Sunday, October 18, 2020

Binding the Strongman Over America

Binding the Strongman Over America

VISION: I Saw Leaders Exposed & Judged, Angels Involved! | Mike Thompson...

October 18, 2020
Before waking I had a dream where I was walking down a road in some town and then I looked up at the sky thinking I wish I could just be up there in the sky and fly when SUDDENLY and QUICKLY the spirit of the Lord QUICKLY LIFTED ME UP into the sky and I BEGAN to FLY! This was my first time to fly in a dream and I was thinking .... wow this is what is feels like. It was a little scary because of the speed I was flying at but at the same time EXTREMELY EXHILITERATING. It felt as though I flew for maybe 8 to 10 minutes in the natural and then I began to come down and landed in a foreign like village on a cobblestone street with men, women and little children running around. Then I woke and heard the word ... SOAR and was taken to ISAIAH 40:31. I know this dream had some symbolic messages for me personally but I also strongly felt to DECLARE ISAIAH 40:31 over the sons and daughters of God who are feeling weak and weary but have FAITHFULLY continued to HOPE and WALK in EXPECTANCY. I PROPHESY that A NEW POWER and STRENGTH is about to COME UPON YOU SUPERNATURALLY by the hand of God. I also see MANY SOARING to NEW HEIGHTS. I SEAL this word in the blood of Jesus.
🌬 🔥💥🦅🔥💥🦅🔥💥🦅
But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.
Isaiah 40:31 AMP
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Friday, October 9, 2020

Ark of Grace Ministries : Word of the Lord from October 6th, 2020

Ark of Grace Ministries : Word of the Lord from October 6th, 2020:   Hebrew 2:6-7 What is man that you are mindful of him? Or the son of man that you take care of him? 7. You have made him a little lower tha...

Monday, October 5, 2020

I'll See You Again

The Silent Majority | Buddy Brown | Just Sayin Episode 8


October 4, 2020
"I Am granting you favor and re-positioning you in this new place of promise, so that you may be more effective in your Kingdom positions. The timing before you now is very important; make the best of what is taking place and do not weary yourself with principalities that surround certain situations or circumstances. I will cause what you see as opposition to work for your good.
Enhance your spiritual eyesight (stay attentative) to continually see and know the way I have prepared for you. I will lead and guide you on through, but you must not allow distractions to keep you from My daily instructions. I will avenge the rebellious and the ways of the unjust. I will release everything you will need now, and I will continue to speak to you in this season, and you will continue to know which path to take.
My Angels have already been released to assist you with Kingdom promise and provisions. Continue to carry wisdom concerning what you say, because your words have power. Use them wisely "say what I say" and know that what the King commands, will always be backed by the King Himself. You will continue to overcome principalities if you keep your faith and trust in Me.
Move in and with the spirit as I direct and strengthen you. Continue to withstand opposition from those who oppose you. You have already obtained the anointing and power to walk in what I have given you. You will have what you need to move forward with Kingdom authority, and it is far more than you think you will have. Speak direct, and I will remove any opposition that stands before you.
My Spirit is increasing and accelerating within you, becoming more powerful than ever before. My Glory shall cover you as you move forward; for you have been continuously faithful and have endured many things that have crossed your path; in this I am well pleased! You are now ready to move further on into the riches of My Glory" says the Spirit of the Lord!!! (Pastor D.W. Jones, Sr.) -Oracle
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