide the next generation of
rising prophetic voices. Lou Engle has shifted into such a mandate as
many others are embracing and loving the rising fiery and passionate
voices. My dear friend, Elizabeth Tiam-Fook, has pioneered such a
movement, along with Prophets Jane and Tom Hamon, representing the
generations working together. There is health, stamina, and new found
purpose and vision being released to the Baby Boomer prophets for such a
beautiful task! May God's wisdom abound as we do so!
Releasing the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord
Since prophets do not merely carry the message, but they themselves
ARE the message, there will be such sobriety upon their lives as they
walk in the fear of the Lord. As prophets have holy, fresh encounters
with seeing the face and the fullness of God, He will release the Spirit
of the fear of the Lord to bring repentance and expose dark places in
lives for the purpose of deliverance and salvation (Isaiah 11:2).
Calling Watchmen Into Key Positions
Carrying the Justice Mantle
"Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne..." (Psalm 89:14). Prophets are foundational in the Kingdom, and have a keen awareness of God's heart in humane acts.Since prophets have a battle cry for injustices and as there has been an increase in atrocities that are unimaginable, prophets will begin to shift their authority to reach into city and state governmental authorities for the purposes of working alongside agencies that combat human-trafficking, poverty and high crime areas. They alone cannot accomplish such, but will release wisdom to leaders, pastors, prophetic intercessors and chaplains to infiltrate evil and release Heaven. Within the justice mantle we will see prophets being instruments to pioneer a fresh movement to bring racial reconciliation. Whenever there is a rise in tension and conflicts, there is a call to bring healing. Matt Lockett and Will Ford are two prophets who are releasing revelation concerning such systemic injustices.
Aligning with Angelic Hosts to Help Share the Destiny of Regions and Nations
Many years ago, while driving through a certain state to minister at a
conference, I began weeping as I saw a huge angel hovering over a
barren and oppressive land. At that moment, I discerned poverty and
hopelessness. For several years, I would gather prophetic watchmen and
intercessors and strategize prayer networking and team building. I could
"see" the hosts of Heaven pleading for a release of His glory in many
east coast states. We would take teams into Washington DC, New York
City, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts to release His heart. I believe
that prophets and seers will continue to work with the angelic in
greater measure during this prophetic reformation.
Move in Uncommon Wisdom
11 is an indicator of the manifestations of Holy Spirit that would rest
upon Jesus and consequently within us as well. Prophets are given
authority to root out, pull down, overthrow, build and plant. Such a
mandate of authority requires uncommon wisdom which is the mind of the
Lord. Prophets will be put in key positions to dismantle
strongholds and release strategies to unravel powers and principalities
that seek to destroy our nation, beginning in government and the
government of the Church. (Photo via Unsplash)Just as the prophet was given authority within the call to be set over nations and kingdoms, the Lord has highlighted these areas that the spirit of wisdom will accomplish: 1. Root out racism and injustice systemically. 2. Bring down heavenly plans and assignments. 3. Destroy religious mindsets. 4. Throw down, release your mantle and giftedness to the next generations. 5. Build people, relationships and righteousness. 6. Plant and pioneer new innovative ideas to release Kingdom wealth. |
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Monday, February 18, 2019
“Fling Wide the Doors of Opportunity – A Time of Blessing!”
Candice Smithyman, Orange Park, FL
Last October God spoke to me that in the month of February He was
going to start swinging wide the doors of opportunity. He specifically
wanted His people to pass through January and the process of
consecration and purification. I have been anticipating what is going to
happen. I am already hearing reports that indeed doors are flinging
wide, everywhere! People are saying God is moving so much and so many
amazing things are happening.We know from Joshua 3:5 that Joshua told the people, “…Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you” (NIV).
Many have been faithful and God is going to do amazing things. However, I do believe there is something to consider as we embark on the opportunities He is bringing that we should be aware to put Him first. God does not want us to worship advancement, or financial increase, or amazing opportunities—those things are all coming as a result of Him choosing to open the doors of Heaven and pour out a blessing upon us.
One of the ways we can curtail our flesh in the midst of God’s many blessings is not to forget Him in the area of giving ourselves over to Him. God will bless us but we are not to make idols out of the blessing and forget all about Him. We must stay in a place of repentance and purity of heart. We must not become workaholics in all we’re doing, or ruminate so much on the blessing that we fail to take time to spend with Him. One of the ways we can prevent this is to do as Deuteronomy 8:16-20 (NIV) reads:
“He gave you manna to eat in the wilderness, something your ancestors had never known, to humble and test you so that in the end it might go well with you. You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today. If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed. Like the nations the Lord destroyed before you, so you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God.”
Remember the Lord Your God
The word “remember” in this passage is the Hebrew word “zakar.” It
means to mark, remember or be recognized as in male. If we want to keep
our flesh in control during a blessing we must learn to zakar the Lord
or mark it by bringing Him a first fruit offering. This principle is
often missed by people, but not by those who have tasted success and
seen how it messes with the focus of the mind. It is easy to get caught
up in the doing of life, work, family, and ministry and all the
fast-paced excitement of being used by God to expand the Kingdom of God.
Yet, underneath every minister’s heart (and we are all ministers of the
Gospel as we are called “Christs ambassadors” in 2 Corinthians 5:20),
there should be a desire to run away with the King and not be bothered,
but just to sit in His presence and soak in His beauty. If this is not
the true desire of our hearts, something may be wrong.Please understand I speak from my own chastisements from the Lord. When things begin to move rapidly for me, I must bring myself as an offering and my finances, to keep my own heart in check. This is why the first of the year is so important. It reveals where we get off track and where we’ve begun to serve what He has given us, instead of bringing Him the offering He really wants and that is our hearts.
Give Me Your Hearts
This was the lesson He was teaching the Israelites in the desert. It
was as though He said (and I paraphrase), “I can give you everything,
but I want you to want Me first, and I know the heart of man is
deceitful and prideful, and if it is not trained to be aware of its
pitfalls, it will walk away from what is best—which is Me, God—to go
after all the other things.”One of the ways I personally keep my heart straight is to remember I cannot operate in the ministry without doing it in the overflow. I need to be so connected to Him so that who He is overflows into my entire soul. That is only accomplished through first honoring Him with my substance.
What is substance? In the Hebrew it means wealth, but it is a word that means all of you, as in enough. It comes from a root word which means ability, power, wealth, force, goods, might, and strength.
Proverbs 3:9-10 (KJV) tells us, “Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.”
We, as His people, are called to honor Him. This word “honor” comes from the Hebrew word “kabad,” which means to glorify or make weighty. Why does He ask this? So that we will put Him first from the totality of our being, as in all of our time, talent, treasure and testimony. In doing this we will mark Him first in our actions. He then asks us to even bless Him with the first fruits of all the increase He brings us, just so we won’t get focused on it. If we do this, He says we will operate in fullness in our spirit, soul and body, and we will break forth in new wine or new opportunities. (Photo via Unsplash)
Training for the Reigning
He is training us for reigning with Him and it is not about looking
to the outward but the inward first to give us all we need as we rest in
Him and who He is. This will keep any person in a state of humility
when they realize they must rely on God for everything and even when
they fall into the riches of Heaven. We will always need to be focused on Him and even more so in our successes or victories.He has developed the system, so the more He blesses us the more we find we need Him, and if we choose to connect ourselves more to the blessing, He will discipline us and bring us back to what is important, which is Him and Him alone.
Yes, the doors of opportunity are swinging wide open in February, but take heed as this only means God is calling you to more of Him and even less to the opportunity He is blessing you with. Learn to steward the blessing well and remember Him with a first fruit of yourself and all He has given you. This is surely the true way to bring Him honor and thanksgiving, and also to remain humble in this season of blessing.
Dr. Candice Smithyman
Founder, Dream Mentors Transformational Life Coaching Institute
Email: click here
“Be Encouraged, Your Day Has Finally Come!”
by Lonnie Mackley Feb.15th, 2019
I’m posting a day early because this morning during prayer I began to receive a download from the Holy Spirit to encourage you that I felt He wanted posted now. You are on the very brink of something that is so much bigger than you can imagine right now, and you have been feeling the presence of this new thing nudging up against you in the realm of the Spirit. But you have been through so much, and had so many times when you felt hope and started to believe but nothing happened and you ended up even more dejected, discouraged, disappointed, and depressed in the end. Regardless of all that God wants you to believe in who He is now! because it is coming!
You have been in a situation of suffering where you have had no choice but to patiently endure and trust God even though everything has been screaming at you not to. But deep inside your spirit you still know that God is with you and you have been hanging on with everything you’ve got. You have had some major meltdowns at times but then you have quickly come back and reaffirmed your commitment to push onward. Your faith and steadfastness is about to pay off dear one, and something new and wonderful is about to be revealed to you! This new thing may not be exactly what you imagined it would be at first, but it will be exactly the right thing for you!
Although you have lived in a crucible and a spiritual incubator at the same time for so long, you are about to be set free from your dungeon life, and God wants you to be thankful for all He has allowed you to go through because it has brought true spiritual growth and maturity into your life which will be desperately needed up ahead as you enter this last harvest and all the persecution that will likely come with it. Know this! You are about to be healed! You are about to be restored and blessed with all you need to finally go forward! You are about to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to heal the sick and cast out devils! So be encouraged, because your day has finally come!
PS 118:15 Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: “The LORD’s right hand has done mighty things!
by Lonnie Mackley Feb.15th, 2019
I’m posting a day early because this morning during prayer I began to receive a download from the Holy Spirit to encourage you that I felt He wanted posted now. You are on the very brink of something that is so much bigger than you can imagine right now, and you have been feeling the presence of this new thing nudging up against you in the realm of the Spirit. But you have been through so much, and had so many times when you felt hope and started to believe but nothing happened and you ended up even more dejected, discouraged, disappointed, and depressed in the end. Regardless of all that God wants you to believe in who He is now! because it is coming!
You have been in a situation of suffering where you have had no choice but to patiently endure and trust God even though everything has been screaming at you not to. But deep inside your spirit you still know that God is with you and you have been hanging on with everything you’ve got. You have had some major meltdowns at times but then you have quickly come back and reaffirmed your commitment to push onward. Your faith and steadfastness is about to pay off dear one, and something new and wonderful is about to be revealed to you! This new thing may not be exactly what you imagined it would be at first, but it will be exactly the right thing for you!
Although you have lived in a crucible and a spiritual incubator at the same time for so long, you are about to be set free from your dungeon life, and God wants you to be thankful for all He has allowed you to go through because it has brought true spiritual growth and maturity into your life which will be desperately needed up ahead as you enter this last harvest and all the persecution that will likely come with it. Know this! You are about to be healed! You are about to be restored and blessed with all you need to finally go forward! You are about to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to heal the sick and cast out devils! So be encouraged, because your day has finally come!
PS 118:15 Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: “The LORD’s right hand has done mighty things!
“Paul Cain’s Passing Message to Us – as a Sign from Heaven”
Jeff Jansen, Murfreesboro, TN
As I write this, most are already aware of the passing of Paul Cain on February 12th, 2019. Paul Cain served with Bob Jones in helping Mike Bickle establish the Kansas City Fellowship and what is known as the “Kansas City Prophets”.
Paul Cain’s Call to Ministry
Paul Cain was born on June 16, 1929, in Garland, Texas. His mother Anna had been seriously ill with cancer, tuberculosis and other difficulties, and was not expected to live. Her case was so severe that she was the subject of special medical attention. To the astonishment of doctors, both Cain and his mother survived the birth; his mother was subsequently healed. Paul attributes this to an angelic visitation his mother had at that time, and to the fervent prayers of his family. It was during this visitation that Cain was given the name “Paul” and his mother became sure of his calling to preach.
Paul Cain drew crowds of 30,000 in Switzerland and Germany with his meetings. Paul’s ministry at this time used a very large tent, like most other ministers of the time, such as Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and Jack Coe.
Paul also served as a consultant to Central Intelligence Agency—Paranormal Division, a consultant to the FBI, and was a presidential consultant and special envoy for 3 presidents. Paul ministered to many national and international leaders and during the Clinton Administration, Paul went to Iraq to meet with Saddam Hussein. He also met with many spiritual key church and denominational leaders.
Latter Day Rain—February 12th, 1948
Paul Cain was also connected indirectly to the Latter Day Rain Revival movement through William Branham. Paul personally shared with me on several occasions how close he and Brother Branham were, and how he was commissioned by William Branham when he was 17 years old in Grants Pass, Oregon. Paul said that William Branham was the most influential and anointed man of God he had ever met and was the catalyst of the late 40s and 50s healing revival that swept America and the nations.
Years ago, I had the privilege of interviewing James Watt, who was the youngest and last living elder of the Latter Day Rain Revival. James shared amazing details of what it was like in the building on that February 12th, 1948 day. James told me that the people came from the surrounding city and stood outside the building as they heard what sounded like thousands of voices coming from that little white church in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. The “Heavenly Choir” with instruments of every kind could be heard coming from inside that small church. Many were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul Cain was a voice to that movement along with William Branham, Ern Baxter and others.
The Passing of Paul Cain and the Latter Day Revival
The birth of the outpouring of the Latter Day Rain was February 12, 1948. Paul Cain passed February 12, 2019—exactly 71 years to the day! Great Prophets are significant and everything about their lives is a sign and a parable. As it was with Bob Jones who’s life message was, “Did you learn to Love?” and who passed on “Lover’s Day,” February 14, so it is with Paul Cain who passed on the anniversary of the Latter Day Rain Revival Birthday.
I believe we are on the verge of a new outpouring that will impact the nations. Paul’s passing is a clear sign from the Lord that the revival which happened on February 12th, 1948 is an indicator that a new revival is eminent now through the passing of this Latter Day Rain Prophet February 12th 2019. It was 71 years to the day!
The Lord told me it is an Exodus 7:1 time: “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh…'” Not that we are God, but we are a “God-like one.” This new reformation revival season will reveal not just Christians doing great miracles, but rather sons of the Kingdom of God who do great exploits that reveal the ministry of signs, wonders and miracles.
Again, we are living in 2019, and the Lord told me this year was an Acts 2:19 year: “And I will show wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth beneath, blood and fire and smoking vapor…”
This is a generation of sons of God who are marked by the Lord to not only perform miraculous feats, but produce the fruit of character in their lives—coupled with extreme signs, wonders and miracles that even creation responds to!
I do not believe in coincidences but divine blueprints. Paul Cain’s passing was a sign to the Church of a new awakening and revival that will sweep the world!
Jeff Jansen, Senior Leader
Global Fire Church & Global Connect
Global Fire Ministries International
Jeff Jansen is an internationally known conference speaker and crusade evangelist. He is also Founder of Global Fire Ministries International, and Senior Leader of the Global Fire Church and World Miracle Center located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Jeff’s burning desire is to see churches, cities, regions and whole nations ignited and transformed by the power of God. He also teaches, trains and equips believers how to live and move in the supernatural Presence of God and emphasizes that communion and intimacy with the Holy Spirit is vital for transformation. Global Fire Ministries is an inter-denominational ministry aimed at equipping and igniting the Body of Christ for Global harvest. Jeff, his wife Jan and family live in the Nashville, Tennessee area.
Friday, February 15, 2019
Monday, February 11, 2019
Sunday, February 10, 2019
“Rise, Ramp Up and Breakthrough”
Faith Marie Baczko, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
During the first week of this year, I became quite sick and had to
take a few days off to rest. As I lay on my couch, I took the
opportunity to spend some time in prayer and soaking. God took this
opportunity to get my attention! As I soaked, I began to perceive that
God had something awesome on the horizon for His people in 2019. I also
began to understand that the visions and promises God had given me, that
related to my destiny in Him, were not necessarily going to be
fulfilled in the manner I thought they were, and that it would probably
look very different than what I was anticipating. I had a deep sense
that in 2019 and 2020, we are approaching something very holy to God. It
is wisdom to adopt a spiritual posture of humility before the majesty
of the King in full surrender to His will, and in acknowledgment that
Jesus Christ is Lord!
A Sacrificial Fire
“When things seem as if they are at their worst and the days look dark, that is when God tells us to look up, for our redemption draws near, and He moves suddenly to show forth His great power!“ |
I readily submitted to this process, fully expecting Him to refine the work for His greater glory, never expecting that He might not return some of the things I had placed in the fire—but that is what happened! God soon began to highlight certain things that were to remain in the fire. Certain projects I had worked on for years, others more recently—gone. These things had all bore a certain measure of fruit, but not to the level I had been expecting.
Having given birth to these endeavors, it was with some tears that in obedience, I put an end to them. After I got over the initial shock of what I had done, surprisingly, I began to experience much relief as the burden for these ventures lifted. I felt freedom! I have chosen to be vulnerable and transparent as I believe that many will relate with this word, and that through obedience they will experience the same relief and freedom I felt.
Laser-Beam Focus
I then heard the Lord say that I was to now “focus like a laser beam”
on the original mandate He had given me: the primary vision. He
revealed that the things He kept, although good, were not His first
intention for me; they were secondary visions I had attached to the
primary. He helped me to see that the secondary had become a hindrance
and a distraction to the primary. I began to see and possibly others
will relate to this: over the many years in long preparation and
training for the mandate, the primary vision toward His destiny for us
can become blurred and distorted by the flesh, emotions and enthusiasm.
Because of a lack of clarity as to the manner of the fulfillment of the
vision, the flesh tries to fill in the gaps and to add or subtract in an
attempt to complete a picture given in seed form. Remember He says that
His ways are so much higher and beyond our reasoning (Isaiah 55:8).God impressed upon me that He has heard all the prayers of His people, knows all our desires, understands all our expectations, and acknowledges all the demands made on Him in faith! However, as we approach Him this year, I believe He is saying, “I acknowledge it all! Now, let it all go into the fire! All that I need you to understand for 2019 and beyond is to be still and know that I am God. Trust that I know what I’m doing in every sphere of your life and in the world, even though you may not understand it at first.”
Trimming Away the Secondary to Bring Forth the Primary
This year, God is going to be trimming away the secondary to bring forth the primary in glory.
The glory of God shall be seen on His people. The Lord will receive all
the honor, and He alone will be exalted and glorified through all that
we are and do for Him! (Photo via Unsplash)In the years ahead, the sons of God will come to fullness as they partner with the Lord’s plans and the Lord’s intentions—a partnership in sonship. A new dynamic will come forth through this strategic alliance with the Godhead that will see ministries, businesses and creative and innovative endeavors emerge on the world’s stage, clothed in the majesty of transcendent excellence.
The work of cutting away the excess and pruning us back to the core vision is in preparation for the unveiling of His masterpiece: the sons of God and their release onto the arenas of the world. The pruning comes to trigger supernatural increase and garner the maximum output from His investment.
Submission to God: Our Most Important Posture
The most important, productive position we can take at this time is
stillness in His presence, listening for His voice, and receiving fresh
directions for 2019. The season ahead comes as a new dynamic with its
own unique challenges; it is marked by a way we have not walked before.
The willingness in our hearts to become nothing so that He can arise in
us to become everything and receive all the glory, is a posture of
submission to love inspired by wisdom. When Jesus shows up, He is the
only star and all fall prostrate!“In the years ahead, the sons of God will come to fullness as they partner with the Lord’s plans and the Lord’s intentions—a partnership in sonship.“ |
Leave the Small Place Behind! Cross Over to the Promised Land!
The sons of the prophets understood the need for change and a new dynamic, they said to Elisha in 2 Kings 6:1-2: “…’See
now, the place where we dwell with you is too small for us. Please, let
us go to the Jordan, and let every man take a beam from there, and let
us make there a place where we may dwell.'”In this passage the Hebrew word for “place” also means “a condition of the mind” (Strong’s H4725). It is from a root word which means “to rise.” The Jordan represents the Cross—the river of complete surrender and death to self—the preparation for crossing over to possess the Promised Land! In this passage as a word for today, God is saying that the Body of Christ has been living in a small place, that our minds need to be stretched, and our hearts enlarged to contain the great thing He has stored up for us! God’s desire is for each of us to go down to the “River,” the place of absolute surrender, and let go of the past which also means good intentions, good deeds, our agendas, idols, self, comfort, ungodly beliefs, etc. The place where we surrender to His cutting away of the excesses.
The “River of Sacrificial Love” beckons us to come in and collect our beam—our contribution to the building of God’s house—a beam that fortifies and strengthens relationships. The Hebrew word for build is “banah” from which we get the word for son which is “ben, the builder of the family name” (Strong’s H1121). We have each been given a part in building up the family name of Jesus Christ and becoming built together as a spiritual house, as we are transformed into His Bride. When we dwell together in this holy union, we become a force to be reckoned with, having power and authority to gather the Lord’s harvest and the love to care for them.
“Enlarge your house; build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no expense! For you will soon be bursting at the seams. Your descendants will occupy other nations and resettle the ruined cities.” (Isaiah 54:2-3)
God is saying that it is now time to intentionally rise, ramp up, transcend, breakthrough, and prepare to penetrate the greater dimension of His glory! He is calling out to us to begin to move in step with Him in the next season, a season that demands a deeper place in Christ, in order to possess broader places in Him. The River of Life in abundance awaits the bold and courageous! Many will begin to pass over at Passover to possess the promises of God. You have been fully prepared and equipped for this day! (Photo via Unsplash)
The glory of God will descend through the perfecting of our love, unity and submission to His will. From that glory, the sending will begin—the sending of an army of saints who will possess nations and do mighty exploits in His name. Yahweh is a covenant keeping God. He is standing ready to fulfill the covenants He made with us in His Word. A multitude of angels is standing at attention, ready to be released, to execute the will of God on Earth. In these times of volatility, it is crucial to our faith to always remember that Yahweh is also the God of resurrection. When things seem as if they are at their worst and the days look dark, that is when God tells us to look up, for our redemption draws near, and He moves suddenly to show forth His great power! He reigns!
Faith Marie Baczko, Executive Director
Headstone Ministries International | Schools of The Last Wine
Friday, February 8, 2019
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Acts 12 New Living Translation (NLT)
James Is Killed and Peter Is Imprisoned
12 About that time King Herod Agrippa[a] began to persecute some believers in the church. 2 He had the apostle James (John’s brother) killed with a sword. 3 When
Herod saw how much this pleased the Jewish people, he also arrested
Peter. (This took place during the Passover celebration.[b]) 4 Then
he imprisoned him, placing him under the guard of four squads of four
soldiers each. Herod intended to bring Peter out for public trial after
the Passover. 5 But while Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him.
Peter’s Miraculous Escape from Prison
6 The
night before Peter was to be placed on trial, he was asleep, fastened
with two chains between two soldiers. Others stood guard at the prison
gate. 7 Suddenly,
there was a bright light in the cell, and an angel of the Lord stood
before Peter. The angel struck him on the side to awaken him and said,
“Quick! Get up!” And the chains fell off his wrists. 8 Then
the angel told him, “Get dressed and put on your sandals.” And he did.
“Now put on your coat and follow me,” the angel ordered.
9 So
Peter left the cell, following the angel. But all the time he thought
it was a vision. He didn’t realize it was actually happening. 10 They
passed the first and second guard posts and came to the iron gate
leading to the city, and this opened for them all by itself. So they
passed through and started walking down the street, and then the angel
suddenly left him.11 Peter finally came to his senses. “It’s really true!” he said. “The Lord has sent his angel and saved me from Herod and from what the Jewish leaders[c] had planned to do to me!”
12 When he realized this, he went to the home of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where many were gathered for prayer. 13 He knocked at the door in the gate, and a servant girl named Rhoda came to open it. 14 When she recognized Peter’s voice, she was so overjoyed that, instead of opening the door, she ran back inside and told everyone, “Peter is standing at the door!”
15 “You’re out of your mind!” they said. When she insisted, they decided, “It must be his angel.”
16 Meanwhile, Peter continued knocking. When they finally opened the door and saw him, they were amazed. 17 He motioned for them to quiet down and told them how the Lord had led him out of prison. “Tell James and the other brothers what happened,” he said. And then he went to another place.
18 At dawn there was a great commotion among the soldiers about what had happened to Peter. 19 Herod Agrippa ordered a thorough search for him. When he couldn’t be found, Herod interrogated the guards and sentenced them to death. Afterward Herod left Judea to stay in Caesarea for a while.
The Death of Herod Agrippa
20 Now
Herod was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon. So they sent a
delegation to make peace with him because their cities were dependent
upon Herod’s country for food. The delegates won the support of Blastus,
Herod’s personal assistant, 21 and
an appointment with Herod was granted. When the day arrived, Herod put
on his royal robes, sat on his throne, and made a speech to them. 22 The people gave him a great ovation, shouting, “It’s the voice of a god, not of a man!”
23 Instantly,
an angel of the Lord struck Herod with a sickness, because he accepted
the people’s worship instead of giving the glory to God. So he was
consumed with worms and died.24 Meanwhile, the word of God continued to spread, and there were many new believers.
25 When Barnabas and Saul had finished their mission to Jerusalem, they returned,[d] taking John Mark with them.
Psalm 107:1-14
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.
Has the LORD redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.
For he has gathered the exiles from many lands, from east and west, from north and south.
Some wandered in the wilderness, lost and homeless.
Hungry and thirsty, they nearly died.
“ LORD, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he rescued them from their distress.
He led them straight to safety, to a city where they could live.
Let them praise the LORD for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them.
For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
Some sat in darkness and deepest gloom, imprisoned in iron chains of misery.
They rebelled against the words of God, scorning the counsel of the Most High.
That is why he broke them with hard labor; they fell, and no one was there to help them.
“ LORD, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress.
He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; he snapped their chains.
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