I Am Sending the Rain!
Upon waking up this morning, I felt the sweet and tangible presence of the Lord so strongly that all I could do was weep and worship Him. I was immediately reminded of the Psalms, where it is written, “I long to drink of you, O God, drinking deeply from the streams of pleasure flowing from your presence. My longings overwhelm me for more of you” (Psalm 42:1). I then felt the Lord’s heart of encouragement for His Bride:You, O God, sent the reviving rain upon your weary inheritance, showers of blessing to refresh it. | Psalm 68:9 (TPT)
I sense Him saying today, “I am sending the rain! The rain of My presence will refresh and revive you. The fire has burned so hot that many of My children have felt little to no strength to move forward; the adversity and seemingly constant onslaught has been intense and pressing. They have felt as though they’ve taken steps forward only to be pushed back again. However, know that it is I who changes the times and seasons. This day I have opened the gates in the spirit realm, and you are passing through!
I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron (Isaiah 45:2).

“The prison bars that the enemy has sought to confine you in are swinging wide open, and you are coming out! As it is written in the Book of Isaiah, ‘The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners’” (Isaiah 61:1).
“My Beloved, today I place My signet ring and robe of authority upon you. I say to you well done, My good and faithful servant. You have endured much testing and have come forth pure, even as gold is tried by fire (Job 23:10). You shall now burst forth as a light in the darkness, and you will be one to offer hope to the hopeless.”
In the spirit I saw a battle field with many wounded saints who were laying down their swords. They were bleeding and bruised from all that the enemy had brought against them. Then I saw these burning ones—the ones filled with light—come and release life and hope to the ones who had fallen. Suddenly, the wounded’s strength and vigor were renewed, and they picked upon their swords once again—arising with a fierce fire of determination in their eyes.
I believe that the Lord is saying, “I am calling you to offer My hope to the hopeless ones. For freely you have received, now freely give (Matthew 10:8). You have entered into a kairos season, where you will see prophetic words come to pass that you have been contending for over the years. It’s your time and it’s your season,” declares the Lord!
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you (Isaiah 60:1).
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