The Balance of Preparation By Yolanda Ballard
Well, I tell you this day that
you alone can reach the multitudes!
Don't think that your words are not powerful for they are, because I
back them up with My power and strength.
This is the day for salvation.
Choose today who you will serve.
Will you stay to yourself and hide your light, or will you go out
willing and yielded so that I can use you to reach the lost?
I'm not saying to go out not
directed by Me on your own with a zeal that I'm not in for you can do more
damage than good when you do that. When
you do things on your own without My strength and power in your words, the
effort is all in vain. No fruit will
come of it, and you can drive people away from Me, because no one is drawn in
by the spirit of religion!
My Words Produce Life
You might say that My words will
not return void without accomplishing what I sent them to do, and if you are
speaking My words, won't they produce life?
And the answer is yes and no. You
will not reap from what a man has planted.
You cannot produce a harvest if it hasn't been rained upon by My saving
grace; but a seed will be planted, and by My grace it will be watered by
another man led by My spirit, and then another will pull in the harvest. But this is few and wide where someone has
been actually been saved by one's own efforts.
Many have prayed led by another
to receive Me, but because I was not in it, no fruit came from it, and the
person continued in their way without Me.
Many are called but few are chosen to walk the straight and narrow road
for the seed gets quenched by adversity, the cares of the world, or by evil
desires. The seed never produced life to
be able to grow into a strong tree.
So I tell you this day that you
would be better off if you would sit at My feet and bask in My presence so I
can prepare your heart. Then you will be
ready when you hear My still small voice telling you this is the way walk here
in it! Rather than going out like a gun
uncocked with no direct aim knocking on doors and standing on street
corners. Yes, you might reach one in a
hundred, but much more if directed by Me!
This is a choice and a decision
to meet the balance with the Word that you have hidden in your heart. Where you should go and to whom should you
reach, the timing and the hour, it is all in Me what you should do. Just be ready and yielded, and I will give
you the fruit of the land. The planting
of the Lord has taken place; all you need to do is reap it!
Yolanda Ballard
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