Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Lately, I have been going through “some things” and it has been a rough road. I won’t get into any details, but during this “Dark Night of The Soul” I have also come to understand things much differently than I ever have. Things are making sense to me that never have, in ways I’ve never experienced. I don’t know what my next step is. I have no idea what to expect tomorrow, let alone a month from now. I just know, whatever I do next, it is something that will help affect change in a big way. If I’m not working directly on it, I will have to be working towards it. I no longer feel called to work towards worldly goals, but I feel its time to start achieving some spiritual ones. To be honest, I feel called to lead, but at the same time I feel ill equipped and unworthy.
Over the past 14 months, I have been pouring through all types of information and writing my thoughts, ideas, and concepts down constantly. The downside is I struggle to articulate these thoughts in anyway that matters.I don’t know if it is my ADD or it is a practice in futility, but I have been chasing my own tail for months. Recently, I have accepted that much of what I write is only for practice and have been deleting much of what I write within a few days of writing it. Today, I thought I would do something different.
So, instead of moving these thoughts straight to the “Recycle Bin”, I thought I would share it with you. While peoples’ thoughts about me still affect me, they affect me far less today than they did yesterday. I believe I may finally be finding my voice. So here it is, a little perspective on the difference between a leader, which creates followers, and a ruler, which subjugates. The following points meant to illustrate the differences between the personalities of those who lead and those who rule:
• A leader is not a ruler. Though, while they may create rules to lead more effectively, they only lead those who follow. (Following, by its very definition, infers willingness.) Whereas with rulers, they create rules to ensure their subjects have no reasonable choice other than to conform. Conformity makes the population easier to control and manipulate. (Ex. TVs, newspapers, social media, etc. are all technologies, which were born from innovation, but are being used to conform certain demographics of our populations to certain belief patterns, in order to accomplish the motives of the rulers)
• A leader is bestowed with power by the will of their followers.(NOT supernatural power, which can only be bestowed on a leader by God) A ruler takes their power subjugation.
• A true leader seeks the benefit of those he/she leads, even at their own expense. A ruler seeks its own benefit regardless of expense.
• A leader always has a destination in mind for its followers, one which will benefit them greatly. A ruler has a destination in mind for itself, one which will benefit them greatly. (Irrespective of the impact to its subjects)
• In the face of failure, a true leader looks ONLY to himself/herself, accepting the complete and sole responsibility, irrespective of any actions (or lack thereof) of its followers. When a ruler fails, it looks only to the deficiencies of ts subjects.
• Leaders are loved by their followers. Rulers are feared by their subjects.
• A leader has a defined path . To rule, one must have well defined rules and the ability to enforce those rules with strength.
• Above all else, a leader feeds its followers. Rulers consume their subjects.
• A leader’s heart is reflected in its subjects. A rulers heart is reflected in its priorities.
• Leaders offer love through liberty. Rulers command loyalty through law.
• Leaders seek unity above all else. Rulers fight unity through segregation.
• Leaders use truth to liberate their followers. Rulers use deception to imprison their subjects.

We see examples of this everywhere in the world today. In sports, society, politics and even elsewhere in the natural world. We are living in times unlike any this world has ever seen. We are seeing things happen that were prophesied thousands of years ago. If we can’t recognize the difference in leaders and dictators, other than by the words they use, then we’re in for some tough times in the days and years ahead. This post in no way has anything to do with US politics as it currently stands (there are both leaders and rulers through out our political system). Rather, I share this to help us recognize the character of a leader from the characteristics of a ruler/dictator. While ruler personalities are uncommon, you will still likely find rulers at your work, in your schools, in your family, and everywhere else the human condition exists. These rulers command attention. They’re what we typically call “Type- A” personalities. On the same token, you can find leaders everywhere as well. While true leaders are as uncommon as rulers, I will admit, they are much more difficult to find though. A true leader doesn’t command respect, it fosters it. A true leader doesn’t desire attention for itself, but rather the attention for its cause and, by extension, its followers. It is more difficult to find a person who avoids the spotlight, than it is to find one who is attracted to it. For the same reason, it is more difficult to identify a person with humility than it is without it. We need leaders to step into their purpose, but there are a lot of them out there that don’t even know they are supposed to lead. If we can identify the leaders in our lives and foster their passions, they can be the leaders that even the rulers will follow. This would change everything. After all, THE HEART OF THE LEADER IS REFLECTED IN HIS FOLLOWERS. It’s time for us to open our eyes and, even more importantly, our hearts. In closing, I will leave you with this:
One of the greatest deceptions currently subscribed to by most of us is that darkness is the OPPOSITE of light. Much like Evil is the opposite of God. This is false. Darkness is but the ABSENCE of light, as Evil is the absence of God. Light and Love are also used interchangeably for God through out the bible. So if Evil can only exist where God isn’t, then evil can only exist in a space where love doesn’t. Young children inherently know this. They know that evil cannot exist in the light, so they go around every room turning on the lights, banishing the dark.
I pray this post will impact your day in the most positive way possible.
Peace, Love, and All That,
“God is Releasing New Methods and Mandates in This Millennial Generation”
We are starting to see the early signs of a massive move of God which He is orchestrating. While the signs in the heavens and wonders on the earth are realized, the God of the universe is disarming the evil plots of the wicked one. As the curtain is being pulled back to expose hidden works of darkness, God is positioning those who have sold out to Him in strategic places, so His will can be executed and His power can be known to all.
It is God and Him alone who puts down one and raises up another. In Genesis 40, Joseph, who was unjustly imprisoned for years, was being groomed during that time to, one day, stand before Pharaoh and literally shift the entire kingdom in a moment to save a nation from a horrible famine. What seemed like a total disaster was preparation for a position. This “design” plan of God was completely out of sight of anyone’s imagination.
It’s a Great Day to Align with the Creator of the Universe to Accomplish His Plans
This great awakening that is upon us is designed to usher in the biggest rescue of souls that has ever been realized on this earth. Waves and waves of people will flood in to surrender their old lives and find new ones. Miracles and supernatural events are increasing at warped speed. The Bride is becoming an Army. The days of just socially drifting from one meeting to another are coming to an end. God is assembling an army who will move in unity, power, unfailing love and wisdom.
God always pulls the gold out of us and causes us to see ourselves in His light.
Recently, in a dream, the Lord told me His requirements for the coming days. He told me that His Church needs to be thankful, honoring and teachable.
Thankfulness lets our guard down and softens our hearts to hear. Honor is a component of godly character, and being teachable removes pride and develops a higher trust in His ways. There are many things God will teach us that we have not even had access to. His ways have always been higher than our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
Millennials Want to Know Who They Are
People are desperate to find identity and purpose. Our Freedom Lounge theme camp has been to the Burning Man festival, located in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, where over 70,000 people gather for spiritual seeking and live a free expression lifestyle for 10 days.
For several years now, God has retrained us how to act like Him in loving His friends, the lost, as they are referred to. I call them “seekers of Truth (Jesus)”. The Freedom Lounge teams have been present at not only this event, but at porn conventions, New Age events, gay pride events, film festivals, pagan events and I have proof that God’s unconditional love doesn’t fail.
Mercy always triumphs over judgment and where sin abounds, grace abounds much more! That’s a FACT. We have literally lines of people waiting to get into our Freedom Lounge tent where our teams “pull the gold” out of these people and give them the identity God has for them and not what the world or their experiences have told them. (Photo via Cindy McGill)
Last year, on our Burning Man outreach, the most repeated statement heard from our Millennial “guests” was, “Give me hope and tell me who I am and what I’m made to do.” In other words, if there is nothing to live for then why live?
God has spent years since the late 1990’s teaching me how He wants to speak to people. I had to unlearn so many “churchy” ways. The world doesn’t understand church, the songs, the structure, the language, nor can they relate to the “church goers”, but God has a “compelling” factor in how He draws people in.
We are human beings and live in a very dark, broken and visionless world, by and large. God is always, always desperately trying to communicate with those He made and loves. Whether by a dream, a vision, or a trusted relationship with someone who has truth to speak, God creates opportunities for people to hear.
God is Not Boxed In
In Matthew 2, we can read about the wise men who literally followed a star to find Jesus. They were “Maji” or astrologists, but God used what they “knew” and arranged the stars in the sky to guide them to the One who, when they saw Him with their eyes opened, they worshipped. And, bonus, they all had the same dream that completely redirected their path.
Their whole lives were radically adjusted at that moment. God’s not boxed in. He does and will always meet people where they are at in life and lovingly reveal a new pathway for them. I call it the “great LOVE exchange” – where a person exchanges what they thought they loved for the real love who will never leave them or hurt them, and they will be transformed into their real identity and purpose.
There is a way to reach people and communicate Jesus to them. God asked me to call Him everything He calls Himself. He wanted me to identify Him by His attributes. He IS: Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Absolute Authority, Rescuer, Reformer, Identity-Revealer, Shame-Taker, Wisdom, Knowledge, Joy, Healer, Supreme Power, Purity and a Loving Father who would never ever hurt His kids.
He is: the Safe Place, Just Judge, Restorer of Stolen Things, Provider, The Way, The Truth and The Abundant Life. God always pulls the gold out of us and causes us to see ourselves in His light.
We just have to “follow Jesus” and He will “make” us understand how to “fish for men”. Using old ways won’t work. There is no persuasive speech or shaming someone that will convince a person to accept Jesus. The Bible is pretty clear on this. John 6:44 says, “No one comes to Me unless the Father draws them….” He always draws people by His love and mercy.
We’ve Said This Before But – The Structure of Church is Changing
Thankfulness lets our guard down and softens our hearts to hear. Honor is a component of godly character and being teachable removes pride and develops a higher trust in His ways.
The Millennials are leaving church—or not attending altogether. A number of surveyed Millennials actually call themselves “The Nones” meaning, they do not affiliate with any religion. According to Pew Research, statistics find “35% of adult Millennials (Americans born between 1981 and 1996) are religiously unaffiliated. Far more Millennials say they have no religious affiliation compared with those who identify as evangelical Protestants.” The current structure doesn’t relate to them.
Here are some comments I’ve heard regarding their perception of Church:
“Nobody is LISTENING to us. It would benefit us if we learn to listen to hear instead of listening to respond.
“Those who live in different lifestyles are shamed instead of loved. God always looks on the heart of a person and it’s His kindness shown that leads people to change. The Church blames our culture instead of taking the time to understand why they do and think like they do.
“We want to be mentored not preached at (we are desperate for genuine community, not social clubs). We want to be valued and free to express our creativity. We want to discuss issues that pertain to our culture and how to live life. (Photo via Pexels)
“We hear you talking about us because we are not like you. We don’t fit in. Give us freedom to encounter God ourselves.”
We have the world searching for identity, love that is free of condemnation and judgment, and purpose and community where real questions are met with real answers.
This is the greatest harvest time we’ve ever seen. God is in a huge rebuilding program, as He is refining His Church to reflect His true identity.
The World is Watching – The World is Searching
Jesus said in John 13:35, By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another(emphasis mine).
These are the greatest days to be living and great displays of His power and love will be demonstrated in signs, wonders and miracles, but without love we are nothing. The greatest is love.
Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest Ministries

Email: dreaminslc@hotmail.com
By Lana Vawser
The Lord is restoring “lost time” right now especially in the areas of destiny. The Lord is opening many new doors right now for His people which is catapulting them into another realm and step of their destiny, yet many area feeling like their time to sow into the vision is being stolen and hindered.
Many are feeling like momentum is being lost, rather than being gained and it is building a level of hopelessness in many hearts as they continue to contend for breakthrough, provision and time to “put their hands to” the vision and dream God has given them.
I saw in the spirit that the enemy was bringing “road block” after “road block” against many and releasing a significant whirlwind of confusion to attempt to cause God’s people to wonder whether they are “out of season” with putting their hands to the vision the Lord has given them. I watched in the spirit as the enemy was placing a clock before the faces of many of God’s people and spinning the hands, so many felt “out of control” because they cannot seem to gain traction and momentum in moving deeper into the “outworking” of the vision Jesus had given them. I watched as the enemy burst into fits of laughter at his pleasure and delight of seeing God’s people disorientated and disillusioned over the vision Jesus had given them.
Just when the enemy thought he had gained the upper hand, I saw Jesus and He decreed “I am redeeming lost time. My people will have the last laugh, the laugh of VICTORY IN THEIR VISION and I am now releasing the winds of change and double portion ACCELERATION to not only see the time they have lost because of this opposition, restored, but they will move into an INCREASE ON THEIR VISION, they will have MORE than they had before.”
“Where there has been such confusion over the vision I have given My people and what’s going on, I am now releasing an increase of wisdom, clarity, creativity, witty inventions and insight into the vision to go further than you would have ever thought you would go in this vision and dream.”
Not only was Jesus restoring time that was lost through the winds of acceleration, the vindication of God was exploding all around, through the double portion increase, recompense and restoration that He was releasing over their vision.
The enemy has been screaming that the breakthrough and momentum for the vision is further away than ever, yet the true reality is, the BREAKTHROUGH for the vision is UPON YOU!
There is a breaker anointing that the Lord is releasing for you to SEE THE VISION THROUGH! It’s not going to be just a “vision” anymore, but a tidal wave of His favour is being released, to catapult you into a slipstream of ease, grace and anointing by His Spirit to see you go even further with His vision than you originally anticipated or dreamed.
I felt the Lord say that what would have taken weeks and months to “set up” and “do” in the natural, now with the winds of acceleration released upon the vision, things will be set up and done SUDDENLY and without striving but by the power and empowerment of His Spirit.
The enemy is attempting to convince many of you that there is a DELAY upon you but the truth is there is a NEW DAY upon you!
God is redeeming lost time. The warfare over the vision, the opposition over the vision, the road blocks over the vision He has given you, as hard as it has been, REJOICE, for it has set you up for greater increase, favour and breakthrough than you could imagine.
I also saw those who were carrying visions and dreams from many years ago and it seemed like the vision/dream was miscarried or aborted, the Lord is breathing resurrection life upon those visions/dreams and they are suddenly coming back to life. They are springing forth SUDDENLY with increase and momentum and moving you into new positions. What the Lord will do in the vision/dream He gave you in this season will make up for all lost time with all the provision, breakthrough and favour He will breathe upon it in this season. The lie will break that you have “come out short”. You will come out with MORE than you have ever had before.
Take heart! Your vision has gained INTEREST in the heavenlies! The Lord is activating the tipping point and SUDDENLY things are going to come together and accelerate taking you to a place of breakthrough that is beyond your wildest imagination.
“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree.
“Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel” (Amos 9:13-15 MSG TRANSLATION)
Give Me Back My Wife ~ Lion of Judah, Son of God
Many things have competed for the attention of the Beloved of the Lord. Religion is ever waving its tentacles, trying to detain her. The Spirit of this age assaults her defenses with ever increasing ferocity. At times, it has seemed like her attention has been completely captured by inferior suitors.
Just this morning, I was taking communion in my study and as I ate the cracker, I became acutely aware of my teeth breaking and crushing this cracker, which represented the Body of Christ, into pieces. Knowing that the Hebrew word for ‘teeth’ also means ‘teachings’, I was suddenly pierced to the heart with the knowledge that a large portion of the current teachings  being released in the Church of Jesus Christ are breaking and crushing His Body… and the partaking of the bread currently offered is causing the Body to bring judgment upon themselves. It is the reason so many are sick and weak and some have already passed into death ( I Cor 11:29,30) The spiced wine being offered willy nilly from pulpits in multiple places does not have its source in the fruit of the True Vine.
31  For their rock is not like our Rock, even our enemies themselves judge this.
32  For their vine comes from the vine of Sodom and from the fields of Gomorrah; their grapes are grapes of [poisonous] gall, their clusters are bitter.
33 Their wine is the [furious] venom of serpents, and the pitiless poison of vipers. (Deuteronomy 32:31-33)
When the Lord first spoke these particular words through Moses, He was not speaking about a pagan nation who had never heard Truth. He was referring to His very own called-out people. And sadly it is true of large sectors of those who call themselves the Body of Christ today. One could lose heart gazing upon the scene of such spiritual carnage for too long – the only solution is to come up higher, above the din of the clamouring voices of the prophets of Baal who have eaten at Jezebel’s table; higher and higher to the place where the eagle soars and the still small Voice can be heard on the edges of the wind.
Here, one rediscovers perspective and can begin to find true North again. Here one’s heart can become quiet; so still that one becomes aware of a distant ROAR. It’s a roar too deep, too ancient, to be a passing storm. It seems to be coming from somewhere in the uncharted depths of the universe and carries some sense of déjà vu – as if the strains have been heard somewhere before by another taskmaster, in another time… A decree released by a bondslave messenger, on behalf of a people bound by chains for generations. People like us, entangled in a system we inherited from those before us, who also saw in part and yielded to the insistent pressure of the world pushing its way into the Church, rather than appear contentious – and ending up enslaved. It’s a roar that carries an authority that makes mountains melt like wax and seas flee – and the sound cannot be silenced by papal decree or deaconate decisions. It wreaks havoc with programs and neat diarized church calendar appointments and holds no respect for the pomp and ceremony of personality cult Christian culture.  It shatters prison doors and awakens the sleeping and resounds in both palaces and pauper’s shacks. It is not a request, nor a gentle suggestion. It is the righteous demand of the Conqueror; the Lion of Judah Bridegroom King; Who comes to claim the one who is rightfully His. He addresses the man-made structures, the spirit of this age and the octopus tentacles of demonic doctrines that have wound themselves insidiously around the limbs of His Beloved and He doesn’t beat around the bush or employ diplomatic negotiating strategies! No! Now, God’s patience is exhausted. And many can hear His Roar reverberating in the heavenlies. And it is not the sound of an approaching storm front… although it may be accompanied by one, both in the natural and spiritual realm! It’s a demand, a shout of ownership that cannot be silenced.  It is not a request, nor a gentle suggestion. It is the righteous demand of the Conqueror; the Lion of Judah Bridegroom King; Who comes to claim the one who is rightfully His.
It’s quite simple. He said it in Egypt through His mouthpiece Moses – and He is saying it again! And once again ‘Egypt’ is going to acquiesce… through great personal loss and with the birth pangs of wave upon wave of judgment. The Bridegroom WILL have what He purchased with the Bridal Price of His precious Blood! And so, with a bone-rattling, earth-shattering roar from the depths of His fiery jealous heart, He bellows: “GIVE ME BACK MY WIFE!”
Give Me Back My Wife ~ Lion of Judah, Son of God(this word is an excerpt from my latest book released this week, Give Me Back My Wife ~ Lion of Judah, Son of God, which is currently available as both as an e-book and in hard copy on http://www.lulu.com

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Keep your eyes upon Me alone and I will lead and guide you into all of My truth that will not have any mixture attached to it. This is the day of the great falling away and you must know My voice so you will not be led astray by a stranger who appears as one who walks in My light but is only an impostor with counterfeit gifts. He might speak the right things but there will be a twist to what he says and if you don’t know by My spirit the truth you could be swept away by his fallacies, deception, misconceptions of My word and even heresies. Do not follow after one who uses signs and wonders to promote a following. I do not work that way. What I do is fresh and new. Yes, I do a new thing one that cannot be copied. I have the genuine; those who try to copy are from the impostor, the enemy of your faith. So seek Me first above all else. I will feed you the fresh manna needed to grow strong. I will hand feed you like calves in the stall but you must come to Me daily. You must come to Me often and sit with Me by streams of Living Water, for I am the way the truth and the life and besides Me there is no other.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Changes that occur at this time will have long-term and lasting consequences. This is true whether the circumstances resulting from your decisions seem to be favorable or unfavorable. Look forward to opportunities to grow spiritually. There are things I want you to understand that will only be made clear through your experiences, says the Lord. John 14:17 “the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”
Marsha Burns


Things are not what they seem. There is a whirlwind that’s being created by the spirit of witchcraft to hinder your vision, stall your steps, and abort the birthing and keep you caged in torment. It’s not going to happen! God is blowing away the smokescreen, revealing truth and you are transitioning into a whole new realm fo revelation of who He is, the season that is upon you, and the promised land you are entering into. TRUTH, the REVELATION of HIS TRUTH is going to set you free!!!
This whirlwind that this demonic spirit is creating, is causing many of you to feel like you’re drowning, you won’t make it through and you’re not at the right place at the right time. This whirlwind caused by this demonic spirit is causing many to feel condemned, fearful and not feeling the peace and delight of the Lord.
The Lord is not only about to part the waters so you can move out of this demonic whirlwind that’s trying to take you out, but you will be showered with extravagant confirmation, blessing, provision, increase and life where your eyes will see and ears will hear the resounding voice of your heavenly Daddy declaring “You are in the right place at the right time and you haven’t missed a step. I am so proud of you for how you live your life with a resounding YES to Me.”
e Forums VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM! – Lana Vawser
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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Free Yourself Up to Minister in this Great Move of God! It’s Happening Now!”
by Edie Bayer, Houston, TX

The Lord gave me a most encouraging word and He is anxious that I share it with you: “Free yourself up to minister in this great move of God! It’s happening now!”
Recently in prayer one morning, the Lord showed me a front-end loader dumping its bucket of granite into the back of a pickup truck, over and over again. This is what you have been in training for your entire life – to carry “The Rock,” Jesus! It is your “job” to fill up, pour out, and fill up again and again with The Rock! He is the front-end loader, and you are the pickup truck! Let’s get to work!
The Lord says, “I am coming, but not like you expect.”
The Lord gave me two visions of Himself. In one, He was a lion, walking across a rocky mountain top. He had red velvet and gold on His crown. We locked gazes periodically as He made His way across the rugged terrain. I knew that He always knew where I was – I was always in His sight.
In the other vision, Jesus was on a white horse on a bed of clouds. He had on His crown and His sash. His horse was magnificent! Its long mane caught my attention, as it pawed at the ground, first with its left hoof, and then its right. Jesus’ horse was anxious to move!
Wisdom and Strategy for the Greatest Move of God
After these visions, the Lord gave me some very specific instructions for myself, but for all of us, He said:
“I am giving you wisdom and a roadmap, a strategy. You have the skills necessary for this great move. I am tempering your will, and your emotions, to stabilize you throughout. That is why you have been in emotional upheaval, to teach you balance and control.
“I am moving among My people. Some will be pushed into position. Some will be thrust, and some will just POP onto the front as I move. I move and sway among you, and your actual, physical bodies make way for advancement.”
As He spoke, I remembered a movie I saw once. It was of the Holy Spirit moving through a crowd in South America somewhere. As He did He cut a swath, an actual path, through the crowd of people. Human eyes could not see His form, but their bodies sure moved out of the way for Him!
Your Destiny is Guaranteed!
“My hand will be on you, as I push and sift and sort whomever I will – those who will be forerunners for this great move. However, you will all be involved! Maybe not at the very beginning, but you surely will not miss it! You who hear My voice will all be involved to some degree, at a certain level. This will be revealed to you ‘as you go’ (see Luke 17:14).
Your place has been determined. Your position has been determined. Your advancement has been predetermined, and your destiny is guaranteed,” says the Lord God, Jehovah.
“For those whom He foreknew [of whom He was aware and loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness], that He might become the firstborn among many brethren. And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being].” (Romans 8:29-30)
“Every single thing you have ever done, no matter how small or seemingly meaningless, has given you a skill, or honed one you already had, for the great move. You have been in training. Some have learned patience, others control. Some have learned to keep their wits about them, while others learned skills necessary to help others learn what they needed to know. Some have been used of Me, unbeknownst to them, to help push, shove or sand and mold others into the shape that I desire.”
You Are The Chosen Vessel
“‘O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?’ says the Lord. ‘Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel.'” (Jeremiah 18:6)
“This is one great ‘Potter’s Wheel!’ The oil is the anointing that I use to shape the clay, on the outside and the inside of the vessel. You are the chosen vessel and I have made of you what I will for this current season, for this fragment of time. Every hardship, every joy, has shaped you into what I desire you to be, inside and out. You look marvelous in My eyes.
“I have entrusted you with My greatest treasure – each other. You are shaping and honing each other by the work of My hands. Each act you perform has an effect on every person, and for eternity.
So, if there was any doubt that you are chosen for this move of God, it must be totally gone now! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Be blessed in the Kingdom!
Edie Bayer
Kingdom Promoters

Email: Edie@KingdomPromoters.org
Website: http://www.KingdomPromoters.org
Edie Bayer is co-founder of Kingdom Promoters along with her husband Darryl Bayer. Edie Bayer ministers as a prophetic preacher and is an author, a speaker, and travelling minister. Edie’s primary call is to promote others that are ministering in the Kingdom of God, creating unity instead of a spirit of competition. Edie believes that we are to “complete and not compete!” Edie works diligently to create public and private events and invite other ministers to speak at them, helping to promote them and gain public exposure both for them and their ministries. Edie and Darryl reside on a small homestead north of the Houston area. They raise chickens, ducks, rabbits, and have two cats. Edie has two children and three grandchildren.
Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact.
[The Apostle Paul]
Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers [Israel]  were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, ALL ATE THE SAME SPIRITUAL FOOD, AND DRANK THE SAME SPIRITUAL DRINK [Communion, Eucharist]. For they drank of that SPIRITUAL ROCK that followed them, and that ROCK WAS CHRIST.
(1 Corinthians 10:1-4)

This morning, when in a Vision, I saw Jesus sitting in front of a Rock. The Rock in this Vision was huge. Jesus said that I was looking at the same “Rock” that I had been shown in the 1997 Vision, “China (and Egypt) Pushes The World Into The DEEP”.  In that Vision, Jesus identified this Rock as His Spiritual Church and Wife.
In today’s Vision, a river ran behind the Rock: Christ’s Spiritual Church and Wife. I heard and saw this water flowing; it was both heavy and fast.  A smaller rock sat on the ground to the left of the larger Rock; the smaller rock sat between Jesus and the river.

[EXCERPT FROM: China (and Egypt) Pushes The World Into The DEEP”; 1997]
[God speaks, “What do you see”]
I see Jesus Christ sitting by a large boulder rock. His hands are palm side down and spread out on top of the rock. The vision closes in on Jesus’ hands on top of the rock. This image is huge and fills all of my vision screen.
Christ and His Spiritual Church, whether in heaven or on earth, are one; and they are the ROCK <1 Cor 10:4; Matt 16:18>. Though I failed to document the following fact in 1997, when this Vision was first shown to me, I saw the “Rock” on the ground. In other words, I was witnessing its presence on earth. God is speaking of His Spiritual Church on earth in this particular part of this Vision.

Jesus and the large “Rock” sat so close to each other that it was difficult to distinguish between them. However, it isn’t until Jesus and the Rock, His Spiritual Church on earth, become “one in Spirit,” within the Spiritual realm, that Jesus disappears as a separate entity. It is then that He becomes totally ONE with His ONE Spiritual Church [both on earth and in heaven]…
The fact that Jesus’ hands are palm side down indicates that God is showing us something of critical importance. Jesus is RESTRAINING the ROCK, His Church, and the Spiritual force in this ROCK, Himself/Holy Spirit until the “time is right” in God our Father’s eyes and opinion. Also, His palms down indicate that He is healing {ie laying hands on} His physical church during this part of the vision.
With regards to the words “Jesus is RESTRAINING the Rock, His Church and the Spiritual force in this ROCK, Himself/Holy Spirit until the time is right in God our Father’s eyes and opinion,” God said on October 29, 2016, “ALL RESTRAINTS ARE GONE.” I first thought that He meant the restraints on His ministry through me.  He meant this and more.
In October 2016 God removed all restraints on His ROCK, His Church, and the Spiritual force in this ROCK, Himself/Holy Spirit in both the earth and heaven. In other words, the prior “Restraints” that God had put on Christ’s Spiritual Church were removed as of October 29, 2016.  For more details please read, “Our Father Removes All Restraints Upon His SPIRITUAL Church and Ministry On Earth”]
God says that in the 1997 Vision, “As Jesus removed His hands from the top of the Rock, both He and the Rock, the PHYSICAL religion/church in His name, disappeared; and the Holy Spirit… came forth THROUGH the Spiritual members in [Christ; the Rock] the Spiritual Church on earth. 

[God again asks me, “Now what do you see?”]
I see a small white bird [Holy Spirit] in the right hand corner of my vision screen. The bird is in the sky above Jesus, but is descending towards Him. I see the bird getting bigger and bigger, and it lands on the ROCK (on its feet), with its wings spread out.
Because the bird [Holy Spirit] is above Jesus, and grows ever larger as it descends, we know that it is sent from God our Father to Jesus; and that the power of the Holy Spirit is growing in magnitude as it approaches and becomes one with Jesus, who is already on earth. Jesus allows the “white bird,” the Holy Spirit to land on the ROCK, His Church.
God said in 2007 that this “white bird” is a “dove”. The “white bird/dove” lands on her feet with her wings spread out because, per God, she is ready to take flight again…”
“[God asks me, “What do you see?”]
I see a huge volcano of water erupt from out of the top of the Rock. I do not see Jesus, or Jesus’ hands on the Rock any longer. The light/white colored bird [Holy Spirit] sits on top of the erupting volcano of water. He sits on the white foamy part of the water, which has mushroomed high into the air as an atom bomb would. He still has his wings spread, and I’m not sure if he is on his feet or on his belly.
As the Holy Spirit shoots forth from the Rock, Christ and His physical church become one WITHOUT ANY SEPARATION. This indicates that the physical church was/is not “one” with Christ Jesus in the Spirit at the beginning of this vision. Therefore, He sat/sits outside the physical church at the time this vision began to manifest.
The Rock and Jesus become One as the Holy Spirit/Word/Water shoots [EXPLODES] forth… Though Jesus’ hands were a RESTRAINT, He removes them and allows His Holy Spirit to become a volcano of STRENGTH and POWER on earth (God later calls this both His Spiritual Explosion and Spiritual Revolution against satan). God often refers to the “Word” as the Water” in the Bible (see Eph 5:25-27; John 4:13-14).
… The dove is able to sit on top of the water because she is sitting on the mushroomed part of the water at its very highest in the heavenlies. Notice that God, through our vision, compares this shooting water, or the WORD OF CHRIST SPOKEN AND MANIFESTED THROUGH HIS HOLY SPIRIT, not only to a volcano but to an atomic bomb. That is a LOT of POWER!
The water shoots into the “heavenlies.” This indicates that the Holy Spirit (who is from heaven) after becoming one with Jesus on earth, continues to minister both on earth and in heaven.  Though not obvious here, we also know from other visions and Prophetic Word on this website, that God will join His heavenly army with His earthly army; they will be His One Holy Spirit filled army.  I believe this vision, written in 1997, way before the Prophetic Word concerning the joining of His armies was given to me, is what we are seeing here.
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit maintain all the power. We know this because the “light/white colored” bird stays on top of the water/power. The water/power flows through Christ and His hands, thus the hands of His SPIRIT FILLED MEMBERS: His Spiritual Church on earth and in heaven.
God has shown me that as the shooting water comes from the Rock, and falls from the explosive water cloud toward earth, it becomes the “NEW RAIN” upon the earth.  This water never touches the ground; (1) IT WILL FALL UPON PEOPLE LIKE RAIN.

In reality, the atomic looking water cloud is God’s Holy Spirit coming forth through Christ’s Spiritual members (the ROCK). Notice, it will come forth from a very small opening, or hole, at the top of the Rock/Church sitting on earth. This water, coming from the hole in the Rock was once covered over by Christ Jesus’ hands. Christ and His Holy Spirit are God’s Spiritual Power and Authority upon the earth as Jesus’ hands [and thus His restraints upon His Church]  are removed. The FORCE of the Holy Spirit will come through the small number of prepared children of God at first… I suggest you read this whole Vision if you haven’t already. <Jer 5:24; Hos 6:1-3; Joel 2:21-3:2>
This morning God was teaching me about this 1997 Vision, and He said to “see” how very small the hole in the rock is compared to the Spirit cloud, or water mushrooming out into the sky. He said that the delivery of this “shooting water”, along with the force of the Holy Spirit, will be manifested through a small group of Christians at first, and GROW… The original church grew from the few Apostles (see Acts). This is what God was/is showing in this vision: INSURMOUNTABLE GROWTH FROM A FEW.
[END OF the “China/Egypt Pushes The World Into The Deep” EXCERT]
[Today’s 2017 Vision Continues]

Jesus sat, and later stood, by the two rocks.  At that time, I had a problem seeing Him clearly.  He then sat down on top of the large ROCK, and I could see Him very clearly. The larger Rock was the only one present at that time. The small rock had disappeared completely.  Later, Jesus said and confirmed that the smaller rock represented those who are/were believers in Christ as their Savior, but were/are not one with Him through His Holy Spirit: they are the physical Church without the teachings and PRESENCE OF [not only about] God’s Holy Spirit, thus the Trinity.
Jesus later said, (2)THESE [represented by the smaller rock] HAVE BEEN SCATTERED ON EARTH.”  I asked Him for more information, and He said, “This is enough for now.”
Praise God, He then led me to His Prophetic Word through Jane Leade (written in 1619). In Jane’s Vision, God said that “(2)He [Jesus] will not be wanting in qualifying and furnishing certain high and principal instruments [Spiritual men and women] who shall be most humble and as little regarded as David was, who He [Christ] will dignify with honor and priestly sovereignty FOR DRAWING TO THEM [the humble Spiritual men and women] THE SCATTERED FLOCKS AND GATHERING THEM INTO ONE FOLD [ROCK; Christ’s One Body: Spirit/Spiritual Church] OUT OF ALL NATIONS (those “scattered on earth”) [for more details see #2 (EXCERPT from Jane Leade’s Prophecy)].”

God then said to look again at the river in today’s 2017 Vision.  It was still flowing and moving very quickly.  I looked again at the large ROCK that Jesus was sitting on top of, and then looked back at the river.  The river had now become calm. It was then that I noticed that Jesus stood facing this holy river; His hands were raised in worship toward heaven. He was thanking God for this time/season.  I asked Jesus what He was showing me.
Jesus interpreted this 2017 Vision, saying, “Originally, in the 1997 Vision, “China/Egypt Pushes The World Into The Deep,”  I [Jesus] had my hands on top of the one large boulder Rock.  In that vision you, Chris, saw that My hands would one day be removed from the Rock; and that I would rise along with My Spiritual Church, and thus with those [Spiritual] members that exploded with Me through the small hole at the top of the [physical] Rock, or Church.
Within that Vision, all within My Spiritual Rock, Church, Wife shot up and then mushroomed outward; and (1)then they began to [descend]/return toward earth in a new form — (1)RAIN, THE LATTER DAY RAIN (see James 5:7-8). This Spiritual Explosion was compared to an atomic bomb at that time.”
I then asked Jesus why, in today’s Vision, “The Time Of The Spiritual Explosion Is Upon You,” He is sitting on top of the same large boulder ROCK, and thus the small hole at the top of the ROCK?
Jesus said, [NOW] I am going to rise with My Spiritual Church, My Spiritual people, as they explode through the small hole at the top of the large boulder Rock, as seen in the Vision ‘Egypt/China Pushes The World… (see link above)’. “NOW IS THE TIME; THE TIME IS UPON YOU.”
Jesus continued, “The river water that you see feeds My One Church, My Spiritual Church and Wife on earth as we are prepared to ascend as One.  (3)It is the water that you drank in your previous Vision [see #3 below for details]. This water has been formed by God as He unifies/unified you and others. These are prepared by God Himself to ascend and explode upward as One Spirit. It is the Spiritual power of the Holy Spirit flowing through these individuals that allows and causes, along with Christ, the SPIRITUAL ASCENSION AND EXPLOSION THAT NOW COMES.
This river is the Spiritual water of God’s Word which has become My Wife, My Spiritual Church (washed by the water of the Word: see Eph 5:25-32; John 4:13-14). The river will flow/has flowed into, and up through My Church on earth. My Spirit, the Spiritual Church, the river of the Word will flow through the Rock/Jesus as we begin our ascension.  As I ascend so does She.  We are One.
See that I rise with Her, and that many/most of (1)Her members descend slightly [toward earth] from above TO SERVE ME WITHIN THE FULLNESS OF MY POWER DURING THIS TIME.  As you review the image of this Power and Force, already seen in the vision “Egypt and China…” (see link above) KNOW THAT THE SAME WILL SOON MANIFEST ON EARTH. 
See that these [prepared Beings] have become the newness of Christ, and that this newness exceeds all that the first Church was (see Acts).  See that the first Church will, and has become one with My ONE Spiritual Church both in heaven and on earth, Amen Amen and again Amen.
Return to Me daily now, Chris, in obedience and submission; and non-judgmental, all forgiving love, Amen.  THIS MANIFESTATION COMES QUICKLY UPON YOU AND MANY, CHILD, AMEN AMEN AND AGAIN AMEN.

Video 2: https://www.youtube.com