I am an EXTREMELY active dreamer, I have at least 2-3 dreams every night. Last night was no exception, The Lord woke me up at 2:10, at 5:20 and at 6:49 to write down the dreams and the things He told me. He told me to share the last dream I had so that those of you who need this word will be encouraged and will pick back up those promises, dreams and visions The Lord gave you. He sees your have been pressed on all sides, He knows your heart is sick from hope deferred. He wants to fill you with hope and vision, because without a vision, no divine directive, we are lost!
Proverbs 28:19
Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained;
But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law [of God].
The word "vision" here means:
1) vision
1a) vision (in ecstatic state)
1b) vision (in night)
1c) vision, oracle, prophecy (divine communication)
1d) vision (as title of book of prophecy)
This verse is basically saying that without God's instructions, without His revelation and wisdom about things and situations, and how to go about them, we let go, we let loose, we are lost, have no direction, we are like a ship tossed to and fro.
So if The Lord, gives us an instruction, we better obey it. Whether we received it in a dream, a vision or a prophecy, if we know God told us, we cannot ignore it!
I have tried my best to follow and obey every instruction The Lord Has given me. It has been very challenging in every way and I have had to stretch myself and step out in faith every single time. Sometimes I feel so out of my comfort zone that I end up doubting what I heard because it feels so unnatural to my flesh. But that's what stepping out in faith is, it feels uncomfortable, scary, it is meant to, because our trust is in Him not in our strength or our abilities. If it was easy then it wouldn't require faith!
One of the biggest battles we have had to face, is in the area of finances and The Lord told me years ago that, this would be our biggest battle because my husband's and mine biggest desire is to not only equip people on how to break free of the past and step into their God given identity, but also to impact the Kingdom of God by investing in these people and their dreams. We want to be Kingdom philanthropists! We wish we had people invest in us and our gifts and talents when we came here in our 20s, but we never did. All we have accomplished is thanks to God and sheer determination and hard work. The enemy has used every scheme he could to hinder us from fulfilling our destiny. But last night!!!
In the dream, I was on a huge, old sail ship, I was preaching on a stage. All of a sudden a massive, fiery angry bull started charging towards me. I ran and hid in a room, I was terrified! As I looked outside the porthole, I could see the bull staring right at me with the deepest hate I have ever experienced!
It was so angry and I could feel that it wanted to kill me.
As I was thinking:"How am I going to escape this?" I heard the loud sound of a gavel hitting the sound-block and The Lord spoke His verdict:
According to The Divinity Code, the bull represents a strong evil spirit and financial predator.
Our breakthrough is connected to our obedience. In the dream, I was on a big ship, which represents a ministry and on stage preaching, which is the most terrifying thing to me. I was obedient and was doing something totally out of my comfort zone.
If you have been contending for your blessings, if you have been obedient, faithfull and have kept the vision The Lord gave you in front of you, I want to tell you that your battle is over.
God Has spoken His verdict and it cannot be revoked!
Deuteronomy 28:1-2
28 “Now it shall be, if you diligently listen to and obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all of His commandments which I am commanding you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. 2 All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you pay attention to the voice of the Lord your God.
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