/ lanavawser / 3 Comments
I had a vision this morning and saw many of the people of God
battling with tremendous onslaughts from the battle. I saw many of the
people of God beginning to lose their peace, their joy and their hope in
the midst of the ‘chaos’ of battle. There was almost a "frantic" search
in the hearts of many of His people for the "answer" to unlock the
breakthrough.It was then, that I saw the Father, and He came to His children that were in this state of deep deep struggle and warfare, but because of weariness, had lost their peace, pace and strength along the way.
It was then that I saw Papa God, bend down on one knee and He said "This is where you shall find your strength." He began to go to one of His children at a time and He lifted them up and placed them on His shoulders. He held them and walked with them through the battle. Peace, hope and strength began to return to His people as a sense of calm confidence in Him flowed over them and filled them. A boldness of "Nothing can touch me, My Papa has got me and He is carrying me."
There was a DEEP PLACE of REST that was being found in the Father’s embrace. As He walked through this battle, this chaotic struggle below of the enemy and his demonic hosts that had attempted to knock many of the people of God out of this season and steal their voice, as Papa walked forward, with each of His steps the ground shook and the enemy TREMBLED. NOTHING was going to harm the people of God. Totally protected, totally safe, totally vindicated, totally strengthened, totally restored by Papa’s embrace.
I then heard Papa God say "Resting on My shoulder’s, is your greatest weapon." It is in the "drawing away" with Papa God in the midst of your battle, resting in His arms, letting Him carry you and fight for you, your intimacy with Him is your GREATEST weapon. Every time you "draw away" with Papa God, you are declaring to Him and in the heavenlies and to the enemy, your TRUST in Him. The enemy trembles in fear every time you draw away with Papa God, because you are MOST POWERFUL when you are in His embrace.
As I watched Papa God walk through this chaotic battle that was beneath His feet carrying the people of God, He then asked a question that was SO pregnant with hope and expectation. "Tell Me what you can see?"
I then watched as many of His children’s eyes began to WIDEN with AWE and AMAZEMENT. I saw them looking ahead into a land shining with the Glory of God and full of abundant treasure and fruit. They began to speak and declare what the word has stored for them on the OTHER SIDE of this battle. Hearts were expanding with greater hope, peace, purpose and excitement AS the battle raged around them.
"On my shoulders My people, you will SEE PAST the battle, THROUGH the battle to what lies ahead. Supernatural VISION will be given to you IN the battle as you rest on My shoulders and you will walk through with CONFIDENCE because you can SEE what is up ahead. The battle is attempting to distract you and steal your peace, voice, vision and hope. STAY on My shoulders it is the safest and most powerful place to be."
The people of God were suddenly not so battle weary. Expanding with hope.
"I promise you My people, what you have suffered for My namesake, what you have endured because you are following hard after Me with all the enemy has thrown at you, YOU WILL be RECOMPENSED and DOUBLE shall be yours. The DAY OF DOUBLE is just up ahead."
"Return to your stronghold, your place of safety, O prisoners of hope; today I declare that I will restore to you double." – Zechariah 9:12
"And we pray that you would be energized with all His EXPLOSIVE power from the realm of His MAGNIFICENT Glory, filling you with GREAT HOPE and JOY in the Holy Spirit" – Colossians 1:11 (The Passion Translation)
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