Monday, December 5, 2016

Quote LonnieMackley

“Final Stages”
by Lonnie Mackley  Dec. 4th, 2016
We have entered the final stages now of preparation for the soon empowerment of God’s Spirit and final harvest of souls in this world, so God will be requiring some things from us now in order for us to be fully ready ahead. Below are a few different areas that the Holy Spirit may be tapping you on the shoulder to start taking care of, but rest assured that although we may not feel up to this in the flesh that Jesus will give us all the strength and grace that we need to do what we cannot do alone.
1. Full repentance of old sin habits- It doesn’t matter how long you may have had different sin habits the Lord will now be giving you extra grace in order to overcome them where they will finally drop off of you and never return again. This will happen by the Holy Spirit giving you a much fuller revelation concerning that sin where you will finally see and appreciate how that sin has been hurting you and what it has been taking from you so you can let it go. Then He will apply the truth of God’s word in order to overcome the lies that have been fueling that sin. But you must do your part by starving the sin by abstaining and filling yourself with the word and things of light and avoiding familiar triggers.
2. Getting your body back into shape- God knows that many of you have been sick and dealing with injuries where you feel like you just cannot diet or exercise right now, but nevertheless the Lord may be telling you to pick up your mat and walk by faith now even though you may not feel like you can. If this is you then you must trust the Holy Spirit to help you to take each step (literally), and as you do more and more strength and health will begin to flow into you. Many times healing begins to take place as we just listen and obey the Lord for whatever changes He is telling us to make even if it is scary or doesn’t make much sense at first. Picking up your mat takes faith and you have it; so do it.
3. Letting the past go fully now- Many of you have been emotionally crippled from past hurts and failures and it has acted like spiritual and emotional poison to your soul. You have been holding on to things and people that you must now let go of. Abraham was holding on to Ishmael but the Lord knew that Ishmael had to go in order for Abraham to live in peace and enjoy God’s blessing without hindrance. It’s time for you to let go of your old Ishmaels and to trust that Jesus died for your sin and has forgiven you, so wallowing in past failures in not only pointless, it is fatal to going forward in faith. So move on now and do not feel bad about it; it’s time for you to be free and ready to face life again.
So get excited because life is not only going to begin again for you fresh and new now, it is going to be a much better life than you could have ever imagined. Stop looking at the impossibilities and just know that all things are possible for God; and yes He wants to do those possibles for you. We have all entered the final stages now where we must step all the way into the kingdom of light, and all the way out of the world and sin. So do your part and you will see the Lord bless your efforts manifold!
JOS 3:5 Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you."

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