I had a dream 2 months ago, where the Lord showed me a worldwide birthing that is taking place across all nationalities and cultures.
I was living in a hotel (transition), and it was time for someone to take me to the hospital for the delivery of my baby.
At the hospital I saw many newborn babies. What stood out for me, is that these newborns were unusually big, way bigger than the average newborn. They were being carried around on people's hips vs sleeping in the maternity nursery. And, the newborns were all of different nationalities and originated from countries that are far away from my home in Africa. Despite our geographic distances, we were all in the same hospital together for the same purpose and I like to think of this hospital as the Holy Spirit Hospital of God.
Medical staff examined me and showed me that my baby's arms and head were already out of the birthing canal. I was very surprised to see that half of my baby was already out, because I have been travailing in labor and transition for a long time, without seeing the physical manifestation.
Then I was told August and given the number 31.
God has told me that I witnessed the worldwide birthing of believers from different nationalities and cultures. A global birthing, that God has ordained to happen at this set time in History. And the newborn babies were sooo big, because many of us have been carrying 'overdue' babies for a very long time. These babies represent promises and prophetic words the Lord gave us years ago, and that we have contested for and have hang on to for all this time. Fresh anointings and mantels, new giftings, ministries and ourselves are being birthed as physical manifestations across the world and across all nationalities.
Many of you are closer to the end of the delivery process than what you can see in the natural. Because you have travailed for so long, without seeing physical manifestations, you have already pushed the head and arms of your baby out of the birthing canal...
Regarding the August and number 31 that I was given:
August - God is saying that it is time for the 'August' ones to appear worldwide. God calls these believers the 'August' ones, because they and their lives, have become the definition and meaning of the word 'August'. August - God has set these believers apart, has consecrated, purified and dedicated them, through years of training, firey testing and now they are being birthed through a baptism of fire. God is giving them an increase in authority to govern in His Kingdom in new levels of authority and increase, so they can fulfill His mandate in this final last days.
The 31 - represents 13, symbolising deliverance and redemption, as can be seen with the walls of Jericho that came down on the Israelites 13th trip around the city. (Josh 6:3-4). It also represents 4, an open door (3+1=4).
The Lord also took me to Ezra 8:31 and Romans 8:31 (8 = August and 31).
Ezra 8:31 (NIV) - 'On the twelfth day of the first month we set out from the Ahava Canal to go to Jerusalem. The hand of God was on us, and he protected us from enemies and bandits along the way'.
Romans 8:31 (NIV) - 'What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?'
Here God is telling us, that as we birth and are birthed out of the birthing canal (the Ahava Canal - Ahavah means love), God's love is for us, as we set out on our new assignments into our Promised Land (the city of Zion, Jerusalem), as His sons and daughters (of Zion). We might be apart physically and geographically, but we must remember and know, that we are 'one' (Echad) Bride in His Kingdom. We are to go out in love, one body in Christ united in one accord, as God is love and He is one (Deu 6:4; 7:8). Interestingly enough, the Hebrew words Echad and Ahavah go hand in hand and both have a numerical value of 13..
As we go out from the birthing canal (the Ahavah Canal) His hand will keep us safe from the enemy and thieves, because if God is for us, then who can be against us. Hallelujah...
It is time.
We are right there in God's delivery room..
Push sisters and brothers push, we are on the brink of the biggest worldwide birthing we have ever seen.
All glory be to Jesus forever and ever, amen. 

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