Friday, August 16, 2019


by Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser
Over the last few months, but especially this last week, I have felt a strong urgency in the Spirit to not be "rushing ahead" right now. There is an invitation from the lord right now to rest, be still, linger with Him and not be in a hurry because He is releasing crystal clear revelation for 2020 and beyond.
There are many in the body of Christ that are feeling like they are living in the place of constant transition and trying to find the "missing piece".
The Lord showed me right now in the place of lingering with Him, being quiet before Him, resting in Him and waiting on Him, that He is releasing strategy and insight into 2020 and beyond that is actually greater than has even been asked for.
There is a deeper positioning in Jeremiah 33:3 that the Lord is inviting us into.
‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’ (AMP Version)
I heard the Holy Spirit say "Things will not be as they have been" - this was not a negative statement - this was a declaration of UPGRADE. This was a statement of PROMOTION. This was a statement of the NEW that He is leading His people into. This was an invitation into taking "NEW LANDS" that were on completely different maps to what you have "walked on and in" previously. This was an invitation into a new adventure with the Lord and pioneering new pathways. It was an invitation into allowing the Holy Spirit to prepare you to carry what He is releasing.
I heard the Holy Spirit whisper "In My presence all other voices are silenced and My voice becomes LOUD"
The sense surrounded me that any are surrounded with many "options", others are surrounded by "many voices" and there is so much "noise".
In the place of "not rushing ahead" and specifically waiting upon Him, the other voices are going to be silenced and the Lord's voice is going to become LOUDER than ever. There will such 'high definition' dreams, visions and encounters from the Lord that you will have crystal clear clarity of what He is speaking and releasing to you regarding 2020 and beyond. Do not fear that you will "miss it". The key is to "WAIT ON HIM" and He is going to MAKE IT CLEAR. The loving warning from His heart is to not rush ahead in what you have done before or "think" is the way He is moving, because things will not be as they have been before.
"Trust in the Lord completely,
and do not rely on your own opinions.
With all your heart rely on him to guide you,
and he will lead you in every decision you make.
Become intimate with him in whatever you do,
and he will lead you wherever you go." (Proverbs 3:5-6 TPT)
Some of the pathways that the Lord leads you down and releases you into will feel like you're going "off the beaten track" but that is the place of the greatest encounter with Jesus, provision, favour and move of His Spirit you have experienced thus far, will be found. It's time to PIONEER NEW PATHWAYS with Jesus to see His Kingdom established and Glory revealed.
Some of the revelation the Lord is releasing for 2020 and beyond is going to seem completely "opposite" to what is being told to you that you "should do". Can I encourage you to follow the Lord's voice at all costs. Follow Him and obey completely. The Lord will demonstrate His favour and vindication as you walk in obedience. The time we are in now in this new era and what God is going to do and entrust us with is SO precious we must be people that bow to His voice alone and not the expectations of man. It's time to come out of "ungodly expectations and pressures" and walk wholeheartedly in the counsel of the Lord. As you step out in obedience to His voice you will see the voices of the wise drawn to you by the Lord to confirm your way. The Lord is strengthening you in the wrestle, He is strengthening you in the tension, He is fortifying you in the opposition and the transition, so you move forward walking in purity, obeying His voice and His strategy alone and swayed not by man and man's opinions.
Discernment is going to MAJORLY increase in the place of "waiting" upon the Lord for 2020 and beyond especially in "sniffing out" the lies of the enemy and the python spirit that has twisted what God has said and lies and fears of old and they will be uprooted once and for all. You will "smell" the stench of these lies and recognise them for what they are and uproot them with your authority and the power of the Word of God. They won't have the affect they have had on you before as the volume of the Lord's voice MAJORLY increases raising your discernment like never before, so 2020 will not be infected by these lies but you will walk in a whole new level of freedom from these things and a deeper place of access of His heart and His revelation and wisdom for 2020 and beyond and move accordingly without fear.
As I sat with the Lord seeking His heart regarding this word, the words surrounded me "2020, THE YEAR OF THE SPRINGBOARD INTO THE GREATEST UNLOCKING OF THE NEXT 10 YEARS"
I then had a vision and as God's people were sitting with Him, refusing to "run ahead" because things 'looked good" or "sounded good" but waited on His direction, I saw keys raining down upon them from heaven and these keys were on fire. I then heard the words "2020, THE YEAR OF THE SPRINGBOARD INTO THE GREATEST UNLOCKING OF THE NEXT 10 YEARS".
What God is releasing now for 2020 is going to UNLOCK foundational strategy, wisdom and revelation for the next 10 years in INCREASE. God is rebuilding foundations and laying new foundations with the revelation He is releasing for 2020 which is going to unlock significant strategy and wisdom to BUILD WITH HIM. God spoke to me for this year(2019) that what He is doing this year is setting us up for LONGEVITY. 2020 is going to see a MAJOR increase of that, but especially regarding VISION. Ministries are going to rapidly and radically change going into 2020. There is a divine makeover God is doing and in 2020 and beyond MANY ministries will look completely different along with the FIVE FOLD being raised up and positioned to operate in the church from 2020 and beyond in unity in ways we have not yet seen. The shifting, shaping, changing of the guards, and rearranging God is doing is to make room for the new wine and for the King of Glory to step in. (Psalm 24:7-9)
Last year I had a dream and the Lord spoke to me about this new era and the mighty outpouring of His Spirit and He whispered "It won't begin until it begins with the children"
God is restoring the family unit. He is restoring the ministry and family balance and teaching His people in greater ways how to do family (as a household and the body of Christ) well. God is going to restore the awe and wonder to the Church like we have never seen and some of the greatest demonstrations of His Spirit that are going to leave people both who know Jesus and those who do not yet know Him in awe and wonder as He moves through "The least of these" - THE CHILDREN. We are already seeing God do wonderful things through children but I heard the Holy Spirit say "You ain't seen nothing yet. Children will play a MAJOR role in what I am doing in 2020 and BEYOND"
The Lord went on to share with me that there will be a MAJOR increase of divine insight, wisdom and strategy for doing life as family, well. A major increase of His heart and revelation for parenting and sowing into the next generation that we have not yet increased.
I also saw many children and their hearts were broken. There was trauma and hurt and the Holy Spirit spoke to me to encourage Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents, carers, aunties, uncles, anyone who has a child on their heart and believing for healing for their broken heart and traumas, the Lord has heard and seen. Your prayers availeth much. Keep interceding because God is restoring and healing and you will see the Holy Spirit not only restore and heal them but they will begin to walk in encounter with Jesus and the gifts of the Spirit in 2020 like you have never seen.
With a joy in His heart I heard Him whisper to the adults "Pay attention to the children for they are going to teach you a lot more about Me and My Word and prophesy My way and strategy to you for 2020 and beyond. The children with their childlike faith and trust in Me will release impartation to the adults and teach those who have been walking with Me for years , MUCH, going into 2020 and beyond, so make sure you are watching and listening."
Friends, don't be in a hurry. What God is revealing, releasing and positioning you into for 2020 and beyond will leave you in nothing but awe and wonder of our beautiful Jesus and your heart burning for Him stronger than ever.

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