saw hard dry ground in the lives of many of His people. These areas
were areas where life and breakthrough had not sprung forth. It was void
of breakthrough, and this dry hard ground caused SO much pain for the
people of God. There were cracks in the ground that extended as far as
the eyes could see and the sense overcame me that this ground had been
like this for a LONG LONG time.
I looked closer I saw the word "INJUSTICE" written across these "dry
lands" in the lives of believers. Areas where the enemy had orchestrated
circumstances and attacks to bring about great INJUSTICES upon the
people of God. Hope had almost dried up in the hearts of the people of
God concerning these areas and there was a sense of "this is never going
to change", "this is just the way it is going to be."
i saw a HUGE lightning bolt come down from heaven and it STRUCK the
word "INJUSTICE". SUDDENLY, I saw the word SHATTER in half. It was
completely broken.
was then reminded of the view that was torn in two when Jesus died
(Matthew 27:51) so that we can gain complete, unhindered, confident and
full access to the throne of God.
then felt the Lord saying that these "INJUSTICES" have attempted to
hinder the people of God from moving further forward into the secret
place, hinder them from their access to God (Hebrews 4:16)
through discouragement, despair and hopelessness where the people of
God have become weary in approaching the throne for the breakthrough.
SUDDENLY it was broken, SUDDENLY there was a way made where there seemed
to be no way.
the "hold" of the injustice was broken in the lives of the believers
the WHOLE LAND was on fire. The fire of God fell in power. It set the
land ALIGHT with His Glory. As the fire burned brightly, I could see
life beginning to explode everywhere. Green grass, rolling hills,
waterfalls. This is completely impossible when fire falls for life to be
created and explode, but with HIM, what seems impossible was becoming
the areas where the injustice has held you captive are going to be
areas of your next greatest encounters with Him in the secret place. The
area where the enemy has stolen from you through these injustices, you
are being anointed and sent forth to set others free!
Lord has seen the areas of injustice in your life. He has seen the way
the enemy has tormented, the way he has brought so much pressure into
your life that has almost brought you to the place of giving up, the
breaking point had been reached by many. The HEAVENLY breaking point has
now been reached. Where injustice has had a HUGE hold in your life
through different circumstances, through CONSTANT attacks of the enemy
on your body, mind and life, it is being BROKEN.
area you have almost given up on is about to COME ALIVE! Not only will
it come alive with the fire of God and His life, but complete and total
restoration and recompense. Every prayer you have prayed concerning
these areas of injustice in your life have not gone unheard by Papa God,
but have produced endurance and perseverance in you in the process. The
perfect appointed time has arrived!
Injustices broken!!!! YOU are COMING ALIVE! This is the APPOINTED TIME for a TURNAROUND!
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