Monday, February 18, 2013

Dreamed this a.m.:

Stood on the shore of a lake or river which was partially snow covered and looked down to see a good sized arrowhead that had been chipped from a piece of flint. there were several flint chips scattered around the arrowhead. Beside the arrowhead was a broken blade of a kitchen knife. I turned around to see several other kitchen utensils/'silverware' items submerged in the shallow edges of the water, including a large spoon like we had used at the lab-the kind a commercial kitchen would use-not often seen in a residential setting.
I pondered and realized this was speaking of a chipping away of the flesh so that an instrument would be formed out of the flint rock. It was dark, reddish-brown.

1 comment:

  1. The snow speaks of adversity as one of the components of our journey that fashions/forms us.
