After a few minutes of brain-storming, the Holy Spirit inserted something profound. He said, "Sandie, this will not happen because of what YOU do. This will all happen because My grace will chase you down in 2018." Now, I have heard spiritual leaders refer to God's grace overtaking us—but this was the first time God actually said it to ME! It was almost like His audible voice speaking loudly and clearly.
Then I had an a-ha moment. I remembered the numerous times I had heard Believers sadly confess, "... surely there's more to living the blessed life. I have tried everything I know to do and I can't seem to experience the needed breakthroughs!" (Notice all of times the word "I" was used?) I knew immediately to what they were referring—we should ALL be experiencing the fulfillment of so many of our promises from God! But, now I was beginning to see breakthrough a little differently.
It would occur not because we are working hard to achieve it, but also by simply believing for the grace of God to make it happen. Grace is greater than our past...and grace will continue to work to bring us from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18). Yes, His grace is going to literally chase you down. Believer, stay with me—this message will change your life!
Jesus is Our True North
"Just as we could not save ourselves by our own efforts, we cannot bring about change in our lives through our own efforts. We are not saved by God's grace to be changed through religious works!" |
The name of Jesus is from the Hebrew word meaning "to save, rescue and/or deliver." To say the name "Jesus" is to say, "God saves" or, "God sozo!" Jesus, our internal compass always points toward sozo—the Greek word for salvation. But sozo is more than having a born-again experience. Sozo means that we get so much more because of all that Jesus accomplished on the Cross. Jesus died to give us healing, deliverance, restoration, divine protection and (I like to say) everything Heaven has to offer! And, speaking about grace, Jesus, Himself IS Grace! Grace is a person and not simply a verb.
Most of us are poised on the edge of something great. We need a door to open. We need a doctor to give us good news. We need a call from our boss saying we have a promotion. We need a child to call and say he/she is coming home. If you are still reading what I am writing, this is for you! If you need hope, this article is a message from the Lord. He is empowering you to hope again!
The Woman at the Well Met Grace
Most of us are familiar with the story of the woman at the well. If
anyone needed grace, this woman did. She had been married five times and
was living with a man who was not her husband. I have read this passage
and even taught from it many times, and now I realize that Jesus
"chased her down" to provide divine grace for this woman—an obvious
sinner. Let me unpack this a bit for you. See if you can relate to your
own need to meet grace this year: face-to-face.The account is in John 4. Jesus was leaving one place and en route to another. John explains that Jesus "had to go through Samaria." Now, back then, Jews did everything possible to avoid Samaria...but now Jesus "had to go there?" Hmm... It's interesting to me that the Jews did their best to go around that city, but oddly it says that He "had to go through Samaria." Just why is that? Because Grace was about to chase someone down. There was a woman in Samaria headed to get water at a well, and what she really needed was to meet the Well of Living Water and receive grace. Remember, grace is greater than anything—even adultery. There is nothing so terrible that grace does not cover.
A Year of Grace, Completion and Open Doors!
For those of you who follow the Hebraic calendar, we have just
shifted into the New Hebraic Year of 5778. In the Gregorian calendar, we
just moved into 2018. One can study out the numbers of both years and
get excited! Let's look at the significance of 5778 from a numbers
perspective:The number "5" is the number for grace.
The number "7" is the number for completion.
The number "8" is the number for new beginnings.
On the other hand, 2018 involves the numbers "2" meaning double portions, "1" meaning unity and "8" meaning new beginnings. Therefore, I believe we can easily conclude that we are moving into a season of great grace. Also, double portions await us as we come into greater unity with God and His Word. It's time to "agree" with Heaven and step into our new beginnings.
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