Sunday, September 2, 2018

By Lana Vawser
Over the past few days I have felt the Lord's heart strongly for those who are now stepping into the 'new things' the Lord has opened before them.
This is a season of incredible promotion and divine surprises. There are many new avenues, new pathways, new doors and new blueprints, but in the release of the "new things" God is releasing and leading His people into, I saw many feeling pressure, overwhelmed and even some fear.
If that's you, this word is for you.
For those of you who are feeling the pressure and feeling your capacity is being stretched intensely and the "new things" before you, as exciting as they are, and the "new pathways" the Lord is leading you into, there is also a sense of feeling overwhelmed or even fear that surrounds it. I heard the Lord say:
"There is a new level of empowerment upon you!!!!!"
Instantly I heard 2 Corinthians 12:9:
"But he answered me, “My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness.” So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me." - (The Passion Translation)
You will experience His power and grace in ways you never have before. You are going to experience the strength of God in you to accomplish all that He is leading you into. I saw that the feeling of pressure, opposition and feeling overwhelmed is stealing joy and causing many of you at times, wanting to withdraw.
I prophesy over you today, not only is the Lord going to restore your joy in the new places He is leading you into and what He is asking you to put your hand to, He is also going to demolish fear in your life through the power of His love.
You are going to experience the power of God in your life and through your life in a way you have never experienced before. So much in this season the Lord has been speaking to me about it being an EXPONENTIAL season.
EXPONENTIAL DEFINITION: "An increase becoming more and more rapid" - Google.Com
This is an EXPONENTIAL season. There is SIGNIFICANT increase. There is SIGNIFICANT acceleration and momentum taking place. A lot of pressure the enemy is placing upon these new pathways and new lands the Lord is leading you into, is to cause you to retreat, but now is the time to STAND and continue to move forward KNOWING that you are moving into these new places with Jesus. He has already gone before you (verse) and there is EXPONENTIAL INCREASE awaiting you in these new places.
“Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:19)
As I felt this incredible sense of empowerment and the strength and power of God being released in your life to accomplish all He is asking you to and to move into what He is leading you into, I heard Ephesians 3:16-19 so loudly in my spirit:
"And I pray that he would unveil within you the unlimited riches of his glory and favour until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with his divine might and explosive power." - (The Passion Translation)
The Lord spoke to me that in this season of change, with the Lord bringing these changes and new beginnings, the Lord spoke to me that you will NOT miss out in this new season and new beginnings. Yes, things won't look the same, but you will have and walk in more than you have had before.
I saw the whispers of the enemy attempting to lure God's people into discouragement and despair. "Things are changing, look what you have to leave behind"
But I want to prophesy and decree over you today:
"GOD IS GOOD! His plans for you are GOOD and so much better than you could ever imagine. He is leading you to INCREASE and a place of greater JOY! A greater place of breakthrough, of partnering with Him to see His Kingdom extended and His Glory fill the earth. This is the season for you to take your place in greater ways. There isn't grief in what He is leading you into, there is GREAT JOY!!!"
There is sacrifice in moving into what God is leading His people into, BUT the joy that awaits you is greater than you know. The increase that awaits you is greater than you know. He is multiplying you and multiplying what He has given you and placed in your life. It's a new birthing!
The Lord showed me that in the new things that He is opening up, new things He is releasing, new things He is leading His people into, that family is KEY!
God is going to be bringing families so much closer together in this season. He is going to be raising up family units more than ever to minister and extend His Kingdom in greater ways. The Lord is going to move POWERFULLY through the family unit in exponential ways in this season.
There's been a real attack of fear from the enemy on families, there has been onslaughts many families have faced, but I want to encourage you, God is raising you up TOGETHER in this season.
I see SO many families in this season going out and moving together in what the Lord is leading them into. Children are a MAJOR KEY in the outpouring of the Spirit of God upon the earth right now. In a powerful dream recently I heard the Lord speak "It won't begin until it begins with the children"
Watch and see how the Lord is going to move in greater ways than ever through children.
Rejoice people of God, there is major revival in families, major commissioning of families into all God has called them into and major breakthrough.
Rejoice people of God, you're going to see a whole new level of the empowerment of God in your life!!!


by Lana Vawser Ministries

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