Friday, August 30, 2019
Monday, August 26, 2019
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Friday, August 23, 2019
The Lord our God is creative beyond comprehension; majestic beyond
description; and perfect in the ways He deals with us as His children.
People that don’t know Him are truly missing out on the adventure of
walking with Him, for there is really no one like Him. I was in prayer
last night while listening to Paul Wilbur sing, Spirit of the Sovereign
Lord, come and make your presence known, reveal the glory of the risen
King. For you that don’t know the song, it goes on to say, let the
weight of your glory cover us, let the life of your river flow, let the
peace of your kingdom reign in us, let the weight of your glory, let the
weight of your glory, fall. For you that do know the song, I am sure
you are singing along as you read this. I love these songs that we used
to sing, for they carry a substance that is not seen as often in today’s
worship music, but that is another blog.
I was praying, the Lord spoke to me about someone in my life and the
Lord said, “Their pride, produced in you, patience. Now let patience
complete its work and you will be complete lacking nothing.” I was
stupefied by this statement for it was true. I have someone in my life
that is proud, their pride manifests in being stubborn, and unwilling to
be transformed. Little did I know, their pride, which is still in
operation to this day, has produced in me a patience that I did not see
until the Lord revealed it last night. James 1:4 says, “Let endurance,
steadfastness, and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so
that you may be perfectly and fully developed, with no defects, lacking
nothing (AMP).”
you have someone in your life, usually it is someone you are with
daily, a boss, a child, a spouse, a family member, who is proud. They
refuse to change, they do not see in themselves what others see in them
that is hindering their relationships with God and others, they do not
recognize how their pride is blocking their prosperity and they just
frustrate you to no end. What if instead of getting frustrated with
them; what if instead of nagging them; what if instead of focusing on
them; you allowed God to work in you, patience, so you are complete,
perfect and lacking nothing? What if, God’s was using that person to
develop something in you that you did not recognize you needed? The Lord
showed me that when we are lacking something, we look to others to fill
that lack or meet that need. It is not the other person’s job to fill a
lack in your life, that is God’s job.
Lord says in Isaiah 55:8, “My ways are higher than your ways and My
thoughts are higher than your thoughts”; He says in Romans 8:28, “For
all things work together for the good of those who are called according
to Christ Jesus”; therefore, God knows something we don’t know and we as
people (stubborn, disobedient, just to name a few things) have already
worked in God patience, so He is complete, perfect and lacking nothing,
now He wants that worked in us. We are created in the image of God, we
are to be a reflection of Him to others and the only way to do that is
to let Him work in us patience, so we are lacking nothing. Who would
have ever thought the person that is proud, would be used to work
patience in you, in me. God did, for He sees the connection between
pride and patience. Can you see it?
Today we live in a generation that is privileged with modern
technology. With a cell phone or other digital devices, we are able to
take pictures instantly, from just about any place in the world.
When I was a young girl we didn’t have mobile phones, computers or any type of digital device. We used cameras to take pictures, which had to go through a process of development. A negative was taken through several steps before a photograph was formed. The film was first taken into a dark room. It was soaked in water, then converted into a metallic silver. Lastly, it was rinsed in clean water and perfected by light. As the photograph was being developed it was handled carefully to avoid any damage, discoloration or fading.
The Importance of the Development Process
To parallel this in the spirit, so many of us resist the process that God brings us through because we are looking for an instant, “modern technology” transformation. Every one of us have been taken from a negative situation but so many of us are undeveloped because we haven’t allowed Him to continue with the process in our lives.
Psalm 91:1 (The Passion Translation), “When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High.”
It is imperative that we spend time cultivating our relationship with Jesus in the dark room. We need to allow Him to take us through the process of development. This dark room is where our character is developed as our fleshly desires are crucified. This is the place of heartfelt repentance. This is the place where He trains us to hear His voice and know His ways. This is where our gifts are cultivated and dreams are birthed. This is where new ideas are developed and new assignments are released. This is where we place our prayer requests and receive answers to our prayers. This is where the Word of God becomes alive with revelation and vision is established.
Under the Shadow of Shaddai
Psalm 85:8 (The Passion Translation), “Now I’ll listen carefully for Your voice and wait to hear whatever You say. Let me hear Your promise of peace – the message every one of Your godly lovers longs to hear. Don’t let us in our ignorance turn back from following You.”
The Lord says, “Allow Me to transform your life in this place. Allow Me to work in you and through you to bring every negative situation into a positive. Do not rebel and do not resist the process. Some say, ‘It is too difficult,’ but others understand that I am walking with them through it all. The process is necessary to be conformed and developed into My image. This is the place where all impurities and defilement will be destroyed and all bruises and blemishes will be erased. This is the place where the rough edges will be smooth out, broken hearts will be restored and wounds from the past will be removed.
“The memories of the afflictions and traumas will be wiped away. This is the place where your mind will be renewed and you will learn to walk in integrity and grow in maturity. This place is necessary for your spiritual growth and fruit that will remain. Just as there is a process of maturation in the natural life, there is also a process in your spiritual life. Trust Me when you feel that the process is too challenging.
“My plans will be established through this process of development. This is where transformation will take place. This is where you will learn to walk. This is the place where you will receive healing and learn to grow into the person that you were created to be,” says the Lord.
Song of Solomon 2:10 (The Passion Translation), “…Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come away with me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out…”
Elaine Tavolacci
A Word in Season
When I was a young girl we didn’t have mobile phones, computers or any type of digital device. We used cameras to take pictures, which had to go through a process of development. A negative was taken through several steps before a photograph was formed. The film was first taken into a dark room. It was soaked in water, then converted into a metallic silver. Lastly, it was rinsed in clean water and perfected by light. As the photograph was being developed it was handled carefully to avoid any damage, discoloration or fading.
The Importance of the Development Process
To parallel this in the spirit, so many of us resist the process that God brings us through because we are looking for an instant, “modern technology” transformation. Every one of us have been taken from a negative situation but so many of us are undeveloped because we haven’t allowed Him to continue with the process in our lives.
Psalm 91:1 (The Passion Translation), “When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High.”
It is imperative that we spend time cultivating our relationship with Jesus in the dark room. We need to allow Him to take us through the process of development. This dark room is where our character is developed as our fleshly desires are crucified. This is the place of heartfelt repentance. This is the place where He trains us to hear His voice and know His ways. This is where our gifts are cultivated and dreams are birthed. This is where new ideas are developed and new assignments are released. This is where we place our prayer requests and receive answers to our prayers. This is where the Word of God becomes alive with revelation and vision is established.
Under the Shadow of Shaddai
Psalm 85:8 (The Passion Translation), “Now I’ll listen carefully for Your voice and wait to hear whatever You say. Let me hear Your promise of peace – the message every one of Your godly lovers longs to hear. Don’t let us in our ignorance turn back from following You.”
The Lord says, “Allow Me to transform your life in this place. Allow Me to work in you and through you to bring every negative situation into a positive. Do not rebel and do not resist the process. Some say, ‘It is too difficult,’ but others understand that I am walking with them through it all. The process is necessary to be conformed and developed into My image. This is the place where all impurities and defilement will be destroyed and all bruises and blemishes will be erased. This is the place where the rough edges will be smooth out, broken hearts will be restored and wounds from the past will be removed.
“The memories of the afflictions and traumas will be wiped away. This is the place where your mind will be renewed and you will learn to walk in integrity and grow in maturity. This place is necessary for your spiritual growth and fruit that will remain. Just as there is a process of maturation in the natural life, there is also a process in your spiritual life. Trust Me when you feel that the process is too challenging.
“My plans will be established through this process of development. This is where transformation will take place. This is where you will learn to walk. This is the place where you will receive healing and learn to grow into the person that you were created to be,” says the Lord.
Song of Solomon 2:10 (The Passion Translation), “…Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come away with me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out…”
Elaine Tavolacci
A Word in Season
Thursday, August 22, 2019
by Lana Vawser
Over the past week and
into this week the intensity is increasing in me regarding the miracle
working power of God. There is such a deep stirring within me of God
breaking down impossibilities and turning around that which looks like
it cannot be turned around.
For the last few months in different ways the Lord has been saying one thing over and over “LOOK AT YOU NOW!!!”
the Lord spoke these words, they are a declaration of miracles that
have manifested. They are a declaration of restoration. They are a
declaration of turnaround. They are a declaration of answered prayer.
They are a declaration of revival and resurrection power.
of you are on the brink of MAJOR RESTORATION! Everything else is
screaming at you the opposite of this and there is a VERY REAL fight and
wrestle of faith taking place in your life right now. It’s in that
place that God is bringing you into the deepest place of rest that you
have known. It’s not inactivity, it’s intentional trust in Him and who
He says He is and His Word. It’s a purposeful choice to trust in His
faithfulness and a definitive decision “I will settle for NOTHING LESS
than what the Word says and what was purchased for Me at Calvary in your
death and resurrection Jesus. I will REMAIN in RESTED FAITH, KNOWING
that you will not fail Me, your process may be different to what I
expect, but I CHOOSE to rest in the truth that what you have spoken and
declared has gone forth to accomplish that to which you sent it. I
CHOOSE to REST in TRUTH no matter what circumstance or voices of fear,
doubt or disappointment scream at me. I CHOOSE YOU!”
will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to
Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in
the matter for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)
This may be the first time you hear this or it may be the hundredth time you have heard this. “DO NOT LOSE HOPE!!!”
His eyes are upon you! Put your eyes on Jesus the author and perfector of your faith (Hebrews 12:2)
is uprooting the root of unbelief, unbelief has held you captive. There
must be a repentance of unbelief when we see it in our hearts. Unbelief
has held many of you captive, now faith will set you free. You will see
His power flow to you and through you in a measure you’ve never
hear the sound of MIRACLES filling the atmosphere. I hear the sound of
the turning of tables. You may be in the fight of your life, but you are
in position for the greatest restoration of your life. It will come not
by your own efforts or your own hands, (Zech 4:6) it will come by the
REST OF FAITH in who Jesus is and His Word.
is a resounding decree from the heart of God over you right now as the
miraculous power of God manifests and shifts and changes everything
where you will hear the Lord say to you “LOOK AT YOU NOW!!!!!”
transformed, revived, restored, free, resurrected, refreshed, reset by
His hand to walk in all you were created to walk in. No longer held back
and living under heavy weights you were never meant to carry, but
empowered to run in the freedom that is ALREADY yours in Christ. (John
8:36) Renewed strength and vision will take place in the miracles that
will take place. He IS willing and He IS moving.
Lord wants to encourage many of your hearts the transformation and
miracles that manifest will be so astonishing that your testimony will
draw others to the saving knowledge of Jesus as they look at you with
the statement in their mouths “LOOK AT THEM NOW! WOW!”
Your story is ABOUT TO CHANGE!
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Monday, August 19, 2019
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Friday, August 16, 2019
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Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Monday, August 12, 2019
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Saturday, August 3, 2019
“Are You a Superconductor? Find Out Now!”
Ben Peters, Lincoln, CA
Recently, as I was researching the subject of superconductivity,
God suddenly showed me the amazing parallel between the natural and the
spiritual when it comes to this phenomenon. I feel compelled to share this simple revelation as a catalyst for the restoration of the power of God in His Church today.For more than one hundred years, scientists have been experimenting with and applying the phenomenon of superconductivity. Without using too much scientific jargon, the basics of superconductivity are simply the following.
Superconductivity is the condition of a material that lets
electricity, which is the flow of electrons through a conductor, to flow
totally unhindered without any detectable loss of energy. It gives off
no heat and allows huge amounts of electrical power to flow through a
small wire. Whereas normal conductors, like copper wire, have, what
science calls, a resistance factor measured in OHMs, superconductors
manifest absolutely no resistance to the flow of electrons.
The Central Japan Railway Company and the Railway Technical Research Institute developed the SCMaglev, a superconducting levitation railway system. In April 2015, a manned seven-car LO series train reached a speed of 375 mph, breaking its own speed record for all rail vehicles.
There is probably nothing more exciting, to much of the scientific community, than superconductivity, but they are still hindered in its application by the fact that it will only work under certain conditions.
What hinders their progress in the application of this amazing phenomenon is the fact that, traditionally, most superconductive materials have to be cooled down to almost absolute zero, at least -270 degrees Celsius, before they exhibit superconductive properties. This is a very expensive and inconvenient process that severely limits its applications today. One important medical device, the MRI, uses superconductors because of its diagnostic value, and the fact that costs can be absorbed by deep-pocketed insurance companies.
How is God Speaking to Us Through This?
With that simple explanation, how is God speaking to us through this very unique, scientific discovery?
Sadly, however, like regular copper wiring, many of God’s people seem to have lost sight of their ability to be His superconductors. I believe the reason for this is because we have forgotten how to allow God’s power to freely flow through us. When electrons flow through regular copper, its atoms or ions are bouncing around at high speeds and constantly colliding with the electrons trying to get past them to their destination. Each collision results in energy loss and heat as a byproduct. That’s why wires get hot. In a similar fashion, our flesh – selfish ambition, jealously, guilt, condemnation, shame, lust, addictions and many other manifestations of the flesh, war against the flow of the Holy Spirit through us, as is so eloquently expressed by Paul in Galatians 5.
The Key Component
How does a normal conductor become a superconductor? The
way to make this happen is to cool down the material until the atoms
are totally at rest. Then the electrons find a clear path to their
destination and do not lose any energy bouncing off the atoms of the
conductor. Suddenly, they become superconductors that can carry huge
amounts of electrical power unhindered.Thus, the powerful principle illustrated in the natural realm is the principle of rest. The Bible talks much about entering into our rest, but often we find ourselves striving to please God with our exhausted and failing efforts at producing holiness. We strive to conquer our bad habits and spiritual challenges with the power of our will. We get tired and stressed out, confused and discouraged. Our fear becomes stronger than our faith, and we find ourselves at war with others whom we should be in unity with against our common enemy.
All this activity in our soul actually causes a spiritual resistance to the flow of spiritual energy through us. Instead of being at rest and out of the way, we interrupt the flow of God’s power and love because we don’t know how to rest in His heart and just be an available channel for His power and love.
How to Stay Connected to Our Source of Power
The second important principle of superconductivity is that we
must be connected to a source of power that is giving off spiritual
energy. Jesus told us that He is the Vine and we are the branches.
Unless the branch stays connected to the vine, the flow of energy from
the vine will be cut off. The branch just has to remain in that
dependent relationship with the vine. It doesn’t have to strive or work
to produce fruit. Fruit is just the natural result of abiding.
Now, what about the principle of the expulsion of magnetic fields? The superconductor will not allow the external influence of a magnetic field to enter its space. Instead, it will float above it. There are many fields of attraction called temptation that find their way, too often, into our souls. As superconductors of God’s power, we can keep them outside our space of rest and power and rise above them without any hindrance of friction that they would want to cause.
The applications to this analogy are limitless. For instance, when we prophesy, we can allow fear, selfish ambition or the desire to impress someone to limit the full flow of the Holy Spirit. But if we, with pure hearts, allow God’s words to flow unhindered, He can produce a powerful result in the life of the one to whom we minister. If we pray for a sick person, we can worry about what will happen if God doesn’t heal them instead of resting in God’s declared will and purpose. We may not totally understand why some people aren’t healed, but if we just rest in God’s love and power, He can do powerful miracles through any of us.
Every fruit and every gift of the Holy Spirit requires us to be at rest in our own spirit so He can flow unhindered through us.

One of the best examples of this is Pentecost. Certainly, before the Cross, Jesus’ disciples were filled with flesh and selfish ambition. However, after deserting Jesus at the Cross and realizing that they were failures without God’s power, they waited for ten days in the Upper Room as He had commanded them.
Suddenly, the Holy Spirit fell on them, making them the incredible superconductors that Jesus had prepared them to be. Their souls were at rest and God’s Holy Spirit flowed through them totally unhindered by jealousy or selfish ambition. In this condition they found out, as did the Jewish rulers, that God could do incredible miracles through “unlearned and ignorant men.”
I hear the voice of God calling out to His children today, “Seek My face; seek My presence; seek My glory. I can turn fear into faith in a moment of intimate encounter. I can turn timidity into boldness with one glance. I can overpower every weakness and addiction with one breath into your spirit, and you can truly become a superconductor of My incredible power and love.
“Will you seek Me? Will you sit at My feet long enough to allow the Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding to saturate your own soul and spirit? I am this day inviting you to enter into My heart – your place of rest that I prepared for you before the foundation of the world. I love you and I want to use you. Seek Me now and you will surely find Me.”
Ben R. Peters
Kingdom Sending Center
Ben and Brenda Peters have said “YES” to the call of God to challenge, equip, and send dedicated lovers of Jesus into the harvest fields of the earth, including the seven mountains of society. Together they have ministered to tens of thousands of individuals in several countries of the world. After establishing and serving churches and Christian schools for almost thirty years, they began a traveling ministry in September 1999 under the name Open Heart Ministries. This ministry consisted mainly of speaking, teaching, preaching, and prophesying in conferences, camps, retreats, churches, ministry schools, and homes. More recently, they also founded an Illinois-based ministry called Kingdom Sending Center. Ben began writing revelatory books in 2000, and has published 23 of them since then. Ben and Brenda now live near Sacramento, California, close to most of their five children and twelve grandchildren
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