Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Set-Apart, Sealed, Sent 

In my last message, I shared a picture of the Lord 
engraving upon the heart of a living letter and then, 
once complete, sealing and sending that vessel on its 
heavenly assignment in this endtime era of Kingdom 
purpose. I would like to dig more into the process 
involved in being set-apart. We all know that we were 
born on earth for a specific kingdom purpose and once we 
have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness in 
the kingdom of His dear Son, we are a vessel within His 
great house as described in 2 Timothy: 

2Ti 2:20 But in a great house there are not only 
vessels of gold and silver, but also [utensils] of wood 
and earthenware, and some for honorable and noble [use] 
and some for menial and ignoble [use]. 

So there is an initial setting apart from the realm of 
darkness. This is like having the aleph or alpha seal 
put on your forehead. Aleph is the beginning of the 
work, the mark that signifies you belong to the One Who 
is the Aleph and the Tav, Who redeemed you with the 
payment of His blood. However, the kind of vessel we 
become is dependant of our ongoing decision to cleanse 
and prepare our hearts and to cooperate with the 
convicting searchlight of the Holy Spirit. During this 
time, we are part of the general congregation of vessels 
within the Master’s house. 

2Ti 2:21 So whoever cleanses himself [from what is 
ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact 
with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then 
himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable 
and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the 
Master, fit and ready for any good work. 

Many are called, but few are chosen. The Refiner’s fire 
works with our ‘raw material’ and dross is removed as we 
thrust it from us. This is like moving through the whole 
22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet until the work is 
complete, Christ is seen in us and we are ready to be 
sealed with the Tav. We are marked ( ‘mark’ is the 
Hebrew word ‘Tav’) and SET APART AND CONSECRATED for 
noble and honourable purposes. As 2 Tim 2:19 mentions, 
the Lord knows those who are His and they are sealed 
with His signet as belonging to the Royal Household and 
to be used and employed by the King alone. They are not 
for common use. 

In Acts 13, Barnabas and Saul were set apart for the 
specific work for which they had originally been called. 

Act 13:2 While they were worshiping the Lord and 
fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Separate now for Me 
Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called 

Before that moment, they had been a part of the general 
crowd of disciples, fellowshipping and worshipping day 
by day, as the Holy Spirit worked within them. Then came 
a moment when Heaven looked down upon their hearts and 
determined they were now ready. The preparatory work was 
complete and they were to be further set-apart and 
separated from the others; completely honed in like a 
laser beam of concentrated light, released in order to 
complete the assignment for which they had been called 
into the Kingdom. 

Perhaps you can identify with these two? For a long 
season you have been one of the crowd of believers; ever 
increasingly surrendered to the Lord and all the while 
privately cooperating with the smallest nudge of the 
Holy Spirit as He worked to prepare you for what He has 
in mind. Those around you may not even be aware of this 
very deep inner work, for it is difficult to put into 
words the engraving being done in the foundations of 
your being. In fact, you may not even have a totally 
clear idea of what your assignment is yourself. You have 
caught glimpses of it in the Spirit at times; have been 
given ‘puzzle pieces’ of revelation in various seasons 
and pondered them deep in your heart, yet not had clear 
understanding of the whole picture of who you are in 
Christ. A sense of holy purpose has urged you to press 
on toward a high calling that you may not even be fully 
able to quantify in clear sentences. Yet, this desire to 
be sealed as a vessel of honour has kept you putting one 
step in front of the other through severe testings and 
wilderness times and even dark nights of the soul, where 
only the whisper, “I am His and He is Mine” has kept 
your heart from turning back. You have a general ‘job 
description’ of what you are required to do, but the 
specific daily tasks can only be revealed to you once 
you are set apart and separated, sealed and sent on the 
assignment. Like an arrow released from the Master’s 
bow, you will fly with lightening speed to the 
appointment in Heaven’s diary – the good work prepared 
for you before the foundations of the earth but to be 
fulfilled in this season. 

I believe it is time! We are entering the Jewish year 
5777 on the 4th October, a number speaking loudly of 
completion. The scenario which played out in the 
separating of Saul and Barnabas is a prophetic picture 
of what is being done by the Holy Spirit in this season 
of worshiping and fasting. The Spirit is again sending 
out disciples two by two. This is important in these 
endtimes, as the opposition from the kingdom of darkness 
will be severe. To stand alone is to be vulnerable to 
attack, as Ecclesiastes explains: 

Ecc 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a 
good [more satisfying] reward for their labor; Ecc 4:10 
For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow. But 
woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not 
another to lift him up! Ecc 4:11 Again, if two lie down 
together, then they have warmth; but how can one be warm 
alone? Ecc 4:12 And though a man might prevail against 
him who is alone, two will withstand him. A threefold 
cord is not quickly broken. 

In my third part of the articles on Silver Vessels, I 
spoke of marriages being realigned to Heaven’s purpose – 
in other words, set-apart and sent. So the Holy Spirit 
is saying, “Separate now for Me this couple for the work 
to which I have called them.” This is the ultimate 
purpose for which God has brought them together. The 
work has been prepared for them in the centre of His 
will. And as they are separated from the general 
congregation and sealed for the task ahead, further 
revelation will be given by the Spirit of Truth to fill 
them in on their assignment. 

Also those who are single and have been waiting for a 
very long time for their God-appointed marriage partner 
will also find themselves face to face with their 
Father’s handpicked choice - in a way that only Heaven 
could have coordinated. Hope deferred has often made 
their heart sick but a desire fulfilled will be the tree 
of life; the lifegiving breath of God awakening every 
silent place in their hearts and filling them with a 
song of joy: 

Jer 31:12 They shall come and sing aloud on the height 
of Zion and shall flow together and be radiant with joy 
over the goodness of the Lord--for the corn, for the 
juice [of the grape], for the oil, and for the young of 
the flock and the herd. And their life shall be like a 
watered garden, and they shall not sorrow or languish 
any more at all. Jer 31:13 Then will the maidens 
rejoice in the dance, and the young men and old 
together. For I will turn their mourning into joy and 
will comfort them and make them rejoice after their 

I do not, however, believe this time of sealing and 
sending only applies to those who are married. Just as 
Saul and Barnabas were brothers in Christ, so too Heaven 
is putting together and sending pairs of brothers and 
sisters for their ultimate purposes in the Kingdom. This 
will be a pairing determined and revealed by Heaven and 
not earth. You do not have to look around for someone to 
support and go with you on the appointed assignment God 
has called you to. He will clearly indicate the desire 
and will of Heaven in the matter, amongst those whose 
hearts are set on worship, prayer and fasting. 

You may be holding ‘puzzle pieces’ in your heart but in 
fact, you are also a piece of God’s picture. Vessels of 
honour will be put together like puzzle pieces finding 
the piece alongside them in the big picture. Individual 
pieces who have long wondered how on earth their 
particular shape and design would be of use to the 
ultimate blueprint in the mind of God will find 
themselves lifted out of the pile of puzzle pieces and 
set in place in a position tailor-made for their 
particular precise gifting. This will bring a sense of 
such confidence and assurance of their part in the task 
of bringing heaven to earth, that hell itself will not 
be able to shake them out of their laser-cut place and 
position. Every single puzzle piece in place is 
essential in displaying the portion of the light and 
revelation of Christ in the earth. And the glory of God 
will be displayed through the picture of the face of 
Christ that has been formed by these puzzle pieces who 
are His; vessels of honour sent over the face of the 
whole earth to release their particular wave-beam of the 
light of Christ – through colour, sound, touch and 
fragrance. They are a portable banquet that the whole 
earth may taste and see that the Lord is good through 
all their five senses! The Kingdom will come on earth as 
it is in Heaven. 

From the womb of the morning, spring those who fear the 
Lord and offer themselves willingly, vessels of honor 
sent and scattered like the dew of heaven over the face 
of the earth in the darkness of the morning watch; His 
jewels openly displayed as Malachi 3 describes. They are 
an apostolic generation, sons of the right hand, a 
Benjamin company who have dwelt between the shoulders in 
the embrace of the Lord and carry His heartbeat engraved 
like an ECG upon their own hearts. They have both the 
Aleph Tav of the mind of Christ and the Shin 
representing the heart of the Father, as is described of 
those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes in Revelation 
14:1.The address is complete. Their heavenly position on 
Mount Zion and their earthly destination and assignment 
is written and settled and sealed. 

I will share more on this apostolic vessel release in 
part two of this message. Suffice to say, you have 
indeed been brought to the Kingdom for such a time as 
this. The finishing touches are being put to this living 
letter; a flourishing signature of the One Who sits on 
the throne and sealing with the signet mark of Royal 
Melchizedek priesthood. You have been through the 
extensive and intensive preparation period and your 
willing surrendered heart has moved the heart of the 
Father. You are appointed a vessel of honor in whom He 
is well pleased and are about to be released to take 
over your portion of the Father’s business. 

You should not be surprised at the extent of pressure 
and resistance you are experiencing from the powers of 
darkness at this time. The hordes of hell are terrified 
at the prospect of what is about to happen. They too 
know your perseverance and determination to embrace that 
for which Christ took hold of you. Now last ditch 
attempts are being made to convince you to abandon the 
journey. Take no notice! In fact, consider it a 
backhanded compliment that satan considers you such a 
threat to his dark purposes. It is a backhanded 
compliment and proof that the ultimate unfolding of your 
entire purpose of existence is going to shake the 
kingdom of darkness to such an extent that many souls 
will be loosed from its vice grip. Doubt your doubts. 
Stay focused, keep worshiping, keep yielding, keep 
trusting. You are crossing the threshold, safe in His 

Rom 8:18 [But what of that?] For I consider that the 
sufferings of this present time (this present life) are 
not worth being compared with the glory that is about to 
be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on 
us! Rom 8:19 For [even the whole] creation (all nature) 
waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God's sons to 
be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing 
of their sonship]. 

(Part two to follow) 

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