Saturday, January 17, 2015

Put Away Unwholesome Conversation
Shall you not put away  filthy conversation, and words that would attempt to defile Holy provocations? In this consecration will they call down from heaven THE FIRE of God, it will devour the darkness and proclaim the Power of God, against the back drop of the night. This separation from sinful habit of the unruly member, precedes great accomplishments in the SPIRIT of MIGHT and POWER- that descend from the HEAD OF THE CHURCH. In Jordan HE WAS BAPTISED. “Submerged in the descender”. HIM, whom also, ascended on high and gave GIFTS unto MEN … the least of all these the gifts … the instrument that administrates it,  must yield to the humble estate of true repentance, before he ascends to that HIGHER estate. This is from where fresh anointing comes. Tongues of fire once again, preceding a double portion of everything until that which is perfect comes. Until HE who is perfection appears, and we TRANSFORMED with HIM.

1 comment:

  1. Note how the above additional excerpt from the "Some say wind..." word confirms the pics Roy & I rec'd. and the "12" verses from Matt. 12, Numbers 12, and Proverbs 18 !!!
