Sunday, September 30, 2018

“2019 The Year TheYear Of My Outstretched Arm” Lana Vawser

I don’t usually release prophetic words for the following year so early (I usually release them November/December) but the Lord spoke to me very clearly the past few days that I should release this prophetic word now. This is one of a few words I will be releasing for 2019.
As we were about to move into 2018, the Lord spoke to me that 2018 was a year of “Family, Fruitfulness and the Fear of God”, that as the Church we are in a season of major restoration of the fear of God and Isaiah 6 encounters. That was a decree the Lord released in 2018 and that is now going to gain even greater momentum in amongst the many other amazing things He is going to do in 2019.
The Lord has been moving in such a way in 2018 where we as the Church are beginning to see the Lord show up in greater ways than we have seen before, that is leaving many in awe and wonder of Him, but how we are going to see Him move in 2019 and beyond is going to completely revolutionise the Church by the dramatic demonstrations of His power and strength and a greater unveiling of His Majesty!
About a month ago I heard the Lord release a decree over 2019. I heard Him say “2019 – The Year of My Outstretched Arm and major demonstrations of My power.”
I have such a deep stirring in my spirit as I sit with the Lord regarding 2019. He has been speaking to me that 2019 is going to be a year where the majesty of God is going to be revealed. We are truly going to see the Lord step in as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
2019 will bring a great shaking but it is a glorious shaking as the King of Glory truly steps in, in greater ways than we have ever seen. The Lord spoke to me over 18 months ago and told me that Psalm 24:7-9 was the decree over this time in history right now.
So wake up, you living gateways!
Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny!
Welcome the King of Glory,
for he is about to come through you.
You ask, “Who is this Glory-King?”
The Lord, armed and ready for battle,
the Mighty One, invincible in every way!
So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice![a]
Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny!
Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. (The Passion Translation
As I heard the Lord speak this, He reminded me of a dream I had many months before where and I heard His voice booming so loudly, it felt like the whole earth shook. He spoke ‘Lana, it is not the end of a season, it is the end of an ERA. A completely new ERA has begun.’
I woke up shaken by the voice of God, the power of God that I felt and the decree of God that had brought a historical shift. In 2019 we are going to see such mighty demonstrations of His power in ways we have never seen before. We are going to see the outstretched arm of the Lord move in ways we have never seen. There are going to be mighty deliverances, there are going to be mighty demonstrations of the power of God that is going to leave the body of Christ and the earth shaken.
As I sat with the Lord talking with Him about 2019, He spoke “Lana, 2019 – it is a year of awe.” The Lord has been speaking for so long about the restoration of the fear of God in the Church and that is going to be seen in such significant, increased ways in 2019.
Many have been crying out to God wondering why they do not yet have a “plan” or “strategy” for 2019, I want to encourage you, that what the Lord is going to do in 2019 is going to be so completely different, it is going to be a year where the Lord is going to take the Church and the world by surprise. I could hear His decree resonating “2019, the year of being surprised by My power. You have no grid for what I am about to do, it’s completely new” (Isaiah 43:19)
The way His power is going to manifest, the way His power will be demonstrated, the testimony will be released far and wide across the world that He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and He cannot be moved. He cannot be overcome. He cannot be shaken.
He spoke again:
“The earth will shake at My power and My decree in 2019. My Majesty and holiness that is going to be revealed is going to leave the earth trembling, trembling at My power, My goodness and My Majesty. I am the King of Glory and I am coming in. I have been preparing My Church for such a time as this. I am coming to reintroduce myself to the Church and to the world. Where there has been familiarity that has been birthed in the Church, it is going to be shaken and broken in 2019. For I am restoring AWE of who I am to the Church and to the world. I am going to cause the Church and the earth to TREMBLE at My power. There are going to be so many “face down” times in the body of Christ and in the world in 2019 as I move in power. I am breaking boxes, I am breaking lies that have built themselves up against the truth of who I am. As My power is demonstrated, as governments are shaken, shifted and moved, as things that would seem impossible will suddenly be accomplished in a day by My mighty power, My goodness is going to be revealed in My power that is going to bring in a mighty harvest. It is time for the great outpouring. It is time for My Glory to be revealed. It is time not only for the Church to see My power and My Glory, My majesty revealed, it is time for the earth to see My power and Majesty in a way that has not been seen before.”
“The Church is going to tremble again at My power and majesty”
There will be many times in 2019 at the demonstration of His power and majesty that we as the people of God will be left trembling in His presence. The place of the fear of God being restored, an awe at the holiness of God and from that place will arise an army that is carrying and moving in the power of God in ways we have never seen before.
The great trembling is going to bring forth a great MATURITY. It is going to bring forth a MATURING of the saints to carry His Glory and to see His power flow through them like never before. It’s birthing a PURITY and an INTEGRITY in the people of God to reflect Him in brighter ways than before.
This divine trembling in the restoration of the fear of God in the Church is going to shake out and clean out impurities and strengthen God’s people to partner with Him in the greatest move of the Spirit of God upon the Church that we have ever seen.
“The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!” – Romans 8:19
There are going to be mighty demonstrations of deliverance in 2019. The Lord is going to bring a mighty deliverance to the body of Christ and to the earth. There is a mighty refiners fire that is going to increase in 2019 in the Church but it is not something to run away from, it’s something to RUN TOWARDS. For the purifying fire of God is bringing great deliverance. His strong arm is coming to deliver His people from their bondage. In this new era we will see a MIGHTY demonstration of the freedom of God in the Church. The saints of God have been held down too long. The saints of God have been caged in lies and fears and bondages that have ALREADY Been dealt with at the cross by Jesus, and it is TIME For the saints to go free.
Get ready to see MIGHTY, MIGHTY, MIGHTY deliverances take place in 2019. The Lord is going to show Himself strong and His strong arm to deliver His people from their captivity. (Psalm 136:12-14)
I heard the Lord say again: “I am going to remind you again! I am going to remind you again of WHAT IS YOURS and WHO I AM”
As He spoke those words, I had a vision and I saw Jesus on the cross and then the Lord rising out of the tomb in resurrection power. The atmosphere was filled with victory and triumph.
He spoke again:
“I am going to remind My people again of their victory in Me. I am going to reveal Myself in powerful ways as the King of Kings, the Lord of Victory, the God of breakthrough, the Warrior God. I am going to remind My people again of their victory. Where they have forgotten, I am going to remind them again who I am and who they are in Me. The mighty demonstrations of My power is going to SUDDENLY SHAKE MY PEOPLE AWAKE in new ways. My people have begun to wake, but there is going to be a glorious, violent shaking awake by My power that is going to leave My people in awe of who I am.”
“The world is going to see My mighty deliverance, My mighty power and strength, My outstretched arm to deliver and rearrange and sovereignly establish My plans upon the earth in 2019. My mighty arm will be showed strong. I have been known as the lamb, now I shall be known as the LION! I am going to ROAR IN STRENGTH in the earth like never before in 2019.”
There is going to be a great awakening of Philippians 4:13 and Matthew 19:26 in 2019:
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
Looking straight into their eyes, Jesus replied, “Humanly speaking, no one, because no one can save himself. But what seems impossible to you is never impossible to God!”
The power of God that will be demonstrated in 2019 in the lives of His people individually, in the body of Christ and in the earth is going to usher in a mighty awakening of Philippians 4:13 and Matthew 19:26 in greater ways.
It is going to ignite the fire in the body of Christ that all things are possible in Christ. 2019 will see many things that seem “impossible” suddenly overturned by the power of God. Mighty, loud demonstrations of His power and it will rise up an army of God that are moving in the resurrection power of God.
2019 will see mighty miracles of the resurrection power of God suddenly taking place. I heard the Lord decreeing over and over “2019, a year of My RESURRECTION POWER!!!”
2019 will see the power of His resurrection REBIRTH MANY in the body of Christ. There will be MANY powerful moves of the Spirit of God that will bring forth MIGHTY resurrection power in the Church.
“I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you! This is the mighty power 20 that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted him to the place of highest honor and supreme authority in the heavenly realm!” – Ephesians 1:19-20 (The Passion Translation)
In 2019, in this divine rebirthing that will take place is going to see the Spirit of God rise up His army that moves in His resurrection power. I see the army of God moving out into the world, no longer chained by fear, but convicted by the power and protection of God and moving forward face to face with impossibilities and giants and decreeing “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM!!!! HE LIVES IN ME!!!! IMPOSSIBILITIES BOW!!”
There will also be many demonstrations of the resurrection power of Jesus in the world. in 2019 and beyond there will be mighty demonstrations of the power of God in the world, the dead raised are going to be seen more and more. God is about to show up MIGHTILY in power and the world WILL take notice. A MIGHTY INCREASE of harvest, an influx of souls into the Kingdom of God will take place as they physically SEE the resurrection power of God demonstrated before their very eyes.
The Lord showed me where the enemy has fought SO HARD in the last few years to kill dreams, assignments and people in the body of Christ, to attempt to take them out, now 2019 will see a DIVINE REBIRTH of God’s people that will move them further into their destiny and purpose. The God of BREAKTHROUGH is upon us, and the resurrection power of God is going to bring a great OVERTURNING of the dead and dry places.
This is an Esther season right now and this divine rebirth that is going to take place is going to raise up God’s people into a greater level of positioning to release His love, His goodness and power in the earth. There is going to be ACCELERATED PROMOTION and POSITIONING in 2019. There will be many SUDDEN POSITIONINGS and REPOSITIONINGS in 2019 in both the Church and the world. I saw in a vision the hand of the Lord repositioning pieces on a chessboard and it was happening at such an accelerated pace. As He was moving, shifting, rearranging and repositioning I then heard the sounds of “grumbling” in the body of Christ.
The sound of grumbling rose from the Church “they shouldn’t be there”, “I don’t agree with that positioning”, “they are not right for that position” and I heard the Lord release a warning for 2019.
In the mighty positioning and repositioning of God in 2019 I heard Him say “Do NOT despise the positioning. Continue to ask for eye salve to SEE what I am doing. For My positioning is perfect. Do not speak POISON over My positioning. You MUST lean in, in 2019 more than ever, to have My heart, to know My Word and to hear My voice. Moving in discernment to DISCERN the new thing I am doing. Continue to ask for eye salve in 2019 to DISCERN what I am doing. For there will be many surprises in the positioning, but My positioning is PERFECT.”
The Lord showed me there is going to be a “crossroad choice” for many in 2019. It is going to be the place that says “Do I go the way I think I should go” or the way “God is going”. For the pathways the Lord is going to move in 2019, the way He is going to lead His people in 2019 for some may feel like they are going down “off the beaten track” and a place they have never been before and for many it will be very uncomfortable. But these pathways that seem so “out of left field” and so completely “not what I expected” are going to be the places of greater destiny, greater life and positioning to see His power move through them in ways they have never seen.
There will be MANY times in 2019 where many will find themselves completely out of their comfort zones and in a place that feels like it completely surpasses their “capacity”. That’s the point. The Lord is going to demonstrate His power SO PROFOUNDLY THROUGH YOU in 2019, it is going to cause such a beautiful deeper level of intimacy in your life with Jesus as you SEE HIM move through you in the places where you could never accomplish it yourself. It’s a glorious place.
But there will be a temptation in these uncomfortable places to stay in what you have known or what you ‘want’. I want to encourage you, that the plans and pathways of God are FAR BETTER than what you have dreamt about for yourself.
These “crossroad choice” places in 2019 will birth in you a resolve that no one will ever take from you, if you choose HIS WAY. It will build a fortification in you that will never be stolen. It will see you positioned for a greater impartation of His fire to say “I WILL GO WHEREVER YOU LEAD ME”. It’s a greater and louder YES to Him to follow Jesus. A deeper level of radical abandonment to Him and His calling. A fire that burns only to see His name lifted high, His Glory and goodness seen across the earth and a place of awakening to the privilege that it is to represent Jesus and the Gospel in the earth.
In these “crossroad choice” places, that place of deeper YES given to the Lord, there will be an even greater increase that will be released upon the Church. We cannot even begin to imagine the increase God is getting ready to release in 2019, but this increase MUST be carried by a heart that is laid down and living for HIM and HIS WAY, moving in maturity and not living in soulish agenda, but pure devotion to their first love – JESUS!!!!
“As my power and majesty is demonstrated in the Church and across the earth in exponential ways in 2019, the ROAR OF MY JUSTICE WILL COME FORTH!!! I will roar My justice over the Church that will bring sudden shifts, sudden breakthrough’s and sudden restorations, but I will also roar My justice over the nations.”
“I decree that 2019, the nations will tremble at the ROAR OF MY JUSTICE and My power and the decree that EVERY KNEE will bow and EVERY TONGUE will confess that I am Lord. I am revealing My justice and overturning the injustice that has taken place for so long. There will be a mighty acceleration of My JUSTICE to overturn injustice, seen in the earth in 2019. There will be mighty demonstrations that I am the God who sits in the heavens and laughs at the plans of man. I am going to move MIGHTILY in power. I will demonstrate My power that I am the God who cannot be moved. I will shake and I will rearrange to bring forth MY GLORY. To bring forth the greatest time upon the earth of My Glory being seen. it’s time for MORE! It’s time for the nations to SEE that I am the Lord. My kindness and My power will bring forth a MIGHTY repentance in the earth and the nations will begin to SHAKE and change. Yes there will be significant uproars and battles, but My people you MUST remember that My roar of justice is being released upon the earth and the ROAR OF MY VICTORY is being released. MY ROAR IS OPENING UP THE GATES OF VICTORY! The gates of VICTORY are now being opened. The shaking must come through the roar of My justice to bring forth My VICTORY and usher in My Glory. Truly I am bringing My people to the place of faith that BELIEVES with great fire and conviction that a NATION CAN BE changed in a day. The ROAR of My justice over the nations will activate a great BIRTHING in the nations to see My Kingdom and Glory come and lifted high”
“Don’t be afraid when you see the nations shake, KNOW that the roar My victory and justice is being released!!”
I heard the Lord say:
“Get ready My people, Get ready in 2019 to be MARKED BY MY MAJESTY!!!!”
I saw such a branding taking place upon the people in 2019 by the MAJESTY of God being revealed in the Church. Marked for life and forever changed by the revelation of His Majesty, who He is, and His power. It’s going to change everything. 2019 will leave the body of Christ and the world never the same as the King of Glory steps in, things will not be the same. Don’t try and hold onto what has been, don’t try to work things out in your head, just look for Him and trust Him.
A great unveiling is about to take place… King of Glory, King of Majesty, come in!
Lana Vawser

Kingdom Warriors: Call Your Destiny Forth!
Sharell Barrera, Tri-Cities, WA

From Babies to Warriors
The Lord Jesus visited me in a dream and I had a profound vision of not only myself, but many of His children. In this vision we all had on bibs, feasting in the darkness. Jesus was the light shining there. He began instructing us on how to become strong and mighty warriors. He proclaimed that we are no longer babies who drink milk, but strengthened, mighty warriors for His Kingdom. Jesus released powerful words of revelation. He explained to me that His children will explode in times of opposition, by learning how to feast in hard times—they will grow rapidly in the darkness raging against them. Jesus exclaimed that in this hour the warriors will overturn, overrun and stand together in unity!
Sons and daughters of the Most High King, there is a quickening happening in the spirit of revelation. This is a time and an hour in which we are not to be led astray by the distractions of the enemy. There is an eruption of God’s power and glory that is about to be displayed on the earth; never before seen by human eyes. Mantles are being released from Heaven. Your mantle will not look like anyone else’s because it will look like you.
You were born for such a time as this to leave your Jesus mark upon this world. Your special callings are bursting forth and being birthed today in this very hour. Matthew 13:44 presses upon my heart: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”
I have seen many of God’s children deceived and blinded by the religious spirit. As a result, they have only found the outer layer of the Gospel. This day the scales of religion are falling to the ground like dust. We will find and take the Kingdom by force. I declare: Kingdom warriors, you will arise and you will know God as Papa. You will see that He fights for you. You will see His vindication. You will know the difference between relationship and religion. You will know Him as Jehovah Jireh, your provider.
It’s Time to Push!
I saw another vision of many of God’s people so pregnant with destiny and purpose and in the last stages of labor. In this vision He said, “It’s time to push. It’s time to push out that which you have been carrying on the inside of you. It’s time to birth the fire of your destiny. It’s time to birth those dreams, visions and promises which I have spoken over you. I have sent the Holy Spirit to help you and to guide you into all truth. He will help bring forth everything that is on the brink of being born.”
This is a time of great birthing. There will be unusual ministries, and people stepping out whom you have never heard of before. The underdog who has been hidden, the person who has been pushed down and the one who has been silenced; this year their voice, their testimony, and their story will be heard among the nations. It’s time to call your destiny forth. “If you can see it by faith,” says the Lord, “I will make it come to pass.”
For this very time, everything that the Lord has prepared you for, and everything He has cultivated, will begin to spring up and flourish. The fire of the Spirit is starting to stir inside of your bellies and inside of your spirits. It’s like the floodgates have been held back. But no more. There has been a release of freedom, and many things have been revealed so that God could heal and restore you.
Sons and daughters, you will finally understand why you had to walk through the things you did. You will have fresh insight and vision as to why you suffered through tribulations. You can’t give birth to something without pain, without growth, and without pressing. I declare: Everything on the inside of you will begin to stir and rumble. I speak life to the dry places. I declare a new season of birthing for you.
Time to Adjust Your Armor—You’re on a New Level!
It’s time to adjust your armor. You have been feeling the wounds and the scars from the battles you have been warring against. Your mind and heart have grown tired and weary; but now, in this season, it’s a time to stand up strait and adjust your armor. It’s time to seek, pray, fast and read the Word in a new way. It’s a new season and God wants to speak to you and reach you on a new level of understanding and revelation.
He’s moving in new ways, and He’s speaking in different ways. Don’t look for it to be as it was. God is doing something new. He’s looking for you to find Him on a deeper level. He’s waiting for you to hear Him in a new way. He’s standing over you as a proud Father, rejoicing and cheering you on. He says, “I’m your biggest fan. Dust yourself off and begin to walk on your own. You can’t drown in the circumstances around you anymore. It’s time to war and be the warrior I have called you to be.”
Call out the Warrior inside—Hidden for a Season and a Purpose
This is a time to call to the warrior inside of you. Spiritual eyes, senses, and hearts are being opened like never before. I see the fire of revival being released on any warriors who dare to seek out the King’s commands. Regarding the very things you thought had passed you over, the things you spoke of, saying, “It’s too late. It’s not my time, and I have missed my season.” God says, “If you will dare to seek Me out, I will reverse that curse and I will make every dream inside of you come to pass.” You said, “I have been overlooked and I have been an outcast.” The Lord says, “You were only hidden for a season for My purpose.” You thought you had nothing to say, but God says, “I will fill your mouth.” The King’s command is calling. Will you take His orders and join Him in this hour?
How Far Do You Want to Go?
It’s up to you how far you want to go and how high you want to reach. The warrior inside of you is bursting forth. Warriors, I call your spirits forth. I call your dreams and destinies forth. I declare that the fire will begin to be birthed out of you in such a way that people will be drawn to your love and passion for Jesus. I declare that you will take back everything that belongs to you: your emotions, your health, your finances, your lives and your marriages. Take back your land, warriors. Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back. You were called to this. Adjust your armor and go forth! Warriors, rise up!
Sharell Barrera
Birthing the Fire Ministries
Website: Sharell Ministry Page
Sharell Barrera is a prophetic revivalist who has a heart for revival, healing and transformation. She is the founder of Birthing the Fire Ministries within Facebook, reaching the nations with live videos that impart the fire of His love. She is the author of Take Back Your Land, a hand book for the journey of obtaining our birthright as sons and daughters. Sharell is a prophetic psalmist with a heart to release identity and healing over the lost and broken through her ministry of songs. Based out of Washington, Sharell and her husband Melvin are passionately pursuing revival together with their 5 children

Friday, September 21, 2018

How To Quickly Trap 1,000 YellowJackets In Just Hours. Mousetrap Monday


"This is a New Day of Authority and Power"
Elaine Tavolacci, Staten Island, NY

Not Only in Word, but in Power
"For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power." (1 Corinthians 4:20)
We are living in a season of shifting and shaking; experiencing many changes worldwide as well as in our personal lives and ministries. To some people it appears as if the darkness is dominating this world, but then there are those Believers who recognize that small cloud the size of a man's hand that is rising out of the sea. They know that the days ahead will be glorious times of demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit, just as they had experienced in the book of Acts.
The Lord wants to use every one of us in extraordinary ways; not in word only, but in manifestation of His power through healing, miracles, signs and wonders.
Jesus said in His Word: "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover" (Mark 16:17-18). The glory of the Lord is going to shake many ministries who operate in godliness, but deny the full power of the Spirit.
In the Book of 1 Corinthians Chapter 2, Paul told the Corinthian Church that he did not come with eloquence of speech or carnal persuasiveness, but with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Paul did not speak mere words of man, but he ministered through demonstration, with miracles, signs and wonders following. When Paul prayed for people they were healed, set free, delivered, and even the dead were raised. He ministered in authority and boldness declaring to the people that their faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
"And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." (1 Corinthians 2:4-5)
You Are the Chosen Generation—Walk in His Authority!
1 Corinthians 2:9-10, "But as it is written: 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.' But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God."
The Lord says: "This is a new day. You are the generation who I have chosen to walk in My authority, power and demonstration of My Kingdom on this earth. I am about to release My glory on this earth as it is in Heaven. You have been created for miracles, signs and wonders. I am looking for those who will speak to the mountains, rather than circle the mountains repeatedly.
"I am looking for those who will run the race with endurance and stand strong when the winds and waves of adversity arise. They will be those who will walk on water rather than allowing the waves to overtake them. They are those who will release My light into areas of darkness, and the desire of the wicked will perish as they come into the light. They will drive out the inhabitants of the land as My glory arises within them, comes upon them and moves through them.
"As you allow My Word to sustain you, you will be strengthened beyond your natural abilities. You will no longer be limited in your ways of thinking. You will no longer look to the wisdom of man, but you will understand the truth of My Word. As you trust Me, you will no longer be confused by diverse doctrines.
"Just as Paul threw the viper off into the fire and was unharmed, you also have the authority to throw the vipers off that try to attach themselves to you. You are not mere men and women, but you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation who will release others out of the kingdom of darkness into My marvelous light. As My light is released, the darkness will instantly diminish. This is the day of the demonstration of My glory. This is the divine plan and purpose that I have for you in this season," says the Lord.
Romans 8:19, "For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God."

Elaine Tavolacci
A Word in Season


On a recent night, I had a vivid and urgent dream that I have been stirred in my spirit to share. I believe this dream is an intercessory key for us to stand together and contend, praying direct and targeted prayers for the United States of America, President Trump and the Midterm Elections. This dream is powerfully prophetic, pointing to a coming fall of the giants in the land.
In 1 Timothy 1, Paul exhorts his spiritual son Timothy to hold tight to the prophecies spoken over his life, and in verse 19 he writes, "With this encouragement use your prophecies as weapons as you wage spiritual warfare by faith and with a clean conscience. For there are many who reject these virtues and are now destitute of the true faith..." (TPT). I want to empower you with this truth: Prophecy is a weapon to wage war with.
The prophetic words spoken over our lives individually, and over our nations are a spiritual weapon to seize and decree until we see them take effect in the natural. We have the privilege of decreeing the Word of the Lord over situations and then watching His glory manifest through our partnership with His spoken Word. I encourage you to seize hold of this prophetic dream for the mountain of media, for the president of the US, and for the nations who have been under the siege of the media.
A Peculiar Ceremony
"Without the Spirit of the Lord, it is virtually impossible to determine what truth actually is, which is why it is imperative for Christians to be spending daily time in the Word with the Holy Spirit to truly be able to "see" what is taking place."
In the dream, I was standing on the second floor in the middle of the White House and I was praying. There were many people rushing to and fro all around me and they were hurriedly making their way outside to join a ceremony that was about to begin. From where I was standing, I was able to clearly see the south lawn where many people were gathered to take part. I then heard the sound of trumpets as they heralded in the beginning of this ceremony. The atmosphere was electric with excitement.
Intrigued, I slowly began making my way to the balcony that overlooked the lawn to observe the ceremony. (Having never been in the White House before, and as an Aussie who does not have a whole lot of knowledge pertaining to the White House, I had to look up which balcony I saw in my dream and found that it was the Truman Balcony.) As I looked over the Truman balcony, I watched on as the ceremony began and I recognized it was one of celebration. Strangely enough, though, I quickly realized what it was all about. Two very prominent talk-show hosts were front and center, and they were in prison uniforms with handcuffs tied to their hands. This ceremony was their sentencing.
At that moment, I heard a loud and audible voice booming from Heaven, "Let My justice prevail." I continued to watch this ceremony as a list of their convictions were read, detailing their many offenses and the sentence that was to follow. The odd thing was, this was a celebration, but as the sentencing went on for quite some time, my eyes were drawn to the two talk-show hosts and I began weeping for them. I suddenly felt the heart of the Father for them and in this dream, I began to intercede on their behalf.
As the long list of their offenses were continuing to be read, I felt excitement that their tyranny was now at a close, yet at the same time, I felt deep sadness for them as individuals. I was able to recognize that they had simply been puppets at the hand of the enemy and so I wept for them. They both looked my way and stared directly into my eyes, I could sense their grief over the sentence. I then watched as this ceremony came to a close and there was an uproarious celebration as the people cried out in one accord: "The moguls have fallen! The moguls have fallen!"
As I woke up and sought the Father for the interpretation of this dream, I immediately turned in Scripture to Isaiah 48:14-16 in the amplified. It says, "Assemble yourselves, all of you, and hear! Who among them [the gods and Chaldean astrologers] has foretold these things? The Lord has loved him [Cyrus of Persia]; he will do His pleasure and purpose on Babylon, and his arm will be against the Chaldeans. I, even I, have foretold it; yes, I have called him [Cyrus]; I have brought him, and the Lord shall make his way prosperous. Come near to me and listen to this: I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it happened, I was there..." (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
The Media Mountain of Babylon
Immediately, I understood what it all meant. I want to first highlight above all else, there is a key in the first sentence of that Scripture. It is a charge of the Lord to us, the Church: "Assemble yourselves, ALL of you!" It is a charge of unity to come together as one and pray and listen to what the Father is speaking, putting aside our differences and agendas for the sake of His agenda. The Chaldean astrologers in the Scripture above represent the two talk show hosts, or the media mountain, which is also "Babylon." Note how the Father asks them, "Who among them has foretold these things?" Though the media "predicts" they cannot see what the Father is doing.
The fact that there were two talk show hosts in my dream conveys another insight. The number two in Hebrew means division and separation. Prophetically speaking, I believe this could signify that there will be a division between media giants that will cause their very downfall. A separation of the ranks, so to speak, will break their associations and agreements. And just as Jehoshaphat watched his enemies fight amongst themselves, we will begin to watch as their own confusion they have caused will descend within their walls.
In Isaiah 22:22, it says, "And the key of the House of David I will lay upon His shoulder; so He shall open, and non shall shut, and He shall shut, and non shall open." Up until now, the media have "perceived" that they have all power and authority – opening and closing doorways to whomever they choose – silencing whomever they wish, but this is about to be exposed and come crashing down as the Father is decreeing from the heavens, "Let My justice prevail!" Nothing and no one can stand in His way, nor silence Him and His people. The media does not hold the key of the house of David. The name Babylon literally means "confusion (by mixing)." The media today, as we well know, mixes a measure of "truth" with lies, bringing forth widespread confusion.
"I want to empower you with this truth: Prophecy is a weapon to wage war with."
Without the Spirit of the Lord, it is virtually impossible to determine what truth actually is, which is why it is imperative for Christians to be spending daily time in the Word with the Holy Spirit to truly be able to "see" what is taking place. These media moguls are possessed with the mindset of the enemy to rob truth and peace from the hearts of the nations, twisting mindsets with their lies, and then gripping them in a tight hold of possession. Remember though, we are not warring against them, but the principalities behind them. We need to remember who the true enemy is and take our battle up higher.
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12)
Babylon Will Fall
Lance Wallnau first prophesied that President Trump would be as a modern-day Cyrus. The fact this dream took place in the White House is a significant sign that God is bringing forth justice in the presence of the People's House. I believe it also represents the mid-terms. The ceremony itself points to a "holding" of the fort, a celebration as the giants fall. The Father is cleansing the lies and bringing hidden darkness to light. His hand is upon Cyrus and there will be great celebration at the ceremony of the moguls' downfall – the midterms.
One other interesting point is that Cyrus of old was from Persia, which means, "That cuts or divides." It doesn't take much to recognize that Trump has been a threshing instrument to cut through the lies and to divide and separate that which has been secretly hidden and destroying the nation for too long. He was not anointed as a pastor, but as an instrument to cut and divide in order to expose.
Another interesting find in relation to the dream was what I discovered about the Truman balcony. It was a very prominent feature of my dream, and I found that in the same year of the balcony's establishment, a very prominent media outlet was also established. As I was standing on the balcony looking down at the sentencing, it points to our "standing" on victory over the enemy's lies and establishments.
Sound the Trumpets
The trumpets in my dream heralded the beginning of this ceremony of the sentence, the mid-terms. I believe the sound of the trumpets represents the Body of Christ releasing this very proclamation of prophecy: "Let the justice of our God prevail. The moguls are about to fall. Babylon will fall." It is a sound of EVERY voice arising together in unity and shouting that our God will prevail. Our God is above every other name! (Photo via Unsplash)
I prophesy that we are going to witness the effects of Zechariah 4:6 where it says, "So He said to me, 'This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the LORD Almighty.'" The Father's justice will prevail. The giants will fall by the strength and power of His Spirit. I believe the Holy Spirit is inviting us in this unique time in history to partner with His proclamation and by faith, take back the nations who have been under the tyranny of confusion. I also feel strongly that it is our responsibility to pray and intercede for President Trump because what happens to America spreads globally.
We also need to be praying on behalf of the people in the media and within governmental ranks that the enemy is manipulating for his benefit. God's heart is for them, just as much as His heart burns for you and I, and He desires to see them freed from the chains of the enemy and restored to His heart. Will you join me in standing in agreement? Will you decree with me, "Let the justice of our God prevail!" Let our battle cries be heard in the heavens as our united shouts of decrees unleash the forces of Heaven to wage war on our behalf.
Prayer Strategies and Keys for Militant Intercession:
1. Pray that any hidden agendas within the media would be exposed (Daniel 2:22).
2. Decree justice over the United States, the president and over the nations.
3. Use this prophecy and others as your weapons (1 Timothy 1:19 and pray Psalm 58).
4. Pray daily protection over President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and their families (Psalm 91).
5. Fast as the Holy Spirit leads you.
6. UNITE with other Christians, refrain from criticizing with your words.
7. Pray for the lies and confusion of the media to be exposed and torn down (Isaiah 25:7). (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Christy Johnston
Everyday Revivalists


Christy Johnston was born and raised in

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

pounds” (1 Samuel 17:6-7).
Goliath was confident he would rule over the their army and take them all captive. He stood and shouted, taunting and mocking the Israelite army, saying: “‘…This day I defy the armies of Israel…!’ When Saul and the Israelites heard this, they were terrified and deeply shaken” (1 Samuel 17:10-11).
The Mighty Intimidator: Goliath
I experienced a vision of Goliath standing before the Israelite army and what I saw made it very real to me. I have often wondered why the Israelites were so intimidated by Goliath, but after seeing this vision, I no longer wonder. Truly, he was the very definition of an ego maniac. He literally roared when he felt their fear diminishing. Having never laid a hand on even one soldier in the Israelite army, he held them all captive with his audacious intimidation. It wasn’t enough for him to wear more armor than a normal person could even carry, outfitted with brandish weapons that were even too much for him to manage. No. He was driven by a desire to hold his audience captive with intimidation. He fed on the fear others had for him.
In my vision, I saw that Goliath was up front and towering over every other soldier and howling out all kinds of intimidating threats with his booming voice. Like tiny twigs, he broke tree trunks, launching them in the air when he thought more intimidation was needed. He stomped on the ground until it shook, until even his armor bearer was afraid of what he might do next.
The Shepherd Boy
Into this storm-like atmosphere walked David, the shepherd. David loved the Lord with a great passion and intensity. He couldn’t stand to see injustice done against Him. What he realized that others didn’t was that the tolerance of injustice against those known to be loved and protected by God, was also an injustice against God Himself! Having formed an intimate friendship with the God of justice, he had an instinctive aversion to injustice. He couldn’t tolerate it. He had seen true justice and how our God had designed His children to live. Their tolerance of tyranny was literally inconceivable to him.
Army of Davids
In our day, we have many, many GOLIATHS! Everywhere we turn we hear another painful, gut-wrenching story of another child of God, whose heart has been broken. We see the hijacking of our authority in Christ by insignificant, minor demonic strongholds which stand like Goliaths, full of indignation and pride, ranting and raging intimidation against the Body of Christ. Like Saul and his whole army who were “dismayed” and “terrified,” this bully-spirit of rage and accusation has kept its victims hiding, praying for help.
Father God is releasing an ARMY OF DAVIDS all over the globe, emerging from the wilderness. Indeed, He has raised them up and trusts them with His power. As they enter into the lives of those under the influence of a giant, something heavenly is unleashed. God has spent years training them in the wilderness and has given them victory after victory until they are finally convinced!
Are You a Giant Killer?
Yes, YOU ARE A GIANT KILLER! You don’t need armor or traditional weapons; all you have and all you need is GOD! You totally and absolutely trust in Him and cannot fathom others not doing so. God has brought these Goliaths to you in order to build you up in HIM! As you knock them down, one by one, your REPUTATION in the spirit realm grows until you have but to approach a person and demons flee.
The Goliaths of the world rely on spiritual powers and divination to intimidate and control others. They think their powers are unbeatable. Blinded by their pride and falsely laid confidence in themselves, the giants underestimate the power of the warriors of the Lord’s army as they step up, so their demise is unexpected. Truly, the Davids purposely look insignificant to the Goliaths, and oh how the giants roar with contempt when they see these Davids. That is…until the Davids open their mouths and from them flows brutal authority in the spirit that decapitates the strongholds of Goliaths.
Goliaths are spiritual “WHEATIES” to this ARMY OF DAVIDS—the more they eat, the stronger they get!
Father God Says:
“It’s time for some Goliaths to fall. It’s time for My Davids to arise. It’s time for the wilderness to end and for you to move to the forefront of the battle. I have prepared you for this hour and you will see that My preparation in your life has been complete and absolute. They consider your trust in Me to be foolishness and absurdity. Let them think you’re silly for trusting in Me. We’ll surprise them! They won’t understand who they are truly dealing with until it is too late. You are My secret weapon! My GIANT KILLER!
“Go with confidence in Me and watch the giants of fear and intimidation fall. You will liberate one stronghold after another and I will keep you from being discovered—I will keep you protected. You are a secret, and I am your BOLD LEADER! I will not allow them to continue bullying My children. My justice will be felt. I will be heeded and I will be obeyed. And they will feel the weight of My presence until they bend their knees to Me.
“Do not fear them! If you fear them, you will be disgraced. If you STAND IN ME, you will be UNSTOPPABLE, VICTORIOUS and TRIUMPHANT! I am with you and I will not leave you.
Father is Calling Us to a PRAYER-WAR!
Saints, Father God is calling us to stand up and take authority over the giants in our cities, states and our nation! We are entering a new season and we will soon find out what that means. Powers will arise in each of us in this season that we never dreamed of. God will bring people across your path who need their giants felled just to give you practice! Father God is building an army. If you’ve been in the wilderness, you’ve been experiencing His boot camp. Trust Him to move you to the front lines and protect you there. These are days we are unaccustomed to. Let go of the fear of the past, stand up and watch the giants fall before you. You are more powerful than you know!
God has put it on my heart to have an OPEN AIR PRAYER-WAR! He gave me a word a few months ago called, “Father God Says: ‘It’s Time For A Prayer-War!‘” Now is the time He wants us to begin! It is our D-Day!
The Army of Davids is arising and standing up to the intimidation of the giants. We are entering the days the Lord has chosen to display His JUSTICE! It’s time for our righteous Judge to overturn the unjust rulings of the accuser of the brethren. If you feel moved with a strong conviction of injustice when you hear how wrongly someone has been treated, the spirit of David is awakening in you. Indeed, the Spirit of our righteous God is arising in you!
It’s time for the tyrants, dictators and manipulators to fall! Our Lord is calling His army to RISE and WAR against the strongholds and principalities that control the oppressors in our world! God is moving you to the front lines as His Kingdom invades the darkness. It’s time to dust off unbelief and suit up for battle, we are going to war at last! Goliath is going to fall!
Joy-Filled Expectancy
We’re expecting a great harvest of souls to come flooding into our Father’s Kingdom! We are JOYFULLY expecting the UNEXPECTED! Father God has a gift for you!
Love and blessings,
Victoria Boyson
Speaking Life Ministries