Monday, May 2, 2016

A Word for the nation of The United States of America! 

American flag - America, hear the word of the LORD, 

“My beloved, just as I sent My servant Moses and chose My 
servant Aaron to deliver My people from slavery, so I have 
sent and chosen instruments for your deliverance in this 
hour and in this generation. 

Fear not, for I AM the mighty breaker that goes before you 
to break to pieces the heavy yokes and steel chains that 
have held you captive and kept you bound”, says God. 

“For my ways are not your ways, I do not look to the 
outward appearance as man does, but I look to the heart, 
for many have said, “Surely this cannot be God’s best for 
our nation,” but I say to you beloved, do not lean on your 
own understanding, for just as I chose, anointed and 
appointed My servant king David by the hand of My prophet 
Samuel, so I have chosen, anointed and appointed one that 
shall deliver you from the giants in the land. 

Rejoice and be glad for I AM leading you into great victory 
and great triumph. 

My beloved America, I have not left you fatherless, nor 
have I forgotten or forsaken you, but I have raised you up 
and taken you under my wing and covered you with My 

The spirit says, “Be ready, for I shall open up for you new 
wells in a new land of promise and prosperity, and you will 
build, occupy and establish My Kingdom purposes upon the 
earth”, says God. 

“Now arise, oh mighty warriors, and declare My works of 
glory, stand strong and do not waver in the face of your 
adversaries, but run with unshakable confidence towards 
those that have opposed my purposes in the land,” says God. 

“Do not grow weary in the battle. Do not be caught 
sleeping or slumbering in the midnight hour, but stay alert 
and keep vigilant, praying and decreeing always that My 
Kingdom will come, and that My will be done on earth as it 
is in heaven…..! 

Listen! Just as I hardened the heart of Pharaoh, so I have 
hardened the hearts of those who have kept you bound and 
held you to ransom, for even now, in this moment, there is 
a war that is waging in the realms of the spirit, a war for 
the identity and destiny of this great nation,” says God. 

“America, behold I come like thief in night, for even the 
darkness is light to me,” says God. 

“I come swiftly to render justice against your oppressors. 
I come to strike fear and dread in the heart of the fiery 
dragon that has been unleashed upon the nations. I come to 
bind and loose at your word,” says God. 

“Beloved, I have heard the sound of your praises which has 
shifted the atmosphere of death and destruction and lifted 
the veil of confusion and chaos that has caused many to be 
blinded by the lies and deceptions of the serpent spirit. 
Now get ready and be aligned, for My governing hand moves 
on your behalf to set the record straight, and to announce 
a guilty verdict against the devourer. 

Suddenly, I shall bring forth restoration, vindication and 
victory for My people, and I shall repay and restore to 
them 100 fold for that which has been taken and that which 
has been destroyed. 

Watch, in this day. I will cause My goodness to pass in 
front of you. I will proclaim My name in your presence, 
and I will show you mercy and great compassion,” says God. 

And the Spirit says, “Watch, as My fiery glory marches 
forth upon the earth in this hour, for I AM reinstating and 
recommissioning an army of radical reformers that will 
carry the mandate of fire and power that will change, 
transform and reform the nations of the earth”. 

America, I decree; no longer will you falter between two 
opinions for you have been chosen by God as a forerunner 
nation that will carry the fires of revival. 

You will be the demonstrators of His signs and wonders to 
the rest of the world. 

This is your hour of divine visitation. 

I see the waters rising causing you to move and advance 
with greater clarity, strategy and divine purpose in this 

As a nation, America, I see you crossing over the threshold 
into the greatest spiritual awakening that the world has 
ever seen. 

America watch! 

For I see a small door and I hear these words, “Again I 
tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of 
a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. 
Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to 
life, and there are few who find it”, says the spirit of 

I prophecy over you America: that the sound of the gavel 
of His justice will be heard across the land, and you will 
see the vindication and restoration of the LORD! 

Even now, I see the hand of God opening up new wells and 
the waters of separation and sanctification flowing forth 
upon your land. 

I see the breath of God now breathing greater increase and 
enlargement upon the seed of your faith, 

I declare: you will go beyond the borders of limitation 
and you will enter through the narrow gate into new life 
and new territory, and nothing will hinder or halt your 
advancing into the land of promise and Kingdom destiny. 

~ by Veronika West 

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