Friday, December 9, 2016

9 December 2016 by Veronika West

Get ready for a new reality is being birthed upon the earth.

2017 will be a year of God’s supernatural suddenlies, divine
shakings and unexpected and strategic shiftings in the earth.

Early this morning as I sat with the Father I heard Him say, “My
beloved, in 2017 many will come to know Me as the God of the
“Supernatural suddenlies,” and many will see me as the strategic
shifter and the great shaker of the nations.

Watch! For in the year of 2017, My hand and My spirit will move
suddenly, powerfully and unexpectedly upon the earth.

Watch! For the glory and power of the heavenly realm will suddenly
and swiftly invade the earthly realm. Yes! Divine shakings and
strategic shiftings will suddenly and unexpectedly rearrange, realign
and redirect the course of many nations.

Suddenly My spirit of might and power will manifest mightily upon
the 7 mountains of influence and My governing hand will move to
uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow, build and plant.

Watch! For I AM standing over my word to perform it,” says the

“Beloved, watch and be ready, for 2017 many will be here one
minute and gone the next. Yes! There are those who have been
marked by the angel of death, for surely I tell you the wicked will
suddenly be taken from the earth, and many will run in fear and
confusion to their false gods looking for peace and protection and
they will find none.

Daughter, I tell you 2017 will be a year where My Spirit will move and
manifest powerfully, suddenly, quickly and without warning. My
Spirit will move like a thief in the night, but I tell you, I will not come
quietly. I will come with a loud roar and the earth will shake, quake
and vibrate with a new sound from the heavens, for I will arise and
my enemies will be scattered.

Daughter, do you see it? I AM is doing a new thing upon the earth in
this hour.

The former things have past away. A new thing is now springing
forth upon the earth, for heaven is now becoming earths new reality!
Yes! Yes! Daughter I tell you even in this moment, My seven spirits
are now strategically moving and shifting, moving and shifting upon
the earth

Yes! My hand of justice and vindication is shaking the whole earth.
For I AM is shaking loose every false foundation and false religion
that has blinded the eyes of the people. Even in this hour, I AM is
lifting the veil of darkness that has shrouded the nations of the
earth. Who can conceal what I AM is about to reveal upon the
earth,” says God.

“Watch! For 2017 will be a year of great unlocking, for suddenly
doors that have been shut, will be opened and doors that have been
open will be shut.

Fear not! For no power of man nor demon of hell shall stand against
My comings and goings upon the earth. Now let faith rise up, for I
AM is now suddenly manifesting in signs, wonders and miracles
upon the earth.

Daughter look, listen and feel for even creation is yearning for an
invasion of My Glory upon the earth. Even the stars and the moon
cry out for the manifest power of my glory to go forth upon the
nations. When I stand in the heavens, the earth makes way,” says

“Daughter rejoice! 2017 will be a year of sudden break out, sudden
break through and a sudden breaking forth of My Glory upon My
sons and daughters.

Look up! For a holy and set apart remnant is rising, rising, rising in
the earth, no longer will My people remain silent. No longer will My
prophets hide in the shadows and live in caves. No longer will my
anointed be stifled and silenced by the spirits of fear and control.

Watch! The fear of the LORD is coming suddenly, powerfully and
unexpectedly to My Church!

Watch! For a great, sudden and severe sifting and shifting will come
to My house, for I will reveal the hidden sins of greed, lust and pride
in the hearts of the people, and I will remove My Glory that has
covered them. I will expose their nakedness to the world.

Have I not said because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I
AM about to spit you out of my mouth?

Turn and return to your first love and I will show you mercy and
compassion. I tell you beloved, I will share My Glory with no man. I
shall not be mocked, but all nations will come to know me as the
God of supernatural suddenlies.

They will see divine shakings and unexpected and strategic shiftings
in this hour and season,” says God.

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
12/09/2016 at 6:48am | IP Logged Quote Kevin Barrett

A wave of God’s Spirit is coming.

In my time with the Lord, He said these words to me: “Son, tell My people to seek Me like never before”.
Word from the Lord:
My people, you are on the threshold of a new era. So many things are about to suddenly change, in both your nation and your individual lives.
For I am preparing and setting the stage for My end-time events. Some of you will be greatly used in these events and My kingdom ministries, yet many others shall only be dismayed. Yet, I tell you now; it does not have to be this way.   For if you would render your hearts unto Me, and lay down your lives at My feet, then I shall do a quick work within you.
However, for those who refuse to lay everything down, I give you this warning; soon My Spirit will flood the earth like a huge ocean wave. And if you are not walking in My will, your life as you know it shall come crashing down.
Howbeit, for those walking in My will, this coming wave of My Spirit shall lift you up and carry you to the fullness of your destiny in Christ, so long as you continue walking with Me and endure to the end.
So then, listen well to Me this day when I say repent and repent quickly. For if you are walking in sin and rebellion when this wave comes, it may be your demise when it hits you. Oh, it is not I who shall do this to you, yet you will be snared by your own doings.
But for those walking in obedience when this wave comes; I say get ready to be swept off your feet and into My Spirit. For I shall carry you far above the woes of this world.
Now, this does not mean that you shall be without trials and testings. Yet, My peace which passes all understanding shall carry you. And I shall always make a way for you to fulfill My will and purposes in the earth realm.
Oh, My dearest little ones, My heart is thrilled regarding the days that are ahead. For even though there will be many calamities and woes, there shall also be the greatest move of My Spirit this world has ever experienced. And many souls shall enter into My kingdom in these last days.
So then, prepare your hearts before Me and allow My Spirit to make the right adjustments in your attitudes and thinking. And if you give all to Me and allow Me to do this work in you, you shall be thrilled beyond what you have ever imagined.
Oh, how I love you all with an everlasting love. And it thrills Me to thrill the hearts of My people.
So then, lay everything at My feet and seek Me in your prayer closets. Surely, I will answer you, for I am waiting……..
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, said God, I will pour out of my Spirit on all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: And I will show wonders in the heaven above, And signs on the earth beneath; Blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: And it shall come to pass, that whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”  Acts 2:17-21 AKJV
“And every one that hears these sayings of mine, and does them not, shall be likened to a foolish man, which built his house on the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.”  Matthew 7:26-27 AKJV

There Will Be No Delay [Ezekiel 12:21-28]

21 The word of the Lord came to me: 22 “Son of man,
what is this proverb you have in the land of Israel:
‘The days go by and every vision comes to nothing’? 23
Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I
am going to put an end to this proverb, and they will
no longer quote it in Israel.’ Say to them, ‘The days
are near when every vision will be fulfilled. 24 For
there will be no more false visions or flattering
divinations among the people of Israel. 25 But I the
Lord will speak what I will, and it shall be fulfilled
without delay. For in your days, you rebellious
people, I will fulfill whatever I say, declares the
Sovereign Lord.’”

26 The word of the Lord came to me: 27 “Son of man,
the Israelites are saying, ‘The vision he sees is for
many years from now, and he prophesies about the
distant future.’

28 “Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign
Lord says: None of my words will be delayed any
longer; whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the
Sovereign Lord.’”

“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” .... John 8:58
Preserving the Ravens of God
"And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there." (1 Ki. 17:4)
God says, "The enemy is trying to take the ravens out of the Church." Ravens represent supernatural provision (see 1 Ki. 17:4). Even though we can make money and prosper according to laws of economics in the earth, there is a higher way, a higher culture, that the Church is connected to called the economy of Heaven. Ultimately, all of the economies of the earth are subject to this economy, even though many are not aware of it.
Whole nations have risen and fallen on supernatural culture giving because this culture, which has these supernatural acts, are beyond the natural. They are of the eternal Kingdom, and when they are inserted into the earth's matrix by faith, all other economies are subject to them.
When God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, He blessed them tremendously even with the bounty of that land. They came out loaded with camels, livestock, gold, silver and precious stones. They plundered the enemy (Ex. 12:35)! But almost immediately they began to manifest the Egypt in their hearts by pouring their resources into an idol (Ex. 32:4).
"So it is in the world today. Resources flow to build what's in the heart of the nations! So be prepared to see more Apostolic Kingdom-building in the days to come than we've ever seen before, because the light of God's glory will continue to break through into the hearts of mankind, even kings and men of influence," says the Lord!
Israel had a Moses, and God has still blessed His Church and His world with many like Moses— many who will go up on the mount at times even without food and water and without the most basic needs to plead on behalf of God's people. These people have stood in the gap and cried for a better tomorrow.
"They have not cried in vain," says the Lord. Their cries have been heard for many long years and God is bringing grace in ways we cannot even see or comprehend. For where there is gross darkness—even deep error and sin—grace does much more abound in these areas, for darkness doesn't stand a chance against the light! (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
God's Miracles and Provision Are His Pleasure
Moses began to establish the nation in righteousness and justice and many of the laws of the Kingdom of God while governing in the earth. Many of these principles—these Kingdom revelations—although being refined through the person of Christ and His Gospel of grace, will forever remain because God's Laws and Kingdom are eternal.
In this establishing, Moses called for the building of a structure which God gave the blueprint for through the heavenly vision (Ex. 25:9). He called for the linens, the badger skins, the dyed garments, the bronze, the stones, the precious metals and the gold. He called for the wealth which God had given even in the form of seed. This was Kingdom government and order being established by God's people even through lavish giving. Listen to the extraordinary account of this scenario unfold in the book of Exodus.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the Lord commanded to be done." Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: "No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary." And so the people were restrained from bringing more, because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work." (Ex.36:5-7 NIV)
This is an apostolic foundation even for a nation state; one nation under God being poured into through supernatural giving.
The Lord would say unto the Church, "Don't allow the enemy to take My ravens out of the Church. Some of your teachers have told you to put away the ravens and not to let them out. They say, 'You're a fool if you believe in financial miracles, you're a fool if you think seriously about such things as gold and glory.' But I would say unto you, 'Did not your Lord, Jesus Christ, say unto His disciples to pay the taxes due unto Caesar but then turned around and command that the tax be paid supernaturally by the mouth of the fish? Did not I shift the heavens to bring down quail and manna in the midst of My people; in the midst of their wanderings? Am I not the God of the supernatural that takes delight in it?"(Photo via Pixabay)
The Lord would say, "I'm telling My people to be good stewards and open up your windows, Malachi's windows, so the ravens can find their home in your life. Manage with wisdom but expect the God of miracles to send the ravens. This is My pleasure," says the Lord.
"And as you learn to find taxes in the fish's mouth, flesh in the raven's beak, even honey in the lion, I will bring more fish, more birds, more beasts with the earth's sweetness—even the wealth of the land. This is a key to moving beyond the earth's economy into My supernatural economy of Heaven," says the Lord!
"Manage wisely, but make decrees. Expect the miraculous even in your money, and I will cause the windows of Heaven to open in your life and cause My face to shine upon you even through these windows," says the Lord.
"Each window has an angel assigned. But if you don't work with the angels by embracing the economy they work in, they will move onto another that opens the window for them, even with their faith and agreement," says the Lord.
New Apostolic Foundations for Nations
There were many wonderful things that our nation, the United States, was built on. At the nation's founding we saw apostolic fathers arising and making the foundation of this nation into an altar of sacrifice. This being similar to the foundation for Solomon's reign which was founded in sacrifice (1 Ki. 3:4).

It's a matter of history that many of our founding fathers gave vast sums of their wealth away, giving into the cause of the revolution, sacrificially giving to establish the foundation of a new nation (1). Many of these fathers gave their lives for the love of something, which they received from God. They gave so much because of the the hope that God gave them—that liberty and freedom might reign in this new world!
The Lord says, "I'm bringing together apostolic fathers again, not just in the Church but in nation and state. They will break up the old foundations that offend and pour new strength into the Constitution even into your foundation as a nation to stand and trust God once again for our greatest days. This foundation will undoubtedly be built on truth. And not a convenient truth, but a tried truth, a proven truth, a loving truth," says the Lord.
"The people who pour it and the people who build it will be good for their word. For it will be a striking trait of this new apostolic company of government reformers. They will keep their word, even with grace to carry it through. There is rising a greater part with you, for the giving of the word, and the 'yes' and 'amen' that comes with it.
"This will build impeccable character and rapport with the people. They will continue to be less touchable, even in many ways beyond previous reproaches that so weighed down previous teams. But in standing in truth they will be strengthened by the God of truth, and they will effectively lay the foundation for America's new day even pave the way for the greatest harvest with love, sweat and tears for this nation," says the Lord! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Love & Blessings,
Stephen Powell
Lion of Light Ministries


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Heaven's Deepest River - Ron McGatlin
Written in 2002

We have entered the time of transition to the kingdom of God. God is sending forth His sons empowered from heaven to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Many are having supernatural encounters with God today! - Encounters for empowerment to establish the kingdom of God on earth.
The supernatural empowerment to establish the kingdom of God is in this deepest river - all the power - all the life - all the wisdom - everything needed. God is now taking His sons to a new place IN HIM.
At this writing I am almost 69 years old and have sought to serve our Lord for 48 of those years. I have had many experiences with God and a few major encounters. What happened to me a few weeks ago exceeded all my previous experiences with God.

One of the most significant past encounters with God happened almost 20 years ago. To help understand what I am about to say, here is a very short nondescript account of some of what happened at that time.

I stood before the boiling fire of Father God and the Lord stepped out from the fire carrying a large sword and said, "Receive your anointing." He touched me three times with the sword and stepped back into the fire of the Father. Two giant hands of the same fire appeared in the fire. One hand held a large vial like a cup or beaker filled with liquid fire. The other hand held a tall thin empty vial somewhat the shape of a test tube. I heard, "I am going to fill you with my love."

The Father began pouring the liquid fire from the large cup into the test tube like vial. As the level rose in the vial, liquid fire filled me to the same level starting at my feet and rising up my body. When the liquid fire reached my arms it flowed down to my hands and streams of liquid fire began to flow out the ends of my fingers onto the ground. I was concerned that the liquid fire of God's love was being wasted. I was told not to be concerned, that there was an endless supply and that I would never run short and to go ahead and be sloppy with it. As the level rose to the level of my eyes the liquid fire began to flow out of my eyes in two small streams just like was flowing out the ends of my fingers. Soon it began to ooze out the pores of my skin and I glowed all over with the liquid fire of God's love. Though I have not been a perfect carrier of the liquid fire, this experience had a profound impact on me and radically changed my life.
The feeling that nothing greater could ever happen to me was shattered recently as I experienced an even greater encounter with God.
A few weeks ago at a Thursday night prayer meeting at World Revival Church, I was lying on the floor before the altar in the Spirit and God began dealing with me. I began to feel a great desire to be in the fire with God and not just standing before Him. I had never even had this thought before but now it was burning in me. The Word came to me that we have not because we ask not. I remembered that almost 20 years ago prior to that encounter I had asked to see the Lord and to receive anointing.
I asked God to take me into Himself - into the fire with Him.
Immediately I was transported into the fire of God and my life is forever changed. Everything of me is totally ruined for anything but God. I wept inside continuously for weeks and outwardly often. I am consumed.
Heb 12:29: For our God is a consuming fire.
I now have an idea what Paul meant when he said, "And I know that this man--whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows-- was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell." (2 Cor 12:3-4)
I had never dreamed what it would be like to really be literally in the Father - in Jesus and in the Holy Spirit - to literally be in the actual Fire of God.

To come to Jesus is awesome. But we need to remember that
it is a primary purpose of Jesus to take us to the Father. And that He and the Father are one.
I was exposed to a brief glimpse of the unfiltered pure heart of the Father. I was not prepared for the shock of knowing His heart - His feelings about His children - His desires - His responses to His children - the very affect we have on the heart of Father God astonished me and broke me to nothing.
What I encountered in the heart of the Father has taken my life.
I am about to try to tell you the thing that ruined me for any life other that pleasing and serving Him - The thing that has made me to hate disobedience (sin) with a passion - The thing that has generated an intense passion to bless Him. This is the thing that has removed all shallowness and self focus and replaced it with a passionate depth of love, obedience, desire to serve Him, desire to worship Him and praise Him, and to see His kingdom established on earth.
The first thing that overwhelmed me was the indescribable intensity and vastness of the love of the Father for His people. It is absolute purity and absolute passion an unending unstoppable immeasurable flow of God. I have no words to describe the experience of becoming one with the love of God. It is inexpressible love.

The next thing that I experienced is the thing that killed me. Personally, I believe that this next thing may be one of the things Paul spoke of when he said, in
2 Corinthians 12, "He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell." Could it be that it was not then time for this to be told but that the time has come?
The next thing I experienced in the heart of the Father was unfathomable intense pain - immeasurable sorrow - deep distress beyond measure caused by the indifference of those He loves. The lack of response or improper response to this awesome love has created a vast brokenness in the heart of the Father.
The deepest river in heaven is the broken hearted ness of Father God.
Our Father, the source of all love - the one that is love - the one with love beyond all we can imagine has a broken heart filled with painful desperate passionate longing. One cannot be deeply hurt by those whom one does not love deeply. The more deeply one loves the more deeply one can suffer pain from that love. The love of God for His children and His Bride exceeds all love.
The casualness of God's people toward His complete passionate love has created immeasurable pain in the heart of God. God's heart is breaking for His disobedient unresponsive Bride who chooses to ignore His great passionate love and to seek romance with other things of this world.

The pain of His immeasurable love was clearly felt and spoken in the Garden of Gethsemane. The exceeding pain and deep distress in God's heart is the same pain felt in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus only did what he heard and saw the Father doing. Our God is one. The distinct characteristics and work of Christ and the Holy Spirit become very apparent as they move out from the Father. But inside the Father they are one. The feelings of grief of the Holy Spirit and the deep sorrow of Christ are felt in the heart of the Father.

What was happening in the heart of the Father at Gethsemane?
Mat 26:36-39: Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to the disciples, "Sit here while I go and pray over there." And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me." He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."
Those among us who have loved someone very deeply and felt the pain of that person pulling away from us may begin to grasp the depth of painful longing in God's heart caused by those whom He loves. Those who have known His love and then allowed their affection to move to something or someone else causes great pain in God's heart.

Inner pain mixed with genuine forgiveness becomes and increased intensely passionate flow of real love. But if it is mixed with resentment it can become intense bitterness in the heart. God has complete forgiveness and therefore no bitterness. The pain in God's heart becomes an increased flow of extreme passionate love for His people. This love flows like a deep and mighty river toward all mankind.

God is pouring out his love to all mankind equally. He loves all people unconditionally. He loves those who love Him and he loves those who hate Him. He loves His friends and enemies all the same.

But all do not respond to His love the same. Some come closer and others move further away. Those who come closer receive more because they choose to draw near to God and are greatly blessed. Others, who choose to move away to live in darkness, are cursed by the same love that blesses those who come to His light.
Those who do not receive and respond to the love of God offend the love of God.
One definition for jealously is love offended. God is jealous when His love is offended by lack of proper response from those He loves. God refers to Himself as jealous several times in the Bible. Jealousy leads to wrath caused by the love of the husband for His wife.
Exo 20:3-6: "You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments."
Deu 4:24: "For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.
God speaks of His wife having other gods as committing spiritual adultery. A man destroys himself when he chooses to not respond to the love of God and has affection for other things.
Prov 6:32-35: But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself. Blows and disgrace are his lot, and his shame will never be wiped away; for jealousy arouses a husband's fury, and he will show no mercy when he takes revenge. He will not accept any compensation; he will refuse the bribe, however great it is.
God's love offended becomes jealousy. Jealousy arouses wrath and is an expression of the intense passion of the love of God for His people.
God's pain and sorrow began even before He created man. Lucifer and the angels, who rebelled, greatly dishonored and shamed God in His own home territory of heaven. Perhaps this has something to do with the creation of man in Satan's home territory of earth. Man was created, in part, for the purpose of restoring honor to God by properly responding to His love. We are just now beginning to grasp that God has an awesome need for us to respond to His love.
Christians today are generally accustomed to looking to God to meet their needs. For centuries we have trusted Him to meet our need for a savior to save us from the penalty of sin and more recently many trust Him to save them from their sinful lifestyles. Many have learned to trust Him for financial provision; healing and other practical needs as well.

But for the most part, we are just now catching on to the reality that
we exist to be an object of the love of God and thereby meet the need of God's heart. Our purpose is to receive and respond to the love of God.

Many revived Christians today have discovered the unconditional love of God and some have erroneously concluded that because Father God has such great love for them that they will be no repercussions for their lack of response to His love. They have not known the pain they cause in the heart of God by frolicking with the Father and then walking away and entering into disobedience to Him.

It is true that God's mercy is endless and at the cross our sin debt is fully paid. It is also true that the cross must again be visited and the blood applied because of our disobedience. Our "little sin" or disobedience may seem insignificant to us. We know forgiveness and redemption is available for us in the cross. But we do not know the pain in the heart of God every time the cross must again be applied and we crucify the Lord afresh in the heart of God. We greatly pain our loving Father with our carelessness.
The glory of the next great outpouring of God upon the Eastern USA and eventually the world is dependent on the people of God responding to God's love by drawing close to Him and stepping into the all-consuming fire.
God is greatly pleasured when love arises from earth to Him in heaven. When we respond to God's love and send it back to Him with our commitment, our obedience, our praise, worship, and honor giving prayer, our sacrifice of fasting, and sacrificial offerings - when we become living sacrifices to Him.

When we respond to His love, the more we give the more we receive. God is so pleased and so gratified when filled with the love response of His people that he pours out blessings of everything we need and more. He comes with His presence in great glory and manifest among His people. He pours out special anointing of healing, deliverance, and miracles of many kinds. We have all the money, all the goods, all that we need to fulfill His plan and more when we respond to His love by giving our lives as a living sacrifice.

We must fill His heart with our total love for Him. We must give Him generous expressions of that love. Those who will sacrifice their self-life to live only for Him and will come all the way into His consuming fire of love bless him. We must fill His heart with joy by properly responding to His unconditional immeasurable love.

The greatest result of all this is that we actually become a blessing and a giver to our loving Father. But surely the next greatest blessing is that
as we give we release the deep river of power, strength, wisdom, gifting, miracles, and all that is needed to establish His kingdom on earth. Every apostle and every prophet, pastor, evangelist and teacher of God who fully enters into this fire and sacrifices all as a gift to God will have the empowerment to establish the kingdom of God on earth now.

The powerful love of God will flow through leaders and whosoever will abandon this life and move into the fire of God. All flesh will leave, only powerful spiritual sons will remain, and nothing will be impossible to us as Christ is formed within. Even if we have great revelation of many facts, times, and things they will not profit unless we are put to death by the awesome love of God.
It is time to pray for God to finish us off - to go ahead and kill us now. That we may enter fully into the very heart of God through our brokenness.

There is today an open door without veil before the church to walk into the holy of holies - the fire of the Father himself and it will only be done through brokenness.
We can forget accomplishing anything with our gifts and intellects. In the fire of God, only our weakness of brokenness will provide the flow of power to make our revelations work to change the world to the kingdom of our God.
All aspects of life will be affected as people are consumed by the love of God. Those who minister will do so by the supernatural power of the kingdom of God. Those who work in government will begin to rule according to the power of the kingdom of God. Those who work in business will begin to work by the principles and power of the kingdom of God. Those who do anything will do it for the kingdom of God, by the supernatural power, and according to the principles of the kingdom of God. This is the season of change from the ways of self centered greed based life to the serving giving love of the kingdom of God ruling all life.

Sons will be raised up in all walks of life and service. They will receive and respond to the love of God and order their lives and all they possess or influence by the kingdom for God ways. There will be many fathers and many teachers in the land bringing forth the truth of God by the living example of the clear word of their testimony.

This is the season of the transition. The source of power for the transformation is the love of God. The method is our responding fully to the love of God by taking that final step into the very fire of God rather than just standing nearby.

12/06/2016 at 2:16pm | IP Logged Quote Yolanda Ballard

Shared through Christine Speir

This is a great time of walking in faith this season in your life.
Perhaps it feels like you don’t know where you are going and what
will happen next. There is great shaking in the world right now.
Foundations are being shifted; man’s kingdoms are coming down.
The light of my kingdom looks dim to the world but I say I am
preparing the bride to go forth in a greater walk with Me in step,
going deeper in a relationship like never before. It is a deep walk,
getting brighter and holier. It is happening behind the scenes. I am
doing a deep and lasting walk with the bride.

Now I call you to walk this walk of faith. Are you willing to die out to
your ways and learn mine to desire My presence and relationship?
Are you determined and hungry for Me? Will you focus and be single
minded humbling yourself, praying, fasting (not of works) but of holy
determination to have Me?

There is more, My people, desire Me above all for I will never leave
you nor forsake you. I will fill every area of your life with My life
giving presence and love. You will be so satisfied in Me. You will
look only for Me to give you life abundantly for I AM! Am I not the
great I AM?

So I say walk by faith and not by sight in this season to go deeper
and further in your relationship with Me. I will lead you through
whatever comes your way. I am faithful and true. Much is being
stirred up in the spirit realm and in the natural realm. This is all
setting the stage. Be in faith with Me to go ahead and press

I am the way, the truth and life. I am preparing a people that will look
to Me and My kingdom, to bring in the lost, the prodigals, and to heal
and deliver those who are wandering, feel helpless or are deceived.

Be strong and of good courage, for I will lead you into the promise
land by faith until you see Me again to drink the cup of wine I spoke
of when I was last with My disciples on earth. I am faithful and true
says the Lord!

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and
gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” Then
He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying,
“Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant,
which is shed for many for the remission of sins. But I say to you, I
will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when
I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.” Matt 26:26-29

And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say,
“Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take
the water of life freely. Rev 22:17

At The Father's Feet         

Monday, December 5, 2016

Bobby Conner gives 50+ers prophetic words

Bobby Conner - Prophetic Words For The Days To Come(Day 1)

Col 3:14 But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.

Joh 13:34; Ro 13:8; 1Co 13:1-13; Eph 4:3; 5:2; Col 2:2; 1Th 4:9; 1Ti 1:5; 1Pe 4:8; 1Jo 3:23; 4:21

Developing The Character of God Neville Johnson 9 16

12/03/2016 at 11:56am | IP Logged Quote JaneGreenstein

         Heavens Government Being Established on Earth

Please note this is a long read, I encourage you to
prayerfully and carefully read through and listen for the
Holy Spirit’s leading.

I saw a holy and royal counsel of great and late reformers
gathering together in the courtroom of heaven.

Then I heard these words, “For the government of the
Kingdom of Heaven is now being established upon the earth!”

Two nights ago I had a very powerful supernatural dream
encounter where I found myself standing again in a large
courtroom in the heavenly realms. This was not my first
encounter in this most strange and sacred place. I have
been lead here before by the Spirit of Revelation and just
like in my first encounter a deep and dense fragrance
filled the air in this most holy place.

Now as my spirit began to inquire of the LORD, suddenly I
heard a voice that said, “Daughter, be still, fear not.
For I have called you to this place to reveal My hand and
unveil My heart for the nations”,

As I listened to the master’s voice, I could feel the heat
of His fiery glory upon my face and I could see the light
of his presence which completely surrounded me and filled
me with a deep sense of peace.

Then again I heard His voice, “My great and late reformers
are now being gathered together in this holy and sacred
place, for as it is in heaven so shall it be now upon the

Then I looked up and I saw 10 thrones sitting high upon a
marble platform. As I drew a little closer, suddenly I saw
nine bright and radiant lights appear over the thrones. As
I watched closely, all nine of the bright lights moved upon
the thrones, all expect one which remained empty.

Now as I looked upon the empty throne it was quickened to
me in the spirit the name ‘Billy Graham‘. Then my eyes
were drawn back again to the nine bright and radiant
lights, and by just looking at them I knew and recognised
all who were now sitting upon the thrones.

I saw in the spirit the late and great John Paul Jackson.
I saw the late and great Bob Jones. I saw the late and
great Miles Monroe. I saw the late and great Kim Clement.
I saw the late and great Peter Wagner. I saw the late and
great David Wilkerson. I saw the late and great Oral
Roberts. I saw the late and great Kathryn Kuhlman and I
saw the late and great John Wesley.

Now again, I knew by divine revelation that this holy and
royal counsel of God’s great and late apostles, prophets
and evangelists were being gathered together in this most
sacred place to bear witness to His mighty governing hand
moving upon the nations of the earth.

The atmosphere was exhilarating and pregnant with great
expectation. I stood trembling but silently watching,
listening and waiting and then again I heard these words,
“For the government of the Kingdom of Heaven is now being
established upon the earth.” The dream/ encounter ended!

As I have prayed over this second dream encounter, I have
been somewhat perplexed by the 9 great reformers that I saw
and the 10th throne yet to be filled. I have been seeking
God for the meaning and significance of these particular
saints that are now being gathered together as one.

Prophetically, I believe it has something to do with the
mantles that they carried – the new breed of leaders who
are now emerging and the legacy they have left behind.
Furthermore, I felt a great significance to seeing 10
thrones and only 9 being occupied.

I humbly submit that when there are 10 thrones occupied,
that is when we will see a sudden and mighty move of God
coming upon the earth like we have never seen before.

I believe there will be an unprecedented outpouring of
God’s glory upon the earth and we will see the greatest
manifestation of signs, wonders and miracles being birthed
in the nations.

Please read prayerfully this powerful encounter I had a
year ago. I believe it dovetails with this second
encounter and holds powerful keys to what is taking place
in this hour of great Restoration and Kingdom Reformation
upon the nations of the earth.

1 Year Ago

“When the fragrance of their prayers and praises fill My
nostrils, the books that are sealed will be opened, and My
transforming Glory will come,” says God.

Yesterday during a time of prayer and worship, I was
suddenly caught up in a very powerful vision, where I had a
deep encounter with the Spirit of Revelation. In this
Spirit encounter I was taken gently by the hand and led up
to two huge solid brass double doors.

As I looked at these heavy brass doors, I could see a sign
of the “Scales of Justice” deeply engraved upon them. I
stood still for a moment when suddenly the heavy double
doors began to open in front of me. I stepped inside and
on taking the first step immediately I was overcome by a
deep and dense fragrance that filled the air in this
strange place. “What is it?” I asked, and immediately the
Spirit of Revelation replied, “My child, it’s the sweet
fragrance of the prayers and praises of My people!”

Then the Spirit of Revelation led me further inside the
room. Now I could see what looked like a very large court
room. At that very moment, I suddenly became aware of what
looked like Warring Angels who were standing in the four
corners of the room.

Then the Spirit of Revelation spoke and said, “Child be
still, do not fear”!

As I dared to look again upon these angelic beings, I could
see that their faces were fierce and bold, these beings
burned like a blazing fire but they were not consumed. But
rather the fire seemed to burn more and more intense as we
drew closer to them. These fiery beings were huge in
statue and very powerful in appearance. They stood
absolutely still, almost as if standing at attention, each
one totally undistracted and undeterred by my presence. It
was as if I was not even in the room.

Then the Spirit spoke again and said to me, “Daughter come
closer.” As I drew nearer, he lead me up to a large marble
table. Its enormous size filled half of the room. As I
looked upon the table I could see hundreds upon hundreds of
books. Some books lay fully opened while others were
sealed shut.

As I followed even closer, I saw that the books had the
names of different nations engraved upon the front of them.
As I looked again, I could see that the books that lay open
upon the table had hundreds upon hundreds of entries
written upon their pages, line by line. Each entry was
written in gold.

I saw debits and credits and each entry seemed perfectly
recorded, but before I could ask, the Spirit of Revelation
spoke and said, “Daughter see, the books of the nations are
now being balanced and reconciled in this hour, and the
gavel of my justice and vindication is coming down, for I
AM bringing compensation and recompense to My people in
this hour and season”.

Now as I listened carefully to what the Spirit was saying,
my hand moved slowly towards one of the sealed books that
lay upon the table. Immediately the Spirit gently touched
my hand and said, “Child it is not time yet, but soon.”

At that moment I understood, and the Spirit of Revelation
whispered again, “Beloved, all the books will be opened and
all will be vindicated. All will be reconciled and all
will see My justice and all will be compensated.”

After hearing these words. I was lead by the spirit out of
the court room and I watched as the large double doors
closed behind me.

Then the Spirit of Revelation said these words to me,
“Daughter now go and tell My people to open their mouths
and let the sound of My Word go forth into the nations.

Tell them the sound of My Word now awakens the roar of the
lion of Judah across the land, tell them that the sound of
My Word is battering ram that goes forth to break down
every stronghold of darkness and destruction.

Tell them the sound of My Word goes forth like a hammer
that smashes rocks to pieces!”

Then again He spoke saying, “Daughter, go and tell My
people to open their mouths and speak forth My Word and it
will go forth to pierce and penetrate the darkest of

Tell My people that the power of My Word will forge
highways in the realms of the spirit for the rivers of my
glory to come.

Daughter, go tell My people to go up to the high places.
Tell them that when the fragrance of their prayers and
their praises fill My nostrils the books that are sealed
shut will be opened and My transforming Glory will come, My
justice and vindication will come, My compensation will
come and I will pour out healing and restoration upon their

Daughter, now go and tell My people to eat My word, to
speak My word and run with the roar…!”

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Quote LonnieMackley

“Final Stages”
by Lonnie Mackley  Dec. 4th, 2016
We have entered the final stages now of preparation for the soon empowerment of God’s Spirit and final harvest of souls in this world, so God will be requiring some things from us now in order for us to be fully ready ahead. Below are a few different areas that the Holy Spirit may be tapping you on the shoulder to start taking care of, but rest assured that although we may not feel up to this in the flesh that Jesus will give us all the strength and grace that we need to do what we cannot do alone.
1. Full repentance of old sin habits- It doesn’t matter how long you may have had different sin habits the Lord will now be giving you extra grace in order to overcome them where they will finally drop off of you and never return again. This will happen by the Holy Spirit giving you a much fuller revelation concerning that sin where you will finally see and appreciate how that sin has been hurting you and what it has been taking from you so you can let it go. Then He will apply the truth of God’s word in order to overcome the lies that have been fueling that sin. But you must do your part by starving the sin by abstaining and filling yourself with the word and things of light and avoiding familiar triggers.
2. Getting your body back into shape- God knows that many of you have been sick and dealing with injuries where you feel like you just cannot diet or exercise right now, but nevertheless the Lord may be telling you to pick up your mat and walk by faith now even though you may not feel like you can. If this is you then you must trust the Holy Spirit to help you to take each step (literally), and as you do more and more strength and health will begin to flow into you. Many times healing begins to take place as we just listen and obey the Lord for whatever changes He is telling us to make even if it is scary or doesn’t make much sense at first. Picking up your mat takes faith and you have it; so do it.
3. Letting the past go fully now- Many of you have been emotionally crippled from past hurts and failures and it has acted like spiritual and emotional poison to your soul. You have been holding on to things and people that you must now let go of. Abraham was holding on to Ishmael but the Lord knew that Ishmael had to go in order for Abraham to live in peace and enjoy God’s blessing without hindrance. It’s time for you to let go of your old Ishmaels and to trust that Jesus died for your sin and has forgiven you, so wallowing in past failures in not only pointless, it is fatal to going forward in faith. So move on now and do not feel bad about it; it’s time for you to be free and ready to face life again.
So get excited because life is not only going to begin again for you fresh and new now, it is going to be a much better life than you could have ever imagined. Stop looking at the impossibilities and just know that all things are possible for God; and yes He wants to do those possibles for you. We have all entered the final stages now where we must step all the way into the kingdom of light, and all the way out of the world and sin. So do your part and you will see the Lord bless your efforts manifold!
JOS 3:5 Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you."
Quote tina henry




�� Sailing Ship In Bad Weather Sound - Blizzard , Rough Ocean Waves And T...

Twila Paris - I Will Listen

Possessed By Love - Jon Gibson

Jon Gibson - I Am Free

Father Father Jon Gibson

Jon Gibson - Can't live without Jesus

Twila Paris - Every Heart that is Breaking - Lyrics on screen

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


I woke up this morning at 3 a.m. feeling desperation..but it isn't mine.....I know the world ...and people....I don't even know what to say..just feeling a gut wrenching ..sadness...for God's people and the world..but the Holy Spirit had me type in the personals...and I checked my emails and saw this by Lana Vawser I will share...thank you Jesus

By Lana Vawser
The past few days I have been feeling the Lord really "zooming in" on anxiety. I saw high levels of anxiety that have been there for years and years, and anxiety that has come on because of this season and fear, the Lord is going after it.
I had a vision and I saw Jesus blowing upon the hearts and souls of His people and as He blew I watched the Spirit of God moving within God's people to begin to deal with the root issues and chains of anxiety. As He blew, and the Spirit of God found the areas where the anxiety had taken root, I saw His breath turn to FIRE.
I watched as the fire of God consumed the anxiety BY RELEASING A REVELATION OF HIS LOVE!!!! The fire of His love was BREAKING the stronghold of anxiety by healing memories, fears, trauma's and concerns by the radical revelation of His unconditional, never changing, ever the same and constant, beautiful love. I watched as the people of God WEPT as they saw anxiety and worry had taken their focus, areas of their hearts and souls exposed for needing to go deeper into TRUSTING HIM!!!! I watched repentance take place and deep, deep healing and strengthening was happening.
As the fire of His love was doing its work I could see Jesus smiling and with great excitement He was saying "ANXIETY AWAY! ANXIETY AWAY! ANXIETY AWAY!!!"
I saw LITERAL OVERNIGHT healings and deliverances from anxiety taking place and a HUGE blanket of His peace surrounding His people in a way they had never experienced before.
AWAKENING to His love was CHANGING EVERYTHING!!!!! As His love was revealed more and more I could hear the promises of His heart "I've got you!", "I've got this!", "I've got your back", "I am working FOR you", I am fighting "FOR you", "I have never left you", "All is well, I am here", "Provision is coming", "I will not let you down", "It's time to hope and dream again", "resurrection life is upon you", "healing is your portion", "freedom is yours", "your name is VICTOR", "you have great strength in Me", "you will NOT be overcome!!!", "the BEST is yet to come".
He smiled and spoke: "Awaken to the revelation of My love and know and experience double portions of the revelation of JOY!!"
11/30/2016 at 5:20am | IP Logged Quote JaneGreenstein

Two dreams! “Watch! Heaven’s time is now moving upon the
hands of earth’s clock.”

First Dream:

Two nights ago I had a very short dream where I saw 12
wells being unlocked and mighty rivers gushed forth from
the mouths of these 12 wells.

Then I saw 12 different mantles being released from heaven
and of the 12 mantles that I saw, I only heard 4 being
named in my dream.

I heard heaven whisper, “Elijah, Esther, Joseph, Jehu.”

Then I saw 12 baskets over flowing with bread and then 12
large pottery jars full of wine.

Second Dream:

I was standing on the axis of the earth. I could see some
of the far off and distant planets of the solar system. It
was breathtakingly captivating and beautiful!

As I stood on the axis of the earth’s surface, suddenly a
large pole that had many arrows pointing in different
directions, came out of the ground.

As I looked at the arrows, I noticed each arrow had the
name of nation written upon it.

I noticed there was a large clock sitting at the top of the
pole, but the clock seemed to be standing still. But as I
continued to watch the clock, suddenly the small second
hand began to move very fast. And then the minute hand
began to move. And then the hour hand moved.

As I watched, all three of the hands they began to move
very quickly around the face of the large clock. Suddenly
all three hands stopped at the number 12. Immediately I
heard these words, “The time piercing sword is going forth
to turn and shift the face of the nations. For heaven’s
time is moving upon the hands of earth’s clock.

Watch, for the nations of the earth are now perfectly
aligning with heavens timing!”

Then suddenly the arrows on the pole began to move
violently around and around. As I watched closely, one by
one, the arrows flew off the pole and each arrow flew into
the ground like a stake.

I watched as arrow after arrow penetrated the ground, until
I saw 12 perfectly aligned stakes.

I looked again and I could see the 12 names of nations now
standing in perfect alignment with one another. II saw the
names of 3 specific nations, Australia, America and the
United Kingdom.

The Stakes became Ancient Gates

Then suddenly, I saw the stakes in the ground turn and
transform into what looked like ancient gates. Now 12
gates stood before me. Each gate had the name of a nation
upon it. As I looked at the gates, I could see 12 keys.

Then suddenly I heard the deep sound of a shofar and out of
the heavens, came 12 bright lights. I watched closely as
one by one, the bright lights approached the 12 gates.

Then I heard the words, “Behold, these are My 12
commissioning apostles and prophets!”

After hearing these words, I saw what looked like 12 high
priests wearing crowns upon their heads. Each apostle/
high priest, took hold of a key and opened the ancient gate
and walked through onto the other side.

In the dream, I followed closely behind one of the high
priests as he entered through one of the ancient gates, and
there on the other side of the gate, I saw men and woman,
some were laying prostrate on their faces, while others
were on their knees. They looked like they had been
waiting and praying.

Then I saw the apostle/ high priest begin to put his hand
on their foreheads. He took a small vessel shaped like a
horn from under his robe and he began to pour out a golden
oil. I watched as he poured the oil over each of those who
were kneeling down.

Then I heard him say, “In the name of Jesus Christ you are
anointed, appointed and commissioned as kings and high
priests carrying all the authority of heaven. Now arise
and go forth into all the nations of the earth and
establish the Kingdom of Heaven!”

The dream ended!

Firstly, I believe this dream is multilayered and my deep
sensing is that there is still more to come. However, we
prophesy in part, but here is what I believe Gather is
showing us for now!

The number 12, I believe is significant, as it implies
structural beginning or governmental perfection and rule.

We know that the nation of Israel comprised twelve tribes
and it represented a physical type of God’s government on
earth. There were also twelve apostles who were chosen by
Christ to serve as the foundation for His Church, as well
as the Kingdom of God. Twelve thousand from each tribe of
Israel constitute the 144,000 in the book of Revelation.

See: Matthew 10:1-7,   Luke 22:29-30, and Revelation 7
and 14.

Furthermore I believe prophetically that the nations of the
earth are now being perfectly aligned with heavens time.

I submit that we have entered into a time in history where
we are going to see the greatest of shifting, sifting and
shaking among the nations of the earth.

There is a divine reordering and rearrangement that taking
place among the nations, the government of heaven is being
established on earth. I also believe there is a coming a
powerful ‘commissioning anointing‘ that is going to be
released to those that have been waiting and expectant, and
also to those that have hearts that are open, ready and
seeking for his will and His Kingdom purposes to be
established on the earth.

I submit that the compass of Heaven is now directing and
rerouting the sons and daughters of God in this hour, for
they will walk in God’s perfect timing and in the Spirit of
U.unity. They will be of one vision and one purpose. They
will be radical in their obedience and sacrifice. This is
the rising remnant of radical reformers, “Called for such a
time as this”!   (Esther 4:14).

I Prophesy: This is a time of divine reordering and
rearrangement for Kingdom alignment. Heaven’s rule and
government is being established upon the earth, and as
God’s legislators, we are being supernaturally sensitised
to heavens timing and heaven’s agenda.

I Prophesy: In this season, God is resetting and re-
calibrating the inner workings of our spirits, and our
hearts are being perfectly synchronised with the heart beat
of God for the nations.

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

"Kim Clement Prophecy Comes To Pass"

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Lance Wallnau — The 7 Mountain Mandate

Twila Paris - Not Forgotten


"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven." (Gen. 1:6-8)


A countless number of people who are dressed in super- white bright robes were positioned in a perfect and very large circle. Some were kneeling with heads bowed down in prayer while some others were standing with arms outstretched in worship. I looked down below and saw a lower level. Crocodiles with sharp teeth could be seen moving around in shallow water. Soon they began to move slowly and soon thereafter they died in that water. It was clear that what was happening on the higher level was affecting the water that the crocs were moving in at the lower level.This is one of those dreams where details were pronounced and everything felt so real.


The people dressed in white are the Saints of GOD who worship Him in spirit and in truth and who petition Him in prayer. Being dressed in white symbolizes righteousness; never our own, it is Christ’s righteousness at work in His Saints. Kneeling and bowing down symbolizes humility, repentance and godly veneration (I am also hearing the Word: RESPECT). It is a heart-felt display of homage to our GOD. The circle represents saints on the globe of the earth who are IN the spirit; who are in HIS presence; saints who surround the throne of GOD which is positioned at the highest level in heaven.

Related Verses:

"He has inscribed **a circle on the face of the waters** at the boundary between light and darkness." (Job. 26:10)

"Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he that SITS UPON THE CIRCLE of the earth and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in."(Is. 40:21-22)

Water, within the context of this dream, represents one level of the spirit world in which evil spirits lurk and move. A level that is not of the Light, not of the Spirit of GOD, it is of the fallen one. A level that will, at the time of fulfillment, be completely cleaned out by Holy Michael (He who is like God) and His army of Light who have been empowered by the blood that flowed from calvary's Cross. Until that time, these crocs can negatively interface with this fallen world and even oppress human beings. But Praise be to GOD who has inscribed a circle that separates light from darkness. This is the shelter across the great divide. Where water is separated from water. This is the higher place in the spirit where evil cannot go; where evil cannot oppress GOD’s people. Heart-felt repentance of sin that besets the Believer, coupled with faith and belief in His finished works, prayers, songs and worship will help His people cross the boundary line, the great divide (I am hearing the words:"MADE EASY"). In other words, Jesus Christ has already paved the way to GOD our FATHER through His sacrificially-shed blood but repentance, prayers, song and worship make it easier to get there and stay there. It helps disable the crocs (power and principalities in higher places) and render them lifeless.

Related Verses:

"If then you have been raised with Christ, SEEK THE THINGS THAT ARE ABOVE, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God." (Col. 3:1)

"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." (Rev. 12)

"In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon (**the scaly croc**) that is in the sea (**in the spirit world**). In that day sing ye unto her (**worship**) A vineyard of red wine (**The Lord Jesus Christ is the Vine – His blood is the new wine, the Spirit of Light**). I the LORD do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day (**with the heavenly water**). Fury is not in me: who would set the briers and thorns against me in battle? I would go through them, I would burn them together. Or let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; and he shall make peace with me. He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit. Hath he smitten him, as he smote those that smote him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him? In measure, when it shooteth forth, thou wilt debate with it: he stayeth his rough wind in the day of the east wind. By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged; and this is all the fruit to take away his sin; when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, the groves and images shall not stand up (**cautions against idolatry**). Yet the defenced city shall be desolate, and the habitation forsaken, and left like a wilderness: there shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down, and consume the branches thereof. When the boughs thereof are withered, they shall be broken off: the women come, and set them on fire: for it is a people of no understanding: therefore he that made them will not have mercy on them, and he that formed them will shew them no favour. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall beat off from the channel of the river unto the stream of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye children of Israel. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the LORD in the holy mount at Jerusalem." (Is.27)

Keep worshiping, praying and praising!
Keep the Faith in Him and His finished works!   
Posted: 11/29/2016 at 10:51am |                                         

For your discernment:

It seems to be God's Inner Circle of overcomers who
represent the 7 mountains of culture - the stewards of the
earth that will rule through removal of illegal liens held
by the enemy as representatives of the Lord who owns all of
the real estate.

Order of Melchizedek?


The Order of Melchizedek has arrived and people are being
called to it. As Jesus, the Messiah, followed His Father’s
every twist and turn on earth, so our lives as Royal
Priests are devoted to ministering to Him, and any other
part of life or service is secondary and flows only as He
leads. This is not a Priesthood that gets outworked within
4 walls or via church programmes. The Royal Priests take
the Holy of Holies with them wherever they go so that even
their shadow, if it falls on someone, might heal them (Acts
5:15). Royal Priests are ambassadors of heaven (Eph. 6:20),
holding both gentle authority and the boldness of a lion.
They place no trust in their own flesh or strength but have
crucified it. They follow their true Shepherd, Jesus, know
His voice, and their footsteps leave a trail of His
Kingdom. Miracles will follow but be almost unnoticed
because their focus is on God’s fruits, not His gifts – in
devotion they seek His heart, not His power. Like Paul,
they’ll spend themselves to know Him intimately and rest in
Him. And like their Shepherd, they’ll be doorways to