Monday, September 9, 2013

Power of the Prophetic THE CYRUS DECREE
In Jane Hamon’s third book she discusses the truths and the blessings she says have come in the earth through prophetic proclamations and apostolic decrees. She discusses the ministry of the prophets and apostles in the marketplace and in the pulpit. Jane references the kingship of Cyrus as the biblical basis for these proclamations and their impact on the earth.
In order to understand why Cyrus’ call to deliver the people was so significant, it must be set in historical context. The Israelites were captive in Babylon in part because of the foolishness of Hezekiah. King Hezekiah was sick and Isaiah prophesied to him that he would die. Hezekiah petitioned God and God changed His mind and gave Hezekiah 15 more years to live. Once well, Hezekiah invited foreign visitors into his palace and bragged about all his wealth and possessions. The foreign visitors were from a little known place called Babylon. It took 100 years, but the Israelites were taken captive by these very foreigners and all they had was carried away to Babylon. But God never leaves His people without a means of deliverance and this time the deliverance would come through Cyrus.
Jane explains it this way. “Cyrus was anointed by the Lord for a season of dominion on the earth that would result in one of the greatest earthly kingdoms ever established. God’s purpose in raising Cyrus up as king was to make him an instrument the Lord could use to release Israel from Babylon and to enable them to return to their land to rebuild what the emeny had destroyed.” Jane says that Cyrus was a warrior by age 16 and that in the Church today, God is developing warriors to battle on the spiritual front. She says the trumpet is sounding and each saint is being called on to be ready for war because just like in the days of Cyrus, many, many people still live in slavery to sin and death. She says there are people to be delivered, cities to be freed, nations to be won and entire regions of the earth to be liberated by the reality of the gospel. But this current day warfare is not with guns or tanks or planes but the spiritual weapons of prayer, praise and proclamation. Jane says God is looking for those in the Body of Christ who will do as Cyrus did and be ready to take on the spirit and attitude of a warrior for these times.
Simply stated, The Cyrus Decree will release apostolic and prophetic keys to the 21st century Church to liberate captives, transfer wealth, revolutionize nations and build the Kingdom of God!
The Cyrus Decree releases Kingdom keys to empower the individual believer to release power through prophetic proclamations, unlock your wealth and your destiny, utilize your spiritual weapons of war, bring God's voice to the marketplace, build and restore God's Church, legislate God's Kingdom rule, set captives free, conquer idolatrous systems and transfer wealth for building the kingdom

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