Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 7, 2016

This morning as I was worshipping the Lord I heard thew words “My goodness is going to break open your heart in new ways that will release a new song of praise to Me that is going to see the WALLS OF JERICHO in your life COME TUMBLING DOWN”.

I saw such a rain of His goodness, as it rained over God’s people it manifested in such beautiful ways, all the manifestations were different, because they were expressions of love from Papa God that was meaningful and individual to each person.

There were so many divine surprises opening up, glorious provisions and breakthrough’s for God’s people. Where there has been HIGH HIGH walls around their promised land, this was the seventh time round. The people of God have been going around and around the walls the past 7 years, and now it is time to move into taking what is theirs.

It’s not only beginning to rain, but HEAVY RAIN!!!! A huge outpouring of His goodness. It will be as if you are standing under a huge heavy waterfall, and being re-energised, refreshed and broken open, undone, in a whole new glorious way. As you step into His invitation He is breaking open your heart by His love and goodness in such glorious new ways, you are about to experience new depths of His love you have not known before.

Out of that place I saw such deep GROANINGS coming out of the people of God, out of their spirit. Groanings that words could almost not contain what was being released, and suddenly a new level of praise was breaking out. This sound of praise that was being released from the core of God’s people was terrifying the enemy and terrifying the walls around God’s promises to them, the enemy and walls were beginning to shake.

There are NEW sounds of worship, such glorious NEW sounds of praise that are carrying such a heavier anointing of breakthrough and victory. A new sound is coming upon the sound of praise that is taking worship to a whole new level of breakthrough, Shekinah Glory coming like we have NOT seen before. It’s a NEW sound. Where there have been beautiful sounds, breakthrough anointings on worship in past seasons, there is now MORE coming but it is going to look COMPLETELY NEW.
This new sound being released from the heart of God, as the people of God flow in it, is going to break more ground in a day than what was seen in months/years.
What will flow out of your mouth in these huge heavy rain moments of His Spirit is releasing a weight of praise, that is SO weighty that it is causing atmospheres to shift, walls to crumble and the enemy to FLEE.

Do NOT look other people’s expressions of praise and the sounds coming out of their mouths, but allow the flow of praise to Him flow out of you in the expression of creativity that is yours.
As the people of God were praising, these deep groanings of praise were birthing things, and when I looked closer, I saw that the very things that were being birthed were KEYS. Keys and keys and more keys. KEYS to breakthrough, new realms and depths of revelation. In the heart to heart connection with the Lord, in the intensity of the fire of His love, keys that many have been looking for in many ways and have not found them, were suddenly being released in this deep deep place of communion with Papa. These keys were sudden impartations of wisdom, sudden impartations of revelation, of prophetic insight, of “light bulb moments”, of healing, of freedom, of joy. These keys carried the sense with them of “My people knowing EXACTLY what they are to do”. They were such keys of HEAVY HEAVY wisdom, and they were not coming cheap. They were coming from a place where the people of God had continued to press through, they had continued to remain faithful, and keep Him in His rightful place as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Out of the place of pressing through the pain and still crying out “GOD IS GOOD”. Out of the place of unwavering faithfulness to Him. Tried by fire, and continued to stand. Not in a sense of “earning” anything, but in a lovesick commitment to the Lord. A dedicated, radical, laid down lover lifestyle of “YES” no matter what.

These “wisdom keys” are going to unlock the areas where there has been a lot of “WAITING” and turn situations to “WEIGHTY”. A place of seeing the Glory and power of God manifest in such incredible ways that the people of God will experience the weighty manifested presence of God in tangible ways. The atmosphere of those “WAITING” places will SUDDENLY SHIFT.

I also saw these “wisdom keys” being released again for government. This time the keys were bigger and heavy, and I felt the Lord saying that there is an increase of insight and revelation coming to intercede for government and governmental arenas and NEW DOORS of BREAKTHROUGH opening up in governments across the world to bring the light of God in and to extend in further ways. I saw the light and goodness of God moving through government buildings as the people of God were praying. There is a new level of the glorious goodness and light of God breaking through bringing life in every place it touches. I saw the Lord revealing Himself in flames of fiery love, revealing Himself in His holiness like He did with Moses and the burning bush. He is wanting to bring a cleansing and purifying to governmental areas through the expressions of the fire of His love, the GOOD NEWS of the beautiful love of Jesus being released and manifested. A whole new realm and shift in government will manifest as the people of God move together in unity, leaving aside political agendas and crying out to the Lord and praying and declaring the wisdom keys He is releasing. There is a weighty ‘crucial turning point’ in the spirit over many governmental arenas in nations in this season. God is wanting to break through and break out and the wisdom of heaven is going to be poured out in heavy rain.

Lana Vawser
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=RD__BwBCW2pgs&v=__BwBCW2p gs#t=41 NEW DAY/Wings Alberto and Kimberly Rivera

Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you in all truths !

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