“We Are in Thresholds of Great Transition”
I don’t know of anyone who isn’t in some sort of transition. While
unforeseen obstacles and unexpected delays can be upsetting and often
painful, there is a light at the end of the tunnel that propels us into a
completely new adventure and hopeful future. Transition times can be
the most frustrating seasons because, often, we don’t have any control
over what the new frontier will look like. In transitions, we lighten
our load. We experience downsizing, unraveling, lack of direction,
anxiousness, times of doubt and wondering how this is all going to shake
out.God, who has our future in His hands, is just getting us ready for new places, new communities and new assignments. When we connect with our new adventure, angelic help awaits us to adjust and give us help to move into position. Transition has many thresholds we have to cross, and most of the time we feel like our compass is spinning out of control. In these times, it’s best to just adapt a “Pac-Man” approach and take one bite at a time. Live each day and don’t take on the worries of tomorrow, today. Before too long, we can look back and see that we have made more progress than we thought.
Positions, Promises and Posturing
Where we are going, we cannot do things in old ways. They will NOT work. Our learned behavior and repetitious lifestyles are being unraveled so we are in position to embrace our next season and not cling onto the past.
In this next season where the harvest is SO, SO ripe, we have to let go of old stuff and develop the deepest trust in Jesus that we have ever known. Each step will be a faith step, and each faith step will serve to cause us to lean more heavily on Him than our own understanding. It’s just human nature to fight when our comfort is being challenged and disturbed, but this is the very BEST time to “BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD.”
From now on, we will HAVE to learn God’s unfailing love and His ways that are higher than our ways. He is in complete control, and THERE is where we will find our peace, not in our own efforts or limited understanding.
When We Find Our Identity, We Find Our Courage
Knowing who we are and who Christ is in us, provides supernatural courage to do things we would never think of doing. Courage builds confidence and confidence is birthed inside of identity. Only when we understand our own identity (hearing it from God, Himself, when we spend time with Him), can we help others find their identities also. When we are settled in our hearts about why we are on this earth and what our purpose is – according to God who made us for a reason – then we find that our desire to please people is no longer an issue.
We stand before an audience of ONE, GOD HIMSELF, and we only need to hear from Him what we are designed, fashioned and anointed to do. When we are secure in His plan, we can seriously do ANYTHING He asks us to do, without fear.
People are Starving for Identity, Purpose and Hope…the Face of the Church is Changing
We ARE the Church, and God demanded me to change if He was going to be able to use me to the fullest in reaching the world we NOW live in. God doesn’t just have a way, He IS THE WAY, and we have to follow Him. In our outreach efforts with some of the Millennials of today, they have told us, straight up, that they do NOT know who they really are and what their purpose is.
The Greatest Days are in Front of Us, But the Transitions is Not Just a Suggestions…It’s a Requirement
God is the best equipper around. He is our safe haven, our comforter, the absolute LOVER of our lives and hearts, our compass, our deliverer, our shield, our healer, our shame taker, our best friend, our heart break salve, our breath giver, our defender, our addiction breaker, our identity revealer, our all in all, and He has freely given us ALL things that pertain to LIFE AND GODLINESS.
DO NOT GIVE UP. We are transitioning and we WILL MAKE IT.
Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest Ministries
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