12/23/2014 at 9:03am | IP Logged |
Another year, another time – Spiritual Eras have changed; first felt by a first fruits company, now evidenced by much of the Body. To those aligned with Kingdom government the era produces fresh air, as those out of line sense discomfort and disjointedness. A unique compelling calls us into alignment, as the ways of men weaken to the ways of God. 2015 will birth Kingdom alignment, as God’s light will direct our path to the ways of God. This unique change will be most subtle and almost unnoticed until natural things (blessing and favor) come flowing like water from a broken dam.
The traditions of men will weaken during this era, as men recognize ‘the legless podium’ behind which they stand - the light of the Kingdom exposing weakness based upon man dependence, while pointing us to God dependence (the highest Kingdom principle). This is a year to “Seek first the Kingdom,” as all who do will see unparalleled signs and evidence of God’s protection and favor. Never has the Father been so willing to receive His sons and daughters, as He welcomes us with open arms; contrasting light from darkness.
We have entered a time of supernatural occurrences – a time of noticeable favor. In the words of an old friend, “Begin to get excited!” The times of the Kingdom are here, and God chose us to be part of an incredibly significant period in spiritual history (Acts 17:26). Watch now as old traditional mindsets die within, while awakening us to newness of life comforted by peace. Flow with the ‘River of Life’ now flowing from heaven into earth – flow with it, not against it! The traditions of men will be costly to those who will not release them, as they will surely be “kicking against the goads.” Let go and let God has never meant so much – to die is to live!
Join the corporate move of God, a uniting Body, flowing in purpose, unity, and destiny. Spiritual spontaneity, once thought reckless, will initiate moves of God throughout the earth; freeing God to use us as He will. This chorus of blended harmony in the Body will move men and women to attend to the Father’s business (without a second thought). The power and authority of God will be seen throughout the earth as His seated Body takes its rightful position. Arise Corporate Body of Christ; your appointed time has come!
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