Monday, August 3, 2020

By: Fiorella Giordano
This morning I had a very significant dream within a dream. In the dream I was in a very luxurious house. The walls were made of marble ivory and gold. In the dream I had fallen asleep on a very posh couch in the living room. There were tall candles on the coffee table. I feel there were 8 candles. The covers I had were of very expensive fur that felt almost otherworldly.
I suddenly woke up within the dream in awe of my surroundings once again, some time had elapsed and one of the candles was consumed and a second one had also stopped burning. There were 6 candles left burning.
I got up off the couch and there were visitors who had had arrived. I knew these were angels.
I welcomed them in the house. I went into a room where I saw an emerald green knitted blanket but it had red dirt on it, which was strange bc the house itself was immaculate. I knew the visitors needed a blanket. But wasn’t sure if they could use this one bc it looked soiled. Nevertheless they took the blanket, and although I didn’t see them wipe it off I knew they would take of it.
While with them I discovered I had been given 2 violins even though I don’t play the violins. One violin was a normal range violin, the second one was a smaller violin that reached a total of 2 higher octaves.
We all decided to go out for dinner. There was a woman I knew that was going before me, she felt like my mom to me. The place where we were was like an underground shopping center, it was very nice and well lit and it made its way up to an open sky.
There was a line at the entrance, but the woman going ahead of me was not very aware of some of the protocols as to not cutting in line, and waiting for our turn, and she just cut through. There were security teams in different parts of the line, and they all opened the roped off sections to her and let her through. I apologized for her, as I went by the security teams in the line, but these security guards didn’t seem to mind her, or us for that matter.
Our group was waiting to be seated, this woman was now part of our group. We were in a food court area, and there was also a wedding venue across the courtyard, there was wedding party transpiring there.
She sat down with us, and she was looking through her phone. She decided to listen and watch the video to a new song that she had. Her phone was blaring the song so loud. I politely told her, that playing the song so loud in a public area wasn’t the most polite thing to do. She looked at me and didn’t seem to mind me. The song continued to play and it was the most unique and cutting edge sound I had heard in a long time. Surprisingly the song was about a sparrow. I listened intently to the lyrics, upon waking all I could remember was the word “sparrow.” But I knew this song was very important.
As I woke up I was aware this dream was very important bc it was a dream within a dream. Also aware of all the passages concerning sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31
Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
Ps 84:3
The bird also has found a house,
And the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young,
Even Your altars, O Lord of hosts,
My King and my God.
However, I had a prompting from the Lord and felt led to look up the news about Sparrows. I found several articles that were published July 2nd OF 2020 (One of them is posted in the comments.)
The article stated that scientists had found a phenomenon that they cannot explain. The song of the Sparrow in Canada had begun to change in early 2000s and although it is not uncommon for these birds’ songs to change and be sung as dialects, it is very uncommon for the old song to be dropped and a totally new song to be picked up across the whole stretch of Canada and eventually working its way into USA.
For the last 20 years scientists have been watching this change. Now these sparrows are singing the same song in North America (Canada and USA)
The accounts say that they have dropped the 3 notes for a 2 notes ending.
The articles stated that these birds have been known to sing “Oh Sweet Canada,” but now the song has changed and it is “Oh Sweet Cana”
The Candles
These are a timing symbol. The 8 candles are a new day. The 6 candles are a mirror of the the 6 water jars used in the turning of water into wine.
The time reads: fill the jars. The water will turn to wine.
The Green Blanket
I feel this symbol is the unearthing of a healing mantle that has been in hiding. The dirt was the hiding not a blemish. But it must be made ready, God is releasing the unearthing into realms of healing and the realms of eternal life for His move. People who are called to function in the leadership and participation of it are being made ready.
The Sign Of The Change Of The Song
I found this so amazing. There has been a shift in the song of the Sparrows, and the song is now shifted into the Song of Cana, as in the Wedding Of Cana in John 2:1-11.
These birds are a symbol of simplicity and also Jesus uses them as an example to not fear. These birds are a symbol of the love and compassion of the Lord towards us. That He is taking care of us. Each one of us. They are a sign of provision! Do not fear!
They are a sign of the invitation into the high places in the house of God, an invitation that says that there is room to nest, room to expand, room to make a home. Do not be afraid of the doomsday words swirling in the atmosphere, God has a place for you to prosper, a place to give you a future.
Deeper Insight
The articles were mostly published on July 2nd that is in between July 1st Canada Day, and July 4th Independence Day in US.
I sense that the Lord is using the sound of these two nations to bring forth a fresh outpouring that will come in the form of a Sign and Wonder, that will birth a new realm. I believe this realm will carry a grace for sound that is a double portion of His voice in the Spirit that will change culture and release influence to those following His lead.
The woman playing the song and getting through the red tape is the Holy Spirit ushering in the new sound in the public places.
It may seem out of place, and leaders may not fully understand, perhaps we won’t fully understand.
Yet there is an invitation here to not be offended in how He decides to move, but trust God and the way He wants to move. There is an invitation to follow the Holy Spirit in His Sovereignty. Watch as doors and red tape that had been closed off to the church in place, timing, and influence begin to open because of the Sovereignty in the movement of the new sound and the new wine that has been building for the last 20 years!
Lastly, one article mentioned that scientist have not seen a level of change in a song since at least the 1950s. This means that it’s been 70 years! Yet this time it is unprecedented to any other change observed before.
70 in Hebrew is the number for the word Wine; which has to do with revelation, the secrets being revealed.
This new wine will carry realms of revelation and depths of Intimacy with God that will blow our minds!
I prophesy over you that Creation is singing the wedding song, the song of the new wine, the song of the wine that was saved for last. The song of Oneness with God.
The song of water turning into wine is in the land.
You are riding on a shift that has been building for 2 decades. Nothing escapes God’s eye. God will bring to light the small things that you have done that were big in His eyes. Every small yes, every quiet gesture of love, of truth, every time you picked yourself up and encouraged yourself and chose to not grow weary even though you could have remained in that place. Watch as the harvest of this comes into full light. The small things have been moving and changing the atmosphere for 20 years!!!
You have been faithful with the little now you will be given much.
Be expectant of this. The sound is already here. We are on the cusp of a great awakening. The New Era is here.
Here is the link to one of the articles mentioned.…/2020/07/bird-song-spa…/613768/
-Fiorella Giordano

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