Thursday, June 27, 2019

The next six months of 2019 will be marked with the supernatural. Truly, it will be a time of seeing the rise and fall of many. We will see many rise up in the supernatural power and grace of our Lord. We will turn back and look around and be stunned and surprised at the amount of new breed, five-fold ministers who have risen out from the caves of hiding and from the ashes of despair and desolation.
The Lord is raising up a new breed of prophetic voices who will blaze forth and trumpet aloud with such power and purity. There will be a shaking and the climate and temperature of the American Church and Christianity in the nations will be totally different by the end of 2019.
"There will be a shaking," says the Lord, "for I am preparing My Church for the new decade of glory that is upon us. I am preparing My Church to demonstrate the supernatural power of God in such ways that the past patriarchs and matriarchs of the faith have dreamed of and prophesied about."
We are entering into the days of greater glory and the remnant is rising.
Marked with Greater Glory
The next six months of 2019 are going to be marked with so much glory that many new ministries will be birthed and ministers will be launched. We are in a launching season! Believe for the unusual. Believe for the uncommon. Believe for the supernatural to take place in your life. Signs and wonders are the bread of the Church. Signs and wonders are what mark the apostolic. We are called to break through into higher and greater dimensions.
"I persevered in demonstrating among you the marks of a true apostle, including signs, wonders and miracles" (2 Corinthians 12:12). Signs and wonders are the reality of those who preach and live in the Gospel. "These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17). The ministry and the manifestation of signs and wonders are going to greatly increase in the modern-day American Church.
Accessing Supernatural Dimensions
The next six months will be marked with supernatural acceleration. Everything is going to speed up rapidly and rampantly. Everything that you've been building up to is now going to bear fruit. You will see sudden fruit manifesting. (Photo via Unsplash)
"Your everyday will be filled with suddenlies," says the Lord! "I am marking the next six months with open heavens, encounters, and greater glory. I am marking the Church to come up higher and to believe for a great move of God! Something that the world has never seen before!"
Supernatural Acceleration
Pace yourself and get ready because it's going to come quickly and move so suddenly. The glory cloud is moving. The Ark of God is moving. The glory train is accelerating!
"For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay." (Habakkuk 2:3)
The manifestation of God's Word will no longer delay. It has been building up a momentum in the Spirit and it has been gaining traction. The weight and interest value has been increasing. The Lord is pulling off the reigns of delay and He is beginning to hearken forth the power of His Word.
Your Consecration to Cross Over
"Joshua told the people, 'Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.'" (Joshua 3:5)
Many have been facing crises. Many have been feeling the tiredness and the lull of this year. The Lord says, "Rest up, reset, and get ready to be launched again!" The Lord is telling us, corporately, to consecrate ourselves, which means to be set apart from the usual and from the mundane, to set ourselves apart and begin to set our faces upon the floors of Heaven.

There is a fresh, new move that the Lord is wanting to impart upon us. There is a new thing that the Lord is bringing you into. Cause your face to be like flint and be unwavering in the winds of the Holy Spirit.
"When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously" (Daniel 6:10). Even in the midst of bad news, Daniel set his face before the Lord and was unwavering and unmoved. He continued to press on and press in, giving the Lord unending praise and thanks!
What you do today will directly impact your tomorrow. The Lord wants to give you fresh faith for the more! The Lord wants to give you fresh faith for the supernatural. Consecrate yourself today and watch the Lord move afresh. Position yourself for the more. Position yourself for a move. Let go of the past and shake off the dust from your feet. It's time for you to walk forth and forward in new strength, in new grace, and in a new expectation.
"This new season you are entering into will not be like the last," says the Lord. "These next six months of 2019 will be nothing like the first. I will go way beyond your thoughts, your dreams, your prayers, your expectations and your imaginations," says the Lord!
Child-Like Faith
"And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6)
The Lord is wanting to upgrade us with a greater measure of faith. He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Keep seeking Him! Keep asking for more. It is the faithful who will see the face of God. It is the faithful who will have the fullness of the Lord. Continue to press in and endure for His love is compelling you to roar and to soar.
Hunger for More
"Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters..." (Isaiah 55:1)
There is a greater hunger that the Lord is stirring up. Only the hungry will be fed. Only the thirsty will be satisfied. The Lord is taking us deeper and He is causing us to delve into places of His glory that we've never seen nor been before. Success can not buy you. Miracles can not have you. Crowds and masses of salvation can not tickle you. May you be utterly ruined for anything but the supernatural realms of God. We must consider everything a loss for the sake of Christ (Philippians 3:7). (Photo via Unsplash)
Come Up Higher
I believe the Lord is wanting to teach us new things. Stop trying to think about it and just worship Him! Stop trying to analyze it and just worship Him. The Lord of hosts is about to show up in your midst when you least expect it. Worship Him and watch Him move.
"'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,' declares the LORD. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.'" (Isaiah 55:8-9)
Expect the Lord to move supernaturally on your behalf. Expect the Lord to take you higher and deeper as you yield yourself to Him!
March Forth
The trumpets are blasting! You will march into the next six months with a spirit of boldness and with a spirit of might. You will come into this next season like you own it. You will come into a place like you've already seen it in your prayer closet. You will possess the land for He has already given it to you in place of prayer. The spirit of boldness will cause you to confidently walk with the Father and see all of your giants slain and all of your Goliaths fall in Jesus' name.
It's time for the Joshua generation to arise and to enter into the place of promise. You will move with God and all will know that the Lord your God is with you! The next six months of 2019 will be filled with signs and wonders. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Ben Lim, Senior Pastor

Friday, June 14, 2019


Slant rhyme or half rhyme, sometimes called near rhyme or imperfect rhyme are words that come close to rhyming, but they really don’t rhyme. (Said / regret, or find / friend.)
            Emily Dickinson is best known for her use of slant rhyme. They are a common characteristic of her poetry as is her unconventional punctuation. 
            I will admit, my original thoughts about slant rhyme were confining. I was under the impression that Dickinson (and others) used slant rhyming merely to increase the possibilities of word choice. This, in turn, would allow the poet greater flexibility and increase his/her ability to convey meaning.
            In searching the internet for thoughts on the advantages of slant rhyme usage I came across a site, In their definition of slant rhyme the author states, “Many poets use slant rhyme to introduce an element of the unexpected and prompt their readers to pay closer attention to words themselves rather than the sounds of the words.”
            This makes perfect sense. It is this unexpected inconsistency that challenges the reader and adds what Paul Fussell, in his book, Poetic Meter & Poetic Form describes as: counterpoint, modulation, tension, interplay and variation.
            Ezra Pound states that “Most arts attain their effect by using a fixed element and a variable.” Dickinson’s slant rhyme is that variable.
            Fussell also talks about poets who put much attention into meter with no variation. He states that their poetic “metrical regularity makes them remarkably easy to memorize and recite.” In other words, there are no surprises. Their expectancy is the very essence that makes the poem and breaks it as well.

            By using slant rhyme, Dickinson not only increases her word choice, thereby increasing her ability to convey the very essence of what she intends, she also gains the ability to surprise the reader, adding tension to her poem and taking her poems to heights far above a fixed element and into the world of art as Ezra Pound insightfully recognized.

While turtles may not be renowned for their land speed, they don't necessarily need to be able to outrun predators. Many turtles, including the commonly domesticated box turtle, are able to retract their heads and legs into their shells as a defensive maneuver. However, not all turtles have this skill -- it all depends on the species.

How Shells Work

Not all turtles can pull their heads and legs all the way into their shells, but that doesn't make their natural armor any less valuable. The turtle's shell is a natural part of his body made out of flat, hard plates. The plates are permanently connected to his body at multiple points, including the ribs and shoulders, so he can't take his shell off and find a new one -- he and his shell are joined for life, and it gives him valuable protection against predators.

Land Species Variation

Different turtle species are able to retract their legs and heads to varying degrees. In general, land turtles like the box turtle retract their heads, legs and tails to protect themselves from predators. While there is a gap between the two halves of the shell, the legs and head retract enough that a typical predator can't access them -- the turtle will stay shut up like this until the threat is gone. Some species, like mud turtles, can actually retract their limbs and then clamp the shell closed.

Aquatic Turtles

Not all turtles have the power to pull in their limbs to hide in their shells. This is a quality that land turtles and aquatic turtles generally don't share. For example, instead of having feet like a land turtle, sea turtles have flippers that allow them to swim more effectively. Their flippers are permanently outside the shell, though, so these types of turtles are unable to defend themselves by retreating inside.

The Incredibly Bizarre Story Of Cicadas & Fungi

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia


by Lana Vawser Ministries

 The Lord spoke to me this week that many in the body of Christ have laid down their "pen" and their "vision" because of a significant discouragement that has come against them during the battle they have been enduring.
There has been such a discouragement and such a weariness that has come over them because of the battle that they have looked away from the vision, it has been laid down, and the pen has been placed to the side.
The Lord showed me that many have been feeling like they are dealing with this discouragement and weariness in their hearts and they have been putting it down to an "emotional weariness".
Now there is definitely some emotional weariness and discouragement that is taking place for many, but there is also a very specific assignment of the enemy right now to discourage and to weary God's people.
I heard the Lord say "ENGAGE!!!!" The way to push off through this weariness and this discouragement is to continue to ENGAGE with the Lord in whatever way that looks for you. Whether it's worship, the Word, soaking, whatever it is, you MUST ENGAGE!
The discouragement and weariness is attempting to cause you to fall back into a slumber and cause you to not engage with the Lord as intentionally as you would before.
Friends, the shift IS HERE! It's not coming, it's HERE! It's UPON YOU!!!!!!!! There is a significant temptation in the battle and the pressing that has been taking place to stay in the place of DISENGAGEMENT from the vision and from picking up your PEN.
There are MANY of you that are called to write right now but you have laid aside your pen because you have lost the vision, you have looked away from the vision. Look back at Jesus, look in His eyes and ask Him to remind you again of the vision.
Now is the time to PUSH THROUGH! It's the time to FEROCIOUSLY push through into the vision God has given you. It's time to FEROCIOUSLY PUSH BACK against that which has caused you to look away from the vision and put down your pen. It's IN the ENGAGEMENT that this thing is breaking and shifting.
It's in the INACTIVITY that the heaviness is getting heavier. PUSH, PUSH, PUSH! It's not a striving, it's not a running ahead of the Lord, it's the place of ferociously engaging in obedience to Christ and what He has spoken to you to do in this season and to NOT ALLOW the discouragement and the weariness to rob you. You're moving further into your place of inheritance, your mantle and anointing.
Recently I saw the game "SNAKES AND LADDERS" and when I looked at it the Holy Spirit said to me "Where there have been snakes trying to pull My people down and away from the vision and the writing I have called them to, the snakes are being driven out and I am causing LADDERS to be established in the Spirit. Ladders of encounter, ladders of acceleration, ladders of increase, and ladders of increased vision and clarity."
"Where the snakes have attempted to take My people down, now I am lifting My people up higher in the revelation of their authority in Me and their vision, seeing through My eyes. No longer will they be held down by these snakes, but rise above and go higher in Me than they have ever been so live above the attacks of the enemy that once held them down."
Friends, if you have looked away from the vision, if you have laid down your pen, if you have laid down the vision because of this heavy discouragement and weariness ENGAGE and MOVE FORWARD with intentionality, in obedience to what the Lord has called you to. The breaking will take place "as you go".
The vision the Lord has given you is about to flourish and blossom. The things the Lord has called you to "pen" are about to flourish and blossom and the fragrance of Christ released stronger than ever through the vision and the pen. You will see things happen that you have never seen before. You will write of the mysteries of God (Proverbs 25:2) that you have never written. You will see favour on the vision and the pen like never before.
The snakes may have tried to entangle your vision and pen, but now you shall see the ladder of acceleration, provision and favour.
The Lord showed me many have put away their "calendars" because of such hopelessness and stopped planning around the vision, it's time to get the calendar out again and plan with the Holy Spirit because the favour of God is going to open many doors for His vision through you to extend further and wider than you have imagined and it's time to make room for the increase, not run from the vision because of discouragement and weariness.
Shake it off in worship, shake it off in Jesus name and RUN TOWARDS what He has called you to. He is going to sustain you and you will see greater empowerment than you have ever experienced.
The power of God is going to flow in and through the vision He has given you to bring an ease that you have not experienced before. HE is going to do it!
The fight over the vision and the pen has been intense, but the flourishing favour and Glory of God that will be revealed is far outweighing the battle.
Now is not the time to run FROM the vision, it's time to RUN to the vision.


by Lana Vawser Ministries