Saturday, December 19, 2020

Ark of Grace Ministries : Word from the Lord on December 18th, 2020 @ 12:45pm

Ark of Grace Ministries : Word from the Lord on December 18th, 2020 @ 12:45pm: Praise be to the Lord God Adonai who rules and Reigns on the throne with Wisdom, Power, Righteousness, and Order, and to His Kingdom and Pow...

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Robin D Bullocks Election by Christmas Prophecy


December 3, 2020
The Lord keeps showing me something over and over again
He’s showing me an elaborate enclosed space which appears to be the cockpit of an enormous vehicle … The instrument panel is flashing and beeping with all manner of things I have never seen before … Yet I seem to know exactly what to do because His voice is guiding me every step of the way and I am fearless because He is with me.
As I wrote this, I understood …
Many of you who have laid down your life, and died to your flesh … Are being placed by God into the cockpit chosen by Him expressly for you for Such a Time as This.
You are moving confidently in Him … Completely dead to fear.
Completely alive to fulfilling His calling on your life
Dwelling eternally in His Presence!
His servant
Donna Cox