The Invisible Kingdom And It's King
Linda Patterson
A Holy Righteous King reigns over this Kingdom. Mercy
and grace flow freely.
Come along with Me, My beloved for I want to take you
on a journey to a kingdom that's not widely known. It
is an invisible kingdom because it is hidden deep
within your heart.
The route to take is called the New and Living Way
which is a very narrow way and few find it.
The key that unlocks the door to this kingdom is
crimson red. Turn the key in the lock and enter in!
Come, swim in the Rivers of Revelation for I desire to
show you the mysteries of the deep.
My beloved submerge yourself deep within My Living
Word. Dive into this treasure chest of
blessing and see the wonders that I have for you.
Those who enter this kingdom are assured of life
eternal, for they know that the blackness and
darkness of sin has been erased and has been replaced
with purity and golden light.
My righteous ones jump into the deep well of kingdom
joy and be refreshed. It will laugh, bubble up and
dance within you and My peace will flow forth.
In this kingdom to be honored by the King and highly
esteemed by his royal subjects, you must wear a robe
of humility and become a servant to all. All the
royal subjects desire to be like their King.
This King identifies with the sorrow and grief of His
people and lavishes His love and compassion.
He binds up the wounds of the brokenhearted, brings
restoration and healing. He is always available to
each and every one who have come into His kingdom. He
always has a listening ear.
There is no striving or competition in this kingdom,
for everyone is of equal value in the eyes of the
King. This kingdom that I speak of is a mystery to
those who have not entered in.
I implore you today to make this invisible kingdom a
reality in your life. Enter into the righteousness
peace and joy of My Spirit. You can then declare that
My kingdom will rule and reign in your heart forever.
Luke 17:21b For the Kingdom of God is within you.
Mark 10:15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not
receive the Kingdom of God as a little child
will by no means enter in.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most
assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again,
he cannot see the Kingdom of God.
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