Saturday, October 22, 2022

 “You Are Sons and Daughters—Live Like It!”

By Josiah Cullen 

Simple sort of justice is played out in Heaven—it is “Jesus paid it all!”

Relying on our direct jailer to be the one who sets us free is just shortsighted

Silly to sit in the dingy cell of passivity if the door is already opened for you

Sing to the door of justice and it will still demand that you have a key for it

Who holds the keys of sin, death and the grave?

Peace is His power position and it is His justice for us!

Do we sing to the looter of our goods if he is the lowest sort of being?

Forget it! He is lofty in his fantasies of power yet he is done for!

Stories of love and liberation lift up to our eyes to see and our ears to hear

Sold to the highest Lord, it is “life to the full” in His kingship

Forces of limits pop up everywhere, yet it is stolen plotlines that look like the patterns of life

Did you do lots of Jordan crossings only to get defeated in the Promised Land?

Softly, history holds the justice if you are joined by the stormy sound of crashing waves

Salvation is on His shoulders, and His government is wonderful peace!

Go to the limits of “don’ts and can’ts” and you will see it is robbers telling you these things

LIMITS OFF of your light, your life, your destiny is Jesus’ slam poetry over you!

Slamming the door on jesters of lower jurisdictions!

God is Lord of Life in this earth and in His Heaven!

Sing to the sounds of lower jurisdictions and it will be your lids on tones that are lower than His Highest’s

Sing a new song from your heart to the Lord and it will direct the tones of joy to your life’s light

Singlehandedly Jesus is hunting for His justice to be named to the boundaries in the earth


Rulers of darkness in high places jail the hurting like they will just never get to the mountaintop of their God

Stories of Joshua leaders messing up their callings make it hard to remember that Jesus is still the king of His kingdom

Someday it will show that the distant light is the beacon of the Spirit of God leading us to His ways

Direct stirrings to sit in the hunger of the most sorrowful table say that sorrow is the meal tearfully prepared for us in the presence of our enemies

So, it is a feast of joy prepared for us in the presence of our enemies! Remember?

So, do we join the Lord’s best food for us at the table of His daily provision?

Or do we forage like slaves in the fields of our captivity?

Slaves? Or sons and daughters of the King?

Roses, it is our fullness of life that is our joy in Jesus—it is our identity in Him!

Go to the doors of the doomed captive and sing and sing to the Prince of Peace to unlock these doors!

Do keys light up in His hands that unlock ALL the doors of captivity? 

Life is likened to “lord it over us” yet this Lord judges this limit!

He is the lifter of heads, the lifter of hands, the lifter of hearts!

So, life is dining on the Lord’s supper of productivity!

Do you know that life is like joy out in the pastures of the Good Shepherd?

Sitting in the powers of a diminished life is not for the King’s kin!


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The Peace Of God!
The Peace of God lies deeper than all knowledge of earth’s wisest. In that quiet realm of the Spirit, where dwell all who are controlled by My Spirit, there can all secrets be revealed, all Hidden-Kingdom-Truths be shown and learned.
Live there, and Truth deeper than all knowledge shall be revealed to you.
Their lines are gone out into all the earth — so travels the influence, ever-widening, of those who live near to Me.
Take time to be with Me. Take time in prayer to draw others to Me.
Count all things but loss, so that you may have Me.


Jesus Longs To Hear Our Voice
Where are you my sweet chariot ...
My heart called out to Jesus I know he heard it
I had a dream I was taken into heaven
As my faith rests on Matthew seven verse seven
Ask and you will receive …
I did and now I shall wait and continue to believe
He is faithful to those who know he can ….
To bring forth his perfect and personalized plans
His love is unique with purposes so rare
With a design never generic for each one to wear
He knows what you need and ask. …
And more than able to satisfy your heart to last .!
You and I embrace warmth on a cool day
Which is why he positioned the morning sun’s ray
How much more is his love for us that burns
Every one of us he sees and in time have our turn
Be not weary in the wait …
Beyond earth’s wall is a vision of heaven so great
I may anticipate a chariot you a divine healing
His grace is for both and forever he is unrelenting
With compassion never to see an end …
Because we are his chosen and he calls us friend
Ask and keep asking ….
He answers prayer with a love for us so everlasting
~ Linda Rose 🧚🏼‍♀️

New Documentary Alleges Anthony Fauci 'Devastated America' and the World

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Sunday, October 16, 2022

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