Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Monday, March 29, 2021
March 28, 2021
On Passover let us remember Jesus and His shed blood! Many of you are still looking for your loved ones to be saved in this season and many are concerned about their welfare and Salvation. I know I have many relatives who I would love to see saved but tonight the Lord reminded me of the Passover and He said to tell you that it only took one person in a household to apply the blood to the doorposts and all who were in their house would be spared from the death angel that would pass over that night.
The Book of Acts bears this out when it says in Acts 16:31 "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." It only took one person in a family to believe and then the promise is that, they will be saved and their house. This is why we have to believe in the shed blood of Jesus and that it applies to all that concerns us! It is His covenant with those that believe that He was the Passover Lamb and that His shed blood was to seal the covenant that God made with us by giving His Son to die for the remission of our sins and not only ours but our family too! His blood made us the righteousness of God in Christ and the word also says that "the seed of the righteous shall be delivered!"
Tonight, I believe that God is saying, "As you think of what the Passover means, to think about the fact that, he will deliver your children and your children's, children!" Because when all of this is happening around us you must anchor your soul in his truth and He died to give that to you! Don't be moved by what you see but look for the signs that they will come in in this next little while because I see them coming as you apply the blood to your household!
Psalm 103:17 "But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;"
Arise Shine! Jo Ellen Stevens
TCIC Ministries

Looked this up after listening to a message on the indwelling Holy Spirit by Bill Johnson:
How does a person grieve or quench the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19; Ephesians 4:30)?
In 1 Thessalonians 5:19, the apostle Paul told believers, "Do not quench the Spirit." Ephesians 4:30 adds, "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God." What does it mean to grieve or quench the Holy Spirit?In 1 Thessalonians 5:19, Paul uses the same word used elsewhere related to "quenching" or "putting out" a fire (Mark 9:44). The idea was that of stopping or ending the ability of a fire to continue. In the context of Paul's letter, he was encouraging believers to live a holy life according to God's Spirit. They were not to stop doing the things they had been instructed to or to live in sin in ways that would quench or put out the fire of God's Spirit at work among them.
In Ephesians 4:30, Paul commanded the Ephesian Christians not to "grieve the Holy Spirit of God." To grieve would mean to make the Spirit sad or do something opposite of what God's Spirit desires. The context of the passage deals with the issue of anger, sharing, "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear" (Ephesians 4:29). We are to build one another up as believers, not tear one another down. Tearing one another down grieves the Holy Spirit as it is inconsistent with God's purposes for our lives.
In addition to sinning as the result of anger, Ephesians 4 offers other ways believers can grieve the Spirit. These include living like unbelievers (Ephesians 4:17-19), lying (Ephesians 4:25), stealing (Ephesians 4:28), using bad language (Ephesians 4:29), bitterness (Ephesians 4:31), unforgiveness (Ephesians 4:32), and sexual immorality (Ephesians 5:3-5).
In contrast, believers are to speak truth (Ephesians 4:25), not sin when angry (Ephesians 4:26), work hard (Ephesians 4:28), encourage (Ephesians 4:29), and be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving of one another (Ephesians 4:32). The contrast of grieving the Spirit includes, "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God" (Ephesians 5:1-2).
There are similarities between quenching and grieving the Spirit. Both take place as the result of a believer who sins. Both take place as the result of a self-focused lifestyle that places self above God and others. Both include practicing the sinful ways a person lived before knowing Christ.
God's desire is for the believer in Christ to live differently than before coming to faith in Christ. Living as the "new self" we become through Jesus Christ brings God joy and will not quench or grieve the Spirit of God who lives within those who believe.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Ark of Grace Ministries : Word from the Lord--March 27th, 2021
Friday, March 26, 2021
There is a principle contained in Scripture that begins with our initial experience of salvation and continues to manifest in every area of life. That principle is expansion. Once we are set free in Christ our newfound freedom will take us on a journey to affect change in all areas of life, if we are willing. To engage in this journey, we will have to leave behind things we previously put stock in that no longer have a place in a life of grace.
When the Apostle Paul explained to the Galatians why the message of grace replaced the law, he made a revealing statement, “Rather, I am a sinner if I rebuild the old system of law I already tore down” (Galatians 2:18). Paul was being challenged by Jewish believers who tried to lay upon new Gentile believers the requirements of the Law as part of their salvation. In a bold statement, Paul went on to say he died to the law and had stopped trying to meet all its requirements so that he might live for God. He was defining what a life of freedom in grace looked like.
With each new season where the Spirit is leading us into new territory, we will have to tear down something we had made into law. This tearing down is not a one-time event. It is required to move forward in grace into each new season of life. Old formulas of faith or ways of doing business or a narrow worldview are all subject to the demolition process of grace.
People are beginning to speak about moving forward after we emerge from the effects of 2020. What does this mean? There are certain elements in this message of grace that will keep us moving forward in grace and not parking in a place of fatal familiarity.
Here are three things I see in those who will move forward:
- A willingness to leave behind old models of ministry that encumbered our individual and corporate potential and choosing not to return to their familiarity.
- A willingness to deconstruct old mindsets that perpetuate limitation at the expense of expansion.
- A willingness to step away from circles of fellowship that remain anchored in the past and continue to live in fear of the future.
Choosing to not rebuild the past is present in every ground-breaking idea and each new era of Church history. Historians will look at this time and write about those who walked forward in the grace of God and did not try to rebuild what had served its purpose for a time but was no longer a viable Kingdom option. Those who choose to walk into this grace-filled future will be the true reformers. Follow their lead. The power of God’s Spirit is empowering their journey.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Monday, March 22, 2021
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Friday, March 19, 2021
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
As we began to cover in the last WFTW, three basic characteristics of a mature Christian is love, joy, and peace. These are “divinely powerful weapons.” This week we will cover the weapon of Joy.
In Nehemiah 8:10 we are told, “Do not be grieved, for the joy of The Lord is your strength.” To win any battle we must be stronger than our adversary. This statement that “the joy of The Lord is our strength” begins with “Do not be grieved” because grief is to focus on our problems, or our losses, instead of The Lord. Grief is the opposite of joy, and therefore a primary destroyer of our strength.
When we lose a loved one, property, or resources we have worked hard for, grief is natural. But we are not called to live in the natural, but by The Spirit. We may think this is asking too much, and it is for the immature in The Lord. However, the more we grow up into Him the easier this becomes. Instead of embracing grief at losses or trials, we obey The Scriptures that say:
“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,
“knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
“And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:2-4).
“In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials,
“so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (I Peter 1:6-7).
A mark of Christian maturity is being able to endure hardships and loss with joy. If we truly believe that all things work together for our good as we’re told in Romans 8:28, how can we not count hardships as a privilege God has given to us for our good? If we are mature enough to comprehend the eternal glory that these trials prepare us to receive, how can we not be joyful about them?
It’s understandable that we may not feel joy at first, but that is why James wrote “count it all joy.” This is a mindset where we resolve to trust God more than our feelings, or anything else in the created world. We will have this mindset if we obey I Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” As we are told in Psalm 100, we enter The Lord’s gates, or presence, with thanksgiving. Psalm16:11 states, “In Your presence is fullness of joy.” The key to abiding in the presence of The Lord is to give thanks in everything.
When I got Covid-19 I resolved to be thankful for the trial. The worse I felt, the more I thanked Him. I did go through three days when I felt worse than I ever had from any flu or sickness, but at the same time those were days filled with such joy because of the presence of The Lord I felt. I truly thought the whole experience was worth it many times over.
In my BC (before Christ) days, I tried many things to get high. I can assure you there is no high or feeling of any kind like the “fullness of joy” that comes from the presence of The Lord. This is what we were made for, and anything else is just a cheap, shallow substitute.
I am not advocating trying to get Covid or to bring any kind of trial upon ourselves. I don’t think we have the wisdom to do this, but those that The Lord allows we must embrace and be thankful for. As “the joy of The Lord is your strength” (see Nehemiah 8:10), the joy of His presence can give us the strength we need to be victorious in any trial. However, we do not need trials to walk in His joy. We should walk in it in all things, and we will if we are thankful people.
© 2021 Rick Joyner. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, March 15, 2021
Friday, March 12, 2021
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Monday, March 8, 2021
March 5, 2021
Isaiah 62: 10-12 (VOICE) “So ready yourselves to pass through the gates, from old to new. Clear the way for the people. Make it clear, easy, and straight. Unfurl the banners that proclaim these people are renewed! For none other than the Eternal has announced for all to hear: See, your salvation is coming; your liberation is on the way—God’s reward is with Him: His work is by His side.’ And they will be called ‘The Holy People, Redeemed by the Eternal’ and Jerusalem’s new name will be ‘Desirable City, No Longer Forsaken.’”
A DREAM IN TWO PARTS: PART 2 (Dream from Jo Ellen Stevens)
The scene changed and I was then driving down a road that was unknown to me, trying to find a way through what seemed to be treacherous territory. There was a sense that, although it was difficult, this was the road I was supposed to be in. I seemed to have gone somewhere I needed to get to and then the scene changed and I was coming back to where I started. Except, now the road was very wide and open road and the sun was so bright that it was blinding. I was headed in the direction of a crossroads that went all four directions and thinking of turning left, when all at once, out of the corner of my eye, before getting to the crossroads there was a lightning bolt in the eastern sky over a wide open field. However, in the dream I knew it had not just been lightning, but that it had been God when all this occurred! I also had the sense in the dream that God was showing up! He was truly showing up on this bright day on this straight path after a storm, coming back from a treacherous path.
As I was reading the second part of Jo’s dream, I heard God speaking to the pioneers, those who have poured themselves out for the Kingdom, even in deep intercession and travail, pioneering and traveling treacherous paths that had not been tread before in obedience to the promptings of the Spirit. For many, the path of obedience they have followed has seemed treacherous, rough, dark and mired with difficulties, opposition, and disappointment. Many things that your hearts have longed for and poured out for in prayer have not come to pass. But I hear God saying, “Look up and see that your redemption draws near! For you as you continue to look up to Me and do not turn back nor look back, nor down, nor to the left nor to the right, you will see the lightning of My Saving Glory striking down! Focus only on My Voice and look up, My Child, and see that your redemption draws near. Look up and see My Glory, the lightning bolt of My Revelation-Glory that will reveal to you the wide-open field, the road of Victory and Glory I have prepared for you!” For, this is a new day, a new era, and a new season, and there is divine shifting taking place. There is a divine turnaround where things are coming full-circle, and those who sowed in tears will now reap with tears of joy. For all past fear, sadness, and shame melt away at the sight of the Glory of God striking down as the manifestation of the beauty that God has been working out of the ashes of the past now comes to view. And as this shift takes place, there are assignments, connections, and places that we engaged before coming back around. It is a re-connection for restitution, redemption, and restoration that is beginning to take place. But things are different this time and we are not who we were years, months, even weeks ago and the reconnection will be at a deeper level and depth you didn’t know was possible. For others, it will be a reconnection with promise through different venues, places, and people than you have in the past, as the fulfillment of these promises comes to pass in a different way than where it seemed to be coming before, but founded upon the wisdom, learning, and growth you’ve gained through experiences past. As things begin to come full-circle, the enemy may try to convince you that going backwards, but God wants you to remember that you’re not going backwards, but coming full-circle in the path of destiny. There are things you tried to do before, promises you embarked on before that seemed to dissolve or not seem not to work out. But their timing is now, as you enter into a period of re-connection for restitution, redemption, and restoration!
The Father is saying,
“Even when you didn’t see fruitfulness from the past road you have tread as you have been following the promptings of My Voice, you have been making a road for the King of Glory to come into territories, nations, and even paving a way for generations to come. For, the pressure you have been under and every momentary affliction has produced in you an exceeding weight of glory that will pave the way for you in the next stretch of your journey. So stay in My Presence. Stay connected to Me, says the Lord. Cast out all other voices causing you to look down or to the left or the right or to the past behind you. It’s time for you to press in and press on. Press in and press on! For, as you press in and press on, you will begin to see the power of My Victory for you. Continue to press into My Presence, press into your Call, press into the leadings of My Voice and break out into My Glory and into the Victory I have already afforded you. For, what is My Victory and what is My Success? My Victory, My success is the Call, the drive of My Will in you working through you, that you can begin to run the race and complete the mission. You are going to see things completed in this season. You are also going to begin to see new roads beginning to be paved for you, so that the road will not be bumpy rough and unpaved for you anymore. What happens when you drive on an old dirt road, compared to one that has been paved? The paved road is smoother and yet the one that has not been paved is rougher. You’ve seen a lot of rough edges in your life. You’ve seen a lot of rough times. You’ve seen a lot of roughness of things you’ve had to pray, fight for, and through and a lot of rough roads. No longer! says the Lord. But the things that have held you back and you’ve struggled with in the past will lose their power to trip you up and slow you down as you step into the pathway I am laying down before you. For even the things that you have gone through in the road of destiny have laid a foundation of humility, persistence, purity, wisdom, and understanding of Me and My Purposes that will pave the way for smooth sailing ahead. No longer will you trip over the same rocks that the enemy has tried to hold you back in. But now you will begin to see the strength, the endurance, the character, and the threads of glory that I have intertwined and built in you, even as My justice and righteousness that are for you begin to manifest into a pathway before you. You are about to begin to see the power of My Spirit move and to step on a paved road where the divine mission I have set you on will begin to accelerate. You want acceleration? You’ve got it! I am giving you acceleration this season to the place where you will begin to accelerate in the high things of God and the Kingdom.”
“For, it’s a new season and a new day, where I am bringing Divine Turnaround to bring joy, beauty, and redemption out of the ashes of the past. Look up and see the light of the Son of righteousness rising brightly upon the new road I am taking you on. Do not be tempted to look back and do not turn to the left or to the right, but look to Me. Fear not that you will not know the road to take, but know that the Road of Victory I have for you will be illuminated by the light of My Glory and the lightning bolt of My Revelation. I will order your steps. My Word will be a light unto your feet. And when you see the lightning bolt of My Glory ahead, you will never again be swayed to turn to back or to the left or to the right, but the old will pass away as you embrace with abandon the road of victory and glory I have set ahead for you. Know, that My road of victory for you is the one where you lay aside all compromise and cast aside every lie of the enemy and all fear that would speak limitation in your life. My Road of Victory is the road of Divine Turnaround. My Road of victory is the one where, having done all, you stand in fearless determination dressed and armored with the armor and the weapons I have vested upon you, and hold on to everything I have spoken to you as you press into My Promise and recover all! So press in and press on into the Highway of Righteousness, Victory, and Glory I have set for you. For as you press this road you will begin to walk in a new dimension of My Presence, Power, Peace, and Joy and accelerate from glory to glory to glory!”
“For, in this new season, I am bringing redemption and I am even redeeming the time. There is divine ease and acceleration coming upon you as I begin to bring things full-circle. Things will not be as long-winded on the Road of this new day of victory as it was on the road of difficulty and travail of the days behind. I will show you things to come along this road and you will not be tempted to go back or look back. You will not be tempted to look down or turn to the right or left, because the light of My Love and Goodness and My Presence will eclipse all that you have walked in before. For, these are new days and you are stepping into better ways, where you will see My Will be done, My Kingdom come on earth and in your life unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. For, these are the days of My Glory and the road you are stepping into is a Road of revelation, redemption, impartation, healing, deliverance, and miracles. It is a road of freedom where the things that use to hold you back will be no more. For, this new day and season requires new ways than those you’ve had in the past, and this is a road where old disempowering patterns are broken to give way to a tsunami of My Breakthrough. It is a road of My Glory bringing things full circle where you will taste and see encounters with Me and My Glory that will leave you forever changed. It is a Road of Awakening to My Glory covering the earth like the waters cover the see, where you will be awakened fully as a manifest child of God upon earth to see as I see, and walk as I walk, vessels of My Kingdom upon every corner earth!”
“My Child, victory is your portion. So, put on and maintain the stance of the mind of Christ, which is the mindset of Victory. Rise up above your emotions, circumstances and above the fearful voices of the enemy. Refuse compromise. Refuse fear and remain in the road of Faith and Victory, the Road of My Best for you, which I have bought for you by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. I am not finished with your situation. You are not at your destination. Say to yourself, ‘In Christ, I can and I will!’ For this not where you are stopping. This is not the end. You’ve been pushed down too long. You’ve been where you are too long. But today is a new day and a new season to start moving forward. As, I bring you to place where you are going to start beholding and soaring in the fulfillment of what My Victory means for you!” says the Lord.
Part 1 link:
Dorkita Urdin
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside streams of clear water;
He restores my soul...
~Psalm 23:2-3
Tuesday, March 2, 2021