Lana Vawser
After the passing of John Paul Jackson I felt a great
shock and sadness. The body of Christ has again lost a
great giant of the faith. A mighty many of God who sowed
so much into the Kingdom and brought such amazing
teaching and insight.
As I was pondering his passing, I sensed the Lord saying
“Now there is a rapid increase of the seer anointing
being released. There is a greater impartation of
visions, dreams, the anointing to unlock prophetic
mysteries, an increase in the anointing to interpret
dreams, and especially to the “watchman” on the walls, to
uncover the plans of the enemy and his tactics and sound
the alarm to warn the body of Christ of impending
When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, "Tell me,
what can I do for you before I am taken from you?" "Let
me inherit a double portion of your spirit," Elisha
replied. - 2 Kings 2:9
I saw HUGE eyes glowing in the dark but they were not
scary but so beautiful and alive with discernment and
intune with heaven. They were WIDE AWAKE to what the
Spirit was saying and darkness was being uncovered on
many levels.
In such a great loss, there is a tremendous shift taking
place and increase flooding in. I heard the words “eyes
and wings, eyes and wings” not only will there be
increase now in the seer anointing in the body of Christ,
but there will be the “wisdom” and “knowing” given from
heaven to carry out the visions and insights God
I sensed the words “This loss will not be lost”. John
Paul Jackson’s passing will not end as a DEFEAT but the
Lord will turn it into VICTORY and the Lord is releasing
upon the Body of Christ MORE than we had before in the
area of ‘sight and revelation’.
"Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death,
is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" - 1
Corinthians 15:54-55
I know that John Paul Jackson overcame the cancer that so
attacked his body, yet I felt the sense from the Lord
this morning that He will be releasing greater strategies
in prayer to fight cancer, to see it overcome and an
increase in people healed of this dreaded disease. That
the enemy's grip on many through cancer would begin to
I felt the Lord saying that this increase was being
poured out now and would dramatically increase over the
next 28 days. Over the next 28 days, a tremendous
increase in heavenly revelation, sight and insight will
be released.
The enemy has been attempting to thwart what the Lord is
ushering in but he will not win. We have already won, and
in such tremendous loss to us as the body of Christ in
John Paul Jackson’s passing, the Lord will bring good out
of this. His mantle plus so much more is being released
now onto the next generation for them to take their place
and go so much further.
Speaking with Adam Thompson this morning and he also
shared that he heard the Lord say "It is the changing of
the guards"... There is a real shift taking place right
Hindsight, insight and foresight will increase
dramatically. Position yourselves for greater eyes to
SEE. The shift that is taking place will usher in some of
the greatest insight and foresight the prophetic movement
has seen in a long time.
"The people who do know their God shall be strong, and do
exploits." - Daniel 11:32
There is now a DOUBLE portion of increase being released
upon the prophetic movement right now. Be positioned!
Eyes are about to be opened wider and more awake to SEE
and bring incredible Kingdom shifts, especially in areas
that have been locked away for decades. “Eyes and
wings”…. Get ready to see and fly higher than ever
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