Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Third Heaven Church & the Divine Mark of Generosity & Prosperity
The Lord has released a new portion of glory upon us! He's calling us to be Third-Heaven people. People who participate with the hosts of Heaven in worship and prayer before the throne of God. A Third-Heaven Church!
(Explanation: Second-Heaven is the atmosphere above us where spiritual warfare takes place. The Bible speaks of principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, wicked spirits in heavenly places [see Eph. 6]. When we pray and push through Second-Heaven activity, we can experience glorious encounters with the Lord in the Third-Heaven.)
I know! I've been there many times in dreams and visions. It's new to some people, but the Lord Jesus is initiating Third-Heaven encounters with His people on planet Earth.
He said: Seek Me. Look to Me. Take up your cross and follow Me.
Then He connected it to finances: Generosity is a characteristic of the Father's heart. I'm asking you to act like Me. I am the original Giver.
The Supernatural Anointing for Finances is a breaker anointing. It starts in your heart. When you open your heart – when you believe and receive this anointing – it breaks down strongholds. (Photo via Flickr)
The act of giving breaks open your own finances. And it does something powerful to your heart. It changes your way of life. It actually changes the way you experience life. It causes you to become generous and even zealous for souls.
The spirit of Giving – the spirit of Generosity – is a supernatural sign of a Third-Heaven Church. It is a Divine mark. God desires to mark you with financial signs and wonders.
Listen to the Spirit of God and Be Bold – Be Obedient!
Be generous towards the Lord and uphold His ministries financially. This carries the prophet's reward. A hundred-fold return, plus the release of an "Open Heaven" over your life.
The Lord said, "Obedience is better than sacrifice," (outward show). Many people worship outwardly, but their hearts are far from the Lord. They are afraid to obey. Financial fear has gripped them because they feed on the "word of the world" instead of the Word of God.
So they may worship loudly on the outside... but their eyes are kind of "glazed over" when the Lord asks them to give. This grieves His heart. He desires to set them in a large place financially! He's waiting for obedience. He's waiting for us to love what He loves.
In Joshua 1, we're told to meditate in God's Word "day and night." Throughout the Bible, we're instructed to remember, meditate on, think on, feed on, study, walk in and surround ourselves with God's Word. There's a reason for that! God's Word is diametrically opposed to the world's system. In this case, the world's financial system. God can't have His people "feeding on" the 24-hr news cycle i.e., the "word of the world" when there's just so much at stake.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Souls Are In The Balance Over This
Please hear these words: Millions of people are lost and dying. They need you to prosper, so they can hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are able to "send" the Gospel to them by financially supporting ministries who actively go and preach Jesus. Especially prophetic/apostolic/Third-Heaven ministries who are breaking the power of darkness off of precious lives.
Prophetic, Third-Heaven evangelism is God's main method of operation at this time. Through prophetic means, Jesus is gaining the attention of this generation.
Millions of people were driven away from God by religion and legalism by apathy in the Body of Christ. And by ministries who misrepresent God as cruel, powerless, distant and disinterested.
Church-ism has misrepresented God's heart for far too long. Jesus is not only looking for a Third-Heaven people, He's preparing to financially BACK UP His Third-Heaven people! "My sheep hear My voice... " Are you listening to Your Great Shepherd?
It breaks God's heart when people settle for smallness – when His people actually want a small Church. They don't realize the entire concept of small Church is the polar opposite of God's purposes and desires. When we do what we're called to do, with passion for Jesus and compassion for people, it's impossible to have a small Church! As people respond to the Gospel, they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The Word multiplies as in the Book of Acts.
Bottom line: If you desire "smallness," then you've turned your focus inward, and have lost your vision for souls. If you think ministers or churches shouldn't have any money, then you're really saying you don't care if people hear about Jesus. You don't care if multitudes are saved! (That sounds a bit harsh, but it's the sad truth.)
Plain & simple: Attitudes that begrudge prosperity and growth are ANTI- God's purposes on planet Earth!
The world doesn't want pastors, churches or YOU to prosper. The world has placed its own "religious" demand on God's people: "Don't prosper, it's not humble.'' On TV they will do an exposé on pastors who are prosperous. And many of God's own people jump on the bandwagon and join the attack against the man of God! God's own people have bought into this lie! (Photo via Flickr)
It's a strong deception created by satan and his minions. Not only to keep you broke, but ultimately to keep ministries broke. To create an attitude against generosity and prosperity. The point of this deception: to keep souls out of the Kingdom of God! To keep the Gospel from being preached!
This lie, then, keeps many of God's people from being obedient to Him with their finances. And then they don't understand why their own hearts' desires aren't coming to pass. They've created a cycle of disobedience, begrudging, lack of generosity, no prosperity, and ultimately disappointment in their own finances. In actuality, they're not acting like God. They're acting like the devil!
This Cycle is Not God's Will for His People! This Cycle Shuts Down People's Vision
God's will is to prosper you, and set His divine mark of prosperity on your life. It's part of the new season on planet Earth. It's part of the last days transfer of wealth. Of course, the devil doesn't like it! It's all about promoting the Kingdom of God! It's about Third-Heaven people walking in generosity, prosperity and obedience. It's vital to understand this!
If you want the blessings of God in your life, you really do have to open your heart in the realm of finances. Open your heart to HIM.
Obedience changes everything. It's at the core of your relationship with God. It creates a Third-Heaven Church. Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments." Perfect love casts out fear. Even financial fear!
And a big question is: Do you love God more than the world's economic system? If you ask Him to help you get out of debt, will you obey Him when He asks you to give? This is the KEY. Many Believers are talking the talk, but are you walking the walk? This is the day of a new portion of glory. Jesus is calling you to be His Third-Heaven people.
Make the choice to be part of the Third-Heaven Church, and allow Him to mark you with generosity and prosperity. Experience the JOY first-hand! Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. You will experience the great joy of actually living in your dreams – your destiny, and your life will never be the same! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Ck Thompson Word of Life World Outreach
Email: click here

Ck Thompson is a prophet, musician, singer & author, often functioning as a psalmist to the Body of Christ. Says Mike (her husband): "Ck is profoundly prophetic in everything she does. She lives in a realm of prophetic perception including dreams, visions & angelic interaction." Together, Mike & Ck preach the Word of Grace! Mike & Ck's life is a love story. These high school sweethearts were married in 1972 and have been in full-time ministry since 1977. They have two grown sons. With 39 years of full-time ministry experience, they're accurate prophets, anointed for healing of hearts as well as other conditions. Bringing credibility & accountability to Apostolic/Prophetic ministry. Their deepest desire is to usher in the presence of God: to introduce precious souls to Him, and above all bring glory to Jesus!

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