Posted: 07/04/2015 at 7:53am | IP Logged |  |
Beloved, This was so dropped into my Spirit this morning. May it encourage those it was meant for!
A Time for change has come: The wine is here!
My Beloveds, Do you not see? Do you not hear? The time to change is now! What you were, you shall no longer be. I am changing you from water to wine right NOW!
A strong and holy nation, an army is arising amidst my people, and they will be filled with my Glory. Don't be alarmed by what you see happening in the world, but hear the "alarm" of my eternal clock that is now sounding in your midst. An alarm that rings, ARISE AND SHINE, FOR YOUR LIGHT HAS COME!
I, The Lord your God am arising in your midst as a Mighty Man of War. I am not slow in moving in the concerns of men, I am perfectly unfolding my plan in the midst of men's wisdom and plans and will show their wisdom be nothing and of foolishness.
Not one of the enemies plans shall stand! I about to burn MY HOLINESS in you like you have never seen before. My Holiness is my Glory, and it shall fill all the Earth and it shall fill my temple. It is now filling those who have made themselves ready. You shall be a pure and Holy Bride burning with my Glory in you!
A righteous Holy filled and fire filled people is arising from the ashes of the collapse of the nations as they were once meant to be. Every nation will behold my glory! So, let the high praise of God be in your mouths and a two-edge sword in your hands, for the time for you to execute the judgments that are written is here, the time to change has come!
My bride. my remnant, today is arising with healing in her wings that will bring healing to the nations as she will be used to bring the judgments that are written to be released upon the Earth. My army, my bride will have a word with consequences in her mouth as she stands before rulers and kings of this age.
Do not be afraid, Do not fret, I am moving in such a powerful way, the Earth will be filled with my glory. Don't be moved by what you see, for inside of you, my love, my bride, my glory is transforming you even now.
Much I am hiding for that exact moment in time where I will change you from being water to wine. You will walk in the full covering of Psalm 91 and you will be kept safe and only see the judgment of the wicked that I am releasing from Heaven.
No one can stop it, no one can hinder it, the change will manifest in you and upon the Earth, and my glory shall be seen upon you on Earth as it is in Heaven. Who can know My ways says the Lord, and who can know my thoughts? Unless I reveal them to you, who can know them?
Hold not to any doctrines of what you think is coming, for what I am about to do no one know the meanings of, but soon all of mankind will understand that I alone am the I AM THAT I AM! There is no other God!
I am revealing my thoughts and plans to those who are being change from water to wine. They will have understanding into my ways and my ways alone. They will be my trumpets upon the Earth and will declare the word of the Lord.
My own ones will know me in a way they have dreamed about. They will be filled with me beyond what eye can see or even ear can hear. I am going to do exceedingly beyond what you could think or imagine. So I am was in the world, so you will be. YOU WILL BE MY WITNESSES IN EVERY NATION AND THEN THE END WILL COME!
I have much to accomplish before the full restoration of all things is seen, so be ready to move on a moments notice. Be ready to do all I tell you as soon as I show you. Be ready to speak what I give you as soon as I give it to you. You will be a people totally filled and led by my Holy Spirit's power as my Kingdom will manifest on the Earth through you myHOLY ONES.
I am ready to move on this Earth as I said I would do. I am ready to release the judgments that are written. My Bride and My Own Ones are almost ready to be released as I will send them forth upon the Earth along with company of angels that will go with them.
The Earth is about to see My wheel within a Wheel, a People within a People, and The Church within the Church. The unity of my bride and Me walking upon the Earth doing our Father's will is here. As My Father has said from the beginning, "the two shall become one flesh." No flesh is going to stand in my Glory on heaven or upon the Earth.
For the day of fire has come! The day of fire is here, and everything that is not of me will burn up in the fire of my cleansing judgments that will now come forth, and that which is not of me is going to burn with fire and be removed. Every branch that has not learned to abide in me is now cut off and thrown into the fire.
My remnant, my bride, my army is going to have the fire of my Spirit come out of their mouths to consume my enemies. She will bring forth her abundant fruit of my Kingdom's power and glory now!
My Glory will fill the whole Earth with the knowledge and power of the Lord in the midst of a crooked and evil generation. At it was in the time of Noah, so it is now, and my will and power is about to seen where people will now cry, "rocks fall upon us."
This is not a time to hide or retreat my Beloved, this is time for you to go forward to possess the fullness of my Kingdom now manifesting upon the Earth.
I am giving you healing waters to pour upon your weak and broken brothers and sisters. I am placing in your hands the Keys of the Kingdom.
I am giving you reviving waters to those in need to bring them up from the place of despair and hopelessness to see and inherit my Kingdom.
Don't look back to what was. Don't look to a nation for help? Don't look for people to help! Don't look to your church organization? Don't look to your Minister, LOOK AT ME!
Look at Me alone who is now burning in your midst with feet like bronze. The day of the Lord is here! The day of Fire has come!
This day is unfolding upon you now. You are in the beginning moments of seeing the transition of the kingdoms of this world to become the Kingdom of God in Christ. As I said it, so now it shall come to pass!
The day of Fire is here. My holy flame has come to burn out the dross and remove the wood and hay from my people, and it is almost complete. My remnant is arising as a pure and holy bride devoted only to Me.
She will have no other lovers or will the name of Baals ever come from her lips. She is a pure holy bride without spot and wrinkle now coming forth from the wilderness.
The time for change has come. Let me finish what I started in you. You must cooperate with me quickly now. I must finish the work in you I started.
Don't look at what is happening in the world as the sign of my coming!
Look at what is happening in you and the change I have brought as the sign of my returning! My Feast of Tabernacles is in your midst!
I am changing you from water to wine now! You will be MY WITNESSES UPON THE EARTH! You will bring the Gospel of the Kingdom in full power as a WITNESS in every nation, and then the end shall come!
You are now arising as a might army in full battle gear that has never been seen upon the Earth, and will never be seen again. I am arising in your midst, as a MIGHTY MAN OF WAR! I am arising in your midst as the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH!
Get up my people, get up. Stand up straight and take your place in Me, says the Lord. For that which I knitting together can never be broken. I am forming a Kingdom. I am forming a KINGDOM PEOPLE, A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD AND A HOLY NATION!
That which I have decreed shall now come forth! A Mighty People are arising on this Earth. They are filled with faith, and the power of the Holy Fire of My Spirit in them.
No one has seen such a thing upon the Earth before, and they will never see it again. From the youngest to the oldest, a people filled with my Glory are now manifesting as Full Grown Sons on the Earth!
For out of the mouths of babes have I ordained praise! Rejoice, my people, rejoice!
As the nations crumble before you, your arising will be seen. As Leaders of the nations fall, my Holy Spirit will come and complete you. You will take your place of royalty in Me and rule the nations with rods of iron as I have spoken. Remember, I have given you your places as a Royal Priesthood and a Holy Nation in Me.
My new Jerusalem city here my cry! I am calling you to come down upon the Earth as it is Heaven, says the Lord!
Beloved of my heart, this very second it draws closer and closer in reality, and the Earth is now transforming into that which I intended to be. The Birth pains are almost finished.
A Man-Child will now be seen on Earth as it is Heaven. Even now the arising of the Man-child has come in your midst. The time to change has come. The time of you being change from water to wine is almost completed upon the Earth.
Don't be afraid, Don't be dismayed, the time for all things to come is at hand. The Kingdom of God is at hand.
My love, I will subdue the nations and they will crumble before you, and the wicked shall be like stubble in my sight. But you My love, the righteous, will be like the Noon Day Sun. Your face shall shine with my Glory seen upon you, and you will arise with healing in your wings for the healing of the nations.
Through you My Bride, My Own Ones, My river will flow to every nations and your leaves will bring healing to the nations as they transform from darkness to light.
I will be seen in the midst of my people. I will manifest in the midst of my people. I will be known in the midst of my people, for the days of the Feast of Tabernacles has come. The day of full manifestation of My Glory has now come upon you. Behold!
Have I not declared this moment? I am fulling my word to you now:
The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. 3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? 4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 6 This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. 7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah. The time for change has come. The time to change is here. Embrace it with all your heart. Hold unto nothing of this world. Hold unto nothing of your own life as you have known it to be, and allow Me to finish changing you now from water to wine. MY GLORY HAS COME! ARISE AND SHINE! A TIME TO CHANGE HAS COME!
Edited by Henry Falcone on 07/04/2015 at 8:17am |
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