04/21/2015 at 8:29am | IP Logged |
Forks..and then I saw this on
Northwest Prophetic &nb sp; &nb sp; &nb sp;
The Tuning Fork
This came my way from Sandy Coultas, one of the prophetic
voices at RevivalTown Ministries.
Dear Friends,
I just received this email from a young man in NY who is
a friend of ours. He is a prophetic intercessor and
dynamic man of God. He is directing this word to the
houses of prayer specifically, but I thought that it has
an even broader application for us in the Puget Sound as
we prepare for the 3 day worship event coming up with
Alisha and Jason Upton. I feel it also has direct
application to the SOUND events we are planning at the
colleges this spring. There is such an incredible message
coming from the Lord the last couple of years. It has to
do with sound and very amazing scientific research and
understanding that is being coupled with revelation and
prophetic insight to bring tangible regional atmospheric
breakthroughs. That's what I'm believing for this spring
as Olympia and the greater Puget Sound area lift our
hearts to Him in abandoned worship, spirit directed
intercession, and strategic prophetic assignments and
evangelism. The last few months have been difficult for
many, but I believe it is time to shake off the residue
of winter and press forward anew for what He is about to
He is Faithful!
Sandy Coultas
Those who sow in tears will reap with joyful shouting -
Psalm 126
tuning forks...I kid you not!
ok, ok so sometimes i am not quick to obey, although i
should be but God's grace enables me to bring this word
to you now
in December of this past year, the Lord gave me a word
about tuning forks but i did not blog it like I was
supposed to...imagine my surprise when in February I’m
watching the "starting the year off right" conference on
GODtv and this woman Sandy Newman releases a word about
sound, vibration, and yes, you guessed it - tuning
so here's the word the Lord gave me in December:
the Lord wants to release the spirit and the anointing of
tuning forks...to receive and resonate with the
vibrations of sound declaring His truth, His healing, His
love, His freedom, His grace
houses of prayer are tuning forks...tuning forks both
send and receive the vibrations and sound...can only
receive the sounds and vibrations of a specific frequency
(depending on its size) that is the same as that
so for example, if you take a tuning fork of a specific
note (based on frequency) and you place it near one that
is already ringing, if the notes are the same frequency
the smaller tuning fork will begin to vibrate as well, in
"sympathy" with the larger one
It's all about receptivity and proximity
The Lord releases His sound from heaven and if we are
"tuned" to the same frequency and close enough to pick up
the vibrations from His sound, we will resonate with that
sound and vibrate as well! The Lord is saying that the
houses of prayer are those tuning forks!
look at the definition of a tuning fork: (parentheses
added to share revelation) A tuning fork is an acoustic
resonator in the form of a two-pronged fork (two pronged
as in worship and intercession!!!) with the tines formed
from a U-shaped bar (open to receive) of elastic metal,
usually steel (elastic meaning flexible and able to move
when the Lord is moving, vibrating in unison with the
vibrations of the sound of heaven; metal, usually steel
speaks of firmness and strength, lasting and enduring)
let's look at the word resonate since tuning forks
resonate with vibrations of specific pitch:
1 in electronics it means to reinforce (support,
strengthen) oscillations because the natural (built that
way, one might say "wired" that way or in one's "DNA"!)
frequency of the device is the same (unity, from intimacy
and communion with the Lord) as the frequency of the
2 to amplify vocal sound by the sympathetic (here it
means "same" but interesting that the word choice is
sympathetic, as in what moves the Lord's heart moves our
hearts) vibration of air in certain cavities and bony
structures (open spaces; Holy Spirit must be given free
reign, the structure must be open to allow Him to move
and flow).
other meanings that don’t necessarily have scientific
application but very much have spiritual application in
this word that houses of prayer are tuning forks: - to
evoke a feeling of shared emotion or belief
to correspond closely or harmoniously
to be received or understood
The Lord is saying that houses of prayer correspond
closely or harmoniously with His heart and His
Spirit...the two pronged structure of worship and
intercession enable houses of prayer to receive and
resonate with the sound He is releasing from
heaven...what happens when the tuning fork "picks up" and
begins to resonate with the sound vibrations from heaven?
it resonates at a constant pitch, disturbing the
surrounding air molecules, causing them to shift and
shake (vibrate), carrying the sound signal from one place
to another!!!
interestingly enough there are many uses for tuning
help tune musical instruments (make sure they are in the
right frequency to receive the sound)
assess hearing (do you have ears to hear the sound of
used as an alternative healing therapy...biosonic states
that you can use tuning forks and sound to experience
deep levels of healing by bringing your body back to its
fundamental pulse and by connecting you to your authentic
life rhythm. (how about coming back to the fundamental
pulse of the heart of worship, a heart that beats with
and for the Lord? connecting to authentic life
rhythm...how about connecting to the Author of life??)
in electromechanical watches to help keep time accurately
(do you know the time in which you are living?)
calibrate radar guns to ensure accurate measurement (can
you recognize the signs of the times?)
Lord, release Your anointing on Your body...let Your
house truly be a house of prayer for all nations as You
say in Your Word...let us be molded and shaped in such a
way that we are receptive to You and in tune with what
You are saying and doing in this hour...release the
anointing of the tuning forks in Jesus name, amen!
From Jason Vogt
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