"Spread Your Broken Wings And Fly"
If your heart is broken, you'll find God right there; if you're kicked in the gut, He'll help you catch your breath. Psalm 34:18 The MessageBroken: having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order (of a person) having given up all hope; despairing.
"I'm In Your Brokenness"
I sense an urgent cry from God's heart: "Wait
no longer. I'm in your brokenness. When things didn't go the way you
planned, and I didn't answer the way you thought I would. So broken, you
felt like a bird without wings. But I'm still here, and you are under
My wings. Would you do Me a favor? Spread your broken wings one more time. Give Me one more chance. See what I can do, for I am breathing on your brokenness. Can you feel My breath?
Did Our Brokenness Come To Define Us?
Nothing is wasted in the hands of our Redeemer. All things work
together for our good to those who love the Lord. Even our pain,
disappointments, and things that don't make sense. Could it be that we've tasted brokenness in order to relate to a broken world and to have our heart break for it?Lord, let this be the year. And let us find You. Where our dream that's coming true is You. So we can get over ourselves and heal a broken, dying world. Begin with me. Weep through me over Jerusalem. Weep though me for the lost. I wonder when we stand before You if we will regret that we didn't weep more on earth. Not for ourselves or for the things that didn't work out. But for those who didn't make it there with us. For we will have all eternity to rejoice and be glad. Lord, is that tear in my eye mine or Yours? (Photo by Donna Smallenberg "Today's Orphans, Tomorrow's Leaders" via elijahshopper.com)
A Year To Hear Tears Falling
"I'm opening the ears of My people to
hear tears falling this year. You will hear tears splashing, hitting the
ground so hard that they will erode mountains and make rivers out of
deserts. If you run from them, they will pursue you until you can hear
nothing else."As the prophet Elijah told the widow to go borrow many vessels, I hear the Father saying, "Go borrow many bottles, for there will be more tears than there are bottles on the earth. Tears from orphans pounding against gross darkness, screaming, 'Can anyone hear me?' You will hear widows plead in the night for their cruse of oil not to fail. Children imprisoned in sex-trafficking with no more tears left to cry, staring into outer space. A tearless generation robbed of their emotions. Older people in rest homes weeping for the younger generations, that they might learn from their long life of taking the road less traveled by. Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding? (See Job 12:12.) You may need to visit them to hear their heart cry."
Perhaps when we weep with those who weep, our brokenness begins to heal and our broken wings want to fly again to those whose weeping is greater than our own.
Have the violent winds of life knocked you down? Have you forgotten that you were born to fly in spite of them? They were blowing hard against you to go higher in God. Are you wondering where your wings are? They are beginning to grow now. By faith begin to stretch them. You can do it. Hear the tears of others falling. They need you now. Go ahead. Stretch your broken wings and change history.
Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministry
Email: theshofarhasblown@juno.com
Website: billyount.com
Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 36 years where he is now an elder and a home missionary. He is currently an advisor at large for Aglow International. Bill faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope for 23 years and now travels full-time, both in the U.S. and internationally, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. "Humility and humor" characterize his ministry as he brings forth a fresh word that is "in season," proclaiming the Word of the Lord! The shofar (or ram's horn) is often used in his meetings, breaking the powers of darkness over regions, churches, and households. The shofar represents God's breath blowing into the nostrils of His people, reviving them and awakening the lost. Many of God's messages, which Bill ministers prophetically, come out of his everyday life with his family and friends.
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