Friday, August 26, 2016

You are my Rose garden that I nurture in my love and water with my spirit and it is now time for you to become my messenger of love to all my children for I have hand picked you to go with my message of love and obedience to my Word and Spirit and I have signed you as a gift to them from The Father of Lights for you shimmer with My Testimony "Bought by The Blood of The Lamb of God". 

Now share the testimonies of me in your life for it is time to take the garden of my love to others and remember I am with you always in all you say and do in my love, against which there is no weapon my children of my love and light . 

Now shine brightly for me and share the pedals of my love freely for you ARE mine my Beloved rose of Life Everlasting I bring to others that they also may be called Beloved of God . . . 

Song of Solomon 2 

The Bride’s Admiration 

2 “I am the rose [of the plain] of Sharon, 
The lily of the valleys [that grows in deep places].” 

(The Bridegroom) 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Crimson Wave is Breaking Forth! 
Posted on 23 August 2016 by Veronika West 

A crimson wave is breaking forth upon the earth in this hour, and a 
great light is piercing the darkness of the kingdom of the beast! 

Early hours of this morning, I was woken from a deep sleep where I 
had an angelic encounter with an angel dressed in a crimson 

The garment looked alive. It moved almost in wave like motions, 
and it wore a crown of radiant rainbow colours upon its head. In its 
hand he carried a large sealed scroll which was inlaid with silver and 

In an instant, I found myself standing high above the earth, then the 
angel spoke to me and said “Watch.”   Suddenly the heavenly 
realms opened and millions upon millions of angelic beings 
appeared dressed in deep crimson garments and carrying scrolls of 
silver and gold, now by divine revelation. 

I understood that these were ‘Angels of Revelation’ and these were 
the same angels dressed in crimson robes that stood next Jesus as 
he hung on the cross at Calvary. The scrolls they carried was sealed 
with the Word and Testimony of Jesus Christ. 

Then the angel who was with me, spoke again and said these words 
to me, “Servant, now go, and tell God’s people to watch! 

For in this hour and season there shall come a mighty wave, a 
‘crimson wave of salvation and redemption revelation’ upon the 
earth. For the time is short and the time is now, He is coming 
quickly to gather the harvest”..! 

At that moment, I watched closely as millions upon millions of 
angels dressed in crimson robes and carrying the Revelation of 
Salvation and Redemption Power descended upon the earth, and 
like mighty wave after mighty wave they broke forth upon the 
nations of the earth, 

I saw the nations of America, India, Australia, Europe and China. I 
watched as the mighty waters rose high into the air and like a 
tsunami of blood. I watched as nations were turned blood red. 
Then the angel suddenly left me! 

Then I heard the Spirit say, “Behold, my “Radiant ones” are rising 
adorned with the light of my glory and redemption. They shall go 
forth clothed in royal garments of My power and great authority to 
pierce, penetrate and push back the powers of the kingdom of the 
dragon,” says God. 

“Beloved watch! For the crimson waters are rising and tide has 
turned,” says God. 

“Now you shall see it, a crimson wave of ‘salvation and redemption 
revelation’ breaking forth upon the shores of nations of the earth. 
For even now I am lifting the heavy veil of darkness and deception 
and I AM peeling back the scales of sorcery, witchcraft and religion 
that have kept my people blind, deaf and dumb,” says God. 

“Now my spirit of truth and light is shaking, shifting, lifting, changing 
and transforming the atmosphere of death, distress, destruction and 
confusion that has covered the earth like a thick fog. Listen! For I 
AM returning your hearts and reawakening your spiritual senses to 
feel a new movement and new vibration of My spirit and you will 
hear a ‘new sound’ that is being released and carried in the 
heavenly realms. 

It is the sound of salvation, redemption and victory being carried in 
winnowing whirlwinds of my spirit,” says God. 

“For even now My beloved to those of you that can see, hear and 
understand, heaven is heralding the release of My angels of 
revelation and the sound of a new birth, new life and a great harvest 
upon the earth,” says God. 

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the lamb and 
because of the Word of their testimony, and they did not love their 
life even when faced with death.” 

Blessings to you all. 
~ by Veronika West

Get Ready for Many Changes! 
Posted on 23 August 2016 by Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer 

Suddenlies! Don’t you like surprises? I LOVE THEM! But since I 
already know everything in advance, the only way I can partake of 
them is to give them away! 

Are you ready? For even now My wind is blowing, blowing, blowing. 
Much is coming forth out of the heavenlies to bless many! 

Don’t you know it is time? Can’t you feel changes coming forth 
around you? Haven’t you seen the upheaval that is going on over 
the earth? I know everything. I have heard your prayers and seen 
what is happening in this nation and in the world. 

I have seen the evil that has risen and know that I have a plan for 
everything. Do not worry, I AM in the middle of it all to bring forth 
My Will over the world. 

Do you not know that with evil comes good? Even as those who are 
evil are plotting to overturn governments and to pour out war and 
diseases over the world, to destroy it, so they can rule and reign, My 
Plans are already in motion. My Plans and Purposes will come forth 
in My timing. Do not fear. 

Some will still need to go through much to get to the place where 
they will receive me in their lives, and there are those who never will. 
But all will be given the opportunity to join Me. 

But lets get back to suddenlies, for many have been hurting 
mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. My wind 
is blowing on many and will increase in the days ahead as signs, 
wonders, and miracles come forth and increase over the lands. 
What is it you want? What have you been asking for? 

I AM here for you, do not doubt it. Even those things buried deeply 
in your heart, that you have not even uttered aloud, or dared to pray, 
because you have doubted it could happen, because you have felt 
unworthy, or have felt what is the use? 

You know I’m busy and some of you don’t believe I’m real anyway, 
that you don’t see how anything like that could ever happen to you. 
Didn’t I tell you I’m in the miracle making business? 

Some of you will be so surprised, you will literally be speechless, 
even those who talk a lot! I know, you can’t imagine not talking, but 
I will surprise you greatly and you will know it was My doing! 

So get ready, because for many change, change, change is upon 
you, even now! 


Monday, August 22, 2016

Quote LonnieMackley

Encouragement For You Today
by Lonnie Mackley Aug. 21st, 2016
I was sitting at my computer working today and all of the sudden I began to see someone in the Spirit, and the Lord began to speak to me about them. This person was so weary and heartbroken they could barely stand, eat, or sleep; and part of them was hoping in the Lord, but the other part of them wanted for things to just finally be over because they had experienced so much heartbreak, loss, and disappointment in their life. The Lord wants you to know today that although you may feel very dead inside, that a new life and new strength are about to come for you. It will be like starting a brand new life, and also like you are starting life for the first time really. The power and presence of God is about to come upon you and your home so strongly that it will be like heaven on earth in your home and you will dance and sing with literal angels there. The heartache and sorrow from the past will melt away like cold ice in a warm wind and you will be changed in an instant and never be like you were before ever again. So take hope today dear one, and rather than shrinking back from God in fear and disappointment, press in deeper and know that you have been walking out His plan all along including the hard times that you have been enduring lately. Soon, like a woman that finally gives birth to a child you will forget your long time of pregnancy and tough labor pains because the birth of your long awaited promise has finally come, and you will leap around your house like a deer!
JN 16: 21 A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.
MAL 4: 2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Quote Moderator

Cut the Ties From Unbelief!
by Wanda Alger, Winchester, Virginia

I believe the Body of Christ in this nation is prophetically on the water's edge of crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land of Kingdom inheritance. A few scouts have gone ahead of us and are already seeing and experiencing what lies ahead. Others are wading in with anticipation. But, many within the Church are still hesitating to jump in. It's not because they don't want to go, but because "fear and unbelief" have them tied to the shore. It's time to cut the cord.
God is calling many to step into unknown territory and it's going to require leaving the familiar behind and embracing new levels of BELIEF. God wants to increase our capacity to release and demonstrate levels of His Kingdom power and authority that are unprecedented. But, it will require some upgrades in our current belief systems before we can enter into that land of Kingdom inheritance.
I have felt the pull, personally. Even as my spirit longs to step into uncharted territory and say, "YES" to some new assignments, I find myself dealing with old patterns of thinking that hold me back. It's not that certain beliefs are no longer true. Rather, I need to let go of my security in them. God is testing many belief systems among Believers in order to enlarge our capacity to work with Him. This is requiring total relinquishment in how God is working in us and through us.
Why did it say the children of Israel were "…unable to enter because of unbelief"? (Hebrews 3:19). It was because they weren't ready to surrender what they were used to. God had worked miracles for them on a daily basis, yet they became so familiar and so comfortable with His dealings, they couldn't recognize Him any other way.
Instead of being God-centered, they became self-centered as their focus shifted from their destiny to their security. As a result, they lost their purpose. Instead of growing in FAITH, they grew in fear and doubt. It is this fear and doubt that will try to disarm us and limit our ability to step into that which God is calling us to. The signs and wonders of the past can actually hinder our future if we righteously cling to them!
God's provision and purpose in the wilderness for many of us is finished. It's now time to take the land. The whole purpose of the wilderness journey was to grow our faith in HIM for our daily supply. The provision of manna and the pillar of His presence will still be with us - it will just look different. Now armed with this full assurance we should enter this next season focused on taking down those giants!
Where we are going and what we are doing has little to do with us. It has everything to do with touching OTHERS and bringing attention to HIM. Every Believer has an assignment. Every Believer has a sphere of influence that ONLY THEY can touch. Don't let the enemy fool you into thinking you don't have a significant role. The entire Body of Christ is being mobilized to do their part and, together, we will see a great harvest of souls won into the Kingdom.
The increasing spirit of antichrist in our land is not going to wait for us to get our act together. We must be prepared to TAKE GROUND for the Kingdom and that's going to require new strategies and perspective. It's going to require a focus that is laser-centered on trusting God's directives and allowing Him to do seemingly impossible things! We can't do that while looking behind us.
The spirit of UNBELIEF is growing in our nation. It is causing even many God-fearing people to MISS what God is doing and seeing where He is moving. If we focus too much on what God has already done - and how He did it - we are going to miss the possibilities in the future.
Even Jesus couldn't do certain miracles BECAUSE of UNBELIEF. When people in His hometown questioned where His authority came from, it said they TOOK OFFENSE and as a result, UNBELIEF spread through the town and FEW MIRACLES happened (see Matthew 6:53-58). This miracle-quenching attitude is spreading within the Body of Christ as offenses are stifling supernatural faith.We cannot allow offenses to poison our promise!
Unbelief causes hardness of heart and a lack of perception (Mark 8:17-18; 16:14). This spirit is blinding many people to the realities of God's plans right now. Before we can see any shift, however, we must deal with this spirit in our own hearts and minds. I encourage you to consider how God might want to increase your own faith and courage by addressing these attitudes in your own heart. Here are several keys to dealing with unbelief and fear on a personal level:
1. Relinquish control and surrender your preferences to Him in how He works in you and through you.

2. Allow Him to highlight any hidden fear that is holding you hostage.

3. Ask for a deeper revelation of how to trust Him in unknown waters.

4. Repent of any offense towards others you don't understand or agree with.

5. Invite the Holy Spirit to enlarge your capacity to believe in new things.

6. Step out! Do SOMETHING to demonstrate your willingness to be stretched and get out of your current rut!
For those with pioneering spirits, this process won't take as long and will carry a sense of adventure. For others who are more comfortable with "home-steading" this may be harder. But, I encourage you to understand and embrace the process because this will affect the corporate level of faith we operate in. Jesus wept over an entire city because of the corporate unbelief that was present (Luke 13:34-35). Because of their hardness of heart, He couldn't demonstrate the fullness of His Kingdom there. I don't want God to pass MY city by because the Church is held hostage to unbelief!
Familiar patterns, whether good or bad, can create an umbilical cord to our past that keeps us tied up and unable to move forward. It's time to cut the ties from unbelief and cross over to your inheritance.
"All things are possible for one who believes!" Mark 9:23
Wanda Alger
Wanda Alger is a recognized Five-fold Prophetic minister with Dove Christian Fellowship International and is on staff with Intercessors for America as a staff writer and editor. She ministers alongside her husband, Bobby, at Crossroads Community Church in Winchester, Virginia, which they planted in 1998 after serving in the central Shenandoah Valley for more than fifteen years. Wanda has been a worship leader and music teacher for many years as well as author of two books, "Exposing the Religious Spirit in the Contemporary Church" and "Making Room for His Presence".
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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

 "The Drones Of Prayer Are Coming"

by Garris Elkins
Aug 16, 2016

August 16, 2016

"The Drones Of Prayer Are Coming"by Garris Elkins, Medford, OR

by Garris Elkins, Medford, OR

In order to wisely navigate this unique moment in human history, we will need an abundance of God's wisdom. Wisdom gives us the ability to conceptualize a larger reality - a Kingdom reality. That reality is seen most clearly when viewed from a heavenly perspective where we are now seated with Jesus at the right hand of the Father. From our heavenly position in Christ, we are able to see this life in a radically different way - giving us the ability to create and release culture-shifting prayers in the form of declarations, decrees and prophesy.
This concept of Heaven-to-Earth prayer is like the flight of a drone that provides a heavenly perspective to its earthbound pilot. Without this heavenly perspective, the impact of our prayers will be limited because we will craft our prayers from within the narrow scope of an earthbound view of reality.
Seeing From a Higher Perspective - Heaven's Viewpoint
In the last few years, drone technology has developed to such a degree that you can now purchase a drone with a high-definition camera attached. These drones can be wirelessly linked to your smart phone to follow you wherever you travel. The camera provides a video similar to one produced by a professional camera-person riding in a helicopter filming the world below for a high-quality television documentary.
I have a friend who has a photography business. Right after purchasing an excellent camera, the next thing he purchased was a drone with an attached, high-definition camera. The "money shot" in each of his videos comes from the drone footage. He takes the viewer higher to see a perspective not visible from the limitations of an earthbound camera.
In one video he was driving through the wide-open sagebrush expanse of the American West. His drone was able to film his moving vehicle from 300 hundred feet above while he was traveling 40 miles an hour down a dusty country road. The drone was pacing his car providing spectacular views of the surrounding countryside while feeding back the images to the smart-phone he held in his hand. The camera footage was spectacular!
When a drone first lifts off the ground and the camera begins to roll, everything changes. Objects next to buildings that were previously hidden from horizontal sight are now revealed from a vertical perspective. Side roads never before seen are revealed for the first time. Unexplored canyons hidden beyond the edge of a tree-lined roadway are brought into view with the help of the drone's elevated camera position.
If we are going to partner with God to bring Heaven to Earth, we must first see from Heaven's viewpoint. We can only import what we can see. God the Father seated us with Jesus at His right hand to provide us with a view of our world only seen from the throne of God. This is the perspective Wisdom will use to help us conceptualize and release faith-filled prayers. Without Heaven's perspective we will rely on the resources of a narrow understanding of reality and a limited line of sight from which to craft our prayers.
God is calling you to experience a drone-like prayer life. What you see and declare from Heaven's perspective may be contrary to what is seen by those limited to an earthbound vision of reality. Speak the truth in love to those who question what you see and remain humble if opposition comes.
God gave this sight to you to use as an invitation for others to join you to view together the higher panoramic revelation of what God is about to do on the Earth as it is in Heaven.
Garris Elkins, Author and Prophetic Mi

Sunday, August 14, 2016

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these
is love. Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts,
especially the gift of prophecy. 1 Corinthians 13:13 - 14:1 (NIV)

Follow the way of love. My heart will direct you. Do not suppose to go on
your own direction. Remain in me and grow in the gifts I have sown within
you. Do not suppose I will not bless others through you. Show love to
others, as that is my heart; that none should perish away from me.

Demonstrate hope to the hopeless; Speak my words in love. Be strong in me.

Darkness is coming. Gross darkness will be upon the peoples. But my light
shall be upon you. My glory will cover and protect you. Walk the way of
my love and do not suppose I am not directing events. My light is pure and
bright. My light burns away the dross and brings healing. My glory has
already conquered death.  Yes, my glory is upon you.

My glory upon you is for the benefit of others. Do not forget the poor or
homeless. My glory brings hope where there is now the works of my enemy.
My glory brings change. Do not suppose my glory is not upon you. The more
you abide in me, the more I can affect others. Follow my way in love.
Prophesy hope where hopelessness abounds.

Do not suppose I cannot use you. Follow my way of love using the gifts I've
planted within you. I have called you to speak my words; prophesy.
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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Zechariah 1 Holds a Key to a Third Great Awakening
Tucked away in the neatly scribed names of Zechariah and his fathers we discover a glimmer of light preceding the dark words, "The Lord was very angry with your fathers." (Zech. 1:2) We read, "Zechariah, (which means "God remembers), the prophet, the son of Berechiah (which means "God blesses"), the son of Iddo (which means "At the appointed time") saying ..."
The message begins with the incredible reminder that God remembers and He blesses at the appointed time. Has history stumbled upon a time for such an encounter with the King of Glory as though He was unaware of her staggering? Might we even be so bold to ask if it is possible He was watching her stagger all along that she might fall into the arms of His embrace?
Are we in such a time of revival and awakening? Are we at such a time for the message of repentance and holiness to be sounded again from the pulpits of America without affection for fee or favor? Are we at such a time when the fierceness of His love and the fire of His holiness are being manifest and people's hearts are being flayed before Him in secret? Are we at such time when the sound of dancing in the distance and the muted song of the heralds is being heard—though it is muffled?
Are we at such a time that the great cloud of witnesses are anticipating the reactions of our generation to the times in which we live? Are we at such a time that the synergy of generations is rising before us like a tsunami of His holiness? Is awakening afoot?
The Lord is visiting His people with banner and torch in hand. The noise that produces fear is like a cluster of chaotic and confusing sounds, but the sound that accompanies His coming is as the mist upon a rooftop or songs carried on the wings of hope. Fear causes us to fail to hear the gentle steps of His approaching like a breeze among the myrtle trees or a whisper of assurance that His eyes are upon us. It is not difficult. Zechariah continues the Word of the Lord, "Thus says the Lord of hosts, 'Return to Me,' declares the Lord of hosts, 'that I may return to you,' says the Lord of hosts." (Zech. 1:3).
Zechariah yields his life to bend toward us releasing the message of the hope of His coming. The Lord warns Zechariah, "'Do not be like your fathers ... they did not listen or give heed to Me,' declares the Lord. Your fathers, where are they?" (Zech. 1:4). We hear easily in the times of shouting, but what of the times of whispering?
I propose to you the sound of His coming is at hand. The demand on us is not to manipulate His coming but to surrender to His arrival. The moment of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 was not determined by the disciples gathered in the Upper Room. Their responsibility was simply to recognize the sound of His arrival and surrender to the accompanying fire. The Lord Himself had orchestrated the affairs of men to be in the right city at the right time where the maximum number of people could receive the manifest glory of His appearing. He is orchestrating these days as well.
One of the early sounds of true awakening is the rapid and resplendent sound of people praying and seeking Him in different places at the same time. Suddenly you begin to realize it is not about this city or that, this church or that church, this region or that region, but it is the sound of His angel armies riding like horsemen across the land quickening hearts to arise and the wind of His Spirit blowing among the myrtle trees. (Zechariah 1). The sound of the hunger of His people being fed by prayer.
The sound of revival along the Gulf Coast during the past six months has been one of the most incredible times of my life and ministry. We have really sought to "prefer one another more than we preach to one another." A number of pastors from very different backgrounds and expressions of local congregations are seeking to "move together" throughout the region carrying the banner of hope and harvest in one hand and the torch of His holiness in the other. We have seen thousands respond to altar calls, and we have seen incredible miracles as we moved from city to city and church to church. Not everyone understands it, and many doubt the effectiveness of the model, but for those of us laboring together it is an incredible journey and I personally believe it is the hope of what is to come in the nation.
True awakening can never be contained in a building and will not be controlled by a single ministry! Why not allow the Holy Spirit to release the fire of His holiness that permits us to value each other for the gift He is in us and allow our message to transcend the scope of personal preference or prejudice and walking in humility to make the Name of Jesus famous in the earth? It has been said of the Welsh revival, "The outpouring of the Spirit came dramatically, with precision, in the second week of November 1904 on the same day—both in the North and in the South."
It was March 16, 2014 for me when through a vision I saw the Lord step into the sanctuary, and my life will forever be marked by that moment. However, it was a moment, though the vision lasted for nearly six hours, others were experiencing their own encounters and visions that I knew nothing about. My vision in no way diminishes the significance of theirs—quite the opposite: I have learned the Lord is moving all over the nation and in many other nations at precisely the same moment. He is beginning a movement birthed out of moments of encountering His glory. For a dear friend of mine it started in a truck stop when the glory of God fell and people were saved, healed and filled with the Holy Spirit right on the spot. For another pastor friend it began in his kitchen floor! The story goes on and on, but it must be celebrated as a collective and received with the hope of His appearance.
If you are reading this and feel as though you are still waiting for the moment when you encounter His glory, do not be distracted by a sense of delay. "Behold, He restrains the waters, and they dry up; He sends them out, and they inundate the earth" (Job 12:15, NASB). He chooses to restrain the water that it might come forth to transform the earth! In the revival of the 1890s there were regions in the British Isles that did not come into revival for a year or two, but when they did it was often a wider and deeper move of the Spirit.
You know you are getting close to revival when the level of your expectation demands the discipline of your preparation.
Prayer movements are being refreshed and renewed. Expectation is arising in the hearts of a people who are less concerned about their future than they are confident in the faithfulness of the Lord to respond to the appeal of His people. Regions are beginning to connect, and laborers are meeting in the field to reap a harvest no one can reap alone. Ministries are collaborating by the joining of hands until our hearts begin to become one.
We are living in unprecedented times, and unprecedented times provide unparalleled opportunities. My confidence is that we will witness thousands of churches of varying sizes, strengths and assets come together in these unprecedented days to witness the miraculous move of the awakening that is afoot.
Rick Curry was born in Richmond, Kentucky, and has been involved in full-time ministry all of his adult life. He is the lead pastor of King's Way Church in Pensacola, Florida, and provides apostolic oversight to its affiliate congregations. He is currently leading with other key leaders a significant revival that is quickly spreading all along the Gulf Coast and in many other regions of the country.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Mena Lee Grebin Chaos Is Coming To America Imminent Warning!

Divine Encounters - Bob Jones

Thank You - Jonathan Helser, Bethel Church


harvest final
Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to finish His work. Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this the saying is true: 'One sows and another reaps.' I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors." 
(John 4:34-38)
Be still, Beloved. Those who come now are one with the final harvest.
The year 2017 changes lives like no other time on earth. Many of those already ready to come home, come; others stay on earth to harvest here. Heaven and earth come together as one army — Mine. Each individual now within Me, finishes their destiny and pre-assigned mission. Their mission is My plan for them and their life. Each now has an opportunity to walk within Me, who is the Glory of God.
This is not the time to fall back; it is the time to renew your commitment to Me and My Will for your life here on earth. Each Child of God is called to decide how very serious they are about God’s Will and Kingdom on earth. Each is called to rise, daily, determined to see God’s Will, and thus their God victorious on earth (as He already is in heaven).
Each Child of God is called into God’s one army; and each is to begin, or continue their Testimony of God’s Truth and Love for Christ. Each is to walk on earth as the Apostles did and do: with a pre-determined commitment to their Savior Christ and His Kingdom. You are to rule as Priests (and Kings) and the time of your calling, whether in heaven or on earth, is now, Amen Amen and again Amen (see Rev 1:5-8; Rev 5:8-10).
This know: each is to be someone I can count on daily. Hear Me now, and I will lead you and guide you into and through all the open doors available to Christ’s Children. Be one; join the One, and stand as the One Body and army that you are to be. “Stand,” saith the Lord your God. Stand with Me in victory, Amen Amen and again Amen.
The Love of God is His Glory and your victory over all things. Stand with Me who is Love, Amen Amen and again Amen.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Time to focus on the Eternal!
Posted on 7 August 2016 by Jo Ellen Stevens
Time to Focus on the Eternal,
That Your Joy Might Be Full

“But none of these things move me; neither do I esteem my life dear
to myself, if only I may finish my course with joy and the ministry
which I have obtained from [which was entrusted to me by] the Lord
Jesus, faithfully to attest to the good news (Gospel) of God’s grace
(His unmerited favor, spiritual blessing, and mercy),”   Acts 20:24

Until we do not love our own life unto the death, in other words we
are looking for a city whose builder and maker is God and FOCUS
on the Kingdom and what our part is in establishing it, then we will
always be looking back into the past as to how it could have been
or we will be looking forward to something that is a dead end street.

When we do this, it only brings us discouragement, depression and
sorrow. But, as we focus on the King and His Kingdom, then NONE
OF THESE THINGS WILL MOVE US and we will be filled with joy in

“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, WORKETH FOR
US a more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we LOOK
NOT AT THE THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN, but at the things which
are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the
things which are not seen are eternal,”   Corinthians 4:17.

As long as we continually look on the eternal and not on the
temporary discomfort, it will not only be our joy in believing, but it
will continually cause a work in us and we will come forth with a
more exceeding weight of Glory!

So in both of these passages your success and your joy depends on
WHAT YOU ARE FOCUSING ON! It is time to FOCUS on the finish
line and not on your problems!

It is time to FOCUS on the King and His kingdom! It is time to
FOCUS on your calling and PRESS FORWARD!

The LORD says, “I AM looking for a people, who are those that will
not get caught up in their own life, but be caught up in HIS life!

His life will bring abundance to not only them but to those around

These are they who have the Kingdom in front of them and the
world behind them! The have FIXED THEIR HEART on the King!

They have made Me their portion and not the things of this world!
These are My ambassadors in the earth, always promoting, not
themselves but the Kingdom! Always looking for the things of true
substance, the substance that is eternal!

Their lives are totally lived for what they SEE with their Spirit Eyes!
These are they that SEE what others do not SEE and experience
that which others do not understand!

Yes My overcomers, My manifest sons are arising in the earth and
they will be those who are FOCUSED on the King and not on the

~ by Jo Ellen Stevens
Arise Shine!

Jane Greenstein
Posted: 08/06/2016 at 2:44pm | IP Logged Quote Sherry Mohr

Specific call to Repentance

On 7/18 The Lord gave me a dream and my understanding of it was flawed up until a few moments ago.

This is what the dream was intended for: A Call to Repentance

The Lord is asking all those who claim to be in Christ; and all those who claim to be under His blood, to seek Him for the Spirit of Repentance.

Whether you believe you have need of repentance or not; The Lord is asking us all to ask Him for the Spirit of Repentance; only God knows what is truly in a man’s heart.

God’s will be done


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

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By Mary Lindow through the Holy Spirit 

It seems that with such prolific access to, web blogs and articles, many prophetic voices who are attempting to communicate spiritual metaphors and insights received from the heart of God to be shared and to hopefully soften the hearts of mankind, have perhaps been reduced to quick sound bites and what I would term "Scripture bites".  It’s absolutely essential in these twisted and upside-down days to not look for a quick fix for the turmoil and hard things that we are facing.


As I have searched this out knowing that the Lord was communicating something to me regarding these two statements, clear words of instruction, their potential,and warnings have begun to emerge. I share them from a trembling heart and an alert spirit.

And so first: 


Precipice- a noun 

“A very steep rock face or Cliff, typically a tall one” 
Figurative – “the country is teetering on the precipice of political anarchy” 

The origin of the word comes from the late 16th century indicating a headlong fall. In the Latin it means abrupt descent. 

This word in a nutshell expresses an anguishing anticipation of what could be a devastating and shocking “out of control” spin into oblivion, tumbling headlong into an unknown space, fully out of control, not knowing when the descent will end, and if anything will remain once it hits the pull of gravity. 

“Pride goes before destruction, 
A haughty spirit before a fall.” 
(Off of a precipice) 

And Secondly:


Because we live on the edge of eternity, we must not lose our heads. We must get our heads on straight and think in harmony with divine revelation. We must not be oblivious to the times that we are living in, nor should we be frightened and "act out" in panic. Our clear-headedness makes us able to pray as we should, seeking divine wisdom, guidance and the power to live faithfully in difficult times.

Jesus told His disciples things would go from bad to worse as the end of all things approaches. There will be social and political upheaval and natural disasters. There will be an intensification of opposition toward Christians so that fellow Christians begin to turn on each other and family members betray one another.

"Brother will hand over brother to death;
A father will hand over his child.
Children will rebel against their parents and kill them. (Euthanasia?)

 Mark 13:12-13.

In such times of danger, love will fade and people will abandon the self-sacrifice of love, for the sake of self-preservation. 

The Holy Spirit impressed me some time back with this statement.  “Shaken AND Stirred” 
My mind said, "You mean, shaken - not stirred!"  Again, a little while later, the same statement was impressed into my spirit one more time. “Shaken AND stirred”! 

As I thought about this I began to realize that the Holy Spirit wanted to show me a prophetic insight, combined with the word of God regarding what His role in working within the hearts of believers looks like at this juncture in time. 

A somewhat overgrown, youthful, well-fed bride. Oh! How she LOVES the candlelight, the romantic spirituality that feeds the soul and emotional longings of one yet to experience the commitment to a marriage! Everything has the beauty and sparkle of a fairyland or Disney type of fantasy and fireworks!

Surrounding this young maiden are gifts and beautiful tangible items reminding her of this youthful celebration of a pledge. The pledge to honor the one she loves. The gifts that have been given come from those who know that these will be needed to assist them in their life of growing together towards becoming one heart, one flesh, a single expression of their own family unit. 

There are similar parallels to be fearlessly looked at regarding where and how the corporate bride of Christ has behaved on many levels. There has been a new term or word phrase created to address what would often be called a petulant, whiny, over-indulged young woman who is in preparation for the big “blowout wedding day event”. The name for this is"Bridezilla”! 

The basic picture is until SHE gets what she wants, the way SHE wants it, WHEN she wants it, anything or anyone in her way gets demolished if it does not satisfy her need to be fully noticed, in control and lavishly celebrated in all of her self-planned and applied concepts as to what a wedding should look like. 

The problem is, in real life - the wedding and festivities are only a brief glimpse of what an actual joining of two in marriage looks like for the long haul. And so, when the party is over and the hard work begins, (and yes, it's hard work), the little rifts and storm clouds come to buffet and shape the couple into maturity. 


…And desires to be treated like a young princess, much like the central character in the children's story, "The Princess and the Pea" then no matter how others attempt to sweet-talk or ease her discomfort, eventually she becomes demanding and unsatisfied, regardless of what is offered to her. 

And so the current state for many who make up the bride of Christ in its majority, is one of a moody, discomforted and unfulfilled mate, waiting for her bridegroom to do FOR her, the things that she would rather not do for herself, and wants the bridegroom to bring her the comforts that she needs without having to labor, herself. 


They are boldly declaring a warning about remaining a child and not maturing to the fullness of God's plan. They have warned over and over of the things that we are now seeing happen.

Imagine the shock, the total disbelief of the five virgins (Matthew 25) who slumbered and gambled with their futures so flippantly when in their drowsy and moody state missed the sound that the bridegroom announced, calling them to come, to travel the road now well lit, to a prepared place. 

They were shaken! Shaken to the core and in total disbelief that things had changed and had been shaken in their drowsy existence so quickly! They were warned to be ready, but figured just as always that they would somehow be able to manipulate their surroundings and discomforts and find a way to ... get their way! 

And so has it been with the body of Christ the past few years, even though the voice of “The Beloved” has warned and shouted out.  

He has sent prophetic voice after prophetic voice, teacher after teacher, evangelist after evangelist with a reoccurring message, 

You prepare the way! 
You make the crooked ways straight! 
Build up a pathway that you may walk upon to a holy place!

And it will be said: 

"Build up, build up, and prepare the road!
Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people."
Isaiah 57:14 

And yet, the bride in many ways has gone on her merry way expecting to be rescued from her slumber and folly. Walking ON THE EDGE OF THE PRECIPICE and Living On The Edge of Eternity.


Shaken and shaken again, until she awakens from her slumber and admits to selfish ambition. She will be challenged to become the mature heart who walks with her beloved as her leader and Lord, not just simply as a provider of pleasures, fleshly sustenance, and entertainment. 

“See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks.

If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth,
how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven?

But now he has promised,

Hebrews 12 :25-27 

The words "once more" indicates THE REMOVING OF WHAT CAN BE SHAKEN, Meaning, created things—SO THAT WHAT CAN’T BE SHAKEN WILL REMAIN. 

When someone is shaken awake from a deep sleep, the adrenaline begins to pump throughout the body and there is a keen and heightened alertness that begins to stir the senses. 

“Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you!
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God.”
2 Timothy 1:6-8 


It's no secret that the mainstream media has had a heyday with high profile personalities who have made claims to be devout Christians and then find them caught in the acts of extortion, embezzlement, infidelity, tax evasion, plagiarism and justification of personal indulgences at the expense of trusting donors. 

Deeper and deeper still will the exposing and dissecting sword of the Word of God separate what is of the flesh claiming to be God, and what is of the Spirit, that is of God. 

The folly and arrogance of those who minister with an elitist message will be brought to such public humiliation that even the hardest atheistic hearts will cringe at the ruthless mocking they will face.  As the Lord continues to "shake out and stir up" the dross in the life of each believer, there will be a corresponding stirring again to deep repentance. 

Believers will come out of their groggy existence and begin to allow the deep purging and removal of willful perceptions about whom God has blessed and whom God might use for his glory, and for His purposes. 

We are in a time like no other before.
There is a setting forth of a new and fresh openness to God's supreme directions. 

There is a shaking off of youthful folly and petty “scrapping” over who imparts the greatest message or anointing. 
Instead of well planned out speaking rosters for heavily and slickly advertised conference invitations, there will continue to be spontaneous and Divinely orchestrated gatherings throughout all nations. 

It has already begun in several unannounced assemblies of like-minded hearts. It is being lit and ignited by the very hand of a Sovereign and brilliantly strategic God. 

He indeed has an agenda. It is to call the bride, His beloved, the one He lavishly spent all of His life's blood upon, to rise up from her slumber and be “shaken and stirred” to see that He is beckoning her deeper and yet deeper still to enter into a place of profound grace, mercy, and safety. 

As the cry of repentance from dead works, and foolish masterminding of plans and programs (that only led the bride into morbid obesity) is stirred in the hearts of those ailing and sickened by the results of such over indulgence, deeper and deeper still will the Spirit of God draw his people into a communion of body, Spirit, and soul with His plan and purpose. 

… In their brokenness, in their humility, will begin to experience a hush of holiness falling upon their gatherings. The hovering presence of the pleasure of God will invade and flood the hearts of those who have come simply to fellowship in the power of His word and the Beauty of His Holiness. But! This cannot be a forced agenda or trend! This is not to be confused with what has been termed "The Anointing" or "The Holy Spirit Falling Upon God’s People." Not a whisper, not a sound, not a song, nor a shout will be needed to attract this majestic treasure.


I have been in meetings where believers who chose to enter into repentance and allowed the "dross work" of God to have full access to every corner of their souls, where, without warning or fanfare, the weight of God’s Glory invaded the room, the conference, and the meeting halls. It was as if a drenching, tangible mass of warmth and comfort wrapped itself around every human being present. It mattered not whether they were youthful or stooped over in the aging of their bodies. 

The weight of the very glory and magnificence of the Supreme Being, The Sovereign One, was unmistakable. 

Beautiful stillness and sweetness flowed in to and out of every soul present. All who were sitting or standing in this weight of glory did not need anyone to tell them the phenomenon that surpassed any of man's orchestrations was happening. 

It didn’t last 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 15 minutes. It came in waves and beckoned with the fragrance of mercy that only the “Still Small Voice” can infuse a room with. 


And then again, the Sweet song of the Lord would begin to sing out over the people and the people would begin to sing out the sweet song of repentance and devotion back unto the Lord. IT SURPASSED ETHNIC AND CULTURAL BACKGROUNDS, NATIONAL OR INTERNATIONAL EXPRESSIONS AND HUMAN LANGUAGES. 

Deeper and yet deeper still His presence, His glory, His weightiness would hover. In one such meeting, the waiting in His glory, in His presence, waiting upon Him, lasted for 45 minutes. No one wanted to leave, and no one had any agenda. 

“Be still!” the Lord said. “Be still and know, that I am God!” 


“Repent, then, and turn to God,
So that your sins may be wiped out,
That times of refreshing may come from the Lord,
Acts 3:19

There have been voices in the Body of Christ crying out that she must repent for her sluggishness, smugness, and presumption. These voices will be amplified and multiplied throughout the year. There will be required by the Lord, a setting apart in the heart of every believer. Deeper and deeper still will the call to shake off slumber, to once and for all lay down the sins and arrogance that easily traps and ensnares the life of the bride. 


As each member of the body of Christ willingly steps in to the full scan of the Holy Spirit's convicting radiance, a fresh awakening of the empowering courage and strength of Christ as the glorious bridegroom will be brought to the forefront.
He will be the central focus and no longer will the bride lag behind in adolescent drudgery and laziness. 

Wave upon wave of adoration will be lifted up as a love sacrifice to the Beloved One. And the weight of His glory will shake and rock religious agendas and nations until they crumble and strip off the need for the noise and glitter that has cluttered and stifled the rightful honor due unto the King of glory. 

When with deliberate consideration, the weight of God’s glory is given full access to flow as it begins to invade and permeate, be prepared for unbelievers who maybe simply walking by a home gathering, a fellowship service, or a conference, to be drawn into your gatherings as if wooed or summoned by a fragrance or sound that they have had move them to go and seek out where it was coming from.

The Lord shall draw them and show them of His might, His presence, and you shall lead them to Him…
… And they shall find salvation. 

Many are indeed "Walking on the Edge of the Precipice" and are "Living on the Edge of Eternity", not knowing where to turn or what to do, and will fall headlong into further disaster if they do not awaken from the hardness of heart, distractions and spiritual presumption that have become companions and corrupt habits. 

Today you have heard His heart; you have heard His voice, 
Harden not your heart, and instead quickly heed His voice. 

Allow the shaking! Willingly permit any condescension, elitism, control, manipulation, cowardly blame-shifting, hateful speech, competition, anger, mocking and vengeful and revengeful thoughts, to be once and for all purged out of your soul! 

Your very spiritual life depends on what you do when on the edge of a precipice!

You can, “Jump headlong into recklessness”
“Fall into the hands of the living breathing God”. 

“Take care, brethren, 
That there not be in any one of you an evil,
unbelieving heart

That falls away (headlong off of a precipice)
from the living God.”

Hebrews 3:12 

and their response to the gospel in this life determines their eternal fate. 

Each generation is living on the edge of eternity, and there will always be an urgency to respond to the gospel, for your response to the gospel determines your eternal destiny.

Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed,
Provided that complete source and website information for
Mary Lindow is included.
Thank you!
"The Messenger " ~ Mary Lindow

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Quote Steven Bliss
being strengthened
This is 08/01, The beginning of new things.

I was counting the found coins for this past month and examining what God
may be saying through them, as a group. There were eleven coins, the number
of the prophetic. The odd number, the number which is to express God heart,
releasing strength, consolation and encouragement (1 Corinthians 14:3).

As I opened my Bible, I read from Paul's introductory remarks to his letters
to the friends at Colossae. He is asking, "God to fill you with the
knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you
may live worthily of the Lord and please him in all respects - bearing fruit
in every good deed, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with
all power according to his glorious might for the display of all patience
and steadfastness..."(Colossians 1:9-11).

Yes, be strengthened in me. Grow in my ways in the likeness of Jesus, my
son. In me there is life; energy to go forward in the purposes I have set
within you. My Spirit is leading you. Slow down and converse; listen for the
hints of direction. He will point you in the perfect way.

You are to be my peculiar people; those that are rooted and grounded in me.
Do not allow yourself to be cut off. Do not listen to the derisive voice of
my enemy. Grow in me, be strengthened in my words of truth and dreams of
direction. Grow in me that my power may flow from you as I release it.

Learn to recognize my voice now, for the times of confusion and lawlessness
are to subtly increase. You will learn to know my voice and follow; you
shall prosper. Despite what the world systems will say I am yet the maker,
creator and am active in the direction of what  is coming. You are of my
greater light. Pure light drives out all darkness. It is through you that
others will come out of the deep darkness and into me.