I sense the Lord saying that there are some who are finding themselves travelingg through dense darkness right now, and you are afraid and asking yourself questions; “Is the Lord able to provide a table in the wilderness?” “Is He able to prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies?” And the Lord would say to you:
“Yes, I AM able. And yes, I have prepared a place for you. You are not alone. I AM is with you. My Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path and I will lead you, step by step, to all I have prepared for you. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other as My Word gives you light and soon you will come round a corner into a place of brilliant light; the light of My abiding glory and presence. And you will feast at My table and experience the fullness of joy that is found in Me. You will see with your own eyes the boundaries of the place I have prepared for you. You will know how greatly you are loved. Do not measure your worth by the depth of the darkness around you. Do not measure your walk by the greatness of the onslaught against you. Did I not say dense darkness would be upon the peoples? Did I not also say that this would mark the time when My glory would arise upon you?
Walk on, Beloved. I AM is with you. In yet a little while you will be seated at My banqueting table and you will feast on the abundance of My house. I have planned your path and I have lit your way. I will show you the way through the darkness. Each step will be taken by the light of My Word. Walk on, My Beloved. Walk on.”
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