Sunday, September 29, 2019

Jo Ellen Stevens
Yesterday, as I was driving, I began to see in the Spirit, what looked like the sky touching the edge of the earth. I heard the Lord say that man is at a great precipice right now of all things becoming new, and that as we step out into this next season that nothing will be the same! I heard Him say that, what He is about to do for His elect, will not seem fair to the world! Then He said that, it will not be a matter of being fair but will be a matter of His favor!
He then showed me the children of Israel coming out of Egypt and said because they had great faith,they were all healed but NOT because they had great faith, but because it was their time and because of His favor! They were all wealthy when they came out,but not because they had been such great givers, but because it was their time and because of His favor! He did deliver them all not because they wanted to be delivered, because many of them did not want to leave. He said "I DID IT, BECAUSE THEY WERE MINE AND I WAS ABOUT TO SHOW FORTH MY GREAT POWER AND MIGHT IN THEM AND IT WAS THEIR TIME AND IT WAS MY GREAT FAVOR!"

I then heard Him saying that "just as in that day and in that hour that I brought them out of bondage. I will bring another people out and heal them all for the Journey ahead! I will clothe them, feed them, deliver them, not because they deserve it but because they are mine and because of My great favor! THEY ARE ON THE PRECIPICE OF A GREAT BREAKING OUT OF AN OLD WAY OF THINKING AND DOING, INTO THE KINGDOM WAY OF DOING AND BEING!
I saw the body of Christ in a cocoon and they were shedding the outside of that cocoon and breaking into a whole new place that they had never been before! I THEN SAW A BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY COME FORTH,THIS BUTTERFLY WAS VERY BEAUTIFUL AND AS I WATCHED, IT BEGAN TO TO FLY!
Caterpillars’ bodies “melt” almost completely before morphing into butterflies in the chrysalis.In order for the change from a caterpillar to a butterfly to take place within the pupa, the caterpillar begins releasing enzymes that literally digest nearly all of its own body. When I saw this the Lord said "Jo Ellen, when my people begin to worship me in Spirit and in truth the enemy has to melt like wax because of my presence, not only that, their flesh has to die or melt away because of the fire that is becoming greater in them! I AM THE CONSUMING FIRE THAT IS IN THEM! THIS IS THE TIME THAT MY PEOPLE WILL EMERGE AS "THAT ONE MAN IN CHRIST" and will now take flight! GET READY FOR MY APPEARING IN MY PEOPLE!" IT WILL BE THE GLORY THAT WILL ARISE UPON THEM IN THE MIDST OF THE DARKNESS!
They are Coming out and as they do, they will be a glorious sight to behold! They will be coming out into a whole new arena so to speak... They will have my favor upon them to do great exploits! They will each be different but one as beautiful as the next! I love them all and have watched their process! It was always a process, howbeit a very difficult one and yet this is the season that I said that, "if they fainted not they would come forth and reap in their due season!" YES, YOU ARE ON THE PRECIPICE OF A NEW DAY, IT WILL BE CALLED THE DAY OF MY POWER! THE DAY OF CHRIST IN YOU,THE HOPE OF GLORY!"
Psalms 102:13 (KJ21) "Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion; for the time to favor her, yea, the set time has come."
Arise Shine! Jo Ellen Stevens

“Stepping Into a New Era and All God Has Predestined for You”
Bryan Burt, Lebanon, Oregon

There Is a New Battle Cry
The Lord is speaking very loudly and with a ROAR. This is a time to let your light shine bright. This is a time of great exposure, sifting, shifting, refining and advancement.
I heard the Lord say to me, “Let My people, called by My name, know there is a new battle cry.”
Hidden Just Beneath the Surface
Then Lord showed me that many people have been hidden, just under the surface. I saw them like seeds under the ground, germinating. The Lord said, “The time is now for them to break through the surface and grow rapidly…hidden, but accelerated.”
The Lord continued to say, “I have been watering them in My presence and raising them up in truth. They will come on the scene much like Stephen did: ‘And what they said pleased the whole gathering, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit…'” (Acts 6:5).
We did not even hear about Stephen until it was time, and he was a man full of faith and full of the Holy Spirit. He had been in waiting, and then, at the right moment, he was called forth from seclusion. From seclusion to inclusion.
From Seclusion to Inclusion
Many who have been in a long wilderness season shall come forth suddenly into their assignments, full of the Holy Spirit. This will be so shocking to the Body of Christ, it will bring in the awakening needed for the transition we are moving towards for the next decade. This decade we are entering is pivotal and will bring the Kingdom mindsets called to shape culture. The glory of God shall cover the earth.
The Lord showed me that many Believers were being exposed by the glory of God and being given more oil to burn brighter in this hour. They are not to be judged by their appearance but by what they carry—His presence, because He is present.
Those who are called out from the secret place are totally surrendered to the revelation that if it wasn’t for God, they would never be experiencing this new provision, this new oil, this fresh, intense, fire-producing, awestruck passion. They understand this new thing the Father is releasing into the earth.
They have been stripped of the fear of man and carry the Spirit of the fear of the Lord. They have no other agenda but to carry their cross and to take the territory. They know the enemy is not of flesh and blood, and they know the cost of the anointing. They are “all in” for the Kingdom of God and in love with Jesus, without compromise.
Their faith has been tested. They will move in power, operate in the Spirit of Truth, and release the Kingdom with demonstration. They are the overcomers.
After the Lord gave me this word, He said, “They are the greatest generation ever to walk the earth by My Spirit.”
Stepping Into a New Era
As we step into a new decade, we will also step into all that our Father has predestined us for. Our purpose in this time, in this era, will be revealed to us, only by the Holy Spirit, to advance the Body of Christ into a unity of faith that has never been seen before.
This is our Father’s dream, touching the earth like never before. YOU are the dream!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

"God Is Setting a New Order! A Major Shaking Us for Future" Chuck D Pierce


  • Dear Advancing Ones:
    God is setting a new order! There is a major shift of the heavens that is shaking us into new access for the future.
    The Lord says, “My hand is pushing you forward with a sustained, strength-filled push. There is a veil between the answer to your prayers, where I want you to be, and where you are standing. The enemy is working overtime to trick your mind into believing this veil is real and impenetrable. If you listen to him, this will block you from the place I desire you to be.
    “Open your eyes and see the ‘beyond’ part of where I want you to stand. The veil seems more real than the place I am calling you, so become louder than the veil. Let your voice be louder, and let your will be louder! If you knew that deliverance for the righteous comes when everything begins to shake, you would begin to cry out for the shaking to begin!
    “I am the one who causes thunder. The rumbling begins with Me! It’s time for you to feel the rumbling. Do not fear the rumbling; do not fear the shaking, because within them is your deliverance. I will shake everything down until the double comes.
    war“That warfare that has tried to surround you, detain you, stop you from advancing and cause you to say, ‘I am discouraged’ …that warfare is what I’m shaking all around you! I’ll shake you up and I’ll shake it down! That shaking that’s been going on around you is for Me to bring you into a new portion. Your latter will be greater than your former! I will shake everything down until the double comes. I will shake your resistance down and shake you up. (Photo via Unsplash)
    New Joy, New Strength and New Gifts
    Though you have lost your joy in the midst of the war, I am shaking, shaking, shaking until joy can rise up again. Because you lost your strength to fight in days ahead, I’ll shake loose new joy so new strength will arise! New joy will run down over you like a river.
    “Some have lost their child-like faith in the midst of what’s surrounded them, but you’re going to stand and say, ‘Today is like a holiday celebration again!’ I am beginning to rejoice for I am shaking new gifts loose in you. Your gifts will cause all to profit.
    “The war around you has caused fear to enter deep within you. This caused you to step and shrink back, causing My hand of pleasure to be lifted from you. Therefore, step in – one step, two steps, three steps, move – and you will see My pleasure resting on you again.
    “I have an act of faith for you. When you obey, the warfare will end and the curtain will tear, and you will see that I have enlarged you to prosper in a new way. Step, step, step again. I am waiting for you!
    “Keep Your Eyes on Me”
    “Keep your eyes on me. You have so many cares around you that I am having to shake them loose. You’ve lost sight of what I’m trying to do. I am shaking you in the midst of the sorrow and distress that you have experienced. You have lost sight of the overall picture. Keep your eyes on Me because there’s a shout of grace that will arise again! (Photo via Pixabay)
    “Though the demonic has roared at you, I am a God that roars louder! If you will rise up, let that triumphant roar rise out of you, and send back a roar to the enemy’s camp, you will see the plunder that has been robbed from you! Roar and roar again as you go forth today!
    “I am shaking the heavens with thunder, but that same thunder is moving in you! Let the sound of the thunder of Heaven rise up and cause the storm around you to be overtaken by the sound and power that is within you!
    “Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into your heart what I have prepared for you! For in this time of shaking, I’m shaking off blinders…blinders that have kept you from seeing what I see. Blinders that have kept you from experiencing what I have for you. This is a time when I’m shaking off the blinders. I’m going to cause you to see from a different perspective!
    “Come up here! Come up here because I’m going to show you what must be! I’m going to show you the plans and the purposes that I have planned for you!
    “I will bring you out of the muck and the mire, and I will cause your feet to stand on higher ground! In that place, you will gain fresh revelation for what has tried to hinder you and what has tried to hold you in an old place.
    The time is now for you to come out of the old and into a new place. I’m shaking loose the blinders and I’m positioning you in a new place. I’m positioning you far above principalities and powers so you can see from My perspective! In that place you will gain new vision, new strength, and new hope. Out of the old and into the new, as I shake loose the blinders!
    The God of War
    “I am the God of War and I’ve come to make war and to win war. You come from My place of victory! I’m shaking up things so that the ‘no namers’ can now come up. I’m calling up those who have a heart to fight and not quit!
    “As with David when he was anointed king and the Philistines came up against him, he had perpetual breakthrough. I declare that when one breakthrough comes, there’s another door behind it. I am the God of perpetual breakthrough! I am the God of War and I am undefeated on every single turn. I have come to deliver. Your shield is great and your sword is sharp. Move forward with Me! (Photo via Unsplash)
    “I am the God of War. I orchestrate it, and I set in place those that I need! All I need you to do is hear Me and move into the rhythm of My cadence! I am in the process of digging. You think the dirt has been kicked in on you, but look up from where you are with the dirt piled on top of you and say, ‘Sunday is coming! Resurrection is in my bones and my bones are shaking!’
    “I Am Bringing You from Hurt to Health”
    “A cheerful heart is as good medicine but a broken spirit is rotten to the bone! Today is a day that I am bringing you from hurt to health if you will only step forward to receive.
    “Do you think the Teton Mountains are immovable? I could breathe on them and blow them away like dust. I’ve called you to a series of assignments and I will level every obstacle in your way. That doesn’t mean you won’t have resistance, but listen closely and walk with Me and you’ll see victories that you and all of those around you never imagined possible.
    “These are those days when I will amaze the world with a demonstration of power and glory that has not been seen before.”
    Your Days of Being Overlooked Are Over!
    (This was given as a personal word to a congregant, but it applies to all.)
    You have been overlooked too long and the warfare has gotten the best of you. But now the ‘overlookedness’ is over for you. There are many, many opportunities ahead! People didn’t understand you and they passed you over, but for such a time as this I have called you. You will be a testimony, a representative for My house. (Photo via Unsplash)
    “Opportunity! Opportunity is coming! It’s like a gold drape coming down over your head, and those haters that hated on you…you will no longer have them. You will even wear a crown and govern over those that hated you. I have prepared a table in the presence of your enemies and the overlooked season is no longer for you!”
    (Spoken by: Chuck Pierce, Maggie Wallace, James Vincent, Robyn Vincent, Michelle Hadley, Keith Pierce, Barbara Wentroble, Melinda Richardson, Bob McGregor and Keevy Phillips.)
    Receive Your Healing!
    At the end of this prophetic release, Zech Shaulis came up and had this word of knowledge:
    There is someone on the web right now that has a bone disease. There is a cancer in the bone marrow that has caused the bones to be too brittle.
    The Lord says, “I am healing that disease right now! I am stripping that cancer! I’m stripping that cancer out of your bone marrow! Your bones have been too brittle and you’ve been resisting the shaking to take you into the next place. Receive your healing right now!”
    Chuck D. Pierce and Team
    Glory of Zion International Ministries

    Charles D. “Chuck” Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshiping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the D
John Lawler
Jesus Is Coming Soon
The Lord had me speak the following word over our church congregation yesterday and I felt it was not only for our church but for the whole church at large. I share it with you for your discernment and comments.
The Lord would say unto my people, my Son is coming very soon, most sooner than most realize or understand. Most of my people are far far away from me, most of them don’t really know me for the God that I am. That breaks my heart saith God. But now there are things that are going to take place in the earth that is going to get the attention of all, including my people. I said many times in the days gone by what I am going to do through my prophetic voices both throughout the bible and even throughout this day and past years I’ve spoken what I am going to do and now you’re going to see it all come to past right before your eyes saith the Lord. The tectonic plates in the earth are going to shift and shift and shift and great quaking will come to many many places in the earth unlike anything that the people on this planet earth have ever seen or heard of saith God. I warned many of my people to move move move from these areas that I have been speaking about but they still continue to stay there and they’re going to get swept away just like the world is going to get swept away because they refused to listen to the voice of God. There is about to begin a war in the middle east that will create a mighty mighty clashing of swords the clashing of swords, but there is one thing that will come out of it, a peace treaty will be signed by all but that’s not the end saith the Lord, for I said in my word when they say peace peace then sudden destruction cometh. Just know that you’re going to see and hear and understand these things that are going to take place even in this upcoming year saith the Lord. So stay focused on me. Keep your eyes off of the world and what the world is going through. Get focused on me, spend time with me, get to know me for who I am. I love you, I want the best for you, but if you continue to go your own way and do your own thing you will never accomplish anything meaningful to the Body of Christ saith the Lord. So now is the time to make a choice do I want more of God or do I want more of what the world has to offer cause if you want more of what the world has to offer I will make sure that you get it, but it will bring leanness into your life and your walk with me saith God. So now is the time to make a real real honest to goodness choice about what you’re about to do in the days ahead and I’ll be with you and I’ll see you through whatever situation comes your way and work it together for your good, but you got to learn to trust me saith God and not the world and everything the world has to offer, because I am a trustworthy God and I will bring to past in each of your lives what I want to bring to past if you just learn to trust me and let me do what I want to in each one of your lives saith the Lord.
You can share this word with anyone that you wish to share it with.
John S. Lawler Sr.

The Afters - Well Done (Lyric Video)

Friday, September 13, 2019

“God Is Giving New Power to Break Things Open”
Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA

     If it feels like things are shaking all around you, then be encouraged and trust that the shaking is also breaking open new things.
“The breaker [the Messiah, who opens the way] shall go up before them [liberating them]. They will break out, pass through the gate and go out; so their King goes on before them, the Lord at their head.” (Micah 2:13 AMP)
     The Lord is going before you right now with new power to break things open for you. God spoke this to me last month and said, “The key to this is to keep moving forward and don’t stop or look back.
Authority to Subdue Your Storm
“They will pass through the sea of trouble; the surging sea will be subdued and all the depths of the Nile will dry up…” (Zechariah 10:11 NIV)
I released a prophetic word for August 2019, Staying in the Eye of the Storm, encouraging you not to focus on the storm but stay at peace.
I saw the Lord giving new power, prayers and decrees to people to speak to their storm like Jesus did. He stood up and commanded the storm to be still! As you step into this new place of authority, the Lord is going to give you power to subdue the storms that are raging in your life and the world.
     It is important to keep your eyes on the Lord and not the waves or the voices of discouragement. There is an angry wind trying to get you distracted from the coming breakthrough. This is why God is releasing new power to intercessors and anyone who calls on the name of the Lord. God will give you your strategy as you seek Him.
Books Being Reconciled: “What Was Intended for Evil”
I had a vision that I was able to see into the courts of Heaven (Daniel 7:10 and 23). I saw angels busy reconciling books that were titled, “What Was Intended for Evil.”
“But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.” (Genesis 50:20 NKJV)
     The Lord is taking what is intended for evil and any setbacks in your life and bringing a blessing and turnaround. Negative situations will have a good outcome as you keep your focus and trust in God.
As you pray and ask God for repayment of your losses and attacks against you, you are filing a claim in the courts of Heaven.
A “Quick Claim Prayer” You Can Use
     Let’s Pray: Lord, we bring before You any losses we have experienced, no matter whose fault. We repent for anything we may have done that opened these attacks. We claim Genesis 50:20; anything that was intended as evil against us, Lord, turn it around for good and bring repayment and blessing for any suffering. Amen.
During this heavenly encounter, after I prayed and made a claim, I saw a doorway open in the spirit. A door that said “Freedom from the Past” opened, and I saw people going out of times of wilderness and into a season of joy, and the light of the Lord enveloped them.
Songs of Joy
There is a theme flowing from Heaven right now to stand in the midst of the storm and to not be afraid. God is working beneath the surface, and what seems like a dark time is going to suddenly shift.
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” (Psalms 46:1–4 NIV)
I heard this Psalm being sung from Heaven, and I saw the “river whose streams make glad the city of God” begin to flow over the dry ground. It was like an Ezekiel 37 “bring the dry bones to life” experience.
In the midst of your storm, I hope you can catch the vision of what is coming to you. Whether or not you see or hear these things, receive this by faith. Ask the Lord for your breakthrough prayers, make your claim for repayment and step in!
Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Thursday, September 12, 2019

"The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation" -- Dr Devra Davis

  • “After the Silence Comes the Shout”
    Kim Potter, Dayton, TN

         Silence is not new to me. I am very comfortable in silence. However, I have discovered that many other people are not – many people need noise to feel at peace, but it is not so with me.
    However, lately, I’ve noticed the silence is much greater and deeper. I have come to believe it is a spiritual thing.
    After completing a time of fasting, I’m finding I have much less to say. When I speak, it is the Word of God or something that agrees with it. Otherwise I am silent. People have even begun to ask me why I am not responding to their conversations. I thought this was just something God was working in me…that is until I spoke with a couple friends in the faith. Each one was going through a very critical situation. Each one made the same comment. They said, “God is telling me to keep my mouth shut.” Ahhh…
    After the Silence Comes the Shout
    Recently in my quiet time with God, I was thinking about this. As I did, I heard a statement from the Lord. He gently spoke to my spirit and said, “Silence in the Kingdom.”
    For another hour or so I continued to think about this silence and what it could mean. I stood up to walk into my kitchen when the Lord again spoke to me. This time it was much louder and quite firm. He said, “There’s a shout coming!” He went on to say, “After the silence comes the shout.”
    Joshua 6 tells us the story of the walls of Jericho. God revealed His plan of victory to Joshua. The plan was for the children of Israel to walk around the walls seven days in a row. They were to keep silent as they marched. For six days they marched around that wall in silence. On the seventh day, they again marched around that wall. This day was to be different. This day the walls would come down. When the trumpets blew, Joshua told the people to shout. And shout they did! As they shouted the walls came down.
    It’s a wonderful story of the victory of God for His people. They obeyed the word of God, keeping silent as long as they were commanded to, then shouting when they were commanded to shout. The Bible says that their enemy was “utterly destroyed.” They even took all the spoils of their enemy.
    God Is Giving You the City
    But that’s not my favorite part. After the battle was won, Joshua went on to say, “Cursed before the Lord is the man who rises up and rebuilds this city….” (Joshua 6:26). God had given His people the city. The enemy was destroyed, once and for all. They would not rise again. The enemy that stood in their way would never come against them again.
    I am reminded of another time in Scripture when the enemy was seen no more. It is found in Exodus 14:13-14: “But Moses told the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the LORD’s salvation, which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.'”
    We see God utterly destroying another enemy once and for all, never to come against His people again. They only had to refuse fear and be still. They only had to trust God in the silence. This is not unusual to God. Jesus Himself, said, “…I do nothing on My own but say only what the Father taught Me” (John 8:28). If God wasn’t speaking, Jesus didn’t speak.
    If God is not speaking, we often need to remain silent; to be still until God says, “Move,” to walk in silence until God says, “Shout.”
    Get Ready for the Shout!
    With all that being said, I feel God is saying this to His people today:
    We are now, in this time, walking around every wall that has been standing before us. We are being silent, waiting for God to give us the words to say, waiting for God to speak through us, being still and waiting on the Lord. BUT…there is a shout coming! That shout is going to cause every wall standing before us to crumble. The wall WILL crumble and we will take the spoils of the enemy. Not only that, but this affliction, this enemy – whatever it is – will NOT ARISE AGAIN. It will be utterly destroyed by the shout.
    God has given you the land. It is yours! Keep walking. Stay tuned into His voice. Wait until He says, “Speak,” and until then, let there be silence in the Kingdom. Trust Him in the silence, AND…get ready for the shout! When God says, “Shout!” then SHOUT!
    When you shout, those walls will come down, and that enemy you now see you will see no more. God did it for Joshua. He did it for Moses and the children of Israel. He will do it for you.
    I want to share one more Scripture with you, it is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:16. It says, “For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a shout…” Trust Him in the silence, and in the shout. For after the silence comes the shout. We have His word on it.
    Kim Potter
    A New Thing Ministries


Sunday, September 8, 2019

Beware of Exhaustion: Let God Carry You on Eagle's Wings! (9-5-19)

Bill Holter - Whole Thing is Going to Come Down in a Panic

QAnon: Timeline (Part 2) - Phase 3 - Wrestling Power from NWO. Phase 4 ...

I know that in giving such a broad word as this, it will not apply to everyone individually, but it may help people see and find hope in what God is doing when He opens our eyes to see. I ask you to read this with an open heart and let God show what it means for you. Prophetic words help us to contemplate and reflect on life differently. If you want your new direction, you need these times of reflection; and when people share prophetic words, it helps you to reflect on Jesus and life so you can know Jesus and what He is doing with you.
“…that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you…” (Ephesians 1:17-18 NIV)
“Transition” is oftentimes not the most loved word by humanity, but it is one we need to adopt to understand the times and seasons we are in right now. 2019 will be a year of empowering the transitions for nations, movements, industries, and people groups, as well as individuals. I believe it will be marked in secular media as a year that sets us up for some of the biggest changes in modern history.
Change and transition will headline media over the next few years in many nations; changes of leadership, changes of CEOs, changes of chairmen, changes of directors, changes of top actors and actresses – so many changes. We will also see a lot of head transplants in movements, ministries, and in large churches all over the world as sons and daughters emerge into spiritual maturity, and as older leaders transition into fathering or mothering roles.
The Pauls are rising up; the Timothys and Mordecais are empowering Esthers. There will be a clear move of passing batons, and strategies will be formed to help these large denominations, churches, and ministries hand off many major responsibilities and leave a powerful legacy. Why is this happening in 2019? Strategically, God is setting us up for 2020, and we have to allow the change He has brought internally to bear fruit outwardly through this transitioning process.
Times of Transition to Create Transformation
There are seeds of purpose in mature Christians that have been growing into maturity. 2019 is a year of positioning, empowering, and setting into place.
Picture how fast a building goes up after the foundation is laid; it feels like such a short time. For Christians, 2019 is a year that will set whole church movements and denominations into a transition mode that will be followed by 3 years of massive change in the landscape of Christianity.
Imagine that the God, who has authored decades of promises and prophecies, is now coming to set up individuals and movements to finish everything needed to place us into the fulfillment of those promises, so that we can walk into the greater aspects of what He has destined us for. Some of you reading this might find yourselves changing position or jobs, moving, changing your relational circles, and more. God is also bringing change for you that will bring you into the place where you can do exactly what God made you for. For us, change always comes with the promises of Romans 8:28. God will use everything that happens, especially change, to bring us into the best scenarios of His intention toward us and our lives.
Remember that when you are transitioning into a new season in life, the people and situations that no longer fit will fall away. Don’t despise the pruning; you aren’t leading yourself or limited to what you would choose your process to be – God Himself is co-creating your life with you.
God is Releasing the Power of Story into Film and TV
As I woke up from sleep one day in December of this last year, a revelatory realization hit me that during 2019, we will see a harvesting of talent directed toward film and television projects that has been dreamed up by the creative power of God. Christian television and faith-based projects in the music and movie industries will take on radical new directions. Christians will be empowered with funds and creativity, and many people who have only been focusing on secular projects will feel God’s assignment to use their craft, skills, and talents for faith-based projects.
We will see mainstream producers, directors, musicians, and other talented creatives all begin to get downloads of projects and God assignments to help audiences see the world shaped by the love of God. Christians are coming of age in entertainment-based industries, and the reputation of Christian entertainment will change through supernatural help – beyond what they can accomplish – and through some powerful projects that will help re-brand what faith-based entertainment is.
The War is Over
Last of all, and maybe the most powerful, is a declaration for many of you reading this. Some people who have faced a battle of a lifetime or ongoing warfare in their health, families, finances, ministries, and jobs are going to come to the end of the war in 2019; a commissioning to cross into what was promised. God has won their war and is going to deliver the victory for Christians – some of whom have prayed, or have been prayed for, hundreds of times for the breakthrough – and they are going to begin to see the release in 2019.
It’s like in Daniel 10:12 when the angel comes through with the victory and says, “Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.” There was a war in the heavens causing the angel’s delay until supernatural help arrived, and now it’s arriving for us. Many people are going to feel their long battles come to an end.
It’s funny…I wanted to write about the war being over, but I didn’t know if I should give such a general word, as it could be perceived as no more than reading a Christian version of a fortune cookie; but for a week, every time I got into my car a song came on by Bethel Music alumnus, Josh Baldwin: “The War is Over.” I had not programmed this and I hadn’t listened to this album (also called “The War is Over”) since I’d purchased it. In it, Josh sings about how it’s now time to lay down our weapons of war because Jesus has fought the fight for us.
When wars are over and we move into times of peace, we get to birth new things in the truth of identity, mercy, and victory. We walk in the light and life Jesus has provided. We get to reset and create in the peace of His provision. This is my prayer for you! (To
Shawn Bolz
Bolz Ministries

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

For the last few months the Lord has been speaking to me a lot about endurance. That there is a deep work of His Spirit taking place right now to raise up a people of ENDURANCE.
1. the ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.
2. the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear.
SYNONYMS: continuance, continuity, continuation, lasting power, durability, permanence, longevity; constancy, stability, changelessness, immutability; rare, lastingness, everlastingness, bearing, tolerance, sufferance, fortitude, forbearance, patience, acceptance, resignation, resolution, determination;
(Definition taken from Google)
As I sat with the Lord recently speaking with Him regarding a battle that I was in and I was feeling weary, what the Holy Spirit spoke to me surprised me. He said to me “Lana, I am giving you a gift”. Immediately I was excited. “Awesome! Thank you Jesus! What is the gift?” His next word surprised me. He said “ENDURANCE”.
I expected Him to say “BREAKTHROUGH!!!” or something that would indicate the end of the battle immediately. Now, had He promised me breakthrough in my battle in the circumstances I was facing, ABSOLUTELY, but what happened in that moment? I was taken to a place where I realised not only was the Lord going to fulfil His promise to me and I was going to seize the land He had promised me, but in the midst of my battle, in the midst of my wrestle, in the midst of the testing of my faith, in the midst of the pressing and the hardship, God was not only going to remain faithful to His Word, but my loving Father was doing something BIGGER than I expected. In the midst of the battle, God was doing something so much bigger than I could ever imagine. He was teaching me to ENDURE and strengthen Me to “go the distance” and move forward in longevity. To run empowered by the Spirit into all that He has for me and my destiny stronger than ever and without hindrance.
Since that encounter with the Lord, the word ENDURANCE is burning in me. The Lord spoke to me that this is a corporate decree and banner over the body of Christ right now, that He is building a people of ENDURANCE. He is teaching the body of Christ what it means to ENDURE.
The Lord is burning strongly on my heart that we NEED this work of His Spirit in endurance in our hearts and lives right now in order to CARRY what He is releasing in this new era.
In this new era God is removing HIGHLIGHTING and DEALING with anything that would hinder His people from living in strong endurance. He’s delivering His people from the fear of man, He is bringing His people higher into the revelation of living from your seat (Ephesians 2:6), He is healing the heart, He is aligning the heart, there is a testing of faith that’s taken place, He is establishing His people deeper in the Word of God, He is dealing with compromise and awakening the Church, He is going to restore the fear of God to the Church, He is sounding the alarm for CONSECRATION AND HOLINESS, plus SO much more.
The Lord has been showing me in so many ways, in order for us to partner with Him and His Spirit in what He is going to do in the earth in this new era, it is going to require a people that are established in endurance in Him. It is going to require a mature Church that is founded and grounded in the Word and established in discernment and the ways of God. It’s going to require a people who are living by every word from His mouth (Matthew 4:4) and are sensitive to His ways and know what it is to live in the place of strength and endurance, DESPITE what is going on around them in the natural.
Living in the place of deep endurance comes not from anything in the natural but from relationship with Him and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Friends, I want to encourage you, your battle has not been for nothing. The Lord is going to be faithful to His Word to you. He is going to make things right. He is going to demonstrate Himself as healer like you’ve never seen. He is going to reintroduce you to His power and the earth is going to be reintroduced to His power like never before.
The Lord is not only giving you gifts of joy and breakthrough in this new era, but He is also giving you a gift in the midst of your battle. ENDURANCE! As you walk this battle WITH Jesus and allowing Him to do His work within you, He is teaching you what it means to ENDURE. He is preparing you for the future. He is training you to walk by faith. I am not saying the circumstances of evil, sickness, disease, pain, trauma are authored by Him, that is NOT what I am saying. What I am saying is IN the fire He is teaching you to ENDURE with Him by faith and to OVERCOME. Many new ministries, new assignments and anointings are being released in the fire right now where the Lord is establishing endurance.
I prophesy to you that as you come out of these battles, as you come out of the fire, you are coming out with ENDURING FAITH. You are coming out with STAYING POWER! You are coming out TRANSFORMED and FORTIFIED by His hand and the power of His Word outworking in your life. You will KNOW that it is the hand of God and the energising POWER of His Spirit because of the level of weariness you have experienced and experience, you continue to push through, you continue to fight, you continue to believe, you fall down and get back up again. That’s not your efforts, that’s Him! “Somehow” you get the strength to fight again, that’s the Holy Spirit. As much as hope deferred screams, disappointment hangs heavy there’s still something within you that gives you a little strength to ‘keep hanging in there’ – that’s JESUS! Even in the moments where you have said “I GIVE UP”, there’s something in you causing a ‘restlessness’ that says “keep hanging in there!!”, yet causes your soul to SCREAM “I want to give up”.
In those places, God is whispering “I am teaching you to live by MY SPIRIT and not your soul. To live by your soul will cause you to fall, to live by My Spirit will cause you to ENDURE.”
There is a divine rearranging taking place that in these battles the Lord is teaching His people to live by the Spirit and not led by the soul.
Out of His love, God is training, healing, building and establishing the Church in endurance like we have never seen because in this new era there will be many times where the Church will need the STAYING POWER OF FAITH and the heart of endurance that speaks, charges forward and remains even when all of hell tries to stop it in the earth. The enduring power that Jesus demonstrated at the Cross is being released into His people NOW for the sake of the glorious GOOD NEWS of the Gospel going forth. An army of light arising in this hour of Isaiah 60 unapologetic, unashamed and unshakeable declaring Jesus as the way, the truth and the life and being immovable by the impossibilities that shout.
We are entering into a time of the greatest demonstrations of His power in the earth and seeing His Glory manifest as a Church arises with great endurance and conviction living and governing from the heavenly places and seeing it manifest on the earth. The Church that endures and walks by faith like never before that will see the most glorious signs, wonders and miracles in the face of giants, opposition or darkness. His light and Glory will shine brighter.
The overcomers are truly being birthed!
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; 11 being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks[a] to the Father, who has qualified you[b] to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.” (Colossians 1:9-12 ESV)
“My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! 3 For you know that when your faith is tested[a] it stirs up power within you to endure all things. 4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.” (James 1:2-4 TPT)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Jo Ellen Stevens
Just a reminder to those who are experiencing the floods. In the word the Lord gave to me in a dream a while back ."The Flood and the Fish Are Coming! You Are Going To Need A Bigger Boat.
God said that everywhere that the flood came that there would be revival! It is going to be an outpouring I also just heard the Lord say that September will be "THE MONTH THAT THE TIDE TURNS and MIRACLES WILL BE INSURMOUNTABLE!" He said that "there will be so many that they will become commonplace among my people because "My kingdom is coming and My will is being done!
Heaven and earth are beginning to collide! You will begin to see the enemy run into one another and turn on themselves, because the uncovering has exposed them and they will have no where to hide in the light of the glory that will come forth from my people! So, there will be an exposing and many will manifest in your gatherings, but this will be because I am going to show forth my delivering power through you! MANY WILL COME RUNNING FOR DELIVERANCE FROM DRUG ADDICTION IN THIS NOW SEASON! THEY WILL COME WITH DESPERATION INTO YOUR GATHERINGS! BE READY FOR THEM BECAUSE I WILL SET THEM FREE THROUGH YOU!"
The enemy has gotten bold in the past many decades and so I will expose him publicly and deliver many who had been caught up in his onslaught! I made an open show of Him in his domain and now I will make an open show of Him before your eyes! I am going to stand up in my people and they will see me and not them as the "CHRIST THAT IS WALKING THE EARTH IN HIS PEOPLE!" MARK THE WORDS OF MY PROPHETS and look and see the miraculous will begin to be a MARK OF THE MONTH OF THE SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER!"
Arise Shine! Jo Ellen Stevens

Pastor Hank Kunneman