05/27/2015 at 6:31pm | IP Logged |
Ask for His Refining Fires
My chosen ones,
call you all today to come out from among ALL that is
unclean. All, that is not of Me and My Spirit. Listen to Me well, My
faithful ones. Soon there will be great changes in the atmospheres of
both the physical and the spiritual. And, I do not want you caught up
in the gross darkness that shall soon cover the earth.
I say to you; call out to Me and get into My presence on a daily
basis. Allow Me to cleanse you from all filth and corruption of flesh
and the world. Oh, do you not know that these are the last days in
which all must choose between either the world and its darkness, or My
kingdom and its light?
So I say to you, choose well this day. Choose My kingdom, and I shall do great wonders in the midst of you and through you.
love you all, dearest ones. Therefore, come unto Me this day and cry
out for my judgments. Yes, it is true that My judgments are not always
pleasant. However, My judgments to you are redemptive in nature and for
your own righteousness sake.
I will pour out My Spirit of cleansing, and those who do not choose to
yield to my cleansing judgments shall endure great anguish. But for
you, My chosen ones, this shall not be so. For your righteousness shall
shine forth as the sun after you have allowed my refining fires
to cleanse you and make you whole.
love you, My faithful ones. So heed this word of Mine this day and cry
out for my refining fires. Surely I will hear your heart’s cry and
will gladly pour out My Spirit of burning upon you. And I shall burn
all the dross and corruption from you and you shall reflect My
holiness. Not the pretend holiness as taught by the false teachers and
prophets. No, for in this true holiness, you shall reflect Me and My
righteousness. For does not my word proclaim that you must be holy as I
am holy? So then, ask of this refining fire and surely I shall not
withhold it from you. For it is My desire that you be holy just as I am
then, for those who read this word and shrink back at this; know that I
will not take any pleasure in your shrinking back. And know this;
those who do not choose My highway of holiness in these last days shall
NOT be able to endure what is coming upon the earth. For this gross
darkness is not like anything ever known to man even unto to this day.
Yes, the last days will be just like the days of Noah. However, this is
the last days where both evil and good have reached their climax.
Therefore, both evil and good in these last days shall far surpass
anything else up until this time.
then, I cry out to you all who would shrink back at the thought of my
refining fires, and I say to you; consider your ways. Is this present
evil age worth forfeiting your eternal life with Me? I think not?
Therefore, carefully weigh your choices in these last days. Do they
lead you to repentance and righteousness unto Me, or do they pull you
further into the world and its ways?
I love you all, My little ones. So choose carefully this day in whom you shall serve; Me, or your selfish ways and this world.
not forget these words of Mine and know that your choices in the short
days ahead will forge your destiny to either everlasting life with Me,
or everlasting shame and contempt. Therefore, choose wisely My little
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