Posted: 06/08/2015 at 5:08pm | IP Logged |
Place Of Victory!
I saw an eagle who knew how to fly high enough to
maintain altitude from the 3rd heaven, from the glory
realm, where God is. Because the eagle could maintain
altitude, it could also live life from a place of
victory because the eagle was viewing life from a
heavenly perspective; how God sees things. But then I
saw the eagle swoop down to a lower altitude. He was
only supposed to be there long enough to catch his prey,
then he was to “come up higher again.” Because he
didn’t, the attack settled in. Then I could hear God
saying, “It’s all about living from a place of victory;
the no fear zone. Get in, get out, and keep soaring!!”
This is a place of altitude AND attitude. You have
probably heard it said, “Your attitude determines your
altitude.” How true this is! If we stay in that second
realm longer than the time it takes to catch our prey,
or take care of business if you will, our attitude will
slowly begin to change. Sooner or later we end up in
agreement with the enemy and what he is saying. From
that moment on, We have begun to live from the 2nd realm
of heaven where the battles are fought. But it’s the
Lord who fights are battles. We simply go when He says
to go, stay when He says to stay. We speak when He says
to speak, and we remain calm and quiet otherwise. When
He does send us into the battle, we must learn to fight
it from a place of victory because the battle has
already been won! We have to swoop down and take care
of business and then come right back up. If we have
found ourselves staying too long, then agreements with
the enemy will form, and we have to get free from them
all over again so that we can soar again. If we don’t
maintain altitude, we end up getting weighed down and
dragged down to the bottom of the pit!
Beloved, listen to me. Rather, listen to the Spirit of
We are already seated in heavenly places (Ephesians
Ephesians 4:21-24, “Since you have heard about Jesus and
have learned the truth that comes from him, 22 throw off
your old sinful nature and your former way of life,
which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead,
let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put
on your new nature, created to be like God—truly
righteous and holy.”
Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.
It will change your attitude, which increases your
causing you to soar!
Listen to this fact about the eagle, “The eagle is the
only bird that loves the storm. When clouds gather, the
eagle gets excited. The eagle uses the winds of the
storm to rise. The storm only pushes the eagle higher.
Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle stops
flapping and uses the pressure of the raging storm to
soar above the clouds and glide. This gives the eagle an
opportunity to rest its wings. In the meantime all the
other birds hide in the leaves and branches of the
trees. But the eagle, the eagle soars above it all and
enters in to rest. The eagle has the right perspective.
The eagle is not afraid and takes the opportunity to
rest while the storm is raging. Oh, come on church!
The eagle has such a vantage point, it can see when the
storm is ending long before it could if it were living
in the midst of it.
Many of you are about to have encounters with the Spirit
of God like you have never known. What’s the purpose
for your storm? What’s the purpose of having to climb
that mountain in front of you? If you knew what was
waiting for you when reached the top, would it
strengthen you to fly? Remember, when Moses went up on
the mountain, the cloud covered it! (Exodus 24:15).
Spread your wings church!
The Spirit of God is crying out to saying,
“Come up here! ( Rev. 4:1)
Come and fly with me, the best is yet to be!
Posted: 06/08/2015 at 5:08pm | IP Logged |
Place Of Victory!
I saw an eagle who knew how to fly high enough to
maintain altitude from the 3rd heaven, from the glory
realm, where God is. Because the eagle could maintain
altitude, it could also live life from a place of
victory because the eagle was viewing life from a
heavenly perspective; how God sees things. But then I
saw the eagle swoop down to a lower altitude. He was
only supposed to be there long enough to catch his prey,
then he was to “come up higher again.” Because he
didn’t, the attack settled in. Then I could hear God
saying, “It’s all about living from a place of victory;
the no fear zone. Get in, get out, and keep soaring!!”
This is a place of altitude AND attitude. You have
probably heard it said, “Your attitude determines your
altitude.” How true this is! If we stay in that second
realm longer than the time it takes to catch our prey,
or take care of business if you will, our attitude will
slowly begin to change. Sooner or later we end up in
agreement with the enemy and what he is saying. From
that moment on, We have begun to live from the 2nd realm
of heaven where the battles are fought. But it’s the
Lord who fights are battles. We simply go when He says
to go, stay when He says to stay. We speak when He says
to speak, and we remain calm and quiet otherwise. When
He does send us into the battle, we must learn to fight
it from a place of victory because the battle has
already been won! We have to swoop down and take care
of business and then come right back up. If we have
found ourselves staying too long, then agreements with
the enemy will form, and we have to get free from them
all over again so that we can soar again. If we don’t
maintain altitude, we end up getting weighed down and
dragged down to the bottom of the pit!
Beloved, listen to me. Rather, listen to the Spirit of
We are already seated in heavenly places (Ephesians
Ephesians 4:21-24, “Since you have heard about Jesus and
have learned the truth that comes from him, 22 throw off
your old sinful nature and your former way of life,
which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead,
let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put
on your new nature, created to be like God—truly
righteous and holy.”
Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.
It will change your attitude, which increases your
causing you to soar!
Listen to this fact about the eagle, “The eagle is the
only bird that loves the storm. When clouds gather, the
eagle gets excited. The eagle uses the winds of the
storm to rise. The storm only pushes the eagle higher.
Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle stops
flapping and uses the pressure of the raging storm to
soar above the clouds and glide. This gives the eagle an
opportunity to rest its wings. In the meantime all the
other birds hide in the leaves and branches of the
trees. But the eagle, the eagle soars above it all and
enters in to rest. The eagle has the right perspective.
The eagle is not afraid and takes the opportunity to
rest while the storm is raging. Oh, come on church!
The eagle has such a vantage point, it can see when the
storm is ending long before it could if it were living
in the midst of it.
Many of you are about to have encounters with the Spirit
of God like you have never known. What’s the purpose
for your storm? What’s the purpose of having to climb
that mountain in front of you? If you knew what was
waiting for you when reached the top, would it
strengthen you to fly? Remember, when Moses went up on
the mountain, the cloud covered it! (Exodus 24:15).
Spread your wings church!
The Spirit of God is crying out to saying,
“Come up here! ( Rev. 4:1)
Come and fly with me, the best is yet to be!
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