“The Enemies You Face Today You will Face No More!”
A short time back I wrote an article about “closings.” (You can read
“Through July 31st – Many Closings will Bring New Beginnings” here.) Based on the timing of this new article and how it came about, I believe that this is “part two” of the closings article.Through the first writing, God showed the beginning of many closings and what it will look like; chapters are closing for new ones to begin. In part two, He is showing us how to get to the other side into our destiny. Walking through life with the Lord is reassuring because He has already taken the steps that we are about to go through. If you have been around Him long enough, then you have witnessed Jesus get you out of some really tight circumstances. I would like to briefly share one of my own.
“You will witness miracles that only God can do!“ |
A Close Call
One day I went to the mall with one of my nephews to get a birthday
card. At the time he was about eight years old. While entering the mall,
I was face-to-face with my ex-girlfriend staring at me with her new
gang-member boyfriend! Oddly, it was almost as if they had been waiting
for me to enter; like they knew we had been already on our way. I looked
at them, they cold-starred back, my nephew and I went directly to the
card store. By the time we got into the store and picked out a card,
several gang members had gathered and were staring at me right outside
the entryway of the store we were in. Mind you, I had a little child
with me.My heart was beating wildly while my nephew held onto my hand. Knowing somehow that it would be okay, I suddenly heard the Lord say, “Go now! Go!” I knew it was Him. I walked out of the card store and headed right toward the large gang huddled in the entryway. “Turn,” the Lord said to me as I approached a drug store at the corner of the mall by the entryway, not far away from the gang. I quickly turned into the drug store, not knowing what else to do.
Some of the gang members were looking right at me, including my ex-girlfriend, but they didn’t see me; they didn’t even recognize me! My nephew and I were like ghosts to them. Continuing on, I walked right down the drug store aisles, and low and behold, there was a side entrance at the end of the store that led right to my car, totally bypassing the main entrance to the mall and the entire group of gang members! We headed straight to the car and left safely. Decades later, I never saw one of them again. God completely put a wall of fire between them and me for life!
This, my friend, is how God takes care of us when we are leaving a chapter and starting a new one. He makes sure we get safely to the other side. Some of you are up against some tough decisions; you are dealing with some really tight circumstances. God has this word for you today: “For Your name’s sake, Lord, preserve my life; in Your righteousness, bring me out of trouble” (Psalm 143:11 NIV).
The Countdown to Your Launching Has Begun!
“God completely put a wall of fire between them and me for life!“ |
“Across the globe I will raise up spiritual
fathers and mothers who have a desire to launch My children properly. I
am connecting them to you in order to connect you to your destiny; an
inheritance I promised long ago. No longer will you be hoarded up for
someone else’s pleasure or purposes. You will be released by My strong
I will release winds from the four corners of the earth to blow My children to their divine destinations. I will be a wind behind you, moving you forward like a sail boat on the waters; I will be a ring of fire around your life and nothing will harm you as you cross over.”
“But You, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.” (Psalm 3:3 NIV)I will release winds from the four corners of the earth to blow My children to their divine destinations. I will be a wind behind you, moving you forward like a sail boat on the waters; I will be a ring of fire around your life and nothing will harm you as you cross over.”
The River Will Now Rage on Your Behalf!
“It is I, the Lord, who called you out and across this river. The river has moved many directions that have worked against you, and now I am going to turn the current of the river to flow in your favor. The river will now rage on your behalf. In the end you will say, ‘God did this—only He could do something like this.'”
“Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.” (Isaiah 35:6 NIV)
I get a sense that many of you reading this will be thinking about your enemies, those trying to hurt you, for the last time in your life. I believe they won’t be able to pursue you any longer and you will face them no more! You will witness miracles that only God can do!
Andy Sanders
Capturing the Supernatural, INC.
Email: andy.s@capturingthesupernatural.com
Website: http://www.capturingthesupernatural.com
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