Friday, November 26, 2010

Looking into the eyes of Jesus

This past week was reading a book by Jim Goll and was so touched by his account of a vision experienced by Mahesh Chavda, a converted Hindu:

" He came closer to me, I could see that He was smiling. It was a smile of utter love and delight...

He came closer still, and I saw His eyes. I will never forget the eyes of Jesus. I could see that those eyes had felt every hurt, every heartache, that had ever been felt. They had shed every tear that had ever been wept on earth. Yet they were not eyes of sadness or gloom. They were the eyes of triumph, eyes that seemed to say, 'Yes, I know the pain, I know the heartache, I know the tears. I took it all upon myself when I died on the cross. But I have overcome. And you can overcome too'.

Then as I stood there gazing into His eyes, He stretched out His hand and placed it on my shoulder and said to me simply, 'My little brother'.

As suddenly as it[the vision] had begun, it ended....

This experience came just after he had come to a point of despair and had given up on the thought of embracing the truth he had been so captivated by as he read the bible that a missionary had given him.

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