Thursday, December 19, 2013

New Creative Flow from Heaven by Doug Addison

 Mysteries and Revelation
There is an amazing open Heaven and creative flow happening right now in the month of December. Creative ideas, songs, and writing will begin to flow at a greater level this month. Be ready to capture them and write them down.
God created the heavens and the earth, and we are all created in God's image (Genesis 5:1). Because God is creative, we all have a built-in desire and ability to be creative as well. Too often we think creativity is only for artists, musicians, dancers, or designers. Everyone is creative and designed to be so by our Creator in different ways. God is releasing creative ideas, inventions, strategies, etc. There is no limit.
Radical New Styles and New Sounds
Expect fresh new revelation to start flowing from here on through next year. We have heard similar prophetic words, styles, and sounds, but God is releasing a new sound that many will be quick to judge when they first hear it. Many will not discern it being from God. But for those who do, it will be the breath of fresh air, the drink of new wine you have longed for. There will be new understanding about how to give and receive prophetic revelation.
There is a new freedom of expression. I have been releasing prophetic seasonal and words of direction for a number of years. A while back God spoke to me to start releasing short, to-the-point daily prophetic words. I get more positive, encouraging feedback on the small daily words than on anything else.
Last year I had the honor of being featured in Darren Wilson's documentary film, Father of Lights while doing prophetic tattoo interpretations in a nightclub. Since that film was released, it gave people permission to get outside the box of churches and try new things. God is fun and creative. This is the time to break out of the mundane. For example, I use stand-up comedy in my ministry to lighten people's attitudes and you don't even feel the scalpel go in during healing times!
I have been using wholesome secular dance songs and often minister with a "Holy Spirit Dance Party." People dance, laugh, and have fun while a strong presence of God fills the room. We'll get a number of reports the next day from people who got healed during the dancing with no one laying hands on them. These are only a few examples of how God's Holy Spirit power can touch people using a new style that has no limits. You are now free to step out and have fun!
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:17-18 NIV
New Move of God's Healing Power
In 2008, the Lakeland Florida Revival brought a lot of great things and yet some people were wounded by the outcome. Whether you agreed with it or not, God spoke to me clearly on November 15th that many people have been suffering from the letdown after the Lakeland Revival. God did legitimate miracles during that time but afterwards a demonic attack came to try to get people to no longer trust the Holy Spirit or to move freely in spiritual gifts in churches.
Get ready for a new movement of God's Holy Spirit with power and healing that is coming in 2014. To make way, the "Lakeland Letdown" is being removed right now. A new level of trust is being restored to allow the Holy Spirit to freely move as God directs. A long awaited return of healing power is here and will increase throughout 2014!
Heavens are Opening up Faster
I have recently noticed that the heavens are opening and God's presence comes much more quickly during worship times.
Many churches have been accustomed to spending extended time in worship to enter into God's presence. A change has happened since September and now we must learn to interact with what God is releasing in new ways.
I had a visitation from Jesus last August and He told me that we are entering into a season of His rest, in which we labor less and produce more. This applies to entering into God's presence during worship.
I have seen Holy Spirit move in so many new ways with people everywhere. But one thing stays the same: you have to step into what God is doing when the opportunity is there. God can release an anointing for physical healing, fire, love, open heavens, dreams, visions, whatever. But it takes discernment and risk taking to catch God's timing for any given situation.
Grab hold of Holy Spirit and work with what you experience. This is a year to accelerate into learning Holy Spirit's touch and entering into an atmosphere of love from God.
Why We do what We do
The prophetic ministry is an amazing and needed function in the world today. It helps us to discern our times and seasons, gives us insight into God's desires for us, and helps keep us on course with God's will for our lives. Our motivation and foundation for doing prophetic ministry is found in Ephesians:
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. Ephesians 1:18 NIV (emphasis mine)
My prayer for you is that God will fill you with wisdom and revelation this Christmas season and that you will indeed know Him better.
Have a great Christmas and prosperous New Year

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