"I Saw an Angel Standing Over Dallas and This Is What He Said..."
Dream Over Dallas
On December 20th, 2018, I had a dream where I was driving to downtown
Dallas. I was having trouble getting on the on ramp, as my car did not
have enough horsepower to get on. I tried to find other avenues of entry
but each posed a threat. Suddenly, a mighty angel began to descend from
the heavens onto downtown Dallas. He had a fierce and war-like
appearance. He was about 100 feet tall. As he descended he turned to
look at me, I was facing downtown Dallas hovering over the skyline. He
began to decree over me, and I had the strong impression that what he
was speaking over me was being decreed over the city. I stood as a sign
in this heavenly encounter.He began to thunder over me and Dallas, and when he did this I was overwhelmed by the authority and the power in his voice. I knew he was a prince warring angel, carrying an impartation from the spirit of prophecy. He seemed to embody the prophecy of God. The more He decreed, the louder his thunder grew. He said, "Your commission has changed. There has been a change in the books and scrolls of Heaven and your commission has changed. And I will not stop until every layer is activated." When he said this I understood that there had been much warfare over the land – over territory in the natural and supernatural. I had this strong impression that even the layers within the earth (the tectonic plates) had to be brought into alignment with the will of God.
"The time for Dallas has come. There are many layers that have to come into awakening in the heart of God's people, in the earth, and in the heavens." |
Manifesting the Greater Works of God
God has marked the city of Dallas with new angelic assignment and new
angelic hosts. He has changed the commission of the city of Dallas.
Previously, in the spirit, it has been known to release death as we can
see evident in Roe vs. Wade and also in the assassination of President
John F. Kennedy. Both of these instances set the tone for the nation,
and even the globe, establishing the city as a center where death
proceeded from.The change in commission is a change in its purpose. In the past the prophetic destiny of Dallas was to release life and its influence was governmental, meaning it affected the whole nation and ultimately the globe. Now, the change in commission isn't only to release life or to carry great authority to bring national and international change, its commission is to manifest the greater works of God. I believe this was not appointed for many more years to come, but there has been a precipitation in Heaven that has released Dallas into a new commissioning.
John 5:20 is the commission of the city of Dallas: "For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel."
Deep Intimacy
The city of Dallas has been given the mandate to manifest the greater
works of God. In essence this means deep intimacy. The outworking of
that intimacy is great authority and great power, and the fruit of this
is the wonder and marvel of God that will captivate the hearts of the
nation and a generation with the depth and glory of the heart and hand
of God.I believe as God releases this angel, many who had not been able to move forward in their assignments will find their work empowered by the Spirit and Word of God in a fresh and supernatural way.
I believe the eagle, which is the symbol of American Airlines, speaks of this prophetic destiny: that Dallas is meant to go into the heights, into the supernatural, into revelation, into perspective, and into vision. Dallas has been commissioned to soar. Worship and the prophetic will spearhead a movement of mass-encounter evangelism.
After this dream I had a series of encounters and revelations for a period of two weeks. In this time, the Lord unpacked the message He sent through this angel.
Dream 2 – the Heart Of David and the Key of David
In another dream, the Lord began to speak to me about the heart of David. God showed me things called the heart lines and the fault lines
and how He was bringing alignment in the hearts of His people to His
heart. He showed me that the lines in the hearts of His people had to
align with lines in His heart. These fault lines did not have a negative
connotation. On the contrary, they spoke of facets of the heart –
regions that needed to come into correct alignment – the heart on Earth
as the heart that is in Heaven.In the dream I could see David, and he was marked with this unique insight into everything that proceeded from the mouth of God. He didn't know just the words, He knew the depth of those words. There was no limit in his heart. The deepest and most outlandish words from God – things that God could not share with any other person – were like a second nature to David because He knew who spoke them. This was the very root of David's understanding into what we call the prophetic realms of God. It was his intimacy with God revealing itself in understanding. In the dream I knew what God meant when He said that He had found a man after His own heart. David was, first and foremost, a friend of God.
It is this posture of heart that will bring forth the will of God in the city of Dallas, in our nation, and in the earth. It is this posture of heart that will bring forth the greater works of God.
Acts 13:22 (emphasis mine), "After He had removed him, He raised up David to be their king, concerning whom He testified and said, 'I HAVE FOUND DAVID the son of Jesse, A MAN AFTER MY HEART, who will do all My will.'"
As I came out of this dream, the Lord told me to look up the prophecy that Ruth Ward Heflin gave over Dallas; one which I had read and prayed many times before. This prophecy is referred to by many as the EPICENTER PROPHECY because Dallas will be in the center of a move of God that will touch America.
"The change in commission is a change in its purpose." |
As I revisited this prophecy in light of the dream I had about the fault lines in the heart of David, I had the impression that the reference to the deep platform Ruth Heflin saw in her vision was actually the layers and depth that the angel spoke of in the first dream I was given. I also sensed that there was a connection to the tag-line "EPICENTER" and the language that the Holy Spirit chose to use in the dream about the heart of David and the alignment in the fault lines of the heart to His heart.
In prayer, I heard the Lord say that this prince warring angel had been released to bring forth the manifestation of the word Ruth Heflin had released many years ago. The time for Dallas has come. There are many layers that have to come into awakening in the heart of God's people, in the earth, and in the heavens.
Dream 3 – the Host of Heaven
In this third dream, I was taken into the realm of the host of
Heaven, and I could see the expanse of the heavens filled with lights.
As I watched this, the voice of God began to speak to me. He unpacked
even further the revelation He had released in the first dream where the
angel spoke to me. God began to speak and say, "The
layers that the angel spoke of are the layers of authority in the
heavens according to Ephesians 6:12, 'For our struggle is not against
flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the
world forces of the darkness, against the spiritual forces of
wickedness in heavenly places.'"What are these layers?
• Rulers
• Powers
• World forces
• Present darkness
• Spiritual forces
• Wickedness in heavenly places
We are not to go and pick fights with these dimensions, that is not wisdom, but rather our very stand in prayer according to the will of God, and our stand in obedience, and our devotion in worship will mobilize these angels to their greatest capacity in this hour.
Dream 4 – the Manifold Wisdom of God
In this forth dream, I saw a woman in the fullness of purity walking
on a stage in the heavens. She was walking in a 7-fold light – in the
light of the rainbow. As she moved forward, she would manifest this
light and every hue in its spectrum. God began to speak to me about the
DNA of this generation and the fresh fire that was going to fall upon
them. He told me it was going to bring forth a new language for the
miraculous because God was going to use the supernatural record of DNA
of this generation to give expression to the wisdom of God in the
heavens and in the earth according to Ephesians 3:9-10,
"...and to bring to light what is the
administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who
created all things; so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made
known through the Church to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly
places."The woman in the dream symbolized the Bride of Christ in this generation and the light, the wisdom and the glory of God – in her ways, in her steps and in her actions. His light is clothing her whole existence. The 7-fold light also speaks of the 7 spheres of society, like Joseph who had a manifold colored coat that represented the favor over his life but also the influence that he would walk in. I believe that this fresh outpouring of God will awaken the depth of the record of God in the very DNA of a generation. This will bring forth the manifestation of the greater works of God not only in the heavens, but also on the earth; not only in the church, but in the secular spheres. Dallas is the epicenter for the glory of God that will bring transformation to a nation and touch the globe. It is time for this city to rise into its full commissioning. Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit of God is saying.
Many of us will join in a 40-day fast March 16 - April 24th to bring our hearts into alignment with the heart of God in order to draw near to Him and to see His greater works filling the face of the city of Dallas unto the ends of the earth.
Fiorella Giordano
8th Ocean - Sound & Love in Motion
Email: fiorella.giordano@eighthocean.org
Website: www.eighthocean.org
Fiorella Giordano is a speaker, worship leader, poet, and creative. She functions as Seer, discerning the destiny of different spheres of society, especially Media, Music, Art, Technology, Science, and Government. She carries deep insight into times and seasons and their dispensations over this generation, movements, spheres, and nations. She had a season of angelic visitations in 2011 that marked her life with deep understanding concerning sound, the realms of eternity, creation, and abundant life. Her deepest desire is to see this earth transformed by the manifestation of the resurrection and life of Jesus, expressed in its renewed nature as a new creation. She currently resides in East Texa
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