Friday, August 23, 2019

The Lord our God is creative beyond comprehension; majestic beyond description; and perfect in the ways He deals with us as His children. People that don’t know Him are truly missing out on the adventure of walking with Him, for there is really no one like Him. I was in prayer last night while listening to Paul Wilbur sing, Spirit of the Sovereign Lord, come and make your presence known, reveal the glory of the risen King. For you that don’t know the song, it goes on to say, let the weight of your glory cover us, let the life of your river flow, let the peace of your kingdom reign in us, let the weight of your glory, let the weight of your glory, fall. For you that do know the song, I am sure you are singing along as you read this. I love these songs that we used to sing, for they carry a substance that is not seen as often in today’s worship music, but that is another blog.
As I was praying, the Lord spoke to me about someone in my life and the Lord said, “Their pride, produced in you, patience. Now let patience complete its work and you will be complete lacking nothing.” I was stupefied by this statement for it was true. I have someone in my life that is proud, their pride manifests in being stubborn, and unwilling to be transformed. Little did I know, their pride, which is still in operation to this day, has produced in me a patience that I did not see until the Lord revealed it last night. James 1:4 says, “Let endurance, steadfastness, and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfectly and fully developed, with no defects, lacking nothing (AMP).”
Maybe you have someone in your life, usually it is someone you are with daily, a boss, a child, a spouse, a family member, who is proud. They refuse to change, they do not see in themselves what others see in them that is hindering their relationships with God and others, they do not recognize how their pride is blocking their prosperity and they just frustrate you to no end. What if instead of getting frustrated with them; what if instead of nagging them; what if instead of focusing on them; you allowed God to work in you, patience, so you are complete, perfect and lacking nothing? What if, God’s was using that person to develop something in you that you did not recognize you needed? The Lord showed me that when we are lacking something, we look to others to fill that lack or meet that need. It is not the other person’s job to fill a lack in your life, that is God’s job.
The Lord says in Isaiah 55:8, “My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts”; He says in Romans 8:28, “For all things work together for the good of those who are called according to Christ Jesus”; therefore, God knows something we don’t know and we as people (stubborn, disobedient, just to name a few things) have already worked in God patience, so He is complete, perfect and lacking nothing, now He wants that worked in us. We are created in the image of God, we are to be a reflection of Him to others and the only way to do that is to let Him work in us patience, so we are lacking nothing. Who would have ever thought the person that is proud, would be used to work patience in you, in me. God did, for He sees the connection between pride and patience. Can you see it?

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