Sunday, August 21, 2016

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Cut the Ties From Unbelief!
by Wanda Alger, Winchester, Virginia

I believe the Body of Christ in this nation is prophetically on the water's edge of crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land of Kingdom inheritance. A few scouts have gone ahead of us and are already seeing and experiencing what lies ahead. Others are wading in with anticipation. But, many within the Church are still hesitating to jump in. It's not because they don't want to go, but because "fear and unbelief" have them tied to the shore. It's time to cut the cord.
God is calling many to step into unknown territory and it's going to require leaving the familiar behind and embracing new levels of BELIEF. God wants to increase our capacity to release and demonstrate levels of His Kingdom power and authority that are unprecedented. But, it will require some upgrades in our current belief systems before we can enter into that land of Kingdom inheritance.
I have felt the pull, personally. Even as my spirit longs to step into uncharted territory and say, "YES" to some new assignments, I find myself dealing with old patterns of thinking that hold me back. It's not that certain beliefs are no longer true. Rather, I need to let go of my security in them. God is testing many belief systems among Believers in order to enlarge our capacity to work with Him. This is requiring total relinquishment in how God is working in us and through us.
Why did it say the children of Israel were "…unable to enter because of unbelief"? (Hebrews 3:19). It was because they weren't ready to surrender what they were used to. God had worked miracles for them on a daily basis, yet they became so familiar and so comfortable with His dealings, they couldn't recognize Him any other way.
Instead of being God-centered, they became self-centered as their focus shifted from their destiny to their security. As a result, they lost their purpose. Instead of growing in FAITH, they grew in fear and doubt. It is this fear and doubt that will try to disarm us and limit our ability to step into that which God is calling us to. The signs and wonders of the past can actually hinder our future if we righteously cling to them!
God's provision and purpose in the wilderness for many of us is finished. It's now time to take the land. The whole purpose of the wilderness journey was to grow our faith in HIM for our daily supply. The provision of manna and the pillar of His presence will still be with us - it will just look different. Now armed with this full assurance we should enter this next season focused on taking down those giants!
Where we are going and what we are doing has little to do with us. It has everything to do with touching OTHERS and bringing attention to HIM. Every Believer has an assignment. Every Believer has a sphere of influence that ONLY THEY can touch. Don't let the enemy fool you into thinking you don't have a significant role. The entire Body of Christ is being mobilized to do their part and, together, we will see a great harvest of souls won into the Kingdom.
The increasing spirit of antichrist in our land is not going to wait for us to get our act together. We must be prepared to TAKE GROUND for the Kingdom and that's going to require new strategies and perspective. It's going to require a focus that is laser-centered on trusting God's directives and allowing Him to do seemingly impossible things! We can't do that while looking behind us.
The spirit of UNBELIEF is growing in our nation. It is causing even many God-fearing people to MISS what God is doing and seeing where He is moving. If we focus too much on what God has already done - and how He did it - we are going to miss the possibilities in the future.
Even Jesus couldn't do certain miracles BECAUSE of UNBELIEF. When people in His hometown questioned where His authority came from, it said they TOOK OFFENSE and as a result, UNBELIEF spread through the town and FEW MIRACLES happened (see Matthew 6:53-58). This miracle-quenching attitude is spreading within the Body of Christ as offenses are stifling supernatural faith.We cannot allow offenses to poison our promise!
Unbelief causes hardness of heart and a lack of perception (Mark 8:17-18; 16:14). This spirit is blinding many people to the realities of God's plans right now. Before we can see any shift, however, we must deal with this spirit in our own hearts and minds. I encourage you to consider how God might want to increase your own faith and courage by addressing these attitudes in your own heart. Here are several keys to dealing with unbelief and fear on a personal level:
1. Relinquish control and surrender your preferences to Him in how He works in you and through you.

2. Allow Him to highlight any hidden fear that is holding you hostage.

3. Ask for a deeper revelation of how to trust Him in unknown waters.

4. Repent of any offense towards others you don't understand or agree with.

5. Invite the Holy Spirit to enlarge your capacity to believe in new things.

6. Step out! Do SOMETHING to demonstrate your willingness to be stretched and get out of your current rut!
For those with pioneering spirits, this process won't take as long and will carry a sense of adventure. For others who are more comfortable with "home-steading" this may be harder. But, I encourage you to understand and embrace the process because this will affect the corporate level of faith we operate in. Jesus wept over an entire city because of the corporate unbelief that was present (Luke 13:34-35). Because of their hardness of heart, He couldn't demonstrate the fullness of His Kingdom there. I don't want God to pass MY city by because the Church is held hostage to unbelief!
Familiar patterns, whether good or bad, can create an umbilical cord to our past that keeps us tied up and unable to move forward. It's time to cut the ties from unbelief and cross over to your inheritance.
"All things are possible for one who believes!" Mark 9:23
Wanda Alger
Wanda Alger is a recognized Five-fold Prophetic minister with Dove Christian Fellowship International and is on staff with Intercessors for America as a staff writer and editor. She ministers alongside her husband, Bobby, at Crossroads Community Church in Winchester, Virginia, which they planted in 1998 after serving in the central Shenandoah Valley for more than fifteen years. Wanda has been a worship leader and music teacher for many years as well as author of two books, "Exposing the Religious Spirit in the Contemporary Church" and "Making Room for His Presence".
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