Thursday, June 13, 2019


by Lana Vawser Ministries

 The Lord spoke to me this week that many in the body of Christ have laid down their "pen" and their "vision" because of a significant discouragement that has come against them during the battle they have been enduring.
There has been such a discouragement and such a weariness that has come over them because of the battle that they have looked away from the vision, it has been laid down, and the pen has been placed to the side.
The Lord showed me that many have been feeling like they are dealing with this discouragement and weariness in their hearts and they have been putting it down to an "emotional weariness".
Now there is definitely some emotional weariness and discouragement that is taking place for many, but there is also a very specific assignment of the enemy right now to discourage and to weary God's people.
I heard the Lord say "ENGAGE!!!!" The way to push off through this weariness and this discouragement is to continue to ENGAGE with the Lord in whatever way that looks for you. Whether it's worship, the Word, soaking, whatever it is, you MUST ENGAGE!
The discouragement and weariness is attempting to cause you to fall back into a slumber and cause you to not engage with the Lord as intentionally as you would before.
Friends, the shift IS HERE! It's not coming, it's HERE! It's UPON YOU!!!!!!!! There is a significant temptation in the battle and the pressing that has been taking place to stay in the place of DISENGAGEMENT from the vision and from picking up your PEN.
There are MANY of you that are called to write right now but you have laid aside your pen because you have lost the vision, you have looked away from the vision. Look back at Jesus, look in His eyes and ask Him to remind you again of the vision.
Now is the time to PUSH THROUGH! It's the time to FEROCIOUSLY push through into the vision God has given you. It's time to FEROCIOUSLY PUSH BACK against that which has caused you to look away from the vision and put down your pen. It's IN the ENGAGEMENT that this thing is breaking and shifting.
It's in the INACTIVITY that the heaviness is getting heavier. PUSH, PUSH, PUSH! It's not a striving, it's not a running ahead of the Lord, it's the place of ferociously engaging in obedience to Christ and what He has spoken to you to do in this season and to NOT ALLOW the discouragement and the weariness to rob you. You're moving further into your place of inheritance, your mantle and anointing.
Recently I saw the game "SNAKES AND LADDERS" and when I looked at it the Holy Spirit said to me "Where there have been snakes trying to pull My people down and away from the vision and the writing I have called them to, the snakes are being driven out and I am causing LADDERS to be established in the Spirit. Ladders of encounter, ladders of acceleration, ladders of increase, and ladders of increased vision and clarity."
"Where the snakes have attempted to take My people down, now I am lifting My people up higher in the revelation of their authority in Me and their vision, seeing through My eyes. No longer will they be held down by these snakes, but rise above and go higher in Me than they have ever been so live above the attacks of the enemy that once held them down."
Friends, if you have looked away from the vision, if you have laid down your pen, if you have laid down the vision because of this heavy discouragement and weariness ENGAGE and MOVE FORWARD with intentionality, in obedience to what the Lord has called you to. The breaking will take place "as you go".
The vision the Lord has given you is about to flourish and blossom. The things the Lord has called you to "pen" are about to flourish and blossom and the fragrance of Christ released stronger than ever through the vision and the pen. You will see things happen that you have never seen before. You will write of the mysteries of God (Proverbs 25:2) that you have never written. You will see favour on the vision and the pen like never before.
The snakes may have tried to entangle your vision and pen, but now you shall see the ladder of acceleration, provision and favour.
The Lord showed me many have put away their "calendars" because of such hopelessness and stopped planning around the vision, it's time to get the calendar out again and plan with the Holy Spirit because the favour of God is going to open many doors for His vision through you to extend further and wider than you have imagined and it's time to make room for the increase, not run from the vision because of discouragement and weariness.
Shake it off in worship, shake it off in Jesus name and RUN TOWARDS what He has called you to. He is going to sustain you and you will see greater empowerment than you have ever experienced.
The power of God is going to flow in and through the vision He has given you to bring an ease that you have not experienced before. HE is going to do it!
The fight over the vision and the pen has been intense, but the flourishing favour and Glory of God that will be revealed is far outweighing the battle.
Now is not the time to run FROM the vision, it's time to RUN to the vision.


by Lana Vawser Ministries

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