The Prophetic Decrees that Call forth Joel’s Army Tania A. Hall, Australia
Witnessing the Victory of the Underdog
We can all agree that history is in the making as President Donald
Trump and First Lady Melania reaffirm America’s roots in the Christian
faith by exalting the Lord back into His proper place in congress. This
shift in power has been made possible by three variables coming into
alignment – the will of God that never changes, a Kairos moment, and the
power of the prophetic decree.The foundations are being laid in America for harvest and we cannot undervalue the power of the spoken word and prophetic decree at the recent election. Not only did denominations around the world unite in prayer for Trump’s victory, powerful prophetic words were being released in his support. In front of a global audience we witnessed the victory of the underdog and I believe this indicates the season we have entered.
The Power of the Spoken Word
In the past months, whether morning or night, I have been glancing at the clock almost every day at 11:55. Holy Spirit has been highlighting to me this Scripture:
“So will My word be which goes forth from My
mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I
desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11
I am reminded of a time in the past where I witnessed someone gossiping, and in the spirit realm I saw a cloud of darkness enter the room and surround them. I watched as the negative words spoken acted as a magnet and attracted the realm of darkness. As the gossip and complaints came into agreement with that realm of darkness, demonic assignments were released against the people and circumstances that were being spoken about. Complaints and gossip become life-robbing curses. It’s essential that we as Spirit-filled Believers understand the power of our words and decrees.
I believe Isaiah 55:11 is a word in season for every hungry Believer to take advantage of. As you open your mouth and speak out your destiny, you will breathe life into your situations and see impossible circumstances turn around.
Holy Spirit wants to build the lives of our children, family, friends, community and the Church; and it is vital that we come into agreement with God’s will by making prophetic decrees. Come into alignment with God’s word, prophesy what you desire to see manifest, and take advantage of the power of the spoken word!
Prophesy to the Dry Bones – Watch Prayers Activated!
While God has been speaking to me about the power of prophetic
decrees, He has also highlighted how our spoken words will be used to
call forth revival. Earlier in the month, I was woken by an earthquake measuring 3.7 here in Adelaide, Australia. Immediately two important Scriptures were highlighted:Amos 3:7, “Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets” and also Ezekiel 37 – The Valley of Dry Bones (read the chapter for full context).
Before being woken, I had been dreaming that I was prophesying revival to the Body of Christ. Ezekiel 37 is a vision which illustrates the promise of new life and a nation restored, both physically and spiritually. As Ezekiel prophesies, God brings life and vitality to the dead bones. Just as Ezekiel prophesied, we too must decree life over the Body of Christ. Our words are powerful and must be used to advance and equip the Kingdom of God.
As we partner with Heaven by making prophetic decrees, we are building the Church. As we pray for renewal and revival, our prayers are being powerfully activated. God is using our words to raise and release an army of mature sons and daughters who are empowered through the prophetic decrees spoken over their lives.
A last days Joel’s army is being called forth to walk in the same power as Christ through demonstrations of healing, miracles, signs and wonders. As the Church moves from milk to meat we are going from word to demonstrations of power. God is raising a company of radical Believers that are hungry for Kingdom power and glory.
Call Forth the Warriors
When I was woken from the dream by the earthquake, I looked at the
clock next to my bed and the time was 12:10 am. God spoke to me about
the qualities of this last days Joel’s army that is being raised. Those
fit for the army of God will live by the following two key verses:“Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). And also, “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor” (Romans 12:10).
This new breed of miracle workers will be the dread champions of God. They will be brave and fearless, honoring their King and each other with selfless valor born of the Spirit. Forever yielding to the Holy Spirit, they will display outstanding qualities and true conviction, regardless of the persecution or attack. These selfless warriors are being called forth to bring revival and reformation to this generation.
We, as members of the Body, have the responsibility to call these warriors forth. The power of our spoken words and prophetic decrees over their life, equip these individuals into the fullness of their destiny. We must look at people and see what Jesus sees, speaking to their potential in Christ.
Just as we witnessed with Trump, the supposed underdog who won the election, we will see the most unsuspecting people enlisted into the army of God and bring salvation to an entire generation.
Tania Hall
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